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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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Trump praised dutertes death squads on his recent call.


And his administration has overseen a brutal extrajudicial campaign that has resulted in the killings of thousands of suspected drug dealers.


Trump has not spoken out against that strategy, and in their call he praised Duterte for doing an “unbelievable job on the drug problem.”



“Many countries have the problem, we have the problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that,” Trump said, according to the transcript



This was a week after duterte was telling people to murder drug addicts.




On the April 29 call, Trump pointed out to Duterte that his predecessor in the White House had been critical of the rising body count under Duterte’s reign in the Philippines, but that Trump himself gets it. “I understand that, and fully understand that, and I think we had a previous president who did not understand that,” Trump replied, “but I understand that and we have spoken about this before
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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:21 PM)
In his statement on the Manchester incident, Trump says he refuses to call the terrorists monsters because that's what they want, instead he will call them losers, because losers in life is what they are.


I get what he's going for so I won't fault him completely, but calling somebody a "loser" seems like such a Trump-ism. I could see that as part of a SNL sketch even before this.

I understand Trump's sentiment, but I agree 'loser' doesn't work here. Even though they are losers. I'd just go ahead and call them assholes, lowlifes. Lowlife fits more than loser.

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That's yet ANOTHER way for Trump to lose all his moderate voters.


Declare war on drugs. The irony is that there's less and less funds available for treatment/counseling for those with opiod addictions so we can give the 1%er's and multi-national corporations lots of tax breaks.


What's the #1 question with any policy proposal?

Is it good for Trump voters in the Rust Belt, and why?


Or maybe Trump simply doesn't understand they're all extra-judicial "murders" based on scant hearsay evidence, rumors, accusations...and mostly about political revenge by the Duterte Blackshirts.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 23, 2017 -> 07:00 PM)
I understand Trump's sentiment, but I agree 'loser' doesn't work here. Even though they are losers. I'd just go ahead and call them assholes, lowlifes. Lowlife fits more than loser.


Greg, if this happened while Obama/Clinton was president, you'd be pushing for A LOT more harshness in the response than this...I'm shocked you are not more upset about this whole situation, with the number of young kids and teenagers who died simply exiting a concert (many of them had parents waiting outside to pick them up)...with nails and screws and shrapnel riddling their bodies. (Not to mention your propensity for bringing up similar theatre/movie/concert attacks like the one in Colorado when Batman came out, James whatever his name was).


Words like "demon/ic," "monster," "pure evil," "soulless," etc., would be bandied back and forth.


And do you still believe they shouldn't be publicizing details about the killer, his family, his origin...glamorizing violence "mass murders"? Does it matter if they're non-American, vs. homegrown terrorism? Muslim?

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 24, 2017 -> 01:08 AM)
Greg, if this happened while Obama/Clinton was president, you'd be pushing for A LOT more harshness in the response than this...I'm shocked you are not more upset about this whole situation, with the number of young kids and teenagers who died simply exiting a concert (many of them had parents waiting outside to pick them up)...with nails and screws and shrapnel riddling their bodies. (Not to mention your propensity for bringing up similar theatre/movie/concert attacks like the one in Colorado when Batman came out, James whatever his name was).


Words like "demon/ic," "monster," "pure evil," "soulless," etc., would be bandied back and forth.


And do you still believe they shouldn't be publicizing details about the killer, his family, his origin...glamorizing violence "mass murders"? Does it matter if they're non-American, vs. homegrown terrorism? Muslim?

I'm very very upset but right now I'm just sad for some reason. As far as the perpetrator, for some reason (at this time) I'm not that interested in who he is. this just saddens me right now and makes me think the world is coming to an end soon. Lot of violence.

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Ivanka's Maternity Leave Plan a CRUEL JOKE



Theoretically, Trump’s leave plan could help someone like Regina Mays, who took six weeks of unpaid leave from her job that pays her about $10 an hour at a Walmart in High Point, North Carolina, after she had a baby girl last year


With no money coming in, she struggled to feed herself and her four other children at home. “There was time when I paid the bills and I literally didn’t have money for food,” Mays told HuffPost recently. A relative came by with groceries for her and her kids so they didn’t go hungry.


There was at least one thing Mays said she didn’t have to worry about: paying her hospital or doctor bills, which were covered by Medicaid.


Trump’s budget would rip that rug out from under mothers like Mays who theoretically would get about $1,800 for her six weeks at home, but without healthcare would also be on the hook for potentially tens of the thousands of dollars in medical bills.


The math is terrifying.


Cutting Medicaid would be devastating for all low-income Americans, but particularly for women and mothers: 45 percent of childbirths in the U.S. were funded by Medicaid in 2010, according to data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.


Trump’s budget also cuts funding for after-school programs for children and support for domestic violence victims.


The budget proposal lays bear a perverse, reverse Robin Hood administration ― taking from the poor to give tax cuts to the wealthy (proposed earlier this month).


But on the bright side, like most White House budgets, Trump’s is unlikely to become reality. As for the parental leave plan, Democrats see it as too skimpy. And there’s little indication that GOP lawmakers, who are typically eager to cut taxes and slash social programs, would want to give Americans what the Republicans likely to view as a new entitlement.

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Greg, I suggest you read this whole article and see if there's anything you disagree with...




Also in here, there is huge cuts to the domestic discretionary portion of the budget. This is most of what we think of as the Federal Government: the National Parks, the National Endowment for the Arts, humanities, NIH, the National Institutes of Health. He's projecting cuts over the course of a decade of about 50% for those programs. That's an enormous cutback on the size of those programs.


Also, very big hits for federal employees. He's proposing large cuts to their pay, to their retirement benefits, and I'll have to double-check this, but I believe he's even proposing to cut pensions for people who are already retired. This is money that they worked for, and he's going to take it away from them. If Mr. Mulvaney wants to look at theft, these people worked for those pensions, and their budget proposes to take it away from them.




DEAN BAKER: We structure our whole economy in ways that create winners and losers. That's the point of my book and a lot of my writings. The people who are big winners, that's because we structured it that way. I was at the Fed yesterday, and we were talking about the Fed raising interest rates. You raise interest rates, that keeps people from getting jobs, so they're not getting jobs. Some number of people won't get jobs because the Fed raised interest rates. I understand, they're raising interest rates because they're worried about inflation. That's fine, but that's keeping people from getting jobs. So we give some of those people food stamps, we give some of those people Medicaid, you want to call that larceny? They weren't at the Fed, they weren't the ones who said that they're going to raise interest rates to keep people from getting jobs.


So I can give a long list of things. Of course, I do in the book. I'm not pitching a book. It's free, so you can download it for free. But there's a long list of ways in which we'd redistributed income upwards, and I might call much of that larceny. But in any case, that's the way we structure the economy, so having some safety net programs that ensure that the people who we've made to be losers in this system don't starve, get access to healthcare, that doesn't seem like larceny to me.

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Trump probably not Ivanka's ghostwriter based on Vad Yashem guest book entry.


"It is a great honor to be here with all of my friends — so amazing + will never forget!” Trump wrote during his visit to Yad Vashem in Jerusalem today. "See you next summer!"



“I am grateful to Yad Vashem and all of those responsible for this remarkable institution,” he wrote. “At a time of great peril and promise, war and strife, we are blessed to have such a powerful reminder of man’s potential for great evil, but also our capacity to rise up from tragedy and remake our world. Let our children come here, and know this history, so that they can add their voices to proclaim ‘never again.’ And may we remember those who perished, not only as victims, but also as individuals who helped and loved and dreamed like us, and who have become symbols of the human spirit.”





Trump's actually much more popular than AHCA/Ryan...Dems in MT and Georgia races changing tactics to hit this vulnerability


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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 23, 2017 -> 11:16 PM)
I'm very very upset but right now I'm just sad for some reason. As far as the perpetrator, for some reason (at this time) I'm not that interested in who he is. this just saddens me right now and makes me think the world is coming to an end soon. Lot of violence.

Compared to when?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 24, 2017 -> 08:14 AM)
Trump team now claiming that their multi-trillion dollar counting error in their budget was...intentional??



It's like they're trying to go super-villain, but trying to appear competent at the same time.

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QUOTE (Quinarvy @ May 24, 2017 -> 09:23 AM)
It's like they're trying to go super-villain, but trying to appear competent at the same time.


It is amazing someone so successful could be so stupid.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 24, 2017 -> 09:27 AM)


How can he say with a straight face there are no cuts to Meals on Wheels or Social Security?

They are hoping their supporters are too stupid to do actual research and will just watch Fox News and listen to Hannity.

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emma brown‏Verified account @emmersbrown 30m30 minutes ago


Pressed on whether she would refuse to give fed dollars to private schools that discriminate against LGBT kids, DeVos says it's up to states


CSPAN @cspan

.@RepKClark to Sec. DeVos: “I am shocked that you cannot come up with one example of discrimination that you would stand up for students.”

12:03 PM - 24 May 2017



This is enraging. DeVos refuses to name a single possible example of discrimination that would put federal funding at risk, even race-based, in the name of "state flexibility"

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 24, 2017 -> 02:24 PM)
Compared to when?

More now than ever. Are you not concerned and saddened about this? I can't believe I'm being ripped for being sad about this incident. This country is in deep trouble as is the world. The moment N. Korea has capability of tossing a nuke at US soil, you don't think that will happen? And not waiting for that ... you don't think Trump will start something soon vs. Korea?? These are dangerous times.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 24, 2017 -> 01:15 PM)
More now than ever. Are you not concerned and saddened about this? I can't believe I'm being ripped for being sad about this incident. This country is in deep trouble as is the world. The moment N. Korea has capability of tossing a nuke at US soil, you don't think that will happen? And not waiting for that ... you don't think Trump will start something soon vs. Korea?? These are dangerous times.

You being sad has nothing to do with it. Are you saying there is more violence in the world right now than there ever has been? I just want to make sure this is clear.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 24, 2017 -> 07:23 PM)
You being sad has nothing to do with it. Are you saying there is more violence in the world right now than there ever has been? I just want to make sure this is clear.

I think once the war begins over the Korea situation, yes, at that point more violence than ever. It figures to be a major war, to go with all the incidents, mass killings.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 24, 2017 -> 01:31 PM)
I think once the war begins over the Korea situation, yes, at that point more violence than ever. It figures to be a major war, to go with all the incidents, mass killings.

So, you are counting on a hypothetical, not very likely to happen, nuclear war to try and back up your claim that the world is falling apart.


If you used actual statistics you would know that Violent Crime, mass killings, homicides etc are all way down around the world. You should ignore the bulls*** headlines you read and pay attention to actual facts. The 40's to the 90's were all MUCH more dangerous globally and domestically than now. By a pretty decent factor actually.

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