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Sox holding talks "daily" on Q

Sleepy Harold

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QUOTE (Mattchoo @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:15 PM)
My ideal scenario remains a trade with PITT that gets Austin Meadows. He is a perfect piece for both need and value from dealing Q.


I don't know how to build a fair package around him though... and I would bet the GM doesn't want to give him up. But if I'm the GM of the Sox, I'm not budging from that stance. It has to be Meadows or no deal.


So... trying to be real..... If the PITT GM actually is willing to do it, what is fair? I think Meadows, Glasnow, and Newman. 1 for 3 swap.




If the Pirates like Keller over Glasnow, I could see Glasnow being the second piece.

Edited by soxfan2014
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QUOTE (steveno89 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:13 PM)
Hoffman is a good prospect, but still has a ways to go to prove himself. He has bounced back from injury well though.


I don't see the Rockies going from a bottom 5 pitching staff, to one that can compete with the Dodgers or Giants next season without some major additions


I am really hoping they sign Trumbo as this will signal they are all in and hopefully willing to deal for Q/Jones or Robertson. Trumbo at first moves Desmonnd to the OF and then Dahl has nowhere to go but AAA. A trade of Cargo and Blackmon is unlikely (see Cutch situation - older vets, not much contract left) and also because you can't sign Trumbo, Desmond and then move your two best hitters. It would send a weird message to the fans.


Rockies then swoop in and offer Dahl, Hoffman ++ for Q/Jones.

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QUOTE (Mattchoo @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:15 PM)
My ideal scenario remains a trade with PITT that gets Austin Meadows. He is a perfect piece for both need and value from dealing Q.


I don't know how to build a fair package around him though... and I would bet the GM doesn't want to give him up. But if I'm the GM of the Sox, I'm not budging from that stance. It has to be Meadows or no deal.


So... trying to be real..... If the PITT GM actually is willing to do it, what is fair? I think Meadows, Glasnow, and Newman. 1 for 3 swap.





That would be much better than the Sale return. There's no chance of this. Meadows and Glasnow are both top 10 prospects in baseball and Newman is a top 50 guy. If Meadows is involved, I'm guessing something like Meadows, Hayes, Diaz, flyer

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QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:22 PM)
That would be much better than the Sale return. There's no chance of this. Meadows and Glasnow are both top 10 prospects in baseball and Newman is a top 50 guy. If Meadows is involved, I'm guessing something like Meadows, Hayes, Diaz, flyer


That would give them a rotation of Cole Quintana Nova Glasnow Taillon. If I were Hahn, I would just continue to text that to him every few hours lol

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QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:22 PM)
That would be much better than the Sale return. There's no chance of this. Meadows and Glasnow are both top 10 prospects in baseball and Newman is a top 50 guy. If Meadows is involved, I'm guessing something like Meadows, Hayes, Diaz, flyer


Give me Meadows, Newman, Keller, and Diaz.


Meadows ~ Moncada

Newman ~ Kopech

Keller ~ Basabe

Diaz ~ Diaz


I think that's a fair outline.

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QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:26 PM)
Give me Meadows, Newman, Keller, and Diaz.


Meadows ~ Moncada

Newman ~ Kopech

Keller ~ Basabe

Diaz ~ Diaz


I think that's a fair outline.



Mike, Keller is a top 50 guy in some publications and will be when new lists are updated. That's too much IMO. How is a ML ready catcher the same as a fireballing reliever in A ball?

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QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:26 PM)
Give me Meadows, Newman, Keller, and Diaz.


Meadows ~ Moncada

Newman ~ Kopech

Keller ~ Basabe

Diaz ~ Diaz


I think that's a fair outline.


Diaz is not a prospect though. Nor is raw with the upside as the Diaz we picked up from Boston. And you are under rating Keller. Kid is the goods.

Edited by SoxAce
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QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:22 PM)
That would be much better than the Sale return. There's no chance of this. Meadows and Glasnow are both top 10 prospects in baseball and Newman is a top 50 guy. If Meadows is involved, I'm guessing something like Meadows, Hayes, Diaz, flyer



Good thoughts. I'd probably take that deal, but only because I think the Sox should be all in on Austin Meadows (or someone of his equivalent). Maybe pickup Yeudy Garcia (we can't have enough Garcia's)

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QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:28 PM)
Mike, Keller is a top 50 guy in some publications and will be when new lists are updated. That's too much IMO. How is a ML ready catcher the same as a fireballing reliever in A ball?


Two scenarios:


Meadows + Glasnow/Keller + Newman




Glasnow + Bell + Newman + Diaz

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QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:50 PM)
Houston, it's time to s*** or get off the pot.


Edit: I'd seriously give teams a deadline for their best offer. Once the deadline is reached and the Sox do not like the offers, shut down trade talks and plan on him being here for at least a couple months before re-opening trade talks in the summer. Unless during that time, a team offers you exactly what you want.



QUOTE (Buehrlesque @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:54 PM)
I'm starting to feel this way myself. But I'm also getting the impression the Astros, Pirates and Yankees simply don't value Quintana high enough to part with what needs to be parted with. If it truly requires "desperation," to get a good offer here, the show might be over until July. Luckily Rick Hahn is patient enough to wait it out.

Giving teams a deadline that they don't believe is a real deadline because you're frustrated doesn't get you anywhere. The Pirates and Astros basically know that if they came to the White Sox with a good offer in Mid-February the White Sox would accept it. Setting a deadline would not change that. The White Sox would be able to find scrap heap pitching to fill in that open rotation slot no matter what deadline they set.


The only realistic deadline is the start of spring training, because they might actually buy "We're done talking until June" once you get to ST and the WBC starts.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:36 PM)
Giving teams a deadline that they don't believe is a real deadline because you're frustrated doesn't get you anywhere. The Pirates and Astros basically know that if they came to the White Sox with a good offer in Mid-February the White Sox would accept it. Setting a deadline would not change that. The White Sox would be able to find scrap heap pitching to fill in that open rotation slot no matter what deadline they set.


The only realistic deadline is the start of spring training, because they might actually buy "We're done talking until June" once you get to ST and the WBC starts.


That's a fine deadline. Tell them final offers or don't talk to us until you make the offer we want. No negotiating.

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You don't give teams a deadline, because they know it's totally BS. There is no reason Q has to be traded immediately. You can leak a trade is imminent and see if that doesn't get something going. When it got out that the Red Sox became the frontrunners for Sale, the Nats up their "final offer". It still wasn't enough, but you may get someone to play their entire hand.


These teams know Hahn is talking to everyone. As long as they don't sense anything is really close, there is no motivation making their best offer.

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QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 01:42 PM)
That's a fine deadline. Tell them final offers or don't talk to us until you make the offer we want. No negotiating.

It's at least generally believable, although you do think that if one of their pitchers got hurt in ST and they came back with the same deal offered that we'd have accepted now, we might push back a little more because of the crappy timing but something could still be do-able. That's the time of year when you'd believe that the price you'd pay for the pitcher is higher - call it a "convenience fee".

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QUOTE (steveno89 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 12:33 PM)
Two scenarios:


Meadows + Glasnow/Keller + Newman




Glasnow + Bell + Newman + Diaz



I think those ares both too much.


I don't think there's any way that the Sox get Meadows. He definitely won't be paired with one of the best pitching prospects in baseball. People need to stop looking at the Pirates prospect list and take a look at top 100 lists. We are using back end top 100 guys as throw ins in these deals and it's completely unrealistic.

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QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 02:51 PM)
If he ends up staying with the Sox when the season starts, he will at least have the league's attention (as well as other team's fans) as he will be our ace and due to all the trade talk between multiple teams.

He's likely the White Sox's lone all star representative already.

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QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 10:35 AM)
Man you guys are like sharks smelling blood lol. It was just an idea.

I will say this, wouldn't be surprised if Hahn is asking for more than Sale for Q

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QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 10:53 AM)
Eh.. if he's playing 2B, he doesn't need to hit 20+ bombs a year since it isn't a power hitting position. Will he be an all star? Probably not, but he still can be a very productive player whose high OBP, solid contact rate and solid fielding can be essential in building a world series team. Now I will say this, he better not be the top position prospect in any deal with Q. As a second or third position player? He's fine.


30 power is 3 to 5 homers a year. His 60 hit tool supposedly translates to .280. You are pretty much describing a lesser averaged, less speedy Juan Pierre.



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