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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:22 PM)
Do you think the Flynn recording fell out of the blue sky? That was individuals in Obama's administration recording him. You're supposed to have a warrant to tap someone's communications. You're not allowed leak these recordings (whether they're recorded legally or illegally) to the press. The left just cries Russia like McCarthyism 2.0 and everything is excused. No warrants needed or laws to be followed because of Russia.


We don't actually have a recording of Flynn, fyi. We have the leak that he was picked up on surveillance of Russian officials and was then lying to the public and the administration about having had those meetings.


You keep implying that Trump or Trump associates were being directly spied on rather than that they kept turning up while the IC was legally spying on foreign nationals.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:29 PM)
Can't talk about spying and governmental overreach without being a racist anymore. Good riddance.


Nah dude you can talk about whatever you want without being a racist, but when you use a pejorative term for black people invented by /pol and embraced by white supremacist sites like stormfront, it's not a good look. And I have no idea if you're aware of that phrase's popularity among extremely racist circles, so that was an honest FYI.


There's no reason you can't talk about spying and government overreach without using a phrase like that.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 01:31 PM)
Do you have something to add here?

Not really. I guess I could just make the same point over and over and refuse to be involved in any actual give and take. My preference is to pop in and out of threads and make a comment or two and move on to the next.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:33 PM)
I have not responded to one of SS's dozens of posts directed at me and he just keeps going. Starting to creep me out.


QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:29 PM)
Can't talk about spying and governmental overreach without being a racist anymore. Good riddance.


huh I guess this was just a completely random, unrelated post to me gently pointing out that you were using a phrase that has a history of being used as a racial slur?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:42 PM)
Anyway, rather than more unsupported conspiratorial silliness, here's some more of our President's strong grasp of foreign policy on display:




Not sure I see the issue there. He's inferring that he can/would/will threaten to pull the Iran deal off the table if Iran doesn't deal with its militias aiding Assad?

Edited by JenksIsMyHero
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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:54 PM)
Not sure I see the issue there. He's inferring that he can/would/will threaten to pull the Iran deal off the table if Iran doesn't deal with its militias aiding Assad?


I guess that's one way of reading it, but imo it's more likely that the only thing in Trump's brain about Iran is the no-good-very-bad deal and he has no clue what Iran is doing in Syria or with Hezbollah.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 04:00 PM)
I guess that's one way of reading it, but imo it's more likely that the only thing in Trump's brain about Iran is the no-good-very-bad deal and he has no clue what Iran is doing in Syria or with Hezbollah.


That's possible too, for sure.

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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 08:54 PM)
Not sure I see the issue there. He's inferring that he can/would/will threaten to pull the Iran deal off the table if Iran doesn't deal with its militias aiding Assad?


There's a more complete transcript here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office...ii-jordan-joint


It's clear Trump knows nothing about Iran outside of "Obama made a bad deal with them".

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:22 PM)
Do you think the Flynn recording fell out of the blue sky? That was individuals in Obama's administration recording him. You're supposed to have a warrant to tap someone's communications. You're not allowed leak these recordings (whether they're recorded legally or illegally) to the press. The left just cries Russia like McCarthyism 2.0 and everything is excused. No warrants needed or laws to be followed because of Russia.

So you are saying the government ILLEGALLY monitored those communications without conferring with the FBI, judicial branch and other law enforcement?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 04:38 PM)
huh I guess this was just a completely random, unrelated post to me gently pointing out that you were using a phrase that has a history of being used as a racial slur?

lol @ rabbit claiming he wasn't responding to you because he didn't directly quote you.


also lol @ rabbit thinking it's his views on wiretapping that make him racist... this is some good stuff. #popcorn

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 03:51 PM)
Thank god. I've heard enough on the Russia stuff since Trump's been elected.

Interesting. I guess you have never heard of trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. Might want to do some research on that.

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And the fact of the matter is that Ivanka's product lines such as perfume and related online sales have exploded...especially since Conway hyped them up knowing nothing would happen to her ethically.


You'll also notice her daughter's knowledge of Chinese is always front and center in a highly public way. That's one of many reasons the Ivanka brand is even more popular in China, where 60%+ of the country isn't boycotting her for political reasons. Here, she can be complicit all she wants, and nobody will bat an eye about conflict of interest repercussions.


Chelsea was an awkward teenager with braces. Ivanka is a calculating businessperson now of age to run for President.


Ivanka, what do you do?

Edited by caulfield12
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“I use trolling tactics to build my brand,” Cernovich told the New Yorker.


Cernovich’s “trolling” has manifested itself in a variety of ways. He was an early figure in Gamergate, which targeted feminists in the video-game industry. He has likened diversity to “white genocide,” stated that date rape isn’t a real thing and said the Black Lives Matter movement “regularly slaughters the innocent.”



Well, now with Milo out of the picture, they have to promote someone other than Alex Jones.

Too bad Tomi Lahren's not falling for "Trump Spin" hook, line and sinker these days.


And if this story is being touted as Pulitzer Prize winning material, there was one about a month back that had NINETEEN anonymous background sources detailing a variety of governance issues with the new administration. That's even more impressive.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 6, 2017 -> 08:47 AM)
Nunes just stepped down from the Russia investigation. Of course it is all the leftists fault, has nothing to do with his increasingly bizarre behavior


House Ethics Committee has launched an investigation


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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 6, 2017 -> 08:52 AM)
I wonder if a lot of people referring to him as President Bannon worked on Trump like some thought it would.


Per some reporting last night, this is exactly what happened.


lol it's so easy to manipulate the President of the United States

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 6, 2017 -> 09:01 AM)
Per some reporting last night, this is exactly what happened.


lol it's so easy to manipulate the President of the United States


So, now it is President Pence?

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 6, 2017 -> 09:02 AM)


When you remember who will be investigating Nunes....


Funny how quickly he disappeared after his "the poors can just stop buying an iphone every year, then they can afford health insurance" comment


edit: Chaffetz actually runs the House Oversight Committee, here's a letter from the Ethics Committee:



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