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Quintana Rumors: Round and round and round we go


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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 05:51 AM)
If Lunhow doesn't want to take on any pain for his package for Q, he can sign Derek Holland.

So what you're saying is that the Sox MUST sign Holland in order for Houston to trade for Q. Glad youre on board with the idea DA. :P


Hahn has the right idea for Q. I could be wrong but I haven't seen any pitchers of Q's caliper available via trade and we all know the FA pitching is very thin. Knowing this, Hahn will continue to wait it out and imo, it won't take long for one of Houston, Colorado or NYY to cave in and get a deal done. Good thing is that Hahn has most likely laid a ton of groundwork for future trades over the next six months to a year.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 06:33 AM)
The Braves aren't interested in Quintana? Pirates? Rangers?


Wasn't there a rumor more teams would consider Q than Sale?

With the Braves signining two geriatric's to one year deals and trading for Garcia who has one year left, the Braves are buying time for their young pitchers to become MLB ready. Those signings and trade are not indicative of a team that's expected to compete. Just a guess but I think the Braves were pushing the cost up on their division rival, the Nat's.


Are the Pirates the kind of team that would give up a haul to acquire Q? I could be wrong but I highly doubt it.


The Rangers have already they won't give up the talent that they gave up to get Hamels. Hence the Cashner signing. I could see the Rangers showing interest in an effort to drive up the price on the Astros.


Yep, there was a rumor a few days ago that Hahn was getting more calls about Q than Sale. That could have changed when teams heard Hahn's asking price for Q.


In the end, someone will bite and make the trade happen. Imho, it comes down to the Astros, Yanks and Rockies.

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In terms of potential other teams/contenders for Q:


I know the Dodgers supposedly aren't looking for pitching, but I have a hard time thinking they wouldn't be interested in a controlled, cost efficient guy like Q.


Q also really fits what the Cubs are looking for (young, cost controlled). Probably unlikely, but they have the pieces to trade and the need.


I still think the Nats could become interested at some point. Especially if Ross/Strasburg continue to have arm trouble. We may have cleaned them out of everyone of interest besides Robles though haha.



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QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 06:49 AM)
With the Braves signining two geriatric's to one year deals and trading for Garcia who has one year left, the Braves are buying time for their young pitchers to become MLB ready. Those signings and trade are not indicative of a team that's expected to compete. Just a guess but I think the Braves were pushing the cost up on their division rival, the Nat's.


Are the Pirates the kind of team that would give up a haul to acquire Q? I could be wrong but I highly doubt it.


The Rangers have already they won't give up the talent that they gave up to get Hamels. Hence the Cashner signing. I could see the Rangers showing interest in an effort to drive up the price on the Astros.


Yep, there was a rumor a few days ago that Hahn was getting more calls about Q than Sale. That could have changed when teams heard Hahn's asking price for Q.


In the end, someone will bite and make the trade happen. Imho, it comes down to the Astros, Yanks and Rockies.


Also let's not be naive, I'm sure a lot of teams want Q at their own price. But at the price Hahn has set only a few teams have pieces and team set up to try:



Dodgers (unlikely)



Braves (unlikely)


There are some other teams like PIT or Seattle I think could pull it off and it make sense for their team. But they have not been rumored at all.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 07:33 AM)
The Braves aren't interested in Quintana? Pirates? Rangers?


Wasn't there a rumor more teams would consider Q than Sale?


That was bc Q has 1 more year of control then Sale and everyone thought would cost much less then Sale. Turns out Hahn is asking pretty much what he was asking for Sale and nobody will be interested bc he has no where the same talent as Sale.

Edited by Moncada
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QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 06:56 AM)
Also let's not be naive, I'm sure a lot of teams want Q at their own price. But at the price Hahn has set only a few teams have pieces and team set up to try:



Dodgers (unlikely)



Braves (unlikely)


There are some other teams like PIT or Seattle I think could pull it off and it make sense for their team. But they have not been rumored at all.

No doubt there's 29 teams that would love to have Q but as you said, how many have the talent and willingness to part with the talent?


Seattle could be the dark horse. They have the prospects but do they feel they can compete with the Rangers and Astros in '17 to justify giving up a haul for Q? Then again, the moves already made by the Texas teams may force Seattle to get in on the bidding to at least look like they are trying to compete in '17.


Good call on Seattle. Hadn't given them much thought. Would love to grab Vogelbach out of Seattle.

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QUOTE (BlackSox13 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 07:07 AM)
No doubt there's 29 teams that would love to have Q but as you said, how many have the talent and willingness to part with the talent?


Seattle could be the dark horse. They have the prospects but do they feel they can compete with the Rangers and Astros in '17 to justify giving up a haul for Q? Then again, the moves already made by the Texas teams may force Seattle to get in on the bidding to at least look like they are trying to compete in '17.


Good call on Seattle. Hadn't given them much thought. Would love to grab Vogelbach out of Seattle.


They have a pretty damn good infield no with Segura, Seager and Cano.


And they have pushed the let's do it button several times to compete with Felix

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QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 07:21 AM)
They have a pretty damn good infield no with Segura, Seager and Cano.


And they have pushed the let's do it button several times to compete with Felix

No doubt about it. Props to you for bringing up Seattle. Had not seen them mentioned anywhere on this board or the internet for that matter. Looking at their prospects now and they have some very interesting bats, starting with Vogelbach and Lewis.




If nothing else, at least it's another team to ponder over while we wait for the next trade to drop.

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QUOTE (ChiliIrishHammock24 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 02:13 AM)
I tend to agree. Let's just assume Hahn was torn between the Red Sox package for Sale, or the Nationals. Maybe one consideration was that if the Astros consider themselves a playoff team, one team they might have to go through is Boston. By sending Sale to Boston, Hahn strengthened a potential Astros opponent. How can the Astros counter? By adding the next best available pitcher to negate some of the that added value. Who owns that pitcher? The same guy who provided Red Sox with the boost in the first place.


It's like an arms dealer who is selling guns to both sides of a war. He's biting off both ends.


You know...I would like to think that this strategy came into play with that deal--it's a great thought! I'm skeptical that our front office has this same intellect though! Have you all seen the old (HH Gregg?) commercial when the guy is coaching his wife in the car not to bite on the sales ploys of TV salesmen--and to let him do the negotiating? The next scene shows the sales person calmly wrapping up talking about the TV's features and the extended warranty and the guy just blurts out "WE'LL TAKE IT!" as his wife just looks at him all confused? I think this explains how our front office thinks a bit more accurately. They heard "Moncada," lit up with joy and screamed "we'll take it!"

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QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 06:51 AM)
Speak of the devil



NY Post writer lamenting spending 100 million and not getting a TOR pitcher

I like how they seem to think they acquired a power bat. Apparently, the Yankees are incapable of looking at trends in player data re: Matt Holliday.

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QUOTE (reiks12 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 07:19 AM)
It has to be Houston. What other options do they have?


I can see the Yankees taking a pass for now since their window will be in 2 years. Houston has to make a move now since their pitching is mediocre.

Houston could go after Archer but I think the Rays (like the Sox) are in the driver's seat and will want a haul for him, though less than what Q would require.


Imho, Houston is waiting it out hoping Hahn drops the price, which is not going to happen.


I do think Houston can get a trade done without Bregman but Hahn is smart in holding out to see if Houston eventually caves in.


Also, let's not forget the Rockies. The moves they have made show they want to compete in that division and have the bats to entice the Sox in a trade. Colorado has too many bats and not enough pitching so on paper they seem like a good fit for a trade partner.

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QUOTE (reiks12 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 08:03 AM)
Am I the only one who is obsessed right now? I keep refreshing mlbtr and this thread.


I need this resolved soon so I can get back to my normal life. I can't imagine how Hahn feels.


No I am too and part of that is because we will have nothing to talk about for at least 2 years.

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QUOTE (reiks12 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 09:03 AM)
Am I the only one who is obsessed right now? I keep refreshing mlbtr and this thread.


I need this resolved soon so I can get back to my normal life. I can't imagine how Hahn feels.


Enjoy it, once these trades are all made, we're going to have nothing to do but pray these guys pan out.

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QUOTE (beautox @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 12:05 AM)
That is incredibly light of a return. Quintana has about 128m in surplus value. Bregman even as the #1 top prospect in the game is only worth about 73.5 in surplus value. If Houston doesn't want to include him then tell them to look forward to going out in the first round in October. Top prospect hitters are worth significantly more than their pitching counter parts. Quintana is worth just going by the point of pittsburgh value Bregman - 73.5, Tucker - 38.2, Paulino - 16.5 = 128.2 compare that to say a rockies package of Rodgers - 73.5, Pint - 29.8 & Tapia - 22.4 = 125.7 and you possibly get a throw in as well like Freeland.


I understand surplus value and everything but you're not going to get a package better than what Sale got you, plain and simple. You may get a throw in with Martes/Tucker/Reed but that's about it, IMO. You got two top 30 prospects and 2 projects for the best pircher in the AL in Sale. Martes and Tucker are two top 50 guys and Reed was a top 20 guy coming into 2016.

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QUOTE (reiks12 @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 09:03 AM)
Am I the only one who is obsessed right now? I keep refreshing mlbtr and this thread.


I need this resolved soon so I can get back to my normal life. I can't imagine how Hahn feels.


I'm thinking the Sox might hang on to Quintana this season. Next year's free agent class of SPs is nothing special so it wouldn't be all that surprising if he stuck around another year and then Hahn can move the crown jewel of the winter meetings for a second straight year.


Although God only knows the kind of defense Q would be pitching in front of here. And if he thought run support was bad before ...

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QUOTE (NCsoxfan @ Dec 9, 2016 -> 08:12 AM)
Enjoy it, once these trades are all made, we're going to have nothing to do but pray these guys pan out.


as opposed to praying that everyone who was signed over the offseason finds the fountain of youth and is able to recreate their career season

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