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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 20, 2017 -> 01:42 PM)
What are the proposed lifetime caps for brain cancer treatment in the proposed legislation (House and Senate)?


Hard to imagine gutting healthcare with McCain ending up the poster child for the consequence/s to real people of that actually happening...since Congress conveniently exempted themselves.

This was up to the individual plans and it would be returned to that. Estimates say that something like 60% of plans had lifetime limits, but McCain is rich so if he had to purchase a private market plan it's likely that they'd have no reason to accept one with that.


He also qualifies for Medicare.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 20, 2017 -> 02:47 PM)
This was up to the individual plans and it would be returned to that. Estimates say that something like 60% of plans had lifetime limits, but McCain is rich so if he had to purchase a private market plan it's likely that they'd have no reason to accept one with that.


He also qualifies for Medicare.


He could do the worst thing possible and go through the VA.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 31, 2017 -> 04:59 PM)
The sad part is that it is 100% plausible. They can't even find anyone to answer questions at the White House.


Ben JacobsVerified account @Bencjacobs Kushner to Interns: Trump Team Too Disorganized to Collude With Russia http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/07/31/kusher...de-with-russia/


Even better.


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 10 Jan 2012 3 Chief of Staffs in less than 3 years of being President: Part of the reason why @BarackObama can't manage to pass his agenda.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It is probably BS, but worth sharing just in case.




The co-author of Donald Trump’s memoir The Art of the Deal has predicted the US President is going to resign by autumn if not sooner.


Tony Schwartz, who claims to have ghostwritten the 1987 best-selling business book, argued Mr Trump is on the brink of stepping down and said he would be shocked if his presidency lasts until the end of the year.


Mr Schwartz, who has been a vocal critic of President Trump and spent 18 months interviewing and shadowing him in the 1980's, suggested he would negotiate a deal for immunity in the Russia investigation in exchange for giving up his seat in the Oval Office.


He said: “The circle is closing at blinding speed. Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and Congress leave him no choice”.


“Trump's presidency is effectively over. Would be amazed if he survives till the end of the year. More likely resigns by fall, if not sooner.”



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  • 3 weeks later...
QUOTE (raBBit @ Sep 9, 2017 -> 12:54 AM)
Rand Paul proposed a bill that would pay for the Hurricane relief fund with money allocated to financial aid of countries with evil dictators. The Senate voted against the bill 87-10.

Please tell me he included an explicit standard through which "evil" is evaluated.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Sep 12, 2017 -> 09:58 AM)
I think you know the answer to this. The parameters of evil aren't important. We have people suffering here and our leaders think it's more important to give money to other countries.

It's pretty funny, the right has been against giving money to suffering Americans for almost ever. They think the mega rich need a few more dollars.

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (raBBit @ Sep 12, 2017 -> 09:58 AM)
I think you know the answer to this. The parameters of evil aren't important. We have people suffering here and our leaders think it's more important to give money to other countries.


The few billions of dollars Obama sent to Iran would be pretty helpful right about now.

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 09:14 AM)


This comes out the same time as Hillary's "it wasn't my fault" tour. Dems better change the message if they want to retake congress or the White House.

Things are looking better and better, since Hillary will have nothing to do with messaging in '18 and beyond. A Better Deal is spot on, and with Nancy and Chuck cutting the GOP and Trump to ribbons lately.... add to that all the GOP retirements, and I'm pretty dang optimistic.

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 08:14 AM)


This comes out the same time as Hillary's "it wasn't my fault" tour. Dems better change the message if they want to retake congress or the White House.


In typical Clinton fashion, they are looking to take down everyone they can, even if it hurts their own party and party's agenda going forward.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 08:52 AM)
Things are looking better and better, since Hillary will have nothing to do with messaging in '18 and beyond. A Better Deal is spot on, and with Nancy and Chuck cutting the GOP and Trump to ribbons lately.... add to that all the GOP retirements, and I'm pretty dang optimistic.


Did you read the story? The polling, from Democratic firms, is the opposite - every attack the Dems have made against this disaster of a President STILL isn't working. And the "solution" being offered - Bernie-promises of free college and free healthcare - also doesn't resonate with anyone but the dem base.


It's almost as if what Dems think the country wants isn't what the country actually wants...

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 09:20 AM)
In typical Clinton fashion, they are looking to take down everyone they can, even if it hurts their own party and party's agenda going forward.


It's funny because when I watched her interview on CBS Sunday Morning, the first one she did, I actually thought for the first time that she was an actual human, displaying legitimate emotions. She made jokes. She admitted to being depressed. She said she drank and did yoga to get over the loss. She did a fair amount of her schtick, blaming Bernie, Comey, dumb voters, etc., but she kinda, sorta accepted responsibility for her own mistakes. She didn't go after Trump hard enough for the Access Hollywood tape, he flustered her at the deps and sometimes that got to her, and she didn't handle the e-mail server issue better at the start.


But in all of the other interviews i've read or heard, she's really stuck on this blame campaign. "I would have won if not for a, b and c." And you're right, she's still fracturing the Dem party from the Bernie side of the Dem party, she's still alienating/offending a lot of non-Trump supporting conservatives/independents. She's fixated on Comey. I know this is a book tour and has nothing to do with any campaign, but I would think the Dem party would want to tell her and Bill to go off into the sunset and leave public life.

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 10:31 AM)
Did you read the story? The polling, from Democratic firms, is the opposite - every attack the Dems have made against this disaster of a President STILL isn't working. And the "solution" being offered - Bernie-promises of free college and free healthcare - also doesn't resonate with anyone but the dem base.


It's almost as if what Dems think the country wants isn't what the country actually wants...

Of course. Attacking the President on anything but policy won't work. Activists don't understand that, but Chuck and Nancy know it, and that's why they've been relatively tame all year. Now they're reaping the benefits. You can beat him on policy, and you can beat him on messaging - that's what A Better Deal is about.


The policies offered in the new rebranding of the Democratic Party is EXACTLY what the country actually wants - now it's just about selling and messaging in a cohesive way moving into 2018.

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Sep 14, 2017 -> 09:40 AM)
It's funny because when I watched her interview on CBS Sunday Morning, the first one she did, I actually thought for the first time that she was an actual human, displaying legitimate emotions. She made jokes. She admitted to being depressed. She said she drank and did yoga to get over the loss. She did a fair amount of her schtick, blaming Bernie, Comey, dumb voters, etc., but she kinda, sorta accepted responsibility for her own mistakes. She didn't go after Trump hard enough for the Access Hollywood tape, he flustered her at the deps and sometimes that got to her, and she didn't handle the e-mail server issue better at the start.


But in all of the other interviews i've read or heard, she's really stuck on this blame campaign. "I would have won if not for a, b and c." And you're right, she's still fracturing the Dem party from the Bernie side of the Dem party, she's still alienating/offending a lot of non-Trump supporting conservatives/independents. She's fixated on Comey. I know this is a book tour and has nothing to do with any campaign, but I would think the Dem party would want to tell her and Bill to go off into the sunset and leave public life.


I fully believe that everything since the election has been about selling this book and squeezing every penny out of this that they can. I know it rings hollow when you have the somewhere near the worst President in American history in the White House, but Clinton has been anything but Presidential since the election. At the end of the day you can respect the voters and walk off graciously like a Jimmy Carter or George Bush did, and maintain some level of self-respect, or you can even throw yourself into the issues that made you run for President in the first place, like Al Gore did, and again maintain some self-respect. But we are pushing up on a year now of this pity me campaign. She should be embarrassed, but apparently neither her nor Trump know what the term means.

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