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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 12, 2017 -> 06:27 PM)
There are countless examples of him doing and saying extraordinarily stupid things.


What examples are there of him being intelligent?

You think somebody stupid can amass all the power he's amassed and all the wealth he's amassed and survived all the debates and got elected president? Either Trump is smart or all those voters who elected him are "stupid." Of course he's an intelligent guy. He didn't make it this big by not being a very very smart guy.

His problems are all caused by his ego as a 1 percent rich guy. But has nothing to do with his smarts.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 12:27 PM)
Just accept the fact there can be a double standard. If somebody makes a quick snarky response against Trump, people laugh, nod and move on cause almost everybody on here is anti Trump. Nobody notices the post offered nothing but a quick blast of Trump cause 96 percent of this board vehemently dislike Trump.

I think there are 2, maybe 3 posters total on here that stand up for Trump at all, and if they dare post something they get called on it. That's fine.


Is it a double standard to accept the fact that someone feels our president is dumb based on everything he tweets and says? Hmmm, sorry I don't follow your logic that he is rich therefore he must be smart.


But hey, let the guy golf amirite

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 06:31 PM)
You think somebody stupid can amass all the power he's amassed and all the wealth he's amassed and survived all the debates and got elected president?


Yes, plenty of people are wealthy or powerful without being intelligent. They may possess other skills which allow them to get ahead, or be lucky, or be crooked. Or all 3.


Now stop avoiding the question. What has Trump done to make you think he's intelligent?

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 12, 2017 -> 05:33 PM)
Is it a double standard to accept the fact that someone feels our president is dumb based on everything he tweets and says? Hmmm, sorry I don't follow your logic that he is rich therefore he must be smart.


But hey, let the guy golf amirite

You guys never read my posts and search for what might be truth in there. You guys refuse to think about what I said about EGO. You think his EGO is not huge in terms of everything stupid he does? It's THE issue, folks. You know how ego driven this guy is and surrounded by yes-men and yes-women his whole rich life? You've seen the man's hair style. He's proudly kept that hairstyle his entire life, that much mocked monstrocity of a hair style. It's cause of EGO baby. It's on his head so it has to be GREAT. EGO. ... His ego causes all his current "problems." Wants Comey to promise to be loyal to him. It has nothing to do with being unintelligent. It has everything to do with his EGO and entitlement, yes his $$$$. Trump is not a dumb man.


QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 12, 2017 -> 05:35 PM)
Yes, plenty of people are wealthy or powerful without being intelligent. They may possess other skills which allow them to get ahead, or be lucky, or be crooked. Or all 3.


Now stop avoiding the question. What has Trump done to make you think he's intelligent?

1.) I don't have time to look up ALL the business deals he concocted through his life to get where he is. His intelligence of his chosen field (business, hotels, whatever you want to call it is impeccable).

2.) He obviously studied world affairs enough to be elected president. s***, most Americans don't even know the map of the world. He obviously is in the top 5 percent book smart people in the world on the map and international affairs. yes he obviously is book smart in terms of history, education. That makes him smart as well.

3.) He can think on his feet. He won the presidency after a SERIES of debates. So yes he's very smart in the realm of debate. He has knowledge and is able to express the knowledge in a debate format. He is thus intelligent, yes he is.

4.) How can you say he's not intelligent? For one second assume my point could be correct. Look at all of his controversies and tell me they are not sparked by his EGO?? Just tell me that.



p.s.: You guys need a thread called: Donald Trump the fool with the parenthesis (only post in here please if you agree everything Trump does is evil). Yes you need your own thread that we can't enter. Cause a mere 2 people, maybe 3 in this thread who are willing to post their thoughts are not complete Trump haters. We ruin the thread for you who think every single thing Trump does is evil. Start that thread and this one will die and you'll all be happy.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:00 PM)
Spicer refuses to comment further on whether Trump records conversations multiple times.

If he taped Comey could that be an impeachable offense? That could be the one that gets him canned ASAP. Taping an FBI director? National security? Hmmmm.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 12, 2017 -> 01:02 PM)
Does fooling almost half of the country into voting for you count as smart? I'd call him one of the best con artists ever.


He has a low cunning about him, and he's an excellent conman. He's done it time and time again in his various businesses.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 05:51 PM)
1.) I don't have time to look up ALL the business deals he concocted through his life to get where he is. His intelligence of his chosen field (business, hotels, whatever you want to call it is impeccable).


It's impeccable? He has a long string of failures and American banks won't even loan him money because he's such a bad bet.


QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 05:51 PM)
2.) He obviously studied world affairs enough to be elected president. s***, most Americans don't even know the map of the world. He obviously is in the top 5 percent book smart people in the world on the map and international affairs. yes he obviously is book smart in terms of history, education. That makes him smart as well.


I have no confidence that Trump could outperform a random high school student on a test of geography or foreign affairs. He's become infamous for his ignorance of history (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/donald-trump-history-facts-236659), yet you think he's knowledgeable?


QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 05:51 PM)
3.) He can think on his feet. He won the presidency after a SERIES of debates. So yes he's very smart in the realm of debate. He has knowledge and is able to express the knowledge in a debate format. He is thus intelligent, yes he is.


Trump was destroyed in all 3 debates with Hillary Clinton. His knowledge of the issues is superficial, his tactics boil down to aggressively attacking his opponent and changing the topic.


QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 05:51 PM)
4.) How can you say he's not intelligent? For one second assume my point could be correct. Look at all of his controversies and tell me they are not sparked by his EGO?? Just tell me that.


He frequently displays his ignorance of the basics of how government works and likewise makes huge errors with regards to history, science, and economics. He speaks, and writes, at a child-like level. His political views constantly flip-flop due because he is too intellectually lazy to think about, and develop, any principles. He lacks critical thinking skills, which leads him to believe in pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. His responses in interviews are largely incoherent streams of thought with little direction.


He's dumb, Greg.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 12, 2017 -> 06:02 PM)
Does fooling almost half of the country into voting for you count as smart? I'd call him one of the best con artists ever.


He's a fantastic snake oil salesman. I wouldn't regard that as intelligence, at least a form that's relevant to being President.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 12, 2017 -> 01:04 PM)
Trump didn't think firing Flynn was an emergency. I guess having a potentially compromised foreign asset as your National Security Advisor isn't an emergency?

Even after he fired Flynn, he said Flynn did nothing wrong.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 01:00 PM)
You guys say I don't answer your questions. Answer mine about ego vs. intelligence. Waiting.


Answer: large ego is not a sign of intelligence.


Also, you act as if he earned all of his money by great deals. Drumpf bankrupts everything he touches, I would ask you to turn down Rush and actually do some research on this human piece of garbage that you defend so passionately



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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 12, 2017 -> 12:05 PM)
It's impeccable? He has a long string of failures and American banks won't even loan him money because he's such a bad bet.




I have no confidence that Trump could outperform a random high school student on a test of geography or foreign affairs. He's become infamous for his ignorance of history (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/donald-trump-history-facts-236659), yet you think he's knowledgeable?




Trump was destroyed in all 3 debates with Hillary Clinton. His knowledge of the issues is superficial, his tactics boil down to aggressively attacking his opponent and changing the topic.




He frequently displays his ignorance of the basics of how government works and likewise makes huge errors with regards to history, science, and economics. He speaks, and writes, at a child-like level. His political views constantly flip-flop due because he is too intellectually lazy to think about, and develop, any principles. He lacks critical thinking skills, which leads him to believe in pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. His responses in interviews are largely incoherent streams of thought with little direction.


He's dumb, Greg.


This is an excellent post.

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greg, I'd just ask you to go and read the transcript from essentially any one-on-one interview Trump has conducted in the last year. Compare it to transcripts of Obama, Bush, or B. Clinton interviews. Then come back and tell us if you still think Trump is an intelligent man.



Trump made most of his money as a reality TV show host and through selling his brand, not through big development deals--those failed spectacularly as often as they succeeded. He's an excellent carnival barker/showman/conman.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:02 PM)
Does fooling almost half of the country into voting for you count as smart? I'd call him one of the best con artists ever.

So is he smart or not? I think it's obvious the man is intelligent. Of course he's a con artist as well. He's a ruthless businessman, does not care at all about the little guy. No offense to 1 percenters, but I would suggest most are bad people.


QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:03 PM)
He has a low cunning about him, and he's an excellent conman. He's done it time and time again in his various businesses.

I'd agree he's a conman. He's also a jerk and a ruthless individual. Still say that all comes from unabashed ego.


QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:05 PM)
It's impeccable? He has a long string of failures and American banks won't even loan him money because he's such a bad bet.


I have no confidence that Trump could outperform a random high school student on a test of geography or foreign affairs. He's become infamous for his ignorance of history (http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/donald-trump-history-facts-236659), yet you think he's knowledgeable?


Trump was destroyed in all 3 debates with Hillary Clinton. His knowledge of the issues is superficial, his tactics boil down to aggressively attacking his opponent and changing the topic.


He frequently displays his ignorance of the basics of how government works and likewise makes huge errors with regards to history, science, and economics. He speaks, and writes, at a child-like level. His political views constantly flip-flop due because he is too intellectually lazy to think about, and develop, any principles. He lacks critical thinking skills, which leads him to believe in pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. His responses in interviews are largely incoherent streams of thought with little direction.


He's dumb, Greg.

If he's such a bad bet why is he still rich beyond belief? Yeah I think he's knowledgeable.

Destroyed in the debates? Are you serious? The man defeated Hillary who was horrid in the debates. I can't believe you think he's 'dumb.' He's a lot of things but he's very smart.



QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:06 PM)
He's a fantastic snake oil salesman. I wouldn't regard that as intelligence, at least a form that's relevant to being President.

I challenge you Trump haters to come up with a list of things to describe him. I bet they'd be all negative.

I would call him ...

Ruthless, narcissistic, ego-filled, selfish, shielded, name dropper, paranoid, unable to relate to the common person; but also hard-working, smart, patriotic, driven.

I'm afraid he's also impulsive which could be bad for the country.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:14 PM)
Answer: large ego is not a sign of intelligence.


Also, you act as if he earned all of his money by great deals. Drumpf bankrupts everything he touches, I would ask you to turn down Rush and actually do some research on this human piece of garbage that you defend so passionately

Honest question: Would I be banned from the site if I called Hillary a "human piece of garbage" even in the filibuster? I mean, cmon. Our president is a human piece of garbage? Really? I would not call him that. He's not that bad.

If you want to have an honest discussion ... is it likely he'll last his four years? No. Is it likely he'll ultimately be impeached? Yes. But I don't think he's so bad he's a human piece of garbage.

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One of the points you bring up for the intelligence of Trump is his business success. This is quite common. Others point out in contrast that he's not actually been all that successful by various measures.


But here's the key in my view.


How did he get there? He infamously got a few million dollars from Daddy to get started, which already puts him in a better place than 95% of the people going into Real Estate. But even more importantly - truly, this is the key in my view - his Dad was already in Real Estate and he gave his son THE CONNECTIONS. That is everything in Real Estate. That is the key to the kingdom. He was handed everything on a silver platter. And what did that get him? By most projections, less profit than he would have had if he had just put the few million in an index fund.


He hasn't accomplished anything special. He was handed everything, managed to stay moving forward thanks to his willingness to step on anyone for a dollar, and bullied his way to success. Just about anyone who is as willing as he is to treat others like crap could have done the same if given the same opportunities.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:24 PM)
If he's such a bad bet why is he still rich beyond belief?


He inherited a real estate empire and tens of millions of dollars. He frequently rips off contractors, clients, and customers. He's a great (and shameless) self-promoter and brand builder. He's excellent at fooling people.


If it's such a great businessman, why won't banks lend to him?


QUOTE (greg775 @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:24 PM)
Destroyed in the debates? Are you serious? The man defeated Hillary who was horrid in the debates.


He did horrendously in the debates with Clinton.


I'd like you to address these things:

- He frequently displays his ignorance of the basics of how government works and likewise makes huge errors with regards to history, science, and economics.

- He speaks, and writes, at a child-like level.

- His political views constantly flip-flop due because he is too intellectually lazy to think about, and develop, any principles.

- He lacks critical thinking skills, which leads him to believe in pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.

- His responses in interviews are largely incoherent streams of thought with little direction.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 12, 2017 -> 07:19 PM)
greg, I'd just ask you to go and read the transcript from essentially any one-on-one interview Trump has conducted in the last year. Compare it to transcripts of Obama, Bush, or B. Clinton interviews. Then come back and tell us if you still think Trump is an intelligent man.



Trump made most of his money as a reality TV show host and through selling his brand, not through big development deals--those failed spectacularly as often as they succeeded. He's an excellent carnival barker/showman/conman.

I like to think my oft-used sentence describes Trump pretty well. But nobody ever responds to my specific points.

I like to call him a "rich one percenter." That pretty much describes him. It's not my fault we elected a rich one-percenter.

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