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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 09:58 AM)
Social Media and it's ease of access comes right to mind.


Wait, what? You suggest that SOCIAL MEDIA could lead to a 40% drop in teen pregnancy and abortions in COLORADO ONLY. If that was true, wouldn't you expect to see similar reductions across the country?


You claimed earlier today that you are pro-facts and pro-science. I'm not seeing it in this discussion...

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QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 06:26 AM)
Please address that your moral code says brett05 is no longer needed.


If you're Hitler I think that I can say confidently that you are no longer needed. Or according to the moral code of God in the old testament, if you were a first born Egyptian.


I know what rabbit hole you are trying to go down here, abortion is immoral. The problem (and we have had this argument before) is that you and I disagree on what is considered "living". As such to me there is nothing immoral about an abortion, because it is no different than any other medical procedure. I have gone over where I believe the line between protecting/not protecting is, and we simply disagree.



QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 06:32 AM)
It's been a blessing so far and my daughters are happy with the decisions being made.


People can have different opinions. But the part that I just cant agree with (irrespective of what side is doing it) is trying to shut down opposition research. Our society should welcome beliefs being challenged. If we do not question, if we do not strive for more knowledge, where would we be?


I would think that this is a universally held belief in the Judea-Christian world, as in all of those religions the great leaders of the past questioned authority and demanded accountability, whether it was Moses, Jesus or Luther. And even if you support Trump, you should still demand accountability.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 10:05 AM)
If you're Hitler I think that I can say confidently that you are no longer needed. Or according to the moral code of God in the old testament, if you were a first born Egyptian.


I know what rabbit hole you are trying to go down here, abortion is immoral. The problem (and we have had this argument before) is that you and I disagree on what is considered "living". As such to me there is nothing immoral about an abortion, because it is no different than any other medical procedure. I have gone over where I believe the line between protecting/not protecting is, and we simply disagree.


We do disagree. Most states see it as a human life, unborn but human.


People can have different opinions. But the part that I just cant agree with (irrespective of what side is doing it) is trying to shut down opposition research. Our society should welcome beliefs being challenged. If we do not question, if we do not strive for more knowledge, where would we be?


I would think that this is a universally held belief in the Judea-Christian world, as in all of those religions the great leaders of the past questioned authority and demanded accountability, whether it was Moses, Jesus or Luther. And even if you support Trump, you should still demand accountability.

Shutting down the funding of murder I have no issues with. If that is equated to shutting down opposition this is opposition that should be shut down.


I'll abstain from the religious aspect.

Edited by brett05
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QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 09:53 AM)
I can't find my original link but here is a different one and as you can see, 38 range on election day


Looks like his peak was shortly after election, around early December, and he's been trending down since. He got the typical post-election bounce, but his actual decisions in transition and in power have scared more people off. So as I said, he's trending down, though I thought his peak was a little earlier. Of course he's also been so low all along compared to historical peers, he just doesn't have as much room to wriggle.


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I'm no expert but I do read a little about ISIS and Islamic terrorism. I'm pretty sure Iran is fairly low on the list of countries you have to worry about. I bet France is more dangerous in that regard.


Banning them is strictly a f*** you foreign policy move.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 10:17 AM)
I'm no expert but I do read a little about ISIS and Islamic terrorism. I'm pretty sure Iran is fairly low on the list of countries you have to worry about. I bet France is more dangerous in that regard.


Banning them is strictly a f*** you foreign policy move.


They prefer to just fund others to do it.


That's snark, but I'd be surprised if most here did not have Iranian-American contacts and friends. I wouldn't want a country without them.

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QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 10:11 AM)
We do disagree. Most states see it as a human life, unborn but human.



Shutting down the funding of murder I have no issues with. If that is equated to shutting down opposition this is opposition that should be shut down.


I'll abstain from the religious aspect.





Not talking about funding murder. Talking about funding things like research into the environment, research into space exploration and research into how to save unborn children at the earliest possible date. Wouldnt it be great if we could advance so far scientifically that we do not need abortion? That we could simply remove it from the mother safely?


And I have no problem if you abstain from the religious part, but if you arent willing to discuss the foundation of Judea-Christian morals, than perhaps we should just abstain from discussing morals at all, which I really have no problem with as I do not believe morality should be legislated.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 10:17 AM)
I'm no expert but I do read a little about ISIS and Islamic terrorism. I'm pretty sure Iran is fairly low on the list of countries you have to worry about. I bet France is more dangerous in that regard.


Banning them is strictly a f*** you foreign policy move.


Of course it is. Same reason Saudi Arabia is not on that list.



To people like Tom Cotton, Iran is the root of all evil. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia(armed with weapons we sold them) are slaughtering thousands in Yemen and no one in our government seems to really care. We just sold them more weapons the other day.

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Iranian American families average $72,345 in yearly household income.

White families average $59,968.



Brilliant. Helpful for the economy, STEM areas in higher ed, high tech industry, physics, etc.


How many terrorists attacks have there been in the US or abroad committed by Iranian-Americans?

Maybe we should ban Russians because the 2 Boston bombers were from an area near Chechnya while we're at it.





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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 10:13 AM)
Looks like his peak was shortly after election, around early December, and he's been trending down since. He got the typical post-election bounce, but his actual decisions in transition and in power have scared more people off. So as I said, he's trending down, though I thought his peak was a little earlier. Of course he's also been so low all along compared to historical peers, he just doesn't have as much room to wriggle.

No, he's up to 57% if you looked at my other link in the same post.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 10:27 AM)


Not talking about funding murder. Talking about funding things like research into the environment, research into space exploration and research into how to save unborn children at the earliest possible date. Wouldnt it be great if we could advance so far scientifically that we do not need abortion? That we could simply remove it from the mother safely?


And I have no problem if you abstain from the religious part, but if you arent willing to discuss the foundation of Judea-Christian morals, than perhaps we should just abstain from discussing morals at all, which I really have no problem with as I do not believe morality should be legislated.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you are talking about funding environment as you see it, not as someone who shuns the previous administrations notion of it. I am against space exploration on government money, something I am happy that the previous administration pared back on based on percentage of federal budget. What objection to saving the lives of unborn children are being rejected?

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QUOTE (brett05 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 10:46 AM)
Correct me if I am wrong, but you are talking about funding environment as you see it, not as someone who shuns the previous administrations notion of it. I am against space exploration on government money, something I am happy that the previous administration pared back on based on percentage of federal budget. What objection to saving the lives of unborn children are being rejected?


You do not know what I think of the environment, so youre assuming and your politicizing science. Science shoudlnt be political, whether the earth is getting warmer, cooler, whatever is not political. We should be spending money to determine whether it is true. Spending money on exploration is vital to the United States. We cannot fall behind other countries and expect to compete with them in the future.


And I dont know what science could potentially lead to a breakthrough. That is why it is important that we fund and promote scientific research. That we dont prejudge outcomes. That we dont stop funding because we are worried that the results may not fit into our opinions.


I hope that the people of the United States can see why science is so important. Even if that research leads to my current opinion being incorrect.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 12:25 PM)
You do not know what I think of the environment, so youre assuming and your politicizing science. Science shoudlnt be political, whether the earth is getting warmer, cooler, whatever is not political. We should be spending money to determine whether it is true. Spending money on exploration is vital to the United States. We cannot fall behind other countries and expect to compete with them in the future.


And I dont know what science could potentially lead to a breakthrough. That is why it is important that we fund and promote scientific research. That we dont prejudge outcomes. That we dont stop funding because we are worried that the results may not fit into our opinions.


I hope that the people of the United States can see why science is so important. Even if that research leads to my current opinion being incorrect.


This is a great post.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 12:42 PM)
You only provided one link, to RCP, which is a good source because it collects lots of polls. And in no poll is he near 57% favorable.


To be fair, he RCP did report a Rasmussen poll from today that had Trump's approval rating at 57%. Rasmussen skews conservative, and is a pretty clear outlier in the polling at the moment (Rasmussen was at 52% favorable per RCP last week). But they do have Trump at 57%.

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QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 12:47 PM)
To be fair, he RCP did report a Rasmussen poll from today that had Trump's approval rating at 57%. Rasmussen skews conservative, and is a pretty clear outlier in the polling at the moment (Rasmussen was at 52% favorable per RCP last week). But they do have Trump at 57%.

Given what we saw in November and the fact that it will soon become even harder for the groups that don't approve of Trump to vote, I'd say there's good logic behind calling that a "conservative outlier" much more representative of the 2018 and 2020 electorates.

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QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 11:47 AM)
To be fair, he RCP did report a Rasmussen poll from today that had Trump's approval rating at 57%. Rasmussen skews conservative, and is a pretty clear outlier in the polling at the moment (Rasmussen was at 52% favorable per RCP last week). But they do have Trump at 57%.

Interesting. Doesn't show up on the RCP page I am looking at, but maybe it's dated.


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 11:25 AM)
You do not know what I think of the environment, so youre assuming and your politicizing science. Science shoudlnt be political, whether the earth is getting warmer, cooler, whatever is not political. We should be spending money to determine whether it is true. Spending money on exploration is vital to the United States. We cannot fall behind other countries and expect to compete with them in the future.


And I dont know what science could potentially lead to a breakthrough. That is why it is important that we fund and promote scientific research. That we dont prejudge outcomes. That we dont stop funding because we are worried that the results may not fit into our opinions.


I hope that the people of the United States can see why science is so important. Even if that research leads to my current opinion being incorrect.

I am not assuming anything, I even offered to be corrected. You choose to not confirm nor deny.

I am not politicizing science.

There is talk about the other planets in the solar system going thru climate change, perhaps we are no different.

The consensus of 97% or even 99.9% of climate scientists agree it's because of man is pure marketing.


I have not proposed at all nor has anyone else in this thread proposed we stop doing science.

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