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Defining the alt-right


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Steve Bannon, in July:


Steve Bannon is "proud" that he created a platform for the alt-right. pic.twitter.com/6oqHY2hoHu


— Kevin Drum (@kdrum) November 22, 2016

Donald Trump today:


On Bannon:"If I thought he was a racist or alt-right or any of the things, the terms we could use, I wouldn't even think about hiring him."


— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) November 22, 2016



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 11:27 AM)
I thought Alex Jones was more just bats*** conspiracy theorist in general than alt-right?


Those 2 have started to merge. Mostly because a huge part of conspiracy theorists' spiel is that all of the world's wealth is owned by the Jewish Rothschild family. That alone would make neo nazis giddy.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 05:28 PM)
He's spent more time criticizing Rosie O'Donnel, the NY Times, and Hamilton than he has white supremacists who openly align with him.

I found this to be an interesting counterpoint:

Marshall Kirkpatrick, of social-media analytics company Little Bird, took a look at the 21 people the Donald has blessed with his fantastic, luxurious retweets this week, and discovered that six of them follow major white-nationalist accounts, and 13 of them follow multiple accounts that have used the #whitegenocide hashtag.


Conclusion? “It turns out that Donald Trump mostly retweets white supremacists saying nice things about him.”

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QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 02:35 PM)
Trump met with NYTimes, and had this to say:



I'm glad he said that. I wish he would have more press interviews where this can all be discussed instead of Twitter.

Ugh, it just brings to mind Howard Stern playing audio of his father saying "shut up, you know why."

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 05:20 PM)

Tila Tequila suspended from Twitter for Nazi salute...but will they do that to other members?

She's an easy target.


Tilq Tequila is just...WTF. Is she doin' this crap just for attention? She's doing all this crap with white nationalists and she's not even white!

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 11:42 AM)
Don't you think part of that is unreasonable expectations of the guy a week after the election? Everyone i've seen has said he's way ahead of both Bush and Obama on his transition team/appointments and he's been more open and public about it. Yeah, he's made questionable choices for sure, but the constant, hourly criticism is getting silly.


And that leads to a problem someone pointed out the other day - if the media continues to focus on nonsense stories like the Hamilton response or the SNL response, they're creating a world in which Trump is criticized for literally everything and people will just tune out the legitimate criticisms like his actual, questionable appointments. Didn't we just learn that lesson through the campaign? Focus on every little thing he does and the big stuff gets lots in the haze.

Fantastic post. Absolutely spot on.

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Therein lies the problem.


If Trump does engage Alec Baldwin, SNL, Hamilton cast, Duterte, the British (because they had the temerity not to allow him to name the Ambassador to the US!!!), Xi Jinping, etc.


Then how is that NOT newsworthy?


Trump over and over again has made the point that Twitter and social media were key factors in his victory (and saving money on campaign ads)...and then we can just go back to the general point that only 3-5% of election coverage was spent talking about or debating policy or substantive issues.


So HOW can that suddenly flip from campaigning to governing and the focus will be 100% on policy when all those Twitter controversies are what creates news coverage and page views?? Obviously, that strategy implemented by the Trump campaign has become something of a double-edged sword.


Of course, left unmentioned is the fact that the $25 million Trump University settlement quietly took place without hardly any mention...there's just so many things spinning around in the air at the same time, it's hard to focus on just one thing at a time.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 07:19 PM)
I'm pretty sure she has legitimate brain damage iirc


Maybe it won't be clinically diagnosed for another generation, but all this fascination with social media/fame/attention has to be connected.


She might have drug/substance abuse injuries that damaged her brain, but the root or endemic problem is almost always related to self-esteem combined with the loss of attention/fame causing one to go in a downward spiral. It's really not so unusual, we see it in the sports and entertainment field all the time.




Hearing out the ANGRY WHITE MAN next door




Trump Supporters Are Protesting "Anti-White Discrimination" at Starbucks by....Buying More Starbucks

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 01:39 PM)


It was defcon 1 when Obama's reverend had a controversial sermon. Obama had to denounce him and leave his church. With Trump it's just whatever. No big deal when so many white supremacists are either part of the administration or cheering it on. The hypocrisy is astounding.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 07:15 PM)
Therein lies the problem.


If Trump does engage Alec Baldwin, SNL, Hamilton cast, Duterte, the British (because they had the temerity not to allow him to name the Ambassador to the US!!!), Xi Jinping, etc.


Then how is that NOT newsworthy?


Trump over and over again has made the point that Twitter and social media were key factors in his victory (and saving money on campaign ads)...and then we can just go back to the general point that only 3-5% of election coverage was spent talking about or debating policy or substantive issues.


So HOW can that suddenly flip from campaigning to governing and the focus will be 100% on policy when all those Twitter controversies are what creates news coverage and page views?? Obviously, that strategy implemented by the Trump campaign has become something of a double-edged sword.


Of course, left unmentioned is the fact that the $25 million Trump University settlement quietly took place without hardly any mention...there's just so many things spinning around in the air at the same time, it's hard to focus on just one thing at a time.


I agree, it's a problem. But the media could collectively decide to cover the newsworthy components of what he does/says, not the bulls*** unimportant stuff. The problem is there's no money to be made from doing that.


Re: the bolded, I don't think there's a lot, I think the media chooses to cover every small thing he does so it seems like a lot. When the top story of the day is Trump meeting with the New York Times and what happened during that meeting, including what he ate for lunch and when he took a piss, you know the media doesn't care about news, they care about the views they're going to get from the pissed of liberals and the excited conservatives.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 23, 2016 -> 09:55 AM)
It was defcon 1 when Obama's reverend had a controversial sermon. Obama had to denounce him and leave his church. With Trump it's just whatever. No big deal when so many white supremacists are either part of the administration or cheering it on. The hypocrisy is astounding.


I honestly believe that issue proves his narcissism more than his racism. "Someone said something nice about me? Who cares who it is, RETWEET!!!!!"

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Nov 23, 2016 -> 10:16 AM)
I agree, it's a problem. But the media could collectively decide to cover the newsworthy components of what he does/says, not the bulls*** unimportant stuff. The problem is there's no money to be made from doing that.


Re: the bolded, I don't think there's a lot, I think the media chooses to cover every small thing he does so it seems like a lot. When the top story of the day is Trump meeting with the New York Times and what happened during that meeting, including what he ate for lunch and when he took a piss, you know the media doesn't care about news, they care about the views they're going to get from the pissed of liberals and the excited conservatives.


The NYT meeting was a long policy discussion though. That one doesn't really fit in the mold of bulls*** coverage.

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The media oversaturating a small yearly gathering of neonazis is deplorable. There's only one reason to give all this airtime to a few hundred hateful idiots. Only one reason. And that makes me really really sad. Everyone's job on Earth is to help out their fellow man. People are probably going to end up getting hurt because of this false narrative. That really sucks. Trying to divide people and cause rifts? f***ing stop it already, people buy into this s***, even people claiming to be smart.

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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Nov 23, 2016 -> 09:46 AM)
The media oversaturating a small yearly gathering of neonazis is deplorable. There's only one reason to give all this airtime to a few hundred hateful idiots. Only one reason. And that makes me really really sad. Everyone's job on Earth is to help out their fellow man. People are probably going to end up getting hurt because of this false narrative. That really sucks. Trying to divide people and cause rifts? f***ing stop it already, people buy into this s***, even people claiming to be smart.


False narrative? How do you explain the alarming increase in hate crimes these past 2 weeks? Keep burying your head in the sand.

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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Nov 23, 2016 -> 11:46 AM)
The media oversaturating a small yearly gathering of neonazis is deplorable. There's only one reason to give all this airtime to a few hundred hateful idiots. Only one reason. And that makes me really really sad. Everyone's job on Earth is to help out their fellow man. People are probably going to end up getting hurt because of this false narrative. That really sucks. Trying to divide people and cause rifts? f***ing stop it already, people buy into this s***, even people claiming to be smart.



You're not going to like it one bit, but reading this article will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect during the next four years from the media. Her voice carries a lot of weight, especially with female writers. And she probably has the ear of more foreign leaders than Trump by a factor of 3-4x.



Trump TV quietly launches. Wait until they start getting paid advertisers and every liberal reporters starts digging into favorable government treatment, access/meetings with Breitbart/Kushner or the admin, booking at the Trump Intl Hotel in DC, etc.


Let's not forget, Trump recently opined Jared Kushner can resolve/mediate the Israel/Palestinean crisis because he is Jewish...and moving the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem won't ruffle any feathers, either.






I'm going to take a guess that we don't want to model our education system on a charter school version of Amway.



Trump can't even decide which position he has on Common Core he's flip flopped so many times

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Greater Appalachian region referred to as the "Big White Ghetto" by conservatives...




Interesting Bannon piece...reading this, the whole thing about alt-right just appears to be a pragmatic business school "niche opportunity."



Race-based nationalism diesn't "stand the test of logic according to Bannon


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