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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 18, 2017 -> 09:44 PM)
2016 made me lose all hope that ground game means s***. Maybe 04.

Why do you say that? Hillary had a trash ground game in MI, PA and WI, which is why she lost those states. They completely misallocated resources.

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I wonder if President moron will make a public comment about a clean shaven white guy running over a bunch of Muslims leaving their mosque in London. Doubtful. I'm sure the media won't even call it terrorism.

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More concerned with playing word/semantics games about whether the President is being investigated or not.


I have a strong feeling the Mayor of London will say something that Trump won't be able to refrain from responding to.

Notice even CNN says "collides with" instead of intentionally runs down.



CNN national terror analyst Peter Bergen said the neighborhood has a large Muslim population and the nearby mosque has a notorious reputation as a place where Islamist militants used to gather.


"If you were interested in targeting a group of Muslims at a mosque that was notorious, this would be the mosque you would do it at. I think it's significant that they had the reputation historically of being one of the most militant mosques in London. And that reputation may be more historical than current," he said.


Bergen added: "Ramadan, particularly in a country like the UK, where the days are very long in June, you know you're fasting from dawn to dusk and you're breaking the fast at night. ... Night comes pretty late in London this time of year. It wouldn't be odd that you would have large numbers of people breaking their fasts and praying at this time."

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (Reddy @ Jun 18, 2017 -> 08:48 PM)
Why do you say that? Hillary had a trash ground game in MI, PA and WI, which is why she lost those states. They completely misallocated resources.


Yeah trumps ground game in those states was incredible.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 18, 2017 -> 10:31 PM)
Yeah trumps ground game in those states was incredible.

Acting like Trump is the new "rule" as opposed to an anomaly is... misguided, IMO.


Trump didn't need a ground game, because he was appealing to people in a way no politician has for a long, long time. Republicans in general don't need a ground game nearly as much as Dems do, because their voters vote come hell or high water. They will ALWAYS turn out. D's need cajoling and constant reminders/pressure. That's why Dem ground game matters. That's why Hillary lost. That's our only advantage in GA-6 right now. Though again, I doubt it will be enough.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Jun 18, 2017 -> 09:40 PM)
Acting like Trump is the new "rule" as opposed to an anomaly is... misguided, IMO.


Trump didn't need a ground game, because he was appealing to people in a way no politician has for a long, long time. Republicans in general don't need a ground game nearly as much as Dems do, because their voters vote come hell or high water. They will ALWAYS turn out. D's need cajoling and constant reminders/pressure. That's why Dem ground game matters. That's why Hillary lost. That's our only advantage in GA-6 right now. Though again, I doubt it will be enough.

Specifically in GA-6? Polling and betting markets both have him favored to win that race. You don't think he'll pull it off?

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QUOTE (maxjusttyped @ Jun 18, 2017 -> 11:18 PM)
Specifically in GA-6? Polling and betting markets both have him favored to win that race. You don't think he'll pull it off?


I have zero confidence in democrat voters showing up. Hope I'm wrong.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 19, 2017 -> 01:08 AM)
Nobody noticed the sarcasm, alas...

Sure did. He didn't have one because he didn't need one, and because he had no idea how a campaign works. Lightning in a bottle

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QUOTE (maxjusttyped @ Jun 19, 2017 -> 12:18 AM)
Specifically in GA-6? Polling and betting markets both have him favored to win that race. You don't think he'll pull it off?

I don't, but I'm busting my ass to prove myself wrong. Hit ~350 houses today, 700 so far. Hoping to hit 1,000 by poll closing time.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Jun 19, 2017 -> 11:24 PM)
I don't, but I'm busting my ass to prove myself wrong. Hit ~350 houses today, 700 so far. Hoping to hit 1,000 by poll closing time.


Do you live in that district or are you just down there campaigning for Ossoff?

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 18, 2017 -> 08:57 PM)
I wonder if President moron will make a public comment about a clean shaven white guy running over a bunch of Muslims leaving their mosque in London. Doubtful. I'm sure the media won't even call it terrorism.


Lone wolf, mentally unstable, troubled individual.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 19, 2017 -> 09:30 AM)
I have zero confidence in democrat voters showing up. Hope I'm wrong.


QUOTE (Reddy @ Jun 19, 2017 -> 11:24 PM)
I don't, but I'm busting my ass to prove myself wrong. Hit ~350 houses today, 700 so far. Hoping to hit 1,000 by poll closing time.

Looks like your guys' pessimism was warranted. I was hopeful that the AHCA's unpopularity + Trump's abysmal approval rating + democratic energy would be enough to push Ossof over the top. So much for that.


Another moral victory in South Carolina, though. Democrats are doing better in deep red districts they have no chance of actually winning but GA6 seems like a district they'd need to win in order to take the house back in 2018.

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Cut the spread from 23% to 5.5-6%


Still not good enough.

Need to analyze how NOT to spend $25-30 million and stil lose.


The polling, once again, was significantly off again...more than Nov.8.


Ossoff not living in the district, trying too hard not to offend anyone, he was hollow Manchuria candidate without enough charisma to seal the deal. Need to get better candidates who know how to beat Republicans or at least have a coherent strategy for doing so, the likes of Jason Kander and Cheri Bustos in Illinois.




Trump is not widely liked in the 6th District, where the presidential vote swung further toward Democrats in 2016 than in all but one non-Utah House seat. But while Trump’s standing in the district loosened the GOP’s hold on the seat, it did not dislodge the party. Instead, GOP outside groups focused on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s own abysmal approval ratings to gin up opposition to Ossoff, whom they said was aligned with the San Francisco Democrat.


Ossoff, for his part, tried to cast himself as a centrist, promising to be a “fresh, independent voice” for the district. But Republicans also accused him of being soft on national security and of relying on liberal, small-dollar donors from outside the district to fuel his campaign.


Republicans also hammered Ossoff on his home address, as he doesn’t currently live in the district, while he said he wants to support his fiancée’s medical studies at Emory University. In one debate, Handel asked Ossoff: “Who are you going to vote for in this election?”



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A question that I am struggling with is, what message about the future would sit well with moderate republicans or with blue collar workers? Do the blue collar workers really believe that the jobs of the past are coming back or that Mr. Trump will put them back to work? Or could they be persuaded that retraining for jobs in their area that won't be automated? Does a message about tech jobs and future careers excite them, or do jobs of the past excite them, regardless of if they come back or not?

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jun 20, 2017 -> 08:58 PM)
Too bad liberal hollywood isnt as good at meddling in elections as those pesky Russians. 30+ million for another loser lol. 0-4 so far in 2017. Still waiting on that referendum on Trump I keep hearing about from CNN!


That particular referendum will be on single payer health care/Medicare for All. Or signs of environmental calamities like the heat wave in the West cancelling flights will force a reckoning earlier than predicted. The GOP owns environmental issues right now. Good luck with that.


In the end, this will only embolden Trump and the Congress to assume they're bulletproof...unfortunately, the country has to suffer in the process.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jun 20, 2017 -> 09:58 PM)
Too bad liberal hollywood isnt as good at meddling in elections as those pesky Russians. 30+ million for another loser lol. 0-4 so far in 2017. Still waiting on that referendum on Trump I keep hearing about from CNN!


It's obvious the democrats keep picking losers. They think Trump's impending implosion will keep people voting for status quo democrats? lol

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jun 20, 2017 -> 10:58 PM)
Too bad liberal hollywood isnt as good at meddling in elections as those pesky Russians. 30+ million for another loser lol. 0-4 so far in 2017. Still waiting on that referendum on Trump I keep hearing about from CNN!


Clearly you didn't read the Buster Policy Update, so consider this your warning for trolling here.

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QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Jun 20, 2017 -> 11:18 PM)
It's obvious the democrats keep picking losers. They think Trump's impending implosion will keep people voting for status quo democrats? lol

Ossoff was the right type of candidate (and he'll run again in 18 months, and with much less media hype and attention, likely do better)


You can't overcome a congressional shooting AND 5 inches of rain in 6 hours in the bluest part of the district while also running for a seat that was last held by a Dem 40 years ago. Are there things Ossoff could've done better? Absolutely. But no campaign is perfect. They all have flaws and all make mistakes. The dice roll came up badly for us today. So you pick 'em up and throw 'em again.


At least I went semi-viral on Twitter haha:



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Jon Ossoff’s Georgia special election loss shows Democrats could use a substantive agenda




Still, it should be sobering to Democrats that a CBS News poll released Tuesday morning filled with devastatingly bad approval numbers for the Trump administration found that only 31 percent of voters thought a Democratic takeover of Congress would make their lives better.


If your opponents are unpopular enough, it’s certainly possible to win elections this way. But especially for the party that has a more difficult time inspiring its supporters to turn out to vote, that’s an ominous sign. Right now on health care and many other issues, Democrats suffer from a cacophony of white papers and a paucity of unity around any kind of vision or story they want to paint of what is wrong with America today and what is the better country they want to build for the future. And until they do, they’re going to struggle to mobilize supporters in the way they need to win tough races.

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This was from Monday, before the Ossoff loss




MARTIN: You wrote last week in an op-ed in The New York Times - and I'm quoting here - "too many in our party cling to an overly cautious centrist ideology." Do you think that applies specifically in this case to health care?


SANDERS: Yes, I do. I mean, I think that Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, took us a step forward. It provided health insurance for over 20 million more Americans. That's no small thing. It did away with the obscenity of pre-existing conditions and a number of other essential health care benefits that are now guaranteed to the American people. So it made some real change.


But, Rachel, at the end of the day, the American people in Congress have got to ask themselves a very simple question. Why are we the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all people as a right? Why do we pay double per capita for health care compared to any other major country? Why do we pay the highest prices in the world by far for prescription drugs? My view is we should join the rest of the industrialized world and work toward a Medicare for all single-payer program.


MARTIN: So how do you do that? Because at this moment, Democrats can't even get into the room to defend the Affordable Care Act. Is tacking so far to the left going to get you anywhere in this moment?


SANDERS: It's not a question of tacking to the left. What we have right now is a Republican leadership which is very, very far to the right and way, way outside of the mainstream of where the American people are. This health care proposal passed in the House. I don't have the numbers in front of me but you've seen them. I mean, it is widely disapproved by the American people. The American people do not believe it makes sense to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to the top 2 percent and throw 23 million Americans off of health care (the wealth gap in SF, for example is worse than in Rwanda, my interjected comment). That's not what the American people want.


So what - I think what the Democrats have got to do - it's not a very radical idea - is actually listen to where the American people are. The American people, in fact, within - certainly within the Democratic ranks do want to move toward a single-payer system. You're seeing real progress in the California Legislature and in the New York state Legislature to do just that.


The American people want to raise the minimum wage to a living wage, 15 bucks an hour, want to spend a trillion dollars rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, pay equity for women, tackling climate change and transforming our energy system. These are not radical ideas. This is what the American people want.

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