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Restoring my faith in the American public


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Bush's approval rating is at the lowest it's been in his Presidency.  And now two Democratic candidates are in a virtual percentage tie with him in a question of who would win the Presidency.



As a Canadian this is good because our liberal government has always gotten along much better with democratic governments.


Right now as it is, there seems to be a lot of finger pointing between the 2 countries.



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As a Canadian this is good because our liberal government has always gotten along much better with democratic governments.


Right now as it is, there seems to be a lot of finger pointing between the 2 countries.



The US wants to crack down on Canada because you guys made medicinal weed legal there and we're still fighting the ill advised drug war wasting taxpayer money to put away non-violent drug offenders.


BCAR [bush/Cheney/Ashcroft/Rumsfeld] want to f*** with the neighbors to the north because they give medicine to their people without prosecuting them for it.

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He went AWOL in Nam while 58000 of his brothers and sisters died for their country. In my perfect world, cowards like such would be skinned alive and burned at the stake... :angry:

Al Gore served a 7 month tour of duty in Viet Nam and had a personal body guard. I guess he's one up on Bush, he served sort of. I wouldn't get too carried away with polls at this point. Carter, at one point had a 30 point lead over Ford and then barely beat him. In early 1980, even with the hostage crisis Carter had a 21 point lead and ended up losing badly to Reagan. You think the economy is bad now. In 1981-82 the economy was the worst since the great depression. Repubicans got clobbered in the mid term elections of 82 but by 84 the economy had rebounded so well that Reagan won in a landslide. After the Gulf War Bush I had the highest approval ratings on record but we know what happened to him in 92. Forget about polls at this point. Ask your grandparents about when Dewey defeated Truman. The economy is bad everywhere now. If it rebounds for Bush like it did for Reagan he'll win. If not he may still win, the Dem field is so weak except for the general. I don't know if this guy can debate or not. If he can he is Bush's worst nightmare. As for me, I hope Ron Paul runs on the Liberterian ticket. He'll get my vote and I won't consider it wasted.

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Al Gore served a 7 month tour of duty in Viet Nam and had a personal body guard. I guess he's one up on Bush, he served sort of. I wouldn't get too carried away with polls at this point. Carter, at one point had a 30 point lead over Ford and then barely beat him. In early 1980, even with the hostage crisis Carter had a  21 point lead and ended up losing badly to Reagan. You think the economy is bad now. In 1981-82 the economy was the worst since the great depression. Repubicans got clobbered in the mid term elections of 82 but by 84 the economy had rebounded so well that Reagan won in a landslide. After the Gulf War Bush I had the highest approval ratings on record but we know what happened to him in 92. Forget about polls at this point. Ask your grandparents about when Dewey defeated Truman. The economy is bad everywhere now. If it rebounds for Bush like it did for Reagan he'll win. If not he may still win, the Dem field is so weak except for the general. I don't know if this guy can debate or not. If he can he is Bush's worst nightmare. As for me, I hope Ron Paul runs on the Liberterian ticket. He'll get my vote and I won't consider it wasted.

Bush served in Texas and then in 1972-1973 just DIDN'T SHOW UP. Then there is also the evidence that Bush I's connections via the CIA got Dubya into the Champagne division [see Molly Ivin's book "Shrub" or "JH Hatfield's book "Fortunate Son"]. If Bush II would have scored 1 point lower on the aptitude test, he would have been TOO DUMB TO FLY.


If I remember correctly, Gore was a reporter for Stars and Stripes. But he beats Rush Limbaugh who missed military service because of an ingrown hair on his ass, Dick Cheney had "other priorities" than military service, Tom DeLay was running an exterminator business saying that there were so many minority volunteers there was no room for him, Dennis Hastert got a deferrment for bad knees but is somehow after that been a wrestling coach etc. etc.


http://www.nhgazette.com/chickenhawks.html The Chickenhawk database.


I also noticed you said you were Libertarian. I was just wondering how you felt about the Drug War etc. [i'm friends with a lot of Libertarians on campus that are actively involved in NORML/SSDP]

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