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Defining the alt-right


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 24, 2016 -> 06:58 AM)


Yet another week with racial fireworks, this time starting with Bill O'Reilly and ending up with the Obamas, Mad Cow disease and Zimbabwe in the same set of comments.

Did O'Reilly get in trouble for something? What did he do? I figure he's a ticking timebomb who could say something to get fired any time.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Dec 26, 2016 -> 11:30 PM)
Did O'Reilly get in trouble for something? What did he do? I figure he's a ticking timebomb who could say something to get fired any time.




"Trouble" here completely depends on your political affiliation...maybe he said things too CLEARLY for the tastes of many who are used to the conservatives using more "coded" language, but lots of people (at least for now) assert "honesty/openness" in a Trump sense is better than political correctness.

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Planning for "Deploraball" Donald Trump inauguration celebration struggling over issue of whether to mark the occasion with Nazi salutes.


Whitefish, Montana about to have to endure march of armed Neo-Nazis through the city in protest of Jews, Jew-owned businesses, and their supporters. Apparently this resulting from it being Richard Spencer's hometown/family's hometown. Post online earlier this month featured list of names and addresses of Jews living in that community.

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I think everyone needs to start watching THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE to get the full taste of Nazi/Aryan Supremacy hegemony.




Confederacy's "Lost Cause" and how it parallels to today's charged racial climate under Trump.



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In an interview with Yahoo News after the election, Taylor listed some of the campaign promises he most wished to see carried out by the Trump administration, including, “Building a wall to keep out illegals, sending home all illegals, taking a very hard look at Muslims, ending sanctuary cities, putting an end to birthright citizenship.”


Trump may not be motivated by their same desire to establish and safeguard a white national identity against the perceived threat of multiculturalism, but Taylor, Spencer and Co. recognize such policies as building a wall on the Mexico border or a temporary ban on immigrants from some majority-Muslim countries as opportunities to limit the flow of nonwhite immigrants into the country.


Alt-right leaders would like to see Trump take his proposals even further.


According to ThinkProgress, during a press conference at NPI’s November gathering, Spencer outlined a few of the six policy proposals his think tank plans to release over the next year, which, he said, “we hope will directly impact a Trump administration.”


Among the policies Spencer reportedly has in mind are a 50-year “break on all immigration, particularly non-European immigration” to the United States, as well as a plan to dissolve NATO and replace it with a new military alliance between the U.S., Europe and Russia.


After the election, Taylor outlined his own vision for the future of the country in an interview with WNYC’s Bob Garfield. Deporting undocumented Mexicans and banning Muslim immigration, as Trump has proposed, are just the first steps, he explained.


“The ultimate goal is to have at least a portion of the United States where whites are the recognized majority and in which their culture is recognized as the dominant culture and where they can live free from the embrace of people unlike themselves,” Taylor said. “And I believe that that can be achieved through voluntary separation.”


Pressed on how, exactly, such a scenario would navigate the equal protection clause guaranteed by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, as well as the several other federal anti-discrimination laws, Taylor seemed to suggest that the latter, at least, could be subject to change.


“The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is not part of the Constitution,” he said, noting that before the landmark legislation was passed, “it was perfectly legal for a private operator to discriminate in his place of business, in his choice of associates.”


Taylor expressed a desire to return the country to its pre-civil rights state, arguing that “private individuals should have the right to discriminate for good reasons, bad reasons or no reasons at all.”






White House discussing asking foreign visitors for social media info and cell phone contacts


(Fwiw, this is what the military dictatorship/junta in Thailand is now doing w/ foreign visitors and permanent residents, as well as trying to track their internet usage and building a "great firewall" just like here in China to control access to outside information

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Spencer called the White House statement "especially Trumpian" for its "de-Judification" of the Holocaust. He argued that was "utterly defensible," going on to claim it is "unimaginable for Jewish activists" to see the Holocaust, during which 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, treated as "just another genocide."
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Victims of neo-Nazi trolling in Whitefish, Mont., strike back in court (against Richard Spencer's mother) the





Though Anglin himself never engaged directly with Gersh, the SPLC argues that he is responsible for the 700-plus harassing emails, tweets, Facebook posts, voicemails and other threatening messages received by Gersh, her husband, and even her 12-year-old son, causing them to fear for their lives. The complaint accuses Anglin of various torts, including intentional infliction of emotional distress and invasion of privacy.


“We didn’t know if they would come after us … [we] still don’t,” Gersh told reporters Tuesday, choking back tears as she described the barrage of threats she and her family have received, including countless references to the Holocaust and gas chambers.


“Once I answered the phone and all I heard were gunshots,” she said. “I have never been so scared in my entire life.”


The troll storm may have subsided slightly, but the impact on Gersh and her family continues. Search “Tanya Gersh” in Google images and the first result is a photoshopped picture of Gersh with a yellow star of David on her forehead and the words “Filthy Juden” written in big bold letters across the bottom.


Gersh said the threats have forced her to stop working as a real estate agent for fear of putting her clients at risk. She now goes to trauma therapy twice a week and is experiencing anxiety-induced medical issues.


“Most importantly, I’m never feeling safe,” she said. “This went so far beyond harassment, this was terrorism.”

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How Berkeley became a hotbed for protests (and it looks like the Coulter speech next week is back on)




Correction, Coulter says she's coming anyway next Thursday, university offered to move to May 2nd, when apparently there are no classes scheduled


Disappointed with City of Berkeley and CAL (free speech rights should always be protected)


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Confederate statue controversy in VA



“This event involving torches at night in Lee Park was either profoundly ignorant or was designed to instill fear in our minority populations in a way that hearkens back to the days of the KKK,” Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer said in a statement. “Either way, as mayor of this city, I want everyone to know this: We reject this intimidation. We are a welcoming city, but such intolerance is not welcome here.”


“I think it’s horrific,” Signer told ABC News. “We’re a city that proudly values our diversity.”


According to the Daily Progress, a local newspaper, several dozen protesters gathered in the park around 9 p.m. carrying torches and chanting, “You will not replace us,” “Blood and soil” and “Russia is our friend.”

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