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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 22, 2017 -> 03:02 PM)
OK hold on... when I said I'd hear any President speak, and really most anyone on the spectrum, that does not include people who's entire role is to cause people to be angry. Hannity, Maddow, doesn't matter. I am not going to listen to someone who is there purely to get people like you riled up about what other people are doing.


Seriously, turn off the talking heads for a minute, and read about the actual things happening in government. Read and listen to the words of the actual politicians. Form your own opinion for s***'s sake.


My dad kept wanting me to listen to Stephanie Miller on our drive and I told him I couldn't stand her. When he got confused I said it was because she was doing literally nothing but adding divisiveness and provided no real substance.


QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 22, 2017 -> 04:42 PM)
Trump asked two top intelligence officials to publicly deny there was any Russia collusion




I wanna be shocked, but I'm not.

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Trump's "low energy" blamed for slip of the tongue about "Islamist" vs. "Islamic" extremism/fundamentalism in speech...


Bet Jeb Bush is not amused.




Trump denies an allegation that nobody even made about Israel



Biggest story of the day, Melania apparently swatting The Donald's hand away when he tried to hold it


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Trump's Budget Hits His Own Voters (Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, PA, MI) Hardest


Trump also proposes some of the deepest cuts to agriculture subsidies since Ronald Reagan, squeezing out nearly $50 billion over 10 years.


Trump’s budget would drastically cut domestic programs controlled by Congress, slashing $1.7 trillion over 10 years. At the end of the decade, the U.S. would spend nearly twice as much on defense as on other domestic programs. Domestic discretionary spending would be capped at $429 billion per year, below 2004 levels, while military spending soars to $722 billion.



And here all along when Trump claims employment rates are great and we're close to full employment due to his amazing policies that have changed America in just four months:


“There’s a certain philosophy wrapped up in the budget and that is — we are no longer going to measure compassion by the number of programs or the number of people on those programs,” White House Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, one of the budget’s chief architects, told reporters on Monday. “We’re not going to measure our success by how much money we spend, but by how many people we actually help.”


Mulvaney rejected accusations that Trump’s budget unfairly targets the poor, arguing instead that it amounts to a broad rethink of the country’s welfare system.


“We need folks to work. We need people to go to work. If you’re on food stamps, and you're able-bodied, we need you to go to work. If you’re on disability insurance and you're not supposed to be, we need you to work,” he added. “There’s a dignity to work, and there’s a necessity to work.”


Compassionate Conservatism...IT'S GONE!!!

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Nothing will do more to energize Democrats than this budget. Even the investigation pales in comparison to what proposed spending cuts like these mean to the opposition party. With this budget, Democrats gain a very clear understanding of what's at stake if Republicans retain control of Congress and President Trump goes on to finish his term.


The risks are not simply about corruption and undermining the reputation of the nation's leadership -- the risks are about serious slashes to basic social programs that Americans depend on. For all the rhetoric about which party cares more about struggling Americans, punitive cuts such as these make it more difficult for Republicans to claim the high ground.


Today, President Lyndon Johnson must be shedding some tears from his grave. As he watches President Trump attempt to go even further than President Ronald Reagan on dismantling the welfare state, he would be deeply saddened given his understanding of what these kinds of programs meant to "middle America." Medicaid and Medicare were not about providing government "handouts," nor where they about accepting some sort of nanny state. The programs were designed to ensure that all Americans had basic access to health care so that they could be good citizens and participate in the marketplace.


Our current President is moving in the opposite direction, and this budget indicates what his real priorities are despite all the bluster from the campaign trail. The problem for President Trump is that this budget, coming when it does in this presidency, might end up being more a part of his undoing than his triumphant political success.



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In his statement on the Manchester incident, Trump says he refuses to call the terrorists monsters because that's what they want, instead he will call them losers, because losers in life is what they are.


I get what he's going for so I won't fault him completely, but calling somebody a "loser" seems like such a Trump-ism. I could see that as part of a SNL sketch even before this.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 23, 2017 -> 12:21 PM)
In his statement on the Manchester incident, Trump says he refuses to call the terrorists monsters because that's what they want, instead he will call them losers, because losers in life is what they are.


I get what he's going for so I won't fault him completely, but calling somebody a "loser" seems like such a Trump-ism. I could see that as part of a SNL sketch even before this.


It's definitely a Trumpism, but I don't mind it.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 23, 2017 -> 07:58 AM)
Former CIA Director Woolsey calls out Obama for being soft on terrorism, implicitly blames him for Manchester attack



But this happened after the MOAB was dropped! I thought that taught and defeated ISIS...

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This Trump budget and their attempts to sell it are a gift to Democratic campaigns across the country



Bob Bryan @RobertBryan4


10:36 AM - 23 May 2017


their budget is insane and uses literal magic to get to the numbers they like


U6 unemployment at 4.5% lmao, we last saw that during WW2 and factories are a heck of a lot more efficient these days.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 23, 2017 -> 11:33 AM)
This Trump budget and their attempts to sell it are a gift to Democratic campaigns across the country





their budget is insane and uses literal magic to get to the numbers they like


U6 unemployment at 4.5% lmao, we last saw that during WW2 and factories are a heck of a lot more efficient these days.


Trump Budget Based on $2 Trillion Math Error


Trump's not-fully-fleshed-out tax cut plan will not only pay for the trillions in tax cuts, it'll also generate an additional $2T in revenues.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:53 PM)
Its awful that piece of crap tries to present himself as a journalist.

I was watching John Oliver and he had a piece for the same point in Obama's term as Trump is now, and what was being discussed. They had a clip of Hannity ripping Obama for ordering spicy mustard on his burger. Tried to call him an elitist. It was hysterical.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:28 PM)
I was watching John Oliver and he had a piece for the same point in Obama's term as Trump is now, and what was being discussed. They had a clip of Hannity ripping Obama for ordering spicy mustard on his burger. Tried to call him an elitist. It was hysterical.


Here's Stewart ripping him to hell about this.


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more on the math in Trump's budget


All three of the experts we spoke with offered unflattering summaries of the proposal.


“On the one hand,” Hanlon said, “they’re saying it is not fully formed. On the other hand, they’re saying it will boost the economy by more than any mainstream economist would say is at the outer limit of what’s possible.”


According to Cole, “a tax plan that’s dynamically neutral wouldn’t be enough” to hit $2 trillion. “They have more tax revenue in this budget than the [Congressional Budget Office] has in its baseline,” he said. “They have a greater amount of taxes collected. And that is — quite something.”


Furman’s view: “This is not an accidental mistake. This is a mistake that happens to people that have a ludicrously optimistic view of the impact of tax cuts and also don’t bother to actually specify or work out any of the policy details.”

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It's all predicated on 3-4% GDP growth, repatriating lost corporate profits (despite cutting baseline tax rates on them) and apparently everyone in America working under orders from Mulvaney...maybe he he thinks he can cast a spell and order American corporations to provide all those underskilled/undereducated/outsourced workers jobs like he's Merlin the Magician.

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QUOTE (Tony @ May 23, 2017 -> 02:39 PM)
The biggest issue here is all you have to do is look in this thread and see someone like Greg who actually listens to him, and takes what he says seriously. It actually makes an impact on how he views things in this world.


That's the scariest thing. FoxNews is the highest rated cable news network and Hannity is now their most watched show. He has a HUGE following. It's terrifying.

There is no shortage of extreme right wing propagandists that are put out on fairly mainstream media. Its almost impossible to find people as far left as they are far right. There is a HUGE audience for it for some reason and most of the information being put out is false.

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The Beleaguered Tenants of ‘Kushnerville’

Tenants in more than a dozen Baltimore-area rental complexes complain about a property owner who they say leaves their homes in disrepair, humiliates late-paying renters and often sues them when they try to move out. Few of them know that their landlord is the president’s son-in-law.


tl;dr Kushner is a slumlord

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