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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:10 PM)
You're also assuming that 60 million plus people only voted for him out of economic desperation and not out of enthusiastic support. Many millions of his voters aren't struggling economically.

Nope, I'm assuming the vast majority of people voted along party lines like they always do. And honestly, blame the Democrats for choosing Hilary as their nominee. Any respectable candidate would have easily beaten Trump. Deserved or not, Clinton's baggage likely gave some Republicans on the bubble in regards to Trump cause for concern. Unfortunately, the sad reality is there are a lot of Greg's out there who think Hilary is as bad as Donald for whatever reason.

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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:20 PM)
Nope, I'm assuming the vast majority of people voted along party lines like they always do. And honestly, blame the Democrats for choosing Hilary as their nominee. Any respectable candidate would have easily beaten Trump. Deserved or not, Clinton's baggage likely gave some Republicans on the bubble in regards to Trump cause for concern. Unfortunately, the sad reality is there are a lot of Greg's out there who think Hilary is as bad as Donald for whatever reason.

And by your own admission, "a candidatein bed with white supremacists" is therefore not a disqualifying feature for the people who "voted along party lines". If we were a decent people, if we weren't the terrible people we are, it would have been disqualifying. You just did a "but her emails" about Confederate and Nazi flag bearing marchers.

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Clinton was a bad candidate.


That's not relevant to how much you can excuse with tribalism. This whole conversation started off with a claim that a good portion of the Republican base is okay with white nationalist ideology, and what your saying sort of agrees with that. That wasn't enough to get them to abandon their support.


Why didn't Trump baggage concerns work for Republicans on the bottle with Trump? Why were they still okay with voting for him in spite of the p**** grabbing and Muslim banning and "Mexicans can't be fair judges" crap? That's the whole point! None of that baggage was too much for them.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:24 PM)
And by your own admission, "a candidatein bed with white supremacists" is therefore not a disqualifying feature for the people who "voted along party lines". If we were a decent people, if we weren't the terrible people we are, it would have been disqualifying. You just did a "but her emails" about Confederate and Nazi flag bearing marchers.

Balta, I'm really struggling to follow your posts. What did I admit exactly?

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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:35 PM)
Balta, I'm really struggling to follow your posts. What did I admit exactly?

You said that most people voted along party lines. One of those candidates this time had the enthusiastic support of basically every white supremacist in the country and was happy to reach out to them. That was still not disqualifying.


That makes us a terrible people, and every single excuse you give is an example of why they get away with it.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:24 PM)
Clinton was a bad candidate.


That's not relevant to how much you can excuse with tribalism. This whole conversation started off with a claim that a good portion of the Republican base is okay with white nationalist ideology, and what your saying sort of agrees with that. That wasn't enough to get them to abandon their support.


Why didn't Trump baggage concerns work for Republicans on the bottle with Trump? Why were they still okay with voting for him in spite of the p**** grabbing and Muslim banning and "Mexicans can't be fair judges" crap? That's the whole point! None of that baggage was too much for them.

Your original point was that anyone who voted for Trump was a racist enabler. I think that's bulls*** and a dangerous generalization. I think some people voted for Donald because they believed he could make their lives better and didn't trust Hilary to do so (which I already said was foolish). Having said that, I think there are some people who voted for him due to his hate filled rhetoric. And I think most people voted for him because of party lines and not having a respectable Democrat to consider. I think many of these people are cowards for looking the other way on the kind of scum Trump really is, but I'm not going to accuse everyone of this. Some people had their reasons (while flawed) and some others simply didn't due their due diligence, but voting for Trump doesn't automatically make you a racist or racist enabler.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:46 PM)
You said that most people voted along party lines. One of those candidates this time had the enthusiastic support of basically every white supremacist in the country and was happy to reach out to them. That was still not disqualifying.


That makes us a terrible people, and every single excuse you give is an example of why they get away with it.

Again, I have no idea what you're talking about.

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I guess I just fundamentally don't understand your position that voting for an open racist to the highest office in the world, even if you're voting for him for other reasons, isn't enabling a racist. Without those votes, for whatever reason they were cast, Trump doesn't have power and we don't have an executive branch staffed with white nationalists. Those votes very literally enabled Trump and his racist ideology.

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QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:52 PM)
Again, I have no idea what you're talking about.

The "White Supremacy" thing should have been disqualifying. It wasn't. In other words, it wasn't a big deal. That's not a defense. That's saying "I'm ok with this as long as my other priorities are dealt with".



You cannot say "I'm ok with the Klan as long as they support lower taxes on business" and be a decent human being.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 03:19 PM)
The number one predictor of whether someone supported Trump wasn't economic position. Plenty of poor and working class didn't fall for his con or decided that the extreme bigotry and hate was too much of a price to pay for the bs he was selling.

You can continue to attack the people that voted for Trump and compound the cultural schism. As a liberal, I choose to look for reasons a monster like Trump was able to win the presidency. It's a shame the Democratic party refuses to do the same, instead of trying to name villains. I refuse to believe a large portion of Trump voters chose him because he's racist. The people that swayed the election were the working poor who've become completely disenfranchised with the Washington elite.

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QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 06:07 PM)
You can continue to attack the people that voted for Trump and compound the cultural schism. As a liberal, I choose to look for reasons a monster like Trump was able to win the presidency. It's a shame the Democratic party refuses to do the same, instead of trying to name villains. I refuse to believe a large portion of Trump voters chose him because he's racist. The people that swayed the election were the working poor who've become completely disenfranchised with the Washington elite.

Have you seen any of his rallies? They wear their hearts on their sleeves and you refuse to see it. Trump has normalized them. They might not be his biggest supporters in terms of numbers, but they are in terms of loyalty. Trump's ego won't let him criticize those that profess such love for him.


Oh, and he's also a proponent of eugenics.




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Strange Sox, I have a suggestion. Tomorrow is Monday. Get up and go to work and on the way maybe help someone out; either hold the door for someone in a wheelchair, give $20 or $100 to a homeless person. Then at work, tell somebody they are doing a good job at something. Then help somebody out on the way home and maybe call your mom and tell her thanks for all the sacrifices she made for you. Maybe not those exact things if they don't apply to you but you get the idea.


You'll feel good about your day and you'll do more for humanity in one single day than all the days added together of being a part of demagoguery. You'll help more people in one day than all the shouting and labeling could ever achieve. You'll also realize that most people are like this every day and live in this humane version of the world that isn't on the news. You'll notice that there really isn't blatant racism everywhere, or misogyny, or bigotry. It's just on TV where they choose to point the cameras. It's a beautiful time to be alive, go help somebody that needs it, if you are able.


Love you brother.

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QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:07 PM)
You can continue to attack the people that voted for Trump and compound the cultural schism. As a liberal, I choose to look for reasons a monster like Trump was able to win the presidency. It's a shame the Democratic party refuses to do the same, instead of trying to name villains. I refuse to believe a large portion of Trump voters chose him because he's racist. The people that swayed the election were the working poor who've become completely disenfranchised with the Washington elite.


6% racists was clearly enough to put the election firmly into Trump's column.


The degree of complicity by the other 94% who ended up in the Republican column is up for debate. It becomes a question of what actually disqualifies a presidential candidate anymore? What values does America stand for?


Watching many of these events unfold from abroad, Trump is an unhinged racist/bully who doesn't have many friends in the court of world opinion...and his administration consistently appears to condone violence against minorities, women, the LGBTQ community and immigrants, whether it's executed by the government or the police.


Is that what we want to stand for to the rest of the world? A country where only the elites can succeed and everyone else better keep their heads down?

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Aug 13, 2017 -> 04:48 PM)
Strange Sox, I have a suggestion. Tomorrow is Monday. Get up and go to work and on the way maybe help someone out; either hold the door for someone in a wheelchair, give $20 or $100 to a homeless person. Then at work, tell somebody they are doing a good job at something. Then help somebody out on the way home and maybe call your mom and tell her thanks for all the sacrifices she made for you. Maybe not those exact things if they don't apply to you but you get the idea.


You'll feel good about your day and you'll do more for humanity in one single day than all the days added together of being a part of demagoguery. You'll help more people in one day than all the shouting and labeling could ever achieve. You'll also realize that most people are like this every day and live in this humane version of the world that isn't on the news. You'll notice that there really isn't blatant racism everywhere, or misogyny, or bigotry. It's just on TV where they choose to point the cameras. It's a beautiful time to be alive, go help somebody that needs it, if you are able.


Love you brother.


Appeasement. That's what the Trump administration would love for everyone to do. Normalize and accept him and go about our collective business like absolutely nothing is out of the ordinary.


Then, in the end, the fight to defeat those forces just gets bigger and bigger the longer it gets kicked down the road. Even if Trump is not there, Mike Pence would still be the clear favorite and the same dynamics would largely be at play in terms of either turning back the clock OR fighting for progressive causes.

Edited by caulfield12
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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President's Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!

7:54 AM - Aug 14, 2017

6,906 6,906 Replies 3,315 3,315 Retweets 12,267 12,267 likes


Nazi-sympathizing President still refusing to condemn Nazis.

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Has any Republican called for Trump to remove Sebastian Gorka from his administration? He has open ties to Nazi groups. How about Miller and Bannon?


Paul Ryan and can go on Twitter and say how sad it is about the events that happened over the weekend, but talk is cheap. Do something about it you coward.

Edited by GoSox05
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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Aug 14, 2017 -> 09:03 AM)
Has any Republican called for Trump to remove Sebastian Gorka from his administration? He has open ties to Nazi groups. How about Miller and Bannon?


Paul Ryan and can go on Twitter and say how sad is about the events that happened over the weekend, but talk is cheap. Do something about it you coward.


I want the pressure kept up on them, but I am still relieved that they called out the rally, even if cheap, rather than embrace it.

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Honestly, I guess it is good that they are actually recognizing it as a white nationalist and Nazi rally. They have continually told us the "Alt-Right" isn't a white supremacist group.


Hard to push that after a majority of that crowd is running around with Nazi arm bands and Fascist symbolism.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 14, 2017 -> 08:23 AM)





Nazi-sympathizing President still refusing to condemn Nazis.

Trump really is like a spoiled little kid. If he was so concerned about rip off drug prices, why did he have this guy on the council in the first place?

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Aug 14, 2017 -> 09:03 AM)
Has any Republican called for Trump to remove Sebastian Gorka from his administration? He has open ties to Nazi groups. How about Miller and Bannon?


Paul Ryan and can go on Twitter and say how sad it is about the events that happened over the weekend, but talk is cheap. Do something about it you coward.



Just last week, Hungarian Nazi fake-Dr. Seb Gorka was telling everyone to lay off the criticism of white nationalists.

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Listen, cutting the particulars of how much of this is trumps base, I don't care. THis last week was exactly the worst of what I feared. High-stakes lunacy in foreign policy and then refusing to call out white supremacy rallies that ended in violence. That is your answer in November 2016 when asked "what are you worried about a trump presidency looking like?".


But to the question of whether this is trumps base, I don't think it matters. They are though a weaponized part of his support. This is the group that swarms and abuses on social media. That rallies to intimidate. That embraces violence.


And regardless of whether he wants to or not, he needs to be pressured to denounce this group. As long as they are aligned they get to muddy their purpose to just being supporters of the president. They get to claim victimhood. If he's forced to disavow they become clearly labeled for who they are and will be a lot easier to talk about them accurately.

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Aug 14, 2017 -> 09:18 AM)
Honestly, I guess it is good that they are actually recognizing it as a white nationalist and Nazi rally. They have continually told us the "Alt-Right" isn't a white supremacist group.


Hard to push that after a majority of that crowd is running around with Nazi arm bands and Fascist symbolism.


It's totally valid to push them to be better actors here, but if they were to cross that line of embracing conspiracies like you see from Jesse Waters, that's a line I'm not sure US can come back from.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 14, 2017 -> 09:21 AM)
It's totally valid to push them to be better actors here, but if they were to cross that line of embracing conspiracies like you see from Jesse Waters, that's a line I'm not sure US can come back from.


What is Jesse Waters saying?



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