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2016 Presidential Election Thread


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QUOTE (Tony @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 10:12 AM)
Here is a big point I just don't understand.


Obviously, the big talking point everyone is pointing out is Trump saying he may not accept the election results on November 8. The election process is something this country takes very seriously and citizens voting is s cornerstone of our history.


Yet one of the biggest soapbox issues you will hear from the right is "HILLARY WANTS TO TAKE AWAY OUR GUNS, SHE'S CHANFINF THE 2ND AMENDMENT, WE HAVE TO STOP HER!"


So by Trump saying he is going to keep the country in suspense, who does he think he is appealing to? How could that possibly help him?


All thoughts of intellectual consistency and political consistency have long since been thrown out the window by everyone involved in the process.

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I thought Van Jones made a great, however obvious, point last night after the debate.


Essentially, he was responding to the complaints by Trump surrogates in regards to the liberal media and the general media bias towards him over the course of the general election.


He basically said that Trump can't have it both ways. He can't claim that he is so incredibly intelligent, keyed-in, and talented so as to be able to solve all the world's complex problems (trade, healthcare, immigration, etc.), meanwhile, complain about things such as media bias and rigged elections and the like.


These are precisely the type of challenges he will face in office, and yet, rather than seek to work through these issues, all he can do is cry and complain that everyone and everything is out to get him.


Welcome to politics and leadership, Donald.


I thought it was a great point that hasn't been made enough in the face of a lack of substantive solutions or ideas offered by his camp, and all the whining and crying he has been doing about the poll results.

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QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 02:28 PM)
I thought Van Jones made a great, however obvious, point last night after the debate.


Essentially, he was responding to the complaints by Trump surrogates in regards to the liberal media and the general media bias towards him over the course of the general election.


He basically said that Trump can't have it both ways. He can't claim that he is so incredibly intelligent, keyed-in, and talented so as to be able to solve all the world's complex problems (trade, healthcare, immigration, etc.), meanwhile, complain about things such as media bias and rigged elections and the like.


These are precisely the type of challenges he will face in office, and yet, rather than seek to work through these issues, all he can do is cry and complain that everyone and everything is out to get him.


Welcome to politics and leadership, Donald.


I thought it was a great point that hasn't been made enough in the face of a lack of substantive solutions or ideas offered by his camp, and all the whining and crying he has been doing about the poll results.


His entire platform has been b****ing about everything.

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QUOTE (brett05 @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 02:55 PM)
Wallace was outstanding. The previous moderators should have been taking notes.


Hillary revealing our time to react concerning nukes isn't getting serious play. Sad.

Our reaction time is a disaster, total disaster. We could have tremendous nuclear response time.

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QUOTE (brett05 @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 02:55 PM)
Wallace was outstanding. The previous moderators should have been taking notes.


Hillary revealing our time to react concerning nukes isn't getting serious play. Sad.


The one thing Ill give Wallace credit for was that he realized Trump was full of it early on. There was a point in the debate where Wallace made a decision that he wasnt going to crush Trump because that wasnt his job. I think he could have tried to pin Trump down on answering questions ie boots on the ground in Syria, but at that point Wallace realized that there is no point in pinning Trump down, because in a day, week, month he will say that never happened (even if you read a quote verbatim.)


The good news is, I think that most of America saw Trump for the fraud he is.





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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 03:40 PM)
The one thing Ill give Wallace credit for was that he realized Trump was full of it early on. There was a point in the debate where Wallace made a decision that he wasnt going to crush Trump because that wasnt his job. I think he could have tried to pin Trump down on answering questions ie boots on the ground in Syria, but at that point Wallace realized that there is no point in pinning Trump down, because in a day, week, month he will say that never happened (even if you read a quote verbatim.)


The good news is, I think that most of America saw Trump for the fraud he is.


Push too hard, he gets to claim bias/unfair (despite FOX) and turn back to rigged election conspiracy theory land.


Trump was left out in the open water without a life preserver. Burying him only would have made Wallace the story. As it stands, his superior moderating compared to others and Trump's refusal to accept the results were the two themes that swamped all others.

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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 07:45 AM)
Jesus man. Dig a little deeper than CNN. There are like 100 brutally horrible things about Hillary. Nothing provable of course, but it stinks man. Do a little research, connect a few dots and it's hard to not puke on the keyboard. If you think her heart's in the right place...ask yourself why she was a senator from new york and why she was secretary of state. To serve the public??? GMAFB. It's to be the first woman president nothing more. Watching her talk about her 30 years of "service" is sickening. Fame & Power drive that bus, not a call to serve.


Not saying trump is any better regarding fame & power. But he doesn't have the history of corruption, possible dead people, and using one of the highest offices of the government to lobby & prosper attached to him.


I respect your opinion to like her by the way. I just think you aren't putting your detective hat on or you turn a blind eye to certain things because they aren't proven. Dude you know she's green-lighting the violence inciting at the rallies. Not provable but it's one step from the front door. I think it's fair game to connect those 2 dots for example.

Great great post. Never believe Hillary will be a good president or good person.


As far as the abortion discussion, my bad in even commenting once. I can't comment on abortion. Even greg won't go there. I don't want to talk about it. I'll just keep my abortion comments to myself.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 10:04 AM)
Kellyanne did, after she took her own poll of "people around her"

I hope for her sake Kellyanne is getting paid a ton of money and really doesn't want to ever manage a campaign again. Would any future candidate have the nerve to hire Donald Trump's campaign manager as their own?

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 03:55 PM)
I hope for her sake Kellyanne is getting paid a ton of money and really doesn't want to ever manage a campaign again. Would any future candidate have the nerve to hire Donald Trump's campaign manager as their own?


Kellyanne Conway was the campaign manager for Todd "legitimate rape" Akin so she's used to dealing with dumpster fire candidates.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 02:50 PM)
As far as the abortion discussion, my bad in even commenting once. I can't comment on abortion. Even greg won't go there. I don't want to talk about it. I'll just keep my abortion comments to myself.


Great to see that you admit to knowing nothing about the topic and were merely regurgitating someone else's talking points.

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First day of early voting in NC.


Samuel Gunter @wayfarer1635

One of the @DurhamCounty poll workers just said that this is the type of turnout we normally see on the last day #votehot #ncpol

7:20 AM - 20 Oct 2016 · Durham County Library - North Regional, United States


Mel Hartsell @melhartsell

University City Regional Library. Charlotte. 4 hour wait. People are hot and tired. #votehot @democracync

8:48 AM - 20 Oct 2016


New Raleigh @NewRaleigh

People are very jazzed to #VoteRaleigh. Line in DTR has been around the block all day

9:36 AM - 20 Oct 2016


(((Mitch ZF))) @rotorouter

Lake Lynn Community Center in North Raleigh has 1/4 mile car queue to get into the parking lot. No idea about time. #VoteHot https://twitter.com/rotorouter/status/789164427744456704

11:07 AM - 20 Oct 2016


I think some other states have seen similar big turnouts on the first day of early voting this year.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 20, 2016 -> 03:21 PM)
Mail-in ballot now and forever! (I've been banished to Cali for the last 2+ months with no end in sight so I'm really glad that's an easy option in Illinois.)


Just got our ballots in the mail today. Sucks being an undecided voter. Who do I go with?!?!

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