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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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I think there is no doubt it was unwittingly. The man wanted to boast and impress his friends about how smart he is.


This may end up with small fall out this time, but we will continue to see the chemical reaction of when the most banal of government activities is mixed with the absurdity of his personality ego and ignorance.


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QUOTE (bmags @ May 15, 2017 -> 04:59 PM)
I think there is no doubt it was unwittingly. The man wanted to boast and impress his friends about how smart he is.


This may end up with small fall out this time, but we will continue to see the chemical reaction of when the most banal of government activities is mixed with the absurdity of his personality ego and ignorance.


edit: edited a lot


A lot of the commentary flowing in is already saying "this sort of leak can get sources killed or entire intel-gathering operations dismantled."

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 15, 2017 -> 05:05 PM)
A lot of the commentary flowing in is already saying "this sort of leak can get sources killed or entire intel-gathering operations dismantled."


Yes but two points: 1) that is always the level that foreign policy/intel analysis goes to even if accurate and 2) there are much larger tail risks that I'm scared of that include war.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 15, 2017 -> 05:42 PM)
to be honest I'm leaning more towards "disclosed unwittingly because he's an incompetent dumbass with the never-ending need for validation from anyone he's around" at this point


to bolster my point:

He actually responded to the allegations.






not really


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At the very least, whichever country was the source of this info is definitely going to be a lot more hesitant to share with the US going forward, and it'll probably cause our other allies to think twice on what they're sharing as well.


Gotta wonder how true those rumors at the start of his term were about the intel community not fully sharing info with the White House.

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Worse, think of how his own staff feeds him crap news sources that align with what they want to see done.


We are going to be fed B.S. from other intel sources that they may hope to get out.


Now, our intel services are probably good enough to weed that out, except Trump takes loads of info from terrilbe sources like Roger stone (STILL) that could be used to manipulate him, because Stone and Flynn are complete idiots.

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QUOTE (bmags @ May 15, 2017 -> 05:10 PM)
Worse, think of how his own staff feeds him crap news sources that align with what they want to see done.


We are going to be fed B.S. from other intel sources that they may hope to get out.


Now, our intel services are probably good enough to weed that out, except Trump takes loads of info from terrilbe sources like Roger stone (STILL) that could be used to manipulate him, because Stone and Flynn are complete idiots.


K.T. MacFarland was presenting him with fake internet memes of Time Magazine news covers allegedly from 1970 about "how will we survive global cooling?!?" and from 2008 about global warming. We're governed by a foxnews.com article comment section right now.

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I think we really need to prosecute the people who leaked that Trump gave away information to Russia. Obviously these people are criminals and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I believe Jeff Sessions is working on a memorandum of law that anyone who leaks information should be charged with treason and are enemy combatants, therefore falling outside of the Geneva Convention.

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Russians were tricky and they took advantage of an old man.


How could he possibly know that Kislyak is a spy. No one has ever said this before. He thought he was just a nice diplomat who wanted to take pictures with a famous man like Donald Trump.

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It's just speculation now, but someone proposed the info could be from Israel.


Can he go one day without stepping on his di**?




Oh, then there's this. (Jim Mattis's cell phone number revealed via sticky note on Trump's bodyguard's papers.)





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White House and nsc issuing denials, but pretty notably they're worded much more as limited damage control and aren't outright denials of the story.





Putin was the one that convinced Trump to meet with the Russian FM, and the White House has never acknowledged that kislyak was even there. That's only come from Russian state media.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 15, 2017 -> 06:55 PM)
For any Republican congressperson defending this, I'd love to see a reporter ask, on air, if they'd react the same way if it was President Hillary Clinton who did this.

Excuse me did Trump leak any emails?

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