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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 15, 2017 -> 07:30 PM)
So who in the White House is leaking? Somebody that was in that room had to leak what Trump said to the newspaper


Security aids ran to CIA and NSA right after so either Aides or the depts that had to clean it up.

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Another day, another scandal.



A former intelligence officer called the report -- and White House response "infuriating."


"It sounds like White House is parsing words by saying 'didn't discuss sources or methods' as a weak cover your a**," the former officer said. "That's a technicality. If the information itself was specific enough, it implicitly discloses sources and methods."


McMaster had previously told the Post that Trump and the Russian officials discussed "common threats."



That's not the first time for Trump. And let's not forget the infamous Mar-a-Lago "posing with the nuclear football" incident in the middle of dinner.






The globalist, moderate wing of the White House doesn't stand a chance


"Having spent that much time in the West Wing and doing this interview, I would say we came away with a different impression, which is that, fundamentally, Donald Trump is a nationalist — he's a kind of nationalist with a grievance. He thinks that the world has taken advantage of America for too long, it's time for America to be tougher and gruffer and more assertive and more selfish.


"So if there are different voices — and there are — it's more a question of tactics. It's kind of, how do you cut that best deal? Do you bang your fist on the table, or do you offer concessions? So I don't think there's a kind of chance that a globalist, moderate (Kushner/Cohn/Powell) wing is somehow going to win the argument and change Donald Trump. He is who he is."

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 15, 2017 -> 03:14 PM)
I think we really need to prosecute the people who leaked that Trump gave away information to Russia. Obviously these people are criminals and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I believe Jeff Sessions is working on a memorandum of law that anyone who leaks information should be charged with treason and are enemy combatants, therefore falling outside of the Geneva Convention.

So, it's ok for Trump to leak intelligence, but treason if someone leaks the information that Trump leaked intelligence?



Makes sense to me. : :P

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Well, now the defense is the President is the Commander in Chief and can declassify anything at any time he wants, so therefore can never technically or even "accidentally" share classified information without having this same baffling argument to later fall back on.


Just like he can fire the Director of the FBI on a whim. Even though it's never happened in the history of the Republic, except during the Clinton Era when they basically argued William Sessions was breaking the law or right up against the edge of the line.

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One wonders if a new FBI Director (Republican) prosecuting Hillary Clinton over the e-mails would be enough to get some Republican senators to finally take notice?


They have to realize that throughout history, anyone with disapproval numbers below 50% at this point in a presidential term has led to a minimum of a -36 representative shift at the midterms.



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You guys are freaking out. Why not just hold a contest to see when he's impeached and removed? I predict he doesn't last one year. I'm still more worried about N Korea than Russia. Trouble is brewing. Trump is gonna want to go out with a bang and we know the Korean leader is certifiably mad.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 16, 2017 -> 05:32 AM)
Clearly NOBODY freaked out about Benghazi, e-mails or the Clinton Foundation.


Pretty much got a free pass. Oh, that was Obama, oops.

Don't worry caulfield. Trump is toast. Maybe not this time but there are three things at work here that will get him out of office before his first year is up.

1.) He is an aggressive clown. He's acting like he did in the business world in his meetings with fellow higher-ups. He's trying to impress them with his "old uncle" type jokes/information. He's sharing too much classified stuff with people the US shouldn't be trusting with any information. He may not be dumb enough to do this again, but he'll continue f***ing up.

2.) The press is DETERMINED and can't be slowed down. They have been in a frenzy since the day he was elected to "get him" (I am not saying that in a negative way; he can and should be brought down and they are doing a fine job of covering him) and they are definitely going to get him. They smell a fraud and coupled with his mean personality and hatred of the press, the press will win. The old saying, "You can't beat a guy who sells ink by the barrel" remains true. You are supposed to be kind to the press, not anger them and this press corps will get him within a year.

3.) Finally don't discount his simply giving up and quitting. He is a very selfish one percenter and he wants glory/praise/honor and if he's getting none of these things and continues to be pursued like a common criminal, he may just quit.


RELAX folks, he's a one and done; well he won't even make it to one. Trust me.

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Trump's trust problem


Senior administration officials have strained their credibility with the public with months of false, misleading or tortured statements.




“Their credibility is completely shattered. They’ve engaged in serial lying to the American people on issues big and small — beginning with the crowd size photos. It’s unprecedented for an administration, from the top on down, to embrace a strategy of deception and lying,” said Steve Schmidt, a Republican consultant and former campaign manager for John McCain.


“Even people who have built up reputations for integrity over a lifetime of public service, they risk squandering it in this administration,” Schmidt said.






Erstwhile staunch Donald Trump booster Ann Coulter has called the president “grotesque” and disappointing as she appeared poised to bail on him even before The Washington Post reported Monday that he leaked classified information to the Russians.


“Everyone who voted for him knew his personality was grotesque,” but it was the issues, the conservative commentator and author told The Daily Caller in an interview Sunday. Now, as far as the issues go, “boy, things don’t look good,” she said.


“I’m not very happy with what has happened so far,” Coulter added. “I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises. But ... if he doesn’t keep his promises I’m out.”


“Where is the great negotiation?” she asked. “That budget the Republicans pushed through was like a practical joke.… Did we win anything?”


She even called developments in the administration a “disaster so far.”


Coulter is particularly disappointed about lack of progress on building a wall along the Mexican border and suggested people send bricks to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

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Trump's intelligence slip-up may be the straw that breaks the camel's back




"On strategy and tactics, most Republican members of Congress will likely give the President a wide berth, but on mistakes or issues that don't appear to be based on some bigger strategy, I think those same members of Congress will begin to speak out," said one senior Republican House member granted anonymity to speak candidly. "The sharing of classified information to the Russians clearly falls into the second bucket. There is a honeymoon period, but on issues like this, if the honeymoon isn't over yet, it will be soon."


That sentiment was echoed by a prominent GOP consultant I spoke to who asked not to be named to offer a candid assessment of Trump and congressional Republicans.


"The question for Republicans is whether this is the straw that breaks the camel's back," said the source. "Forty percent approval is not the issue; an erratic, rudderless, leaderless White House is."




But, consider the following five things Trump has done since coming into office: 1) Twice failed to enact a travel ban 2) Engaged in an extended argument over crowd size at his inauguration 3) Falsely accused then-President Barack Obama of wire-tapping Trump Tower during the election 4) Took 18 days to get rid of national security adviser MIchael Flynn after being informed Flynn was compromised by the Russians 5) Fired Comey, even as he was overseeing the Russia investigation. Any ONE of those are the sort of thing that would be a major slip-up in any other administration -- and might lead to defections from within the president's own party. All five of them -- plus the new revelations regarding classified information being shared with two top Russian officials -- is something close to an avalanche of political malpractice.

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Why the latest WH crisis is a really big deal



Despite campaign boasts, Trump has no idea how to handle classified material



Hot take: Trump will be pretty forcefully asked to resign by GOP leaders within the next 3-4 months...if he refuses or is eventually impeached, the GOP will be split in two and won't be able to successfully contest another national election until 2022 or 2024. June, July and August in the D.C. heat will slowly drive him crazy, and most of his time will be spent hiding out at Trump properties worldwide.


Best case scenario, he goes peacefully, Pence is at least able to seem presidential but the party is still crushed in 2018 midterms and 2020. Lasting damage to GOP brand is at least somewhat contained...compared to Nixon trying to hold onto power for 2-3 years before finally quitting.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 15, 2017 -> 03:09 PM)
Republican's control congress they arent going to impeach him right now. The only way this changes is if next year their poll numbers are taking huge hits and they think its the only way to save their seats. But that is a long time from now.

Thats right, for now they are ok with just getting in line and following party

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.



Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....




Openly scheduled, but only covered by TASS.

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