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2017 Catch All thread


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 1, 2017 -> 06:50 AM)
This week I'm recovering from having about 4.5 inches wide and an inch high removed from my front right side, because I have melanoma (skin cancer). More fun!


Stage 1- means it's beyond the first layer of the skin but not into the organs. Ok, that IS actually fun news. They're also removing my left earlobe. WHEEE. I'm going to utilize my wife's fancy health insurance and see a plastic surgeon. I already started behind the 8 ball handsomeness-wise, so removing an earlobe ain't gonna help.


Anyway, fingers crossed they got the margins necessary with Monday's surgery.


The moral of the story? This was caught during a routine skin exam with a dermatologist. I have fair skin and red hair so RED ALERT, but if you have the means, go ahead and schedule one as it could save your life.


Dang dude. Sucks to hear, but glad that it is super early. Heal up well.

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Steve...sorry to hear that and hope the procedure goes well!!! I've had something on my skin that I've been needing to get checked out (but am semi afraid to), so your story is motivation for me to do the same. Hopefully whatever news I receive from the process is positive.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 1, 2017 -> 06:50 AM)
This week I'm recovering from having about 4.5 inches wide and an inch high removed from my front right side, because I have melanoma (skin cancer). More fun!


Stage 1- means it's beyond the first layer of the skin but not into the organs. Ok, that IS actually fun news. They're also removing my left earlobe. WHEEE. I'm going to utilize my wife's fancy health insurance and see a plastic surgeon. I already started behind the 8 ball handsomeness-wise, so removing an earlobe ain't gonna help.


Anyway, fingers crossed they got the margins necessary with Monday's surgery.


The moral of the story? This was caught during a routine skin exam with a dermatologist. I have fair skin and red hair so RED ALERT, but if you have the means, go ahead and schedule one as it could save your life.


Good luck man. The key is catching it early. My mom is a melanoma survivor going on 20 years even though it got to her lymph nodes.


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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 1, 2017 -> 06:50 AM)
This week I'm recovering from having about 4.5 inches wide and an inch high removed from my front right side, because I have melanoma (skin cancer). More fun!


Stage 1- means it's beyond the first layer of the skin but not into the organs. Ok, that IS actually fun news. They're also removing my left earlobe. WHEEE. I'm going to utilize my wife's fancy health insurance and see a plastic surgeon. I already started behind the 8 ball handsomeness-wise, so removing an earlobe ain't gonna help.


Anyway, fingers crossed they got the margins necessary with Monday's surgery.


The moral of the story? This was caught during a routine skin exam with a dermatologist. I have fair skin and red hair so RED ALERT, but if you have the means, go ahead and schedule one as it could save your life.


Good to hear it was caught early! My dad has gone through some similar stuff (red hair fair skin), but early detection is the most important!

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 28, 2017 -> 06:10 PM)
Anyone ever take cooking classes? My side passion in life is cooking and I only really have skills and techniques ive picked up from other people and I'd like some formal instruction.


a good friend of mine owns the Cookery in Peoria, and has classes every day for a variety of different styles of food. She is top notch, although it is a bit of a hike for you. But, if it is a weekend class, couldnt go wrong

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Holy s*** steve, good thing you visited a doctor. Cancer is a f***face. one of my best friends was taken from me a year ago from pain in his leg that turned out to be an aggressive form of cancer. Frankly he waited too long.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 1, 2017 -> 06:50 AM)
This week I'm recovering from having about 4.5 inches wide and an inch high removed from my front right side, because I have melanoma (skin cancer). More fun!


Stage 1- means it's beyond the first layer of the skin but not into the organs. Ok, that IS actually fun news. They're also removing my left earlobe. WHEEE. I'm going to utilize my wife's fancy health insurance and see a plastic surgeon. I already started behind the 8 ball handsomeness-wise, so removing an earlobe ain't gonna help.


Anyway, fingers crossed they got the margins necessary with Monday's surgery.


The moral of the story? This was caught during a routine skin exam with a dermatologist. I have fair skin and red hair so RED ALERT, but if you have the means, go ahead and schedule one as it could save your life.

9 days later, I am still waiting to hear anything regarding results. Billed? Immediately. Results on cancer removal? Please hold.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 8, 2017 -> 02:03 PM)
9 days later, I am still waiting to hear anything regarding results. Billed? Immediately. Results on cancer removal? Please hold.


Had a mole removed in Dec. There was no worry for me from the start but took 2 whole weeks to get confirmation. I'm sure you called yourself to follow up?

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QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 8, 2017 -> 02:07 PM)
Had a mole removed in Dec. There was no worry for me from the start but took 2 whole weeks to get confirmation. I'm sure you called yourself to follow up?

3 days in a row.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 8, 2017 -> 04:33 PM)
That's BS if they aren't even calling back.

Oh they called back with no news.


Got the MyChart this morning. Margins are free of involvement so I guess I'm in the clear on this one. Good, now it can just heal.


I do have a Spitz Nevus on my ear they want to remove further, but my research tells me that may be unnecessary.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 9, 2017 -> 09:33 AM)
Oh they called back with no news.


Got the MyChart this morning. Margins are free of involvement so I guess I'm in the clear on this one. Good, now it can just heal.


I do have a Spitz Nevus on my ear they want to remove further, but my research tells me that may be unnecessary.

Kind of good news then!!

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Sleep is so overrated. I've been busting my ass to complete a book project, teach, coach, and take care of some family health issues.


Book? finished. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url...ton+mack+thomas

Coaching? District Tourny next month. I have the top female and a top three male player. The plan is working so far.

Teaching? Seniors voted me the third most popular male teacher. Not bad when I'm out 60 times a year with the golf teams.

Family? It's just going to keep going and going. We cancelled our Spring Break plans to stay close to home. At least we're getting some projects done around the house.


I can't believe how much I missed this place.

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Not sure what I want to hear in response to this, but I hate my job.


I teach high school. I like my subject, I like my bosses, I like my students (mostly). On top of it, I am almost finished with a graduate program that will allow me to go into educational leadership. So it's weird that I now find myself scoffing at this entire field, and I'm not sure why.


All the time I hear it from those above me that this is the most important and noble work that there is. Seems narcissistic and simply wrong, and also unnecessary. While I think my background makes me well-suited for the logistics of school leadership, I always find myself hoping that I won't be required to pump up people's egos so they can successfully do their jobs.


I really wish I could better explain my point. I think I just want to do something else with my life. Go back to the military, sell real estate, go into law enforcement, private business, something.


It's not a money thing, either. I don't think teacher pay is s***, and admin pay certainly isn't.


I can't quite put my finger on it. So take this post for whatever it's worth.

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QUOTE (StrykerSox @ Mar 18, 2017 -> 01:08 AM)
Not sure what I want to hear in response to this, but I hate my job.


I teach high school. I like my subject, I like my bosses, I like my students (mostly). On top of it, I am almost finished with a graduate program that will allow me to go into educational leadership. So it's weird that I now find myself scoffing at this entire field, and I'm not sure why.


All the time I hear it from those above me that this is the most important and noble work that there is. Seems narcissistic and simply wrong, and also unnecessary. While I think my background makes me well-suited for the logistics of school leadership, I always find myself hoping that I won't be required to pump up people's egos so they can successfully do their jobs.


I really wish I could better explain my point. I think I just want to do something else with my life. Go back to the military, sell real estate, go into law enforcement, private business, something.


It's not a money thing, either. I don't think teacher pay is s***, and admin pay certainly isn't.


I can't quite put my finger on it. So take this post for whatever it's worth.


Helping people be successful is a key component of leadership. Pumping up egos may be part of it. We both now how f***ing tiring teaching is this time of year. A good word from an admin can make a difference in a day, which may help someone get through this week. I left corporate life for education and it is unreal at times. I'm sure you are enjoying T-Tess. Putting a new scale on teachers has everyone's complaining as if suddenly they suck at their jobs.


I'll stay in the classroom and coaching. It feels like the busiest semi-retired job you can have.


I could not have done this my entire career. I've already experienced the stuff that folks who have been teaching right out of college wonder about.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone collect/recycle aluminum cans anymore? We did for a long time. We'd fill up trash bags full of them and store them in our garage. Then 2 or 3 times a year we'd take them to the recycling center that was only about 4 blocks from our house. We never got a lot of money from it (usually $20 or less) and we'd split it up between our 3 kids.


This past weekend we found out the recycling center that we usually went to had been closed. Now the closest one is across town. We went there and spend a good 30 minutes just sitting in line because of the way it's set up. There is only a single exit for vehicles so nobody can leave until the first person in line is completely done.


We've decided it's just not worth the time and effort for the little bit of money we get out of it. We'll still separate the cans out but when we fill up a bag, I'm just going to put it out with the trash. Hopefully one of the trash pickers will take them.

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