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Esteban Loaiza


Do you still see Loaiza as a great ace or a Benedict Arnold of baseball?  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you still see Loaiza as a great ace or a Benedict Arnold of baseball?

    • Ace
    • Benedict Arnold (great general but a traitor in the end)

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What does Maggs having the best BA on the team have to do with his coming up empty against the twins?

You cant put Maggs in the same level of failure as Frank. Maggs is a guy that thinks first on the team, IMO. I will bet that he was thinking in that Twins series in doing the little things to help the team and not to pad up his stats.

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You cant put Maggs in the same level of failure as Frank. Maggs is a guy that thinks first on the team, IMO. I will bet that he was thinking in that Twins series in doing the little things to help the team and not to pad up his stats.

I don't care what he was thinking the fact is he failed along with the rest of the team.

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I saw a few people bash on E-Lo and go unchallenged so Im curious if thats the common view. I think Loaiza did betray us and let us down. He had two chances to put away our rival and he failed both times, and then he failed again in a last ditch game against KC. He pitched great for us but when we truly needed him to be great, he couldnt do it. Personally, Im not overly fond of mediocre pitchers who come here and pitch like hell until we really need em where they go back to their old form. You guys have seen all year that Ive never been really fond of Loaiza, I always saw him as a bit of a fluke. Im not sure I want to see him back here next year either. Thoughts on this subject are appreciated...

Traitor? Nah. Choker, defenitely.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Without Loaiza, we wouldnt be here. And that would be a lot easier than being here and then blowing it. Loaiza carried us enough to get us into the race and then he let us down. Thats


well theres alot more to hate than just loz... it was a team effort that let us down.. not just one guy....... ;)

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Traitor?  Nah.  Choker,  defenitely.

Nuke, I couldn't have said it any better.


Loiaza choked down the stretch, it was just god aweful too watch.


On the otherhand, I don't think we would be in a different position had he pitched better, because the problems extended far beyond E-Lo.


Simply E-Loaiza choked, but he still blew away our expectations of him, and had a damn good season.


Thats my story and I'm stickin' to it

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Roman will still complain along these lines: "SO WHAT, WERE STILL OUT OF IT. HE CHOKED WHEN WE NEEDED HIM MOST" or "HE'S LUCKY HE GOT HIS 20TH WIN........" Bank it. But now that I pointed this out he will quote me and just say something else to prove me wrong.



I voted Ace a couple days ago and todays performance proved it. He gave up 3 runs to the New York Yankees over 6 innings; I give him credit despite his team coming back to support him.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

what is absoultely funny in all of this... is that roman picked the name of the biggest benedict arnold involved with this team, as his screen name...... :rolleyes:

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Gandil, Jackson, Risberg, Weaver, Felsch, McMullin, Cicotte and Williams were the Benedict Arnolds of that whole mess...

For starters, earlier in this thread you said that Thomas has had a great year, but him choking come crunch time didn't matter because he's been having a good year and because he's a legend....that's f***ing BULLs***. I don't give a s*** what his numbers are, if both ELo and Frank choke, they are one and the same....chokers.


And you brought up that Thomas was having a great year, mind his average. Loaiza has had a great ALL-AROUND year, and he's most likely in the top 5 in all the big stats for pitchers(ERA, W-L, K's, and QS's). Thomas isn't even close.


And IIRC, Jackson nor Weaver received any money in that at all. They were at the meeting, but did not want to participate in it. You've never seen Eight Men Out, have you?

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Ive read the book. I could care less if they took money. They knew and did nothing. Jackson, who probably did nothing because he was too dumb to understand, was just as bad as Gandil...

Oh so now you're taking cheap shots at one of the all-time great hitters in Joe Jackson, calling him too dumb to understand, and I assume you refer to him being illiterate. That's a low blow right there.

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