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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 28, 2017 -> 10:12 PM)
Trump is also claiming that he can't be sued while in office in an attempt to quash a lawsuit from a woman who says she was sexually assaulted during The Apprentice.




Sorry Donald, SCOTUS already checked this one with Paula Jones and Bill Clinton. 9-0 against Bill.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 28, 2017 -> 10:20 PM)
Nixon tried this crap too, no?


He tried to pull some executive privilege nonsense too, yes.


But this Paula Jones case is virtually identical to what Trump is dealing with now. Civil suit, sexual harassment, events before the Presidency.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Mar 28, 2017 -> 07:04 PM)
Smog builds character, makes children tough


The Chinese economic situation here is way too precarious for them to make all the changes (retrofitting factories) to comply with environmental standards.


They're bleeding GDP, there's way too much debt at the government and "shadow banking" level, and they can't afford to have massive "one off" layoffs in all those industrial production areas such as coal, cement, steel, etc., because the biggest fear for the CPC is for widespread discontent with leadership to spread too quickly or organize itself on the internet/social media.


Finally, the solar power cell movement created a tremendous amount of oversupply, and most have already exited that in search of higher profits in other areas of the economy. Not to mention the electric car charging network and general level of trust or reliability has a long ways to go in China, Taiwan and South Korea.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 28, 2017 -> 03:18 PM)
For someone who b****ed about emails for an entire f***ing year you are so flippant about a president that is all but confirmed to be compromised by a hostile foreign power, has golfed every weekend save 2 since he has taken the oath, profits off his presidency, and has taken great strides to destroy education and the health of the very people he swore to protect.

And before you highlight what I just said and give your canned "well that if he did that stuff he should be impeached" reply, save it. It's bulls***, everything this president stands for is bulls***

Look. He won. He won the election. We Americans elected him. Yes, contrary to some (not saying you), I lump myself in with all Americans including those who voted for Trump. I personally didn't vote for either of the two main candidates. But he won. He's president. Yes, I now take sort of a flippant attitude to all this. Let me put it this way. As somebody who is NOT following daily activities of the president closely at all, here's what I have noticed: Everything's negative. Everything I hear from people and media, etc., is negative. Negative, negative, negative. Now, obviously you could accuse me of the same against Obama and Hillary. Not really. I voted for fricking Obama the second time. I may have the first time, I forget. But Trump won. Nothing anybody can do about it, so I watch what happens helplessly and yes, at this time, humorously. Last time I looked, there's no election until 4 years from now, so in the meantime, lighten up for THERE IS NOTHING ANYBODY CAN DO ABOUT THIS except write letters, emails to your legislators, etc.


QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 28, 2017 -> 03:26 PM)
LOL. Oh Greg. The current president criticized the former for golfing a handful of times. We are now footing the bill not only for his wife, who hates him, to live in NYC, but also for golf trips to HIS OWN golf courses. Instead of working he is promoting his own brands while offering regular people an opportunity to get close to him for an increased price. You see no problem with that of course, because well.....

At this time, I don't see any problem with him golfing so much. That's all I'm saying. Golf is fun (for a lot of people; I'd rather bowl). As far as I'm concerned he can golf golf golf.

Edited by greg775
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Greg, there's a pretty decent chance if he spent MORE time getting involved in the details (I won't use the policy wonkish word minutiae) of the health care reform instead of outsourcing it to Ryan/Price/Pence, etc., then he wouldn't have offended the House Freedom Caucus.


He only wanted to make a deal because that's what he does...what he was giving up or compromising on didn't matter to him particularly, and that was very offensive to a lot of career politicians who are really invested in the policy arguments (even if I may happen to disagree with the HFC).


Whether it was the travel ban, the health care law, the first engagements in Yemen and Mosul...the fact that he hasn't been fully engaged and aware of the details smacks of him being another version or Jimmy Carter/GW Bush and a failed, lame duck presidency which isn't particularly good for the country to waste four more years when we should be addressing the issues of health care, immigration, infrastructure rebuilding and the environment.


Delaying for another four years our preparations for a high-tech, automated, globalized economy isn't going to alter the fact that a tsunami of change and disruption is coming down the pike.






Trump spreads more fake news on Hillary's 'uranium deal'


Uranium One was a worldwide producer. Among its assets were some U.S. uranium mines.


The decision was taken by pension-fund managers, other institutional investors and private investors from Canada, the U.S., Europe and elsewhere.


The deal had previously been approved by company management and independent directors on the board.


This is what’s known as “private property,” “commerce” and “capitalism.” Trump should read up on it.


The burden of proof for a U.S. government official to intervene in a Canadian stock-market transaction would have to be pretty high.


No, Hillary didn’t “approve” the sale, either. She was just one of 14 — count ’em, 14 — people who sat on a U.S. government committee that might, in theory, have intervened but didn’t.The others on the committee included the secretaries of the Treasury, homeland security, energy and defense; the White House budget director; the attorney general; and the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. So, as far as we know, none of them said peep.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 06:15 AM)
Cmon guys. He won't be re-elected. Let him just destroy the environment. No biggie.


He WON, didn't you hear? So we all get to just stand by and laugh at all of the terrible policies he is implying, protections he is removing, and the grift that is happening before our eyes!

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 06:20 AM)
He WON, didn't you hear? So we all get to just stand by and laugh at all of the terrible policies he is implying, protections he is removing, and the grift that is happening before our eyes!


True. The majority of voters want him as president...


I'm gonna skip work today to golf and see how that goes over.

Edited by Brian
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QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 06:22 AM)
True. The majority of voters want him as president...


I'm gonna skip work today to golf and see how that goes over.

Worst administration in our lifetimes, but whatever, nothing we can do.

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It is funny Trump takes full credit for companies creating jobs that have been planned for years, and job reports gathered from before he was President. But backs away when military operations go awry, saying the plan was being put into place before he took office, ignoring the previous adminstration's decision not to do it .

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 05:29 AM)
a failed, lame duck presidency which isn't particularly good for the country to waste four more years when we should be addressing the issues of health care, immigration, infrastructure rebuilding and the environment.


Delaying for another four years our preparations for a high-tech, automated, globalized economy isn't going to alter the fact that a tsunami of change and disruption is coming down the pike.

I thought he already had a health care plan rejected, is working on the wall, etc; is talking about giving more $$ for bridges and loves the military and will beef it up. He's helping the coal miners as he said he would. He's golfing, but also working it seems.


QUOTE (Brian @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 11:22 AM)
True. The majority of voters want him as president...

I mean, he got elected fair and square. See what he can do for 1.5 years at least.


QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 01:38 PM)
Worst administration in our lifetimes, but whatever, nothing we can do.

There is nothing we can do except wait for him to get impeached if that is proper or watch him succeed/fail in traditional ways.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 11:20 AM)
He WON, didn't you hear? So we all get to just stand by and laugh at all of the terrible policies he is implying, protections he is removing, and the grift that is happening before our eyes!

I feel like you are closed minded on this. Q: Would you ever ever praise Trump if he did something in your eyes that was good? Or would you bash him? I agree he's very unlikeable and I tend to disagree philosophically with the very rich who run the country, but I also defer to the zillions of Americans who thought he was the best choice. It seems to me you don't want him to do anything deemed as productive. The two party system IMO has become a detriment to America. More and more (I realize it's been this way for decades) one side hates the other and will not cooperate at all for a better America.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 12:13 PM)
I feel like you are closed minded on this. Q: Would you ever ever praise Trump if he did something in your eyes that was good? Or would you bash him? I agree he's very unlikeable and I tend to disagree philosophically with the very rich who run the country, but I also defer to the zillions of Americans who thought he was the best choice. It seems to me you don't want him to do anything deemed as productive. The two party system IMO has become a detriment to America. More and more (I realize it's been this way for decades) one side hates the other and will not cooperate at all for a better America.

He had a health care plan, first, it wasn't his, that would have raised costs for the elderly on fixed incomes and the poor, and lessened their coverage, all the while providing a giant tax cut for the weathy. Just like he said, cheaper, more coverage for everyone.


He said over and over again, Mexico is paying for the wall. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. So let's spend $50 billion on an unnecessary wall, cutting other needed things.


He said he had a secret plan to swiftly knock ISIS out. Where is it?


He said he alone could fix things. For someone who doesn't need any help, he sure does point a lot of fingers.


The guy is a fraud. The majority of the country knew that before the election. The faster the rest figures it out, the better.


We don't even have to go into Russia. He looked into a camera and asked Russia to hack into Hillary's emails. Go back a few years and look at his tweets ripping Obama for golfing, and saying while Obama is golfing Putin is up to something. Funny how that has changed on both ends.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 05:29 PM)
He had a health care plan, first, it wasn't his, that would have raised costs for the elderly on fixed incomes and the poor, and lessened their coverage, all the while providing a giant tax cut for the weathy. Just like he said, cheaper, more coverage for everyone.


He said over and over again, Mexico is paying for the wall. Mexico isn't paying for the wall. So let's spend $50 billion on an unnecessary wall, cutting other needed things.


He said he had a secret plan to swiftly knock ISIS out. Where is it?


He said he alone could fix things. For someone who doesn't need any help, he sure does point a lot of fingers.


The guy is a fraud. The majority of the country knew that before the election. The faster the rest figures it out, the better.


We don't even have to go into Russia. He looked into a camera and asked Russia to hack into Hillary's emails. Go back a few years and look at his tweets ripping Obama for golfing, and saying while Obama is golfing Putin is up to something. Funny how that has changed on both ends.


1.) Obamacare also sucks. It's a disaster as well. We still need a new plan. I'd listen to Bernie on this one.

2.) He's doing what he said he'd do, build a wall. he got elected on that.

3.) Dunno.

4.) He points fingers and the Demos point fingers. That's what they do. Nobody cares about America just their own party.

5.) I wouldn't call him a fraud. He is who he is. A rich, selfish one percenter who was the best option of the two so he won.

6.) I'm sure a lot of deals have gotten done in his life on or around the golf course. It's what rich people do. Golf, bond and deal. I'm sure he'll put in the time it takes to be Pres. so let him golf.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 11:13 AM)
I feel like you are closed minded on this. Q: Would you ever ever praise Trump if he did something in your eyes that was good? Or would you bash him? I agree he's very unlikeable and I tend to disagree philosophically with the very rich who run the country, but I also defer to the zillions of Americans who thought he was the best choice. It seems to me you don't want him to do anything deemed as productive. The two party system IMO has become a detriment to America. More and more (I realize it's been this way for decades) one side hates the other and will not cooperate at all for a better America.


Just 67,000 votes flipped in Michigan, Wisconsin and PA would have given Clinton the election....2.9 million spread for HRC in popular vote. Not zillions.


The Democrats were not once approached by Trump or Ryan about a health care deal. The final negotiations with the House Freedom Caucus drove the bill so far and hard to the right that the moderate Tuesday Group and the GOP Senate couldn't even vote for it. How was that negotiating in good faith or in a bipartisan way? Republicans had from 1993/94 until 2016 to work with Democrats on health care reform and did nothing but protect insurance companies and big pharma.


As a Christian, how do you feel about the biggest humanitarian famine/crisis happening in Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, etc., in the history of the UN and Trump gutting those food programs and the State Department and Meals on Wheels and Head Start to pay for 62 miles of border wall and an increase in the defense budget when his own Secretary of Defense says a 3% increase (as opposed to 10% projected) is sufficient?


What about Kansas voting to join the Medicaid expansion and potentially covering covering 150,000 more, some Republican moderates have joined with Dems and almost every hospital to support it. Do you stand with Brownback? Keep in mind, all the extra security costs for 12 Trump golf outings and Melanie/Barron staying in NYC would more than cover it.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Mar 29, 2017 -> 12:35 PM)
1.) Obamacare also sucks. It's a disaster as well. We still need a new plan. I'd listen to Bernie on this one.

2.) He's doing what he said he'd do, build a wall. he got elected on that.

3.) Dunno.

4.) He points fingers and the Demos point fingers. That's what they do. Nobody cares about America just their own party.

5.) I wouldn't call him a fraud. He is who he is. A rich, selfish one percenter who was the best option of the two so he won.

6.) I'm sure a lot of deals have gotten done in his life on or around the golf course. It's what rich people do. Golf, bond and deal. I'm sure he'll put in the time it takes to be Pres. so let him golf.

What kind of deal did he make for America when he went golfing with Tiger Woods? He went with a world leader once. I wouldn't have a problem with him golfing, maybe not every weekend, but look at what he said when he was campaigning, ripping his predecessor for golfing. He said he would have no time to golf, he'd be working for us in the White House making great deals.


And he isn't doing what he said he would do. He said he would get Mexico to pay for the stupid, not needed wall.


And people who claim they themselves can fix things take any fingerpointing out of the equation. He takes credit for things he ha nothing to do with, and refuses to take blame for poor decisions.


At some point, even to you, the truth will matter. It doesn't right now obviously, but he certainly isn't doing what he said. Obamacare was going to be repealed. Not so fast. Muslims were going to be banned. Not so fast. Mexico was going to buy the US a wall. Not never. ISIS was going to be destroyed quickly. No, just Iraqi civilians and a Navy Seal. And all those all about 'Merica seems to not care that his campaign in all likelihood colluded with Russia. I doubt if Hillary won and the same crap came out, you wouldn't care.


Let him destroy the environment and ignore science. He knows ISIS better than any General, I'm sure he knows more about climate change and clean air than any scientist who has spent his entire life on the subject. Fox news or the National Enquirer say its phony, its phony.



He's a total disaster. An embarrassment really.


I just don't understand those that say he is doing exactly what he said he would do. NOT. EVEN. CLOSE.

Edited by Dick Allen
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I don't mind him golfing. I do mind the golfing at his resorts and setting up a "winter whitehouse" that is a private resort that his family owns, and he is ssupposed to be holding at arms length.


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