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George Will on Trump and GOPers who supported/enabled him.



The line that stuck with me was the one about divorcing first wife Ivana because her breast implants felt wrong to him...when there's a 99.8% likelihood he was the one who pushed her into having plastic surgery in the first place.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Oct 22, 2016 -> 09:45 PM)


George Will on Trump and GOPers who supported/enabled him.



The line that stuck with me was the one about divorcing first wife Ivana because her breast implants felt wrong to him...when there's a 99.8% likelihood he was the one who pushed her into having plastic surgery in the first place.

His whole adult life has been about making money (deals) and satisfying Donald when he's not working. He's a typical billionaire. Me, me, me. The 'problem' is his opponent is just as rotten an individual ... well, maybe not quite as rotten as Donald but very ill equipped to be our president as well.

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It's a shame the first woman president is going to be a joke and a schmuck that was only elected to avoid Trump. I always thought some great woman would eventually inspire the country and win in a landslide. It's a shame, it really is. She's going to get all this historical credit and most women don't even like her.

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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 10:15 AM)
It's a shame the first woman president is going to be a joke and a schmuck that was only elected to avoid Trump. I always thought some great woman would eventually inspire the country and win in a landslide. It's a shame, it really is. She's going to get all this historical credit and most women don't even like her.


I wish it was Elizabeth Warren everyday but whatever.

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Now that it's totally been decided, I'd like to ask you to reveal to me the key to Hillary emerging as runaway winner. I'll tell you what truly has hurt Donald Trump ... it's the length of the presidential race, almost 2 years of campaigning, etc.


What happened and what happens is that such a long campaign/run favors the person who everybody knows. Hillary could have campaigned for four years and everybody already knew her and her "15 minutes of political fame" had no danger of running out. Whereas Trump was very well known as a TV personality, he was a political novice, a fresh face on the politics scene. The long long long campaign run ended in disaster because it gave the media time to truly get him and bury him. At one point, Trump was riding sky high. He at one point would have won the election. But because he was running for almost two years, he finally got burned. The media had time to get its act together and nail him on the issue of sex. Finding the women he allegedly abused, etc. Just think if Trump campaigned for say, six months total. He would have been at the top right now. Instead his 15 minutes of political fame long have run out. He jumped the shark a few months ago when the sex stuff was uncovered.


I'm telling you ... candidates that are not already so well known (anybody besides a Bush or Clinton) should enter the campaign LATE. Trump could have hinted he might run, but the only amount of time he needed was from the calendar date of the first Republican debate on.


Now Americans are sick of him; even his big supporters just want him to go away cause he's old news, his 15 minutes of political fame are long gone. Hillary meanwhile? We all know her from before. Sure many Americans like me despise her, but with the help of all the endorsements from celebrities, etc., we can tolerate Hillary being our president. Hell she gets exactly what she had wanted: her lifetime achievement award. There will be huge celebrating from the day she's elected til the day she is inaugurated.


The process has played itself out again. Trump was so stupid in not just entering the race late and trying to time it right so Americans disgusted with the same ol political process would elect him. Now ... we know him too well. Hell, even his wall, which had fresh support when he first brought it up, now is considered a horrible idea by almost all Americans. The wall, once a fresh, controversial issue and sign Trump was thinking outside the box, became old news as well. He has no chance and the coronation is set.


Do you all agree with me: Candidacies have run out of steam before, run out of gas. If you are a candidate, ENTER THE RACE AS LATE AS YOU CAN. Don't give the world a chance to find all your warts. make them run out of time.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 12:23 PM)
Now that it's totally been decided, I'd like to ask you to reveal to me the key to Hillary emerging as runaway winner. I'll tell you what truly has hurt Donald Drumpf ... it's the length of the presidential race, almost 2 years of campaigning, etc.

LOL. THAT'S what hurt Trump? Ok Greg. Stopped reading after that.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 09:29 PM)
The bragging about sexual assault / being a threat to the American experiment doesn't have an effect.

If Trump entered later none of that would've been a factor it would've never come up

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This is like arguing Marco Rubio would have won had he never flubbed a debate.


In Greg's idea, then...four years ago, we likely would have had Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Rudy Guiliani, Michelle Bachmann or Newt Gingrich as the candidate, and Dr. Ben Carson this year.


The process actually has done a pretty good job until this year of weeding out unworthy candidates...

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 03:35 PM)
This is like arguing Marco Rubio would have won had he never flubbed a debate.


In Greg's idea, then...four years ago, we likely would have had Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Rudy Guiliani, Michelle Bachmann or Newt Gingrich as the candidate, and Dr. Ben Carson this year.


The process actually has done a pretty good job until this year of weeding out unworthy candidates...

What happened is actually the reverse of what Greg is arguing. Trump was such a rotten candidate no one even bothered to take him seriously until it was too late, then all of the sudden they were face with blowing up the runaway nominee or praying it didn't happen by the hands of the Dems.

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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 11:15 AM)
It's a shame the first woman president is going to be a joke and a schmuck that was only elected to avoid Trump. I always thought some great woman would eventually inspire the country and win in a landslide. It's a shame, it really is. She's going to get all this historical credit and most women don't even like her.


This is gross.


Hillary is the most accomplished woman in American political history, but yeah, sure, whatever you say.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 05:24 PM)
If Trump entered later none of that would've been a factor it would've never come up

You understand that


1) The Clinton campaign has always had this stuff, or at least knew how to get it. The timing only happened because it was orchestrated that way, and it would've happened regardless.


2) Statistically, the more people see of Hillary (or the media's portrayal of her) the more they dislike her - which isn't surprising given her unprecedentedly skewed media coverage - but the longer the race goes, the closer it's actually become (if not for Trumps ridiculous gaffes)


The facts here literally run opposite your argument in every way.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Oct 24, 2016 -> 03:38 AM)
This is gross.


Hillary is the most accomplished woman in American political history, but yeah, sure, whatever you say.

It's not gross, it's true. Accomplished? What has she done? Like when SNL zinged her last night on the "last 30 years debate question." She's done very very little on the positive side. A common person who did what she did would be in jail or disgraced. Hillary? The FBI turns the other way.


QUOTE (Reddy @ Oct 24, 2016 -> 03:42 AM)
You understand that


2) Statistically, the more people see of Hillary (or the media's portrayal of her) the more they dislike her - which isn't surprising given her unprecedentedly skewed media coverage - but the longer the race goes, the closer it's actually become (if not for Trumps ridiculous gaffes)

What I'm saying is a.) if Trump gets in as late as possible he can possibly ride the "new guy" crusader thing all the way to the White House. He gave the media so much time to finally turn him into Cosby. b.) I disagree on Hillary. Yes the more people see they hate her, to an extent. My point is she has been around forever and we are used to seeing/hearing her. It's like the vase your are still using even though you should get a new one. You are used to it and even though it may now suck you are used to it and deal with it.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 11:06 PM)
It's not gross, it's true. Accomplished? What has she done? Like when SNL zinged her last night on the "last 30 years debate question." She's done very very little on the positive side. A common person who did what she did would be in jail or disgraced. Hillary? The FBI turns the other way.


First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.

Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School.

Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action.

Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families.

Former civil litigation attorney.

Staff attorney for Children’s Defense Fund.

Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.

First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation.

First female partner at Rose Law Firm, the oldest and one of the largest law firms in Arkansas.

Twice named by The National Law Journal as one of the 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America.

Former First Lady of Arkansas.

Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983.

Chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession.

Created Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth.

Instrumental in passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

First Lady of the United States.

Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses.

Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health.

Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome).

Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice.

Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act.

First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree.

Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.

Two-term New York Senator and the first ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate.

Served on five Senate committees: Budget (2001–2002), Armed Services (2003–2009), Environment and Public Works (2001–2009), Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009) and the Special Committee on Aging.

Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.

Worked with Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.

Former United States Secretary of State.

Brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas in 2012.


Go ahead and try to show what the other candidate has done in the public interest during his whole worthless life.

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QUOTE (Tony @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 11:11 PM)
Greg, if anyone ever had any respect for you, it should be gone now.


The media turned Trump into Cosby? It's the media's fault?


That's disgusting.



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QUOTE (Tony @ Oct 24, 2016 -> 03:11 AM)
Greg, if anyone ever had any respect for you, it should be gone now.


The media turned Trump into Cosby? It's the media's fault?


That's disgusting.

Now we are back to greg is scum posts. Look, I said if Trump had entered the race late, none of this stuff would have surfaced because of uh, the time frame. If he enters the race six months later, we have the election and he's still talking about a wall and being an untraditional politician.

BTW, this Trump thing with women is NOT on the level of a full fledged scandal. If the women can prove the allegations or file a lawsuit or make charges stick as in the Cosby case then we'll talk further. Right now he denies everything and not all voters have abandoned him. Don't make it sound like right now he's some proven rapist. It may turn out that way but if that was the case he WOULD NOT be allowed to continue to run for President. He'd be arrested and awaiting trial. As of now that is not the case.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 11:30 PM)
Now we are back to greg is scum posts. Look, I said if Trump had entered the race late, none of this stuff would have surfaced because of uh, the time frame. If he enters the race six months later, we have the election and he's still talking about a wall and being an untraditional politician.


It's because you're basically saying that it's the media's fault that he sexually assaulted all those women.


And no, Hillary shouldn't be in jail.,

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Oct 24, 2016 -> 04:44 AM)
It's because you're basically saying that it's the media's fault that he sexually assaulted all those women.


And no, Hillary shouldn't be in jail.,

You don't understand my point about entering the election later than he has?

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 23, 2016 -> 11:46 PM)
You don't understand my point about entering the election later than he has?


I do, but then you know, the American people make a rushed decision. The more they see of him, the easier it is to see he isn't presidential material.


And it's his fault that he sexually assaulted women and bragged about it, not the medias' fault.

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QUOTE (Tony @ Oct 24, 2016 -> 05:39 AM)
So in your dream scenario, Trump would have "skated by" all the sexual allegations because of timing of when he entered the race. Then when he is actually in office, these allegations surface.


So if I'm connecting the dots here, you're saying bad time management is the cause of Trump being a chauvinist, egotistical piece of trash,not Trump himself....


You and The Donald are perfect for each other, Gary.


Oh, I mean "Greg"

My dream scenario? Im pointing out timing is everything. Im not voting for trump. Ventura

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