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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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The White House is playing word games here,” Greg Miller, the Washington Post national security correspondent who co-authored the report with Greg Jaffe, said on CNN. “If this was above board and not problematic in any way, why did the National Security Council, coming out of this meeting, feel it was necessary to contact the CIA director and the director of the National Security Agency and give them a heads-up on what Trump had just told the Russians?”





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QUOTE (bmags @ May 16, 2017 -> 06:38 AM)
Trump admits story is true, after staff including McMaster and Tillerson gave forceful non denial denials last night. Dignity wraiths indeed.

well he did tell us last week that there's no reason to believe anything any of his staff says!


this is such an epic disaster, and tens of millions of us saw it coming.


Trump sure is doing a great job of making his own staff that he sends out to lie for him look like big idiots, as well as the sycophant rightwing media who was shouting "FAKE NEWS!" all night.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 16, 2017 -> 06:46 AM)

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.



Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....




Openly scheduled, but only covered by TASS.


Weird how the White House has still never acknowledged that suspected Russian spy Kislyak was at this meeting and we only know thanks to Russian state media photographs as the official White House readout of the meeting doesn't mention him and he's not in the official White House photos and, of course, there was no US press present.

Edited by StrangeSox
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Dubuque Strikes Back at GOP Town Hall




A GOP congressman asked why men should have to pay for maternity care, and this woman’s response is now resonating across the nation.


Blum said he’d voted in favor of legislation that repeals and replaces major parts of the Affordable Care Act to “get rid of some of these crazy regulations that Obamacare puts on […] such as a 62-year-old male having to have pregnancy insurance.”


In her letter to the newspaper, which was published Friday, Rank explained how the lawmaker’s comment had caused her to rhetorically ask herself “why should I pay for a bridge I don’t cross, a sidewalk I don’t walk on, a library book I don’t read?”


“Why should I pay for a flower I won’t smell, a park I don’t visit, or art I can’t appreciate?” the retired special education teacher continued. “Why should I pay the salaries of politicians I didn’t vote for, a tax cut that doesn’t affect me, or a loophole I can’t take advantage of?”


Rank ended her missive explaining why she did actually believe in people paying for all of those things ― by saying how it was all about “democracy,” “a civil society” and “the greater good.”

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 16, 2017 -> 08:26 AM)
well he did tell us last week that there's no reason to believe anything any of his staff says!


this is such an epic disaster, and tens of millions of us saw it coming.


Trump sure is doing a great job of making his own staff that he sends out to lie for him look like big idiots, as well as the sycophant rightwing media who was shouting "FAKE NEWS!" all night.


He said not to believe his press team. SoS and NatSec is a bigger deal.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 16, 2017 -> 09:06 AM)
Lol, the story is shifting too fast for Trump supporters to keep up and now they're all contradicting one another


Republicans, last night: If Trump did this thing, it is very troubling!


NatSec, Sos: Let us make a very carefully worded statement that sort of implies Trump didn't do 'a' thing but not necessarily 'this' thing


Rightwing Media: AHA! More FAKE NEWS! Real story is Susan Rice and Clinton EMAILS!


Trump: I did the thing bigly!


Republicans, RWM today: Actually it's very good that Trump did the thing!

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 16, 2017 -> 02:10 PM)
Republicans, last night: If Trump did this thing, it is very troubling!


NatSec, Sos: Let us make a very carefully worded statement that sort of implies Trump didn't do 'a' thing but not necessarily 'this' thing


Rightwing Media: AHA! More FAKE NEWS! Real story is Susan Rice and Clinton EMAILS!


Trump: I did the thing bigly!


Republicans, RWM today: Actually it's very good that Trump did the thing!


I'm not even talking about that.


There are a bunch of people on Facebook who didn't even notice that Trump defending it this morning so they're still saying it never happened, right next to the people who say it was good.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 16, 2017 -> 09:12 AM)
I'm not even talking about that.


There are a bunch of people on Facebook who didn't even notice that Trump defending it this morning so they're still saying it never happened, right next to the people who say it was good.


Politics is 100% a team sport now and our political system isn't equipped to handle it.



Regardless of whether this "matters" for Trump directly or not, this is already having very real and damaging consequences for US security interests.


The Associated Press @AP

BREAKING: European official to AP: Country might stop sharing intel with US if Trump gave classified info to Russian diplomats.

8:21 AM - 16 May 2017

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I don't know why he'd give up a lifetime appointment on maybe the second most important court in the land for a position where he reports to Jeff Sessions and can be fired on a whim by Trump.


But yeah him giving up that seat would be extremely bad.

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Maybe he realizes supreme court unlikely, wants to advance career through other political means. If he took over head of FBI and got fired, he could become a legitimate political power and also get rich as hell off of that.


Cynical time for politics requires most cynical lens.

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Because the alternative was grading exams, however, I found myself wondering what would happen if the offer was made—and if Garland then politely said, “I accept, but first I must ask the chief judge of the Circuit for a multi-year leave of absence. Oh—wait! I AM the chief judge! Leave granted. Subpoenas go out Monday.” Garland would then move to the J. Edgar Hoover Building for a year or two (long enough, say, to complete some unfinished counterintelligence investigations about Russia) before returning to a seat that was never vacant.




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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 16, 2017 -> 06:43 AM)
edit: this statement from Rather was on 5/12, before the world found out Trump shared classified information with the Russians




Can someone PM this to greg? I know it's not Rush/Hannity so he may disregard but he needs to actually read stuff outside of Fox News once in a while.

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Im not sure that Director of the FBI is actually a step up from his current position. I think he also understands that an appointment for life is generally more valuable than a job where you could be fired in a day for any reason or no reason.


That being said, I doubt Trump nominates him because while this move could pay off for Republican's in general, it doesnt seem to be in Trump's best interest which is really all he cares about.

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Various Senator leadership members have sent strong signals that Cornyn isn't right "at this time." Plus that would mean McConnell loses a solid supporter and friend in the Senate and they have to run a special in Texas--most likely a safe seat, but it's still something else to defend.


Trey Gowdy's face looks like a Goldeneye 007 character model from some angles. So weirdly flat and pointy.

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Susan Davis @DaviSusan

Sources tell NPR's @johnson_carrie that Judge Merrick Garland intends to remain on the bench. cc: @SenateMajLdr @SenMikeLee

9:52 AM - 16 May 2017


Garland isn't dumb and this transparent move by McConnell has probably pissed him off extremely.

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