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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ May 11, 2017 -> 01:48 PM)
<!--quoteo(post=3509438:date=May 11, 2017 -> 02:24 PM:name=Steve9347)-->
QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 11, 2017 -> 02:24 PM)

This is going to make for a truly entertaining film in 10 years.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 11, 2017 -> 01:07 PM)
This is going to make for a truly entertaining film in 10 years.


The lead headline on Fox News right now:


"McCabe says FBI call not to prosecute Clinton angered some agents, defends Comey"




And we wonder how people can defend the administration...

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I don't think there's much to pay attention to with that Annapolis stuff. It COULD be related, but it's more likely this group was part of some sort of unrelated fraud.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 11, 2017 -> 01:13 PM)
I'm doubtful this ultimately goes anywhere, but two House R's have signed onto the Dem bill calling for an independent investigator




I disagree with basically every policy position Amash takes, but he takes his job as seriously as anyone in Congress, and he isn't afraid to step out of line with his party.

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QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ May 11, 2017 -> 02:17 PM)
I disagree with basically every policy position Amash takes, but he takes his job as seriously as anyone in Congress, and he isn't afraid to step out of line with his party.


I appreciate that he always shows up for constituent meetings and seems to take the role of congressman seriously.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 11, 2017 -> 02:47 PM)
Look how much land he won! HUGE tracts of land! All the wheat, cotton and corn love Trump because he wins!


Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States, is extremely Not Mad





(check out those dates lol)

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QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ May 11, 2017 -> 02:09 PM)
The lead headline on Fox News right now:


"McCabe says FBI call not to prosecute Clinton angered some agents, defends Comey"




And we wonder how people can defend the administration...

This shouldn't be legal.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 11, 2017 -> 03:24 PM)
So apparently the Trump family has begun transferring money offshore...

I'm surprised he's not using the money saved by not paying taxes for decades on a coal mine. He could buy one and hire hundreds of coal miners. Good, high paying jobs. Trump makes a ton of money. Win, win. But for some reason, it never seems to work out that way.

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Reportedly (according to Mensch, Claude, etc.), Russian spymaster Kisylak (Trump's photo buddy from yesterday in the White House) met with a number of Republican leaders, including Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus, at the RNC in Cleveland, and made agreements to accept/funnel laundered Russian money into their campaign coffers. A RICO case against the entire *Republican Party* could be in the works. Again, reportedly, from twitter, so IDK, but the FBI executing search warrants of fundraising firms seems awfully suspicious...


I'm on a Reddit deep dive here. Did not type the above madness. But would love it to be true.

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Mensch is an idiot, has been wrong about everything. She is every bit Alex Jones as Alex Jones.


I am not sure about anything as much as I'm sure that everything you said is not true.

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Evidently, according to Louise Mensch, the FBI have Ryan and Priebus on tape speaking with Amb. Kislyak accepting laundered Russian money into the Republican party. That's why people are saying that we might be looking at a RICO case that involved the GOP itself, rather than just a few members of the party.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 11, 2017 -> 04:11 PM)
Reportedly (according to Mensch, Claude, etc.), Russian spymaster Kisylak (Trump's photo buddy from yesterday in the White House) met with a number of Republican leaders, including Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus, at the RNC in Cleveland, and made agreements to accept/funnel laundered Russian money into their campaign coffers. A RICO case against the entire *Republican Party* could be in the works. Again, reportedly, from twitter, so IDK, but the FBI executing search warrants of fundraising firms seems awfully suspicious...


I'm on a Reddit deep dive here. Did not type the above madness. But would love it to be true.


I dont think highly of Paul Ryan, but I dont believe he would do anything like this because he simply didnt need to.

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Mensch is pretty crazy but I think she has found some traces of a case. The only reason I say this is because Schindler actually credited her yesterday, whereas before he wouldn't even acknowledge her. Jester, counterchekist, Claude are all saying the same things, s*** is going down

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QUOTE (bmags @ May 11, 2017 -> 04:22 PM)
I think Steve may be kompromat.

Hey, I admitted I'm posting craziness. Not likely real but some real s***'s going down so might as well take some joy in speculation.

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