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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 03:00 PM)
For the love of gosh, nobody on this board voted for Trump.


There are at least a handful. I'm guessing alphadog, rabbit, and jenksismyhero among others. Could be wrong though.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 10:02 PM)
There are at least a handful. I'm guessing alphadog, rabbit, and jenksismyhero among others. Could be wrong though.

Maybe but I don't know how anybody could put a check next to the name of one-percenter, hotel magnate Trump. Those I like more than Donald: Bernie, Jesse Ventura, Biden, Kasich.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 04:40 PM)
For those of you who voted for him, how do you not constantly cringe whenever he speaks or tweets?


I voted for GWB in 2000 because I was not interested in politics back then and chose him because my dad was a republican. As I started paying attention, I would often cringe and feel embarrassed that I voted for such a buffoon. I would hope that Trump supporters are equally, if not more, embarrassed.

Because I bask in the glow of knowing that Hillary Clinton will never be President. Come on, everybody say it. it has a nice ring to it. Hillary Clinton will NEVER BE PRESIDENT. Frankly, i just don't give a s*** other than that.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 08:46 PM)
Because I bask in the glow of knowing that Hillary Clinton will never be President. Come on, everybody say it. it has a nice ring to it. Hillary Clinton will NEVER BE PRESIDENT. Frankly, i just don't give a s*** other than that.

That's pretty pathetic, honestly

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 10:40 PM)
For those of you who voted for him, how do you not constantly cringe whenever he speaks or tweets?


I voted for GWB in 2000 because I was not interested in politics back then and chose him because my dad was a republican. As I started paying attention, I would often cringe and feel embarrassed that I voted for such a buffoon. I would hope that Trump supporters are equally, if not more, embarrassed.

I just re-read this post. I had to smile at the word "buffoon." He was a buffoon.

You know, I have to come to the realization I'm not a Republican anymore. Even though I technically am one, I haven't voted for any Republicans in a fricking long time. I wonder what the hell I am? I certainly ain't no democrat. But I never vote for my Repubs so what the hell am I? I despised Hillary so badly I am not near a Democrat, though I do worship Bernie so to speak.


As far as voting for Trump, I wouldn't have voted for him if you threatened me with immediate death. Ditto Hillary.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 09:19 PM)
So basically you'd prefer nuclear war to Clinton as president.

What makes you think we wouldn't be having these same things, and others, with Hillary at the helm? Democratic politicians love war just as much, just in different places. China would be testing her as well, and who knows what her responses would have been. We certainly saw how she handled Bengazi, so I am sure it wouldn't have been a very positive outcome.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 07:46 PM)
Because I bask in the glow of knowing that Hillary Clinton will never be President. Come on, everybody say it. it has a nice ring to it. Hillary Clinton will NEVER BE PRESIDENT. Frankly, i just don't give a s*** other than that.


Every once in a while I think about how Hillary has to wake up every day knowing she had the Presidency on a silver platter and lost to Donald f***ing Trump. Hahaha.


And no I didn't vote for Trump.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 04:52 AM)
Every once in a while I think about how Hillary has to wake up every day knowing she had the Presidency on a silver platter and lost to Donald f***ing Trump. Hahaha.


And no I didn't vote for Trump.

Good post. Her problem is she didn't simply let Bill run her campaigns. Uh, he had experience WINNING. He'd have gotten her finally to the finish line in first place. I know you all hate my Bernie references, but you Dems had it in the bag. But you couldn't get behind Bernie, mostly because, led by Hollywood and the Joy Behars and Ellen's and Oprah's of the world, Hillary had to be rewarded with the Oval Office. But the problem was she was unelectable unlike Bernie!

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Nobody from the GOP was going to accept single payer healthcare, universal free education or further regulation of Wall Street.


Sanders also has no or little interest in foreign policy and the military. I'm not convinced he would have won. He would have been hammered about being a socialist and honeymooning in Russia during the height of the Cold War (May, 1988).

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 12:24 AM)
Good post. Her problem is she didn't simply let Bill run her campaigns. Uh, he had experience WINNING. He'd have gotten her finally to the finish line in first place. I know you all hate my Bernie references, but you Dems had it in the bag. But you couldn't get behind Bernie, mostly because, led by Hollywood and the Joy Behars and Ellen's and Oprah's of the world, Hillary had to be rewarded with the Oval Office. But the problem was she was unelectable unlike Bernie!


I honestly think one reason the party didn't get behind him is that he isn't a democrat.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 14, 2017 -> 08:52 PM)
I do not accept your condemnation. Hillary Clinton will never be President.

Did Hillary kick your dog or bang your girlfriend or something? I don't quite get why a lot of Trumpers think Hillary is the worst thing in the world, but Trump is alright. Dude is more evil than she is IMO. Has given a f*** about himself and his family, and only himself and his family (with the exception of the wives he cheats on) his whole life. I think it has to do with her being a woman honestly. I don't think all of them, and people like you, consciously dislike her because she is a woman. It's more of a subconscious thing. If Trump was a female and had 3 kids with 3 different guys, game over. If he was a female and said as much stupid s*** as he does, he would probably be deemed a bimbo like Palin.

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QUOTE (ron883 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 06:58 PM)
Did Hillary kick your dog or bang your girlfriend or something? I don't quite get why a lot of Trumpers think Hillary is the worst thing in the world, but Trump is alright. Dude is more evil than she is IMO. Has given a f*** about himself and his family, and only himself and his family (with the exception of the wives he cheats on) his whole life. I think it has to do with her being a woman honestly. I don't think all of them, and people like you, consciously dislike her because she is a woman. It's more of a subconscious thing. If Trump was a female and had 3 kids with 3 different guys, game over. If he was a female and said as much stupid s*** as he does, he would probably be deemed a bimbo like Palin.

I'm not a Trumper but I don't think you want to hear why I despise Hillary. People claim they are tired of my repeating myself in my disdain for her.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 02:32 PM)
I'm not a Trumper but I don't think you want to hear why I despise Hillary. People claim they are tired of my repeating myself in my disdain for her.

I don't think many people adore Hillary. But you are more of a simpleton, self admitted. You have admitted to not know the most about politics. Things are explained to you often but to know avail. You are easily swayed by propaganda that plays on your emotions. That is a big reason you feel why you do about her, realistically.

Edited by ron883
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QUOTE (ron883 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 02:38 PM)
I don't think many people adore Hillary. But you are more of a simpleton, self admitted. You have admitted to not know the most about politics. Things are explained to you often but to know avail. You are easily swayed by propaganda that plays on your emotions. That is a big reason you feel why you do about her, realistically.

I don't think most people are swayed by propoganda. Like the whole idea that racism, xenophobia, misogyny etc. are on some huge increase. Most people don't buy into the idea that isolated incidents put into the spotlight symbolize some big change. Thank God people aren't dumb enough to buy into that crap. Most people just go about their days trying to feed their families. There's really not much to fight for anymore- everyone has equal rights. America is better every year.

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More Trump related violence at Berkeley again...



The (popular Farmer's) market’s executive director, Martin Bourque, criticized the rally beforehand as likely to accomplish little more than “shouting matches and bloodshed.”


The rally was organized by a loose collective of far-right groups. One of them, Oath Keepers, which said it would provide security, has been categorized as an extremist group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.


Another organizing group, Liberty Revival Alliance, released a YouTube video in advance, billing the “Patriots Day” event as a peaceful free speech rally and stating that it does not support violence or intimidation.


Invited speakers, according to the video, include Lauren Southern, a Canadian activist who has said rape affects men more than women, and AltRight.com writer Brittany Pettibone, who has said she believes in Pizzagate, a discredited conspiracy theory involving Hillary Clinton.






Liberty Revival Alliance video

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QUOTE (ron883 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 01:58 PM)
Did Hillary kick your dog or bang your girlfriend or something? I don't quite get why a lot of Trumpers think Hillary is the worst thing in the world, but Trump is alright. Dude is more evil than she is IMO. Has given a f*** about himself and his family, and only himself and his family (with the exception of the wives he cheats on) his whole life. I think it has to do with her being a woman honestly. I don't think all of them, and people like you, consciously dislike her because she is a woman. It's more of a subconscious thing. If Trump was a female and had 3 kids with 3 different guys, game over. If he was a female and said as much stupid s*** as he does, he would probably be deemed a bimbo like Palin.

You first mistakenly think I like Trump. i don't. I wanted Cruz. Second, i couldn't give two s***s that Hillary is a woman. So take YOUR biases and keep them to yourself. Trump may be evil, but he wasn't pretending to be a 'public servant' and out to help the every-man while doing it. He was chasing the almighty dollar., and rarely ever tried to pretend to be otherwise. Hillary, in her pretense of 'helping people' has done nothing but help herself with her foundations and various scandals. If someone was helped along the way, well, that was purely incidental. Ask Haiti how they like the Clintons. They don't. Read any of the insider books about her and them in general. Even if you discount the claims by half, she is just an evil woman who deserves nothing but scorn and contempt. American might be ready for a woman President. Not her. She should not have been elected simply because she was a woman, or because it was 'her time'. That is pure bulls***. You had thousands of woman who voted for her, and advocated for others to vote for her, simply because she had a vagina. How is that any worse than me not voting for her because she is a Clinton? it isn't.

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Trump claims immunity for inciting violence at campaign rallies...Judge Hale appears to disagree




The response filed by Trump contradicts the argument of a co-defendant, a Trump supporter accused of shoving a young black woman at the rally. WDRB-TV reported (http://bit.ly/2oed0Tu ) that 75-year-old Alvin Bamberger said he was only following Trump's directions when he helped remove her.


Bamberger filed a countersuit in U.S. District Court on Friday, saying "he would not have acted as he did without" Trump's "urging and inspiration."


Bamberger also cited other Trump rallies, saying Trump and his campaign "repeatedly urged people attending" the rallies to "remove individuals who were voicing opposition to Trumps candidacy" and promised to pay the legal fees of those who removed protesters.


Plaintiffs Kashiya Nwanguma, Molly Shah and Henry Brousseau allege that they were physically attacked by several members of the audience, including Bamberger.


Bamberger can be seen on video repeatedly shoving Nwanguma. He acknowledged in his counter claim that he "touched" a woman, but denied assaulting anyone.



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QUOTE (ron883 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 08:38 PM)
I don't think many people adore Hillary. But you are more of a simpleton, self admitted. You have admitted to not know the most about politics. Things are explained to you often but to know avail. You are easily swayed by propaganda that plays on your emotions. That is a big reason you feel why you do about her, realistically.

Not a bad post even though you called me Forrest Gump basically as he was a simpleton.


QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 08:53 PM)
Most people just go about their days trying to feed their families. There's really not much to fight for anymore- everyone has equal rights. America is better every year.

Amen, brother. Though I don't know if we're better every single year.


QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 10:53 PM)
You first mistakenly think I like Trump. i don't. I wanted Cruz. Second, i couldn't give two s***s that Hillary is a woman. So take YOUR biases and keep them to yourself. Trump may be evil, but he wasn't pretending to be a 'public servant' and out to help the every-man while doing it. He was chasing the almighty dollar., and rarely ever tried to pretend to be otherwise. Hillary, in her pretense of 'helping people' has done nothing but help herself with her foundations and various scandals. If someone was helped along the way, well, that was purely incidental. Ask Haiti how they like the Clintons. They don't. Read any of the insider books about her and them in general. Even if you discount the claims by half, she is just an evil woman who deserves nothing but scorn and contempt. American might be ready for a woman President. Not her. She should not have been elected simply because she was a woman, or because it was 'her time'. That is pure bulls***. You had thousands of woman who voted for her, and advocated for others to vote for her, simply because she had a vagina. How is that any worse than me not voting for her because she is a Clinton? it isn't.

I love Alpha Dog even though I think he may hate me. Alpha Dog rocks.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 06:31 PM)
Not a bad post even though you called me Forrest Gump basically as he was a simpleton.



Amen, brother. Though I don't know if we're better every single year.



I love Alpha Dog even though I think he may hate me. Alpha Dog rocks.


Haha that's pretty funny. Haven't you described yourself as something along the lines of "a low IQ person"? I'm pretty sure ive seen you post that about yourself. I suppose Forrest Gump isn't a bad comparison. He was a well accomplished man ya know, Greg.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 15, 2017 -> 06:31 PM)
Not a bad post even though you called me Forrest Gump basically as he was a simpleton.



Amen, brother. Though I don't know if we're better every single year.



I love Alpha Dog even though I think he may hate me. Alpha Dog rocks.

I don't hate you Greg. I think you are a little nuts sometimes, but no hate. I don't even hate StrangeSox or Squirt. i don't necessarily LIKE them, but no hate. Just for Hillary. ;)

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