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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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Even if that narrative were true (it isn't), I wouldn't be particularly upset that the Obama administration somehow managed to get the literal foreign agent who peddles in conspiracy theories and hates Muslims forced out of his role as NSC head for repeatedly lying to both the public and the administration when the top of the administration made it clear they were not going to do anything about it without that information leaking.


How did Susan Rice lie?

Edited by StrangeSox
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Trump is busy defending fellow serial sexual assaulter Bill O'Reilly.

“I think he’s a person I know well — he is a good person,” said Mr. Trump, who during the interview was surrounded at his desk by a half-dozen of his highest-ranking aides, including the economic adviser Gary Cohn and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, along with Vice President Mike Pence.


“I think he shouldn’t have settled; personally I think he shouldn’t have settled,” said Mr. Trump. “Because you should have taken it all the way. I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”




Daniel Dale @ddale8

President Donald Trump has proclaimed April National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.

3:21 PM - 31 Mar 2017

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 10:33 AM)
Susan Rice was one of Obama's most trusted officials. No one is saying Rice was working on her own or had some personal motive. There's just further proof, after the Flynn leak, that Obama's administration was using the intelligence apparatus to sabotage Trump's presidency before he even took office.


I'm not sure how clearer this can be. The facts that we know thus far show that the intelligence agencies were monitoring Russian officials. Those agents had communications with Trump officials or about Trump officials. If the Trump campaign, or transition team, were revealed to be involved in illegal activities, intelligence procedure would be to "unmask" those officials.


I'm not sure how that equates to the "Obama administration using the intelligence apparatus to sabotage Trump's presidency before he even took office."

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 11:40 AM)
Great post. It was better than your sarcastic trump impersonations at least. If you disagree, please say why. If you're shocked to see opinions outside of the group in here, I totally understand.

For all the profiling you try to do on here, you are exactly the same as what you seem to abhor, just on the other side of the fence. You make BS claims that don't exist in your links. All dems are liars and cheats. You only care about issues not all the other BS, yet in the dem thread you mention Biden's son dating his late brother's wife. Yeah, that's an issue. There is nothing about Rice lying. We already know who lies through their teeth. They even liked to call it alternative facts.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:17 PM)
As long as you won't have issue when Trump abuses the system three years down the line. There are a lot of people around here that are blind to the fact that all of the actions you defend are just precedent for Trump to do the same against your team. This is about government overreach and the disintegration of the fourth amendment.


Not to mention Susan Rice is on record lying over and over again. This is a despicable politician. This is the same woman who went on multiple TV shows to lie about the way our service men and women were murdered in Libya. This is the same woman who went to war in the media for Obama trading 5 Gitmo prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl to cover their own ass. The same woman who called Bergdahl someone who served with "distinction" nevermind the fact that he was an Al-Qaeda sympathizer and deserter. Two weeks ago, she said she had no knowledge of the Trump unmasking. Now she's going on TV defending her actions. She's morbidly dishonest and nobody who has been paying attention should put any credence into anything she says. Before someone grabs the low hanging fruit, sure, the same could be said about Trump. "I leaked nothing to nobody" - Susan Rice, certified liar and enemy of proper of English.


Trump said he was wiretapped. There's obviously not wires in phones anymore. He's claiming that his campaign was eavesdropping but he's not a lawyer nor does he pay attention to how important it is to project what you mean. So literally, there was no wiretapping. However, we know that Susan Rice, one of the President's most trusted officials and experienced liars, was unmasking the identities of future Trump campaign officials. Rice was a manager. It is an analyst's job to do the unmasking. Rice overreached her position. Lied about ever doing it because she was aware of the consequences and now she's facing the music. That's not to mention the indisputable illegality of the leaks on Flynn earlier in the year.

He said his phones were tapped. Check the 3AM presidential emails.


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account





How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!



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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:21 PM)
I get bullied in here so yeah I'll steep to point out the hypocrisy. Trump is a silly man who I don't like and never have but I have a real issue with the way the left has attacked his family and his daughter specifically. It's cheap. There are people reporting on his grandson but then when Biden's kids have some freaky love triangle and Kaine's kid gets arrested for being a thug no one even talks about it. Your teamplay makes you blind or at the least hypocritical.


Trump's daughter is now officially part of his administration and has been de facto part of it since shortly after the election when she was sitting in on meetings with foreign leaders. She's as fair game as any other member of the White House. His adult sons are now running his businesses for him, have also sat in on many post-election meetings, and are big boosters of his. They are also fair game.


Any of the stuff directed at Barron is scummy as hell. He's a minor child.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:17 PM)
As long as you won't have issue when Trump abuses the system three years down the line. There are a lot of people around here that are blind to the fact that all of the actions you defend are just precedent for Trump to do the same against your team. This is about government overreach and the disintegration of the fourth amendment.


Not to mention Susan Rice is on record lying over and over again. This is a despicable politician. This is the same woman who went on multiple TV shows to lie about the way our service men and women were murdered in Libya. This is the same woman who went to war in the media for Obama trading 5 Gitmo prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl to cover their own ass. The same woman who called Bergdahl someone who served with "distinction" nevermind the fact that he was an Al-Qaeda sympathizer and deserter. Two weeks ago, she said she had no knowledge of the Trump unmasking. Now she's going on TV defending her actions. She's morbidly dishonest and anyody who has been paying attention should not put any credence into anything she says. Before someone grabs the low hanging fruit, sure, the same could be said about Trump. "I leaked nothing to nobody" - Susan Rice, certified liar and enemy of proper English.


Trump said he was wiretapped. There's obviously not wires in phones anymore. He's claiming that his campaign was eavesdropping but he's not a lawyer nor does he pay attention to how important it is to project what you mean. So literally, there was no wiretapping. However, we know that Susan Rice, one of the President's most trusted officials and experienced liars, was unmasking the identities of future Trump campaign officials. Rice was a manager. It is an analyst's job to do the unmasking. Rice overreached her position, lied about ever doing it because she was aware of the consequences and now she's facing the music. That's not to mention the indisputable illegality of the leaks on Flynn earlier in the year.


This explanation of what happened/what we know is mangled at best and I suggest you do some further background reading from non-rightwing media sources.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:21 PM)
I get bullied in here so yeah I'll steep to point out the hypocrisy. Trump is a silly man who I don't like and never have but I have a real issue with the way the left has attacked his family and his daughter specifically. It's cheap. There are people reporting on his grandson but then when Biden's kids have some freaky love triangle and Kaine's kid gets arrested for being a thug no one even talks about it. Your teamplay makes you blind or at the least hypocritical.


I agree with you here, but the big problem is that Trump invites those sorts of attacks whereas Biden or Kaine don't. Biden is a bumbling fool but he's not malicious about it. He doesn't piss people off. Trump does.

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The current administration is under FBI investigation for possible collusion with Russia, and Russia's influence on our election through disinformation and hacking/leaking campaigns is also under investigation. Those are both pretty major things.


That Trump's team kept getting caught up in legitimate surveillance of Russians does not mean that anyone was spying on Trump or Trump's team directly or lend any support to his claims which have been flatly rejected by the intelligence community.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:21 PM)
I get bullied in here so yeah I'll steep to point out the hypocrisy. Trump is a silly man who I don't like and never have but I have a real issue with the way the left has attacked his family and his daughter specifically. It's cheap. There are people reporting on his grandson but then when Biden's kids have some freaky love triangle and Kaine's kid gets arrested for being a thug no one even talks about it. Your teamplay makes you blind or at the least hypocritical.

I've called out the Barron stuff. I have posted I have no problem with Ivanka, I think she is perhaps the only person who may be able to talk sense into her father. So you are totally wrong about me.


But it isn't unprecedented. Amy Carter used to get teased. Rush Limbaugh used to give Chelsea Clinton a hard time about her looks. So it isn't as if the left invented the idiocy.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:28 PM)
Trump's kids don't invite the attacks. Biden and Kaine have kids who do. I don't treat people like s*** because I don't agree with their parents. I believe in tolerance so I won't attack someone based off of things out of their own control.

But other than Barron, at least they are adults. Barron shouldn't be in play, but the others fake run his company, were big parts of his campaign, spoke on his behalf at the convention. They are in the game.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:28 PM)
Trump's kids don't invite the attacks. Biden and Kaine have kids who do. I don't treat people like s*** because I don't agree with their parents. I believe in tolerance so I won't attack someone based off of things out of their own control.



"Biden and Kaine have kids who do."




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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:35 PM)
I am not sure why you're bringing up past events to rationalize current bullying. Unless you get your morality from Rush Limbaugh it's not relevant.


I don't think the right acts like the holier-than-though left. A good deal of the left acts like they're all for tolerance but you're only extended that as long as you're accepted by them as a group.

I'm not. I'm just saying it isn't just the evil democrats doing this. And your buddies on the right didn't tell Rush to stop, they would hoot and howl and they kept listening and listening and called in and made even more fun of a 12 year old going through puberty's looks. But it was Bill and Hill's kid, so that's fair.


But typical response. It doesn't matter if the right goes after a presidents kids or wife or family member. That doesn't mean a thing not relevant.. Ripping Trumps kids, one who has an office in the White House is just plain bullying. Why do you complain about the left when your own house is out of order? Again, I have a problem with anyone going after Barron. But his other offspring, except for maybe Tiffany who seems to be sitting out, is fair game, and I like that Ivanka is in the White House. Many here will disagree, but it may be our best shot at avoiding a huge disaster.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 11:17 AM)
As long as you won't have issue when Trump abuses the system three years down the line. There are a lot of people around here that are blind to the fact that all of the actions you defend are just precedent for Trump to do the same against your team. This is about government overreach and the disintegration of the fourth amendment.


Again, there is no evidence that the Obama administration had surveillance up on the Trump campaign, or the Trump transition team.


What appears to have happened is that the intelligence community DID have surveillance running on Russians and other foreign operatives. This is customary! Every Presidential administration does this! I would be disappointed if the Trump administration wasn't doing this!


Then, that intelligence either picked up calls between those operatives and members of the Trump team, including Flynn OR picked up calls between those operatives discussing members of the Trump team. Those calls might be directly relevant to an FBI investigation into Russian influence on the 2016 election!


At no point does the evidence show that the intelligence community tapped the phones of members of the Trump team. That would be illegal absent a warrant!


You see why those situations are different right?


Finally, for a guy who is really pro-Wikileaks, I find it very odd that your posts in this thread are way more concerned with leaks about Flynn than about the fact that Flynn might have been engaged in illegal behavior.

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 11:25 AM)
I agree with you here, but the big problem is that Trump invites those sorts of attacks whereas Biden or Kaine don't. Biden is a bumbling fool but he's not malicious about it. He doesn't piss people off. Trump does.


Well, and Trump has involved some of his kids in his administration in a way that the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas did not. Barron Trump should be off limits. Tiffany Trump should be off limits. But Eric, Donald, Jr., and Ivanka are public officials who are involved in the administration or Trump's business. That's relevant to public discourse. They shouldn't be harassed, but they are subject to scrutiny.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 12:52 PM)
So where did the Flynn leaks come from?


Was he a part of Trump's campaign and transition? Yes.

Did someone eavesdrop on him? Yes.

Did someone illegally leak it to the press? Yes.


I've been clear on this surveillance stuff all along. I don't change my opinions on it and if Trump does in 2020, like Obama's admin has given him precedent to, I'll be ripping it then. The surveillance state nullifies any attempt to check tyranny. I've been speaking that for a long while. It isn't partisan.


This is very, very clear. They were legally surveilling the Russian that Flynn was contacting. They were not directly spying on or following anyone in the Trump campaign/transition/administration.


You are now stating things that either aren't confirmed or simply aren't true as fact. "like Obama's admin has given him precedent to do" isn't something that actually has happened because Obama's admin was not conducting any sort of illegal surveillance. If Trump's 2020 challenger's campaign team keeps getting caught up in surveillance of foreign nationals suspected of influencing the US election, that doesn't point back to any wrongdoing by the Trump administration.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 01:01 PM)
I agree but let them act out before scrutinizing. Some (if it's not you, it's not you I am talking about) on the left think they can rip his family for no reason because Trump ruined their identity and is threatening their imagination's utopic worldview. That's not fair. Family is separate.


If Eric Trump or Ivanka botch some policy, please go ahead and get them. But stop attacking his grandkid at school, stop f***ing with his daughter's business because your panties are in a bunch and stop acting as if his children are evil people.


If my old man or my mother was a liar or a public embarrassment I'd have enough issues. I wouldn't want to be subjected to dissent for things out of my control. The left is showing that in times of political craziness that it is okay to bully and prod the lives the lives of individuals on account of things they can't control.


Why are you so defensive of Trump?


Trump attacked people's families before, he insulted people's wives for their appearance. Limbaugh insulted Carter's daughter (called her unattractive), possibly insulted Chelsea (hard to tell but it appears he was trying to suggest the dog Millie was better looking.)


But its always about "the left". Left are bullies, left are snowflakes, left are this, left are that. Maybe instead of making everything "left" and "right", you should look at the actual facts and think about why people are doing things.


American's (both left and right) can scrutinize other people for any reason or no reason. If Trump wants to scrutinize Obama because Trump doesnt think hes American, he can do that. If Trump wants to scrutinize other candidates because of their parents, wives, children, he can do that. But their are consequences. And the consequences are that people do the same s*** back to you.


Again your premise is faulty, people arent ripping Trump's children for no reason, they are ripping Trump and his family for reasons you dont personally agree with. And while most agree that Barron is off limits, their is a long history of children's presidents being insulted, and its not just the "left" who you seem to blame for everything.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 01:25 PM)
Why are you so defensive of Trump?


Trump attacked people's families before, he insulted people's wives for their appearance. Limbaugh insulted Carter's daughter (called her unattractive), possibly insulted Chelsea (hard to tell but it appears he was trying to suggest the dog Millie was better looking.)


But its always about "the left". Left are bullies, left are snowflakes, left are this, left are that. Maybe instead of making everything "left" and "right", you should look at the actual facts and think about why people are doing things.


American's (both left and right) can scrutinize other people for any reason or no reason. If Trump wants to scrutinize Obama because Trump doesnt think hes American, he can do that. If Trump wants to scrutinize other candidates because of their parents, wives, children, he can do that. But their are consequences. And the consequences are that people do the same s*** back to you.


Again your premise is faulty, people arent ripping Trump's children for no reason, they are ripping Trump and his family for reasons you dont personally agree with. And while most agree that Barron is off limits, their is a long history of children's presidents being insulted, and its not just the "left" who you seem to blame for everything.

That's what I don't get. He is so concerned with bullying, yet he ignores or says Trump's constant bullying is irrelevant.


In Washington DC, Trump can hire his daughter and his son in law, but Patrick Ewing can't hire his sons to be assistants on the basketball team because of a nepotism rule. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty silly.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 11:33 AM)
Susan Rice was one of Obama's most trusted officials. No one is saying Rice was working on her own or had some personal motive. There's just further proof, after the Flynn leak, that Obama's administration was using the intelligence apparatus to sabotage Trump's presidency before he even took office.

I mean come on, you really believe that?

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 01:01 PM)
The left is showing that in times of political craziness that it is okay to bully and prod the lives the lives of individuals on account of things they can't control.

Man it seems like Obama being elected was so long ago. He and his family were welcomed with open arms. His daughters are never under fire. Lucky family.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:15 PM)
There's a difference between a typo and going on cable to cover your ass and opening with "I dindunuffin." But yeah, you got me. I don't know the difference between your/you're.

FYI that phrase has an extremely troubling background and you might want to consider not using it in the future.

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