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Hawks and Bulls fans?


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I am a HUGE Hawks fan and Season Reservation holder.  I will keep an eye on the Bull, but I don't really like B-ball that much.  I also will keep close tabs on the Wolves and watch them when I can.

Did you go to the game last night? If so what were your impressions of the players and team in general?

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I went on Friday...the 5-0 shutout. In that game, we looked good in the first period, but didn't compete in 2 & 3. Early in the 1st, Vorobiev had a wide open net and fired it off the far post and a few shifts later, Ellison came in alone on a breakaway and rang one off of the near post. There was a ton of movement on the Power Play. A far cry from the past few years...granted we didn't score, but it was nice to see a change if philosphy. The kids all seemed to be hustling their asses off. T-bo looked bad. He gave up several fat rebounds and made the d-men work harder. Krapo(Karpovtsev) was directly responsible for one goal with his usual "stellar" play on D. Nashville had a couple of Power Play goals because of poor coverage too. It looked like alot of the kids were just plain nervous out there and that is to be expected.


A friend of mine went last night and all he could do was rave about Ruutu. He showed he could score and then went to hitting everyone. He got the Blows so pissed at him that they were calling him every name in the book when he went past their bench. He got under their skin big time and his discipline got us a couple power plays. The one play he was impressed with was when the STL guy took a run at Ruutu and Ruutu happened to see him and the STL guy ended up on his ass.


It should be exciting this year.

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A friend of mine went last night and all he could do was rave about Ruutu.  He showed he could score and then went to hitting everyone.  He got the Blows so pissed at him that they were calling him every name in the book when he went past their bench.  He got under their skin big time and his discipline got us a couple power plays.  The one play he was impressed with was when the STL guy took a run at Ruutu and Ruutu happened to see him and the STL guy ended up on his ass. 


It should be exciting this year.

That is pretty much per batum what I took from the game last night. I was curious of what other people thought who went to the game. That play your friend described where Ruutu pissed off the guy into making a run at him was awsome. He totally pissed him off and maintained his composure while the guy took a cheap shot at him.

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I'm not a huge basketball fan, but I'll watch Bulls games, and like the direction they're headed(finally).


Chicago doesn't have an NHL team. They used to, but it was destroyed by individual greed and gross mismanagement. I'll chew barbed wire before I'll pay any attention to the organ-I-zation.

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Bulls = I don't care.


Lackhawks apparently = Ruutu.

I admit that this kid has me interested, but "interested" means I will watch them on TV. My money will not become Wirtz's money this year. Or next year. That organ I zation has to lure me back, and "stealing away" Calgary's 4th line center or someone named Quint will NOT get that done.


Under the current MISmanagement, Ruutu will only be here until it's time to get paid, then Red Wings or Flyers fans will enjoy seeing him in their sweater.


I enjoy watching the Wolves play - they put on a good show and usually play very hard.

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Bulls = I don't care.


Lackhawks apparently = Ruutu.

I admit that this kid has me interested, but "interested" means I will watch them on TV. My money will not become Wirtz's money this year. Or next year. That organ I zation has to lure me back, and "stealing away" Calgary's 4th line center or someone named Quint will NOT get that done.


Under the current MISmanagement, Ruutu will only be here until it's time to get paid, then Red Wings or Flyers fans will enjoy seeing him in their sweater.


I enjoy watching the Wolves play - they put on a good show and usually play very hard.

I like the Wolves too actually. I used to love to go watch the old IHL hockey, and used to go see the Ft Wayne Komets all of the time when I was in college.

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Huge Bulls fan here, Im excited about training camp and this years season.  We could make the playoffs, :headbang

Keyword could. If a few things go right they will make the playoffs. Of course that's light years better than, 'if everything goes as planned we will win 30 games.' I'm tired of planning to win 30 games, and then not even doing that! This year looks like they are going to be good, or at least fun to watch. I hate Kirk Hinrich. He is a complimentary player. He's a more all around version of Steve Kerr, but not as good at the 3. I don't see why you would waste the 7th pick on that.

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I still think soxtalk should create another forum for other Chicago sports teams..........or any sports team for that matter. One just for college foofball wouldnt work, but maybe one for all other sports would? :huh: Just a suggestion. You guys are the experts. :headbang

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I still think soxtalk should create another forum for other Chicago sports teams..........or any sports team for that matter.  One just for college foofball wouldnt work, but maybe one for all other sports would? :huh: Just a suggestion. You guys are the experts. :headbang

We've been pondering that subject. What do people think...should we have an off topic board for random stuff...I think we know that there is plenty of that on this board...hell it leads to a lot of laughs as well as people getting to know eachother more and then seperated that is an other sport board.


What does everyone think?

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We've been pondering that subject.  What do people think...should we have an off topic board for random stuff...I think we know that there is plenty of that on this board...hell it leads to a lot of laughs as well as people getting to know eachother more and then seperated that is an other sport board.


What does everyone think?

I don't think its really necessary. This board seems to cover everything pretty well.

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We've been pondering that subject.  What do people think...should we have an off topic board for random stuff...I think we know that there is plenty of that on this board...hell it leads to a lot of laughs as well as people getting to know eachother more and then seperated that is an other sport board.


What does everyone think?

I just think off topic is more for non sports things, but thats just my opinion. :huh:

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