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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 7, 2017 -> 08:33 PM)
I don't typically get inside info on Swedish terror suspects and never claimed to. So you won't put up the money then? Okay. I thought a guy who mentions he's a 1 percenter every month would back his words up is all.

Sure. I bet you 1000 that you had no idea it was an immigrant. My entire point was blaming it on immigration with no info is ridiculous. So you must've known something I didn't. Read it again.


I also don't understand the attacks. If I say I'm a one percenter it's not bragging. It's acknowledging unfair advantage. Sorry if it came off as being boastful.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 7, 2017 -> 09:35 PM)
I'm just being realistic. I'm not attacking but if you're going to come at the pragmatic POV because it doesn't align with your side's narrative I'm going to call you on it. Considering you keep changing the focus and won't take the bet, I think you know this is more than likely an Islamic extremist attack.

I don't have a side. But it's hard to immediately blame immigration that quickly. My focus was always that. Obviously if he's an Islamic terrorist that wasn't vetted properly then I fully agree. Sweden is rarely involved in this stuff and hasn't been in a war in 200 years. I'm guessing they aren't all that careful. But I honestly don't know.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 7, 2017 -> 07:55 PM)
Rock won't put his money where his mouth and probably just continue with the lame jabs but I'd bet he's not someone who was born and raised in Sweden. Let me know Rock.

If you knew how silly you sounded maybe you'd ease back on all the tough guy talk... lol

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 7, 2017 -> 09:33 PM)
I don't typically get inside info on Swedish terror suspects and never claimed to. So you won't put up the money then? Okay. I thought a guy who mentions he's a 1 percenter every month would back his words up is all.

He's still going! :lol:

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 7, 2017 -> 10:49 AM)
In Sweden... the place Trump said immigration was a big problem and the left laughed at him. Tough week for the neolibs.

How many times do these have to happen where it turns out the attacker wasn't an immigrant at all, but someone who was simply radicalized as a citizen before you'll stop using this ridiculous jump-to-conclusions type of passive aggressive argument?

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How does one join the 1% club? $1 million or more in investable assets? White privilege "victim"? Raised in the suburbs? $2.5 million in assets, including primary residence?


Maybe Chicagoans have a different idea than native Iowans...so my numbers are probably on the low side.

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Looks like he's from Uzbekistan. 39.


Some very graphic pictures in this feed. Be warned.



The suspect in Stockholm's deadly beer truck attack is a 39-year-old native of Uzbekistan who had been on authorities' radar previously, Swedish authorities said Saturday. The prime minister urged citizens to "get through this" and strolled through the streets of the capital to chat with residents.


Prosecutor Hans Ihrman said the suspect has not yet spoken to authorities and could not confirm whether he was a legal resident of Sweden. Anders Thornberg, head of the Swedish Security Service, said security services were working with other nations' security agencies to investigate the attack, but declined to elaborate.





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Hard to poke holes in much of this narrative without more documentation...but it seems to be typical of the responses I've been reading on the message board from the conservative/nationalist side about this recent truck attack in Sweden.



Interestingly, the per capita number of rapes reported in "happy" Sweden is roughly 2.5X greater than the US, and it only goes back to 2010, before the latest wave of Middle Eastern immigration hit Europe.


http://www.wonderslist.com/10-countries-highest-rape-crime/ Sweden 3rd, highest in Europe. Had no idea.




Forty years ago, the Swedish government decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural nation. The Socialist regime in Sweden realized it was losing the support of ethnic Swedes, so in an attempt to cling to power, they threw open the doors to Muslims. In fact the Swedish socialists have actually invited the entire nation of Syria to move to Sweden.


This policy has had disastrous results. Violent crime has increased by 300 percent and rapes by 1,472 percent. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by the tiny nation of Lesotho in Southern Africa. Statistics suggest that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women will be raped in their lifetime.


A report by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention found that that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men. In the big picture 77 percent of rapes are committed by the 2 percent Muslim male population.


What has truly made Sweden "The Rape Capital of Western World" is the lack of punishment for Islamic immigrants who commit rape. Only 3 percent of Muslim rapists are ever convicted.


The Swedish courts have demonstrated shocking sympathy for the rapists. They have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the victim wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men at a time. When one Islamic rapist was about to be deported, he claimed to have converted to Christianity and was given political asylum. A three year child was raped by an Islamic migrant and the Swedish immigration board hid him from legal authorities.


You can find endless lists of these horrors on the Internet. The following story shows savagery of these perpetrators:


In Stockholm, Sweden, as many as 20 Muslim men gang-raped an 11-year-old girl. A mother was hosting a birthday party at a public bath/swim center for a group of 11 and 12 year old children. Up to 20 Muslim men who lived at a nearby refugee center arrived at the public facility.

They immediately began to assault the children, ripping their swimsuits off and beating the boys who tried to stop the assault. Eventually, the men cornered one of the little girls in a grotto in the bathhouse and gang raped her. The police refused to make any arrests. [1]


The Swedish media also go to incredible lengths to cover-up Muslim rape crimes. News organizations will frequency pixelate or lighten the skin of Muslim rapists. The newspaper Aftonposten described the rapists in one case as "Swedish men" when they actually were Somalis without Swedish citizenship. In another case, a Swedish woman was raped for hours by what the media called migrant "children." In reality, these were full grown men.

The Swedish people have failed to understand that there is a culture of rape in Islam. Under Sharia law, Swedish women are "infidels" and as such, are, according to Allah's teachings, sanctioned targets for rape by Muslim men.


The feminists of Europe should be the most outraged by Islamic rape. These progressive women are so diluted by their own liberal ideology that I don't think witnessing to Islamic rapists would change their minds. They do nutty things like wear head scarves to show solidarity with Islamic women.


The craziest thing about this problem is what can happen to someone who points out the obvious truth. If someone cites the governments only stats about who is committing the most rapes in Sweden, that person can be convicted of a hate crime. Sweden Democrat Party politician Michael Hess of Karl//skrona was sentenced last year to a fine after he simply connected the religion of Islam with rape.


It is just pure madness that the MSM refuses to report on this or for not saying it is wrong for Muslim men to rape women and children.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 8, 2017 -> 12:27 AM)
I made him an offer, he didn't accept. In betting, it shows that we have similar views on the topic. I could be wrong of course, but I'll take the better bet. Seems like Rock would too.


I know you have said we have "a thing" or whatever you said but I really don't see it way. The aggression you follow me around with is concerning as it is completely rooted in personal feelings. Move on.

I think you're seeing what you want to see here. I respond to ridiculous posts. You just tend to make an awful lot more of those than the average poster.

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Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump


The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!

6:02 PM · Aug 30, 2013



Just about everything he has criticized Obama about, he has been guilty of in less than 100 days. Trump is a joke.


What would Trump be tweeting at 3 AM if Hillary dropped some missiles on an airbase and forgot to hit the runways?

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 8, 2017 -> 08:46 AM)
Any other sources than Wonderslist?


Didn't do extensive research, but it feels like our perception of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark being close to utopia has a few flaws (other than permanent winter and high tax rates).



At any rate, at this point, we don't know how long the Uzbeki was legally in Sweden, his immigration status, or when he first arrived. Some have tried to tie him to ISIS, but nothing substantive yet.


Khalid Masood, the Parliament attacker, was 52 and had spent most of his adult life in England before radicalizing.


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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 8, 2017 -> 08:50 AM)
Whatever happened to the quick defeat of ISIS? Maybe Jared hasn't had time to get around to that.


Too busy fighting for positioning close to Xi Jinping and his wife at Mar-A-Lago, not to mention the pictures afterwards. Also must have taken J some time to switch Bannon and Miller to the other end of the dinner table between two Chinese interpreters.




Jared's brother has an even tougher life. Dating a top Victoria's Secret model and debating whether or not to take on Derek Jeter in a bid for ownership of the Marlins.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 8, 2017 -> 09:55 AM)
Didn't do extensive research, but it feels like our perception of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark being close to utopia has a few flaws (other than permanent winter and high tax rates).



At any rate, at this point, we don't know how long the Uzbeki was legally in Sweden, his immigration status, or when he first arrived. Some have tried to tie him to ISIS, but nothing substantive yet.


Khalid Masood, the Parliament attacker, was 52 and had spent most of his adult life in England before radicalizing.



No one says that those countries are utopia. People just often use them as examples of how things are being done better. Mostly with education and healthcare.

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Tillerson Asks Why U.S. Taxpayers Should Care About Ukraine

With one offhand remark, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson left European diplomats befuddled at a gathering in Italy.


“Why should U.S. taxpayers be interested in Ukraine?” Tillerson asked foreign ministers discussing Russia’s intervention there at a Group of Seven gathering Tuesday in Lucca, Italy.


French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, who later recounted the exchange to reporters, said he responded that American taxpayers ought to want a European Union that’s “strong politically, strong from a security point of view, and strong economically.”


But the provocative remark suggested Tillerson, the former chief of Exxon Mobil Corp., is still finding his footing in a world of diplomacy where even passing remarks are parsed for deeper meaning.


Tillerson is just so bad at his job.


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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 8, 2017 -> 09:40 AM)


Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump


The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!

6:02 PM · Aug 30, 2013



Just about everything he has criticized Obama about, he has been guilty of in less than 100 days. Trump is a joke.


What would Trump be tweeting at 3 AM if Hillary dropped some missiles on an airbase and forgot to hit the runways?


I'm going to make a small statement in defense of the President. Speaking generally and not to any one specific situation.


I really hope that the decision making from the Oval Office is much different than from anywhere else. There should be more information that the average citizen does not have access to. So I applaud his willingness to reverse his previous positions based on the new information. We should view this as a positive, not a negative.


(And you conservatives bookmark this for future needs) :lol:

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In Sweden, the deputy prime minister struggles to contain her tears: Her country can no longer cope with the influx of people and is closing its doors to all but a few.




A story 1 1/2 years old...the writer's opinion inserted/substituted as a direct quotation...and it has morphed from a Deputy PM to the PM. Maybe the sock puppet bots from Homeland are manufacturing fake news? Putin?

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