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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 28, 2017 -> 02:52 PM)
Honestly...Can they avoid going?


Edit: Apparently having passports may not be enough. They're blocking dual-citizenship people from those countries as well.


It's just a vacation so technically yeah, but they love going there so much I wouldn't bring up the topic to them.


They're from Poland so that's one of the few countries that might actually be on the Donald's good side. Not even sure if they were allowed to keep that passport, have been US citizens as long as I can remember. I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem as of now but we have no idea what other crazy ideas Bannon will force on Trump next.


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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 28, 2017 -> 01:58 PM)
And they've already been vetted. People seem to think it's super easy to get a green card here. It's not.


Getting a green card is a very hard process. You have to realize that the majority of immigrants who get green cards do it through their employer or have to be endorsed by family members who are citizens. A lot of them have to work hard for it and they're very productive members of society. Locking them out does us no good.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 28, 2017 -> 02:08 PM)
CNN's headline right now is "Shockwaves" about the immigration ban andcreaction around the world...an America that doesn't lead is scaring the hell out of everyone.




Ayoub said his group has already fielded calls from people around the world impacted by Trump's executive order, including from students and legal US residents who are citizens of the seven countries banned by Trump and are now stuck overseas.


He said his organization fielded a call from a student who was blocked in Turkey from traveling to the US and cannot return to her studies in the US as well as other students on international trips who now cannot return to the US.


Ayoub said the executive order "is causing a really destructive impact on the Arab and Muslim community and on the Iranian community in the US."




The International Rescue Committee, a humanitarian aid and refugee assistance group, called Trump's decision to suspend refugee admissions "harmful and hasty" and noted that the US refugee program "makes it harder to get to the United States as a refugee than any other route." Refugees must undergo an extensive vetting process -- it typically takes more than two years to be admitted to the US as a refugee.




Nobel Prize winner Malala "heartbroken" Trump closing the door on children fleeing violence....




Many foreign leaders said they were aghast over the new US policy.


Iran answered in kind by saying it would ban Americans from entering the country, calling Trump's action insulting.


But the US leader did get backing from Czech President Milos Zeman, who praised him for being "concerned with the safety of his citizens."


Why am I not surprised?


Czech Republic has a lot of neo-Nazis.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 28, 2017 -> 05:05 PM)
Heck yes! If it's chaos they want, chaos they will get. We have more power than they would like for you to believe. Money talks.




I guess that's good news for Uber and Lyft lol

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 28, 2017 -> 05:43 PM)
It's just a vacation so technically yeah, but they love going there so much I wouldn't bring up the topic to them.


They're from Poland so that's one of the few countries that might actually be on the Donald's good side. Not even sure if they were allowed to keep that passport, have been US citizens as long as I can remember. I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem as of now but we have no idea what other crazy ideas Bannon will force on Trump next.

At the very least, I'd ask them to make sure they were sure and to contact an attorney before departing so that if they were detained there would be someone who knows where they are and who can act if they don't come back on time. Like seriously, people who have lived here for 20 years are now being detained at airports and aren't being allowed contact with attorneys. This is evil. At the least, being too careful seems intelligent.

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Whereas Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and UAE do...And here we thought the GOP was against lawyers/lawsuits? Trump has certainly enriched the legal community on the last 9 days already, bigly!



Bill Maher blames Dem losses on PC culture, apologizing for everyone and everything...




Alarms remain over homegrown extremists (but that's okay, they're just angry white males venting about the government)



So we are supported by the Czech Republic, where reporters intentionally trip fleeing immigrants (https://scallywagandvagabond.com/2015/09/petra-laszlo-hungary-reporter-trips-fleeing-syrian-refugees/) and blonde models like his ex-wife Ivana abound...and Russia, which is now passing a law to protect men from domestic violence accusations except when there is overwhelming physical evidence. Amazing.

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In 1980, Ronald Reagan proposed an open border with Mexico.



Let’s add this to some other Reagan quotes that illustrate my point very well, shall we?


“I supported this bill. I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.”

Oct. 21, 1984 debate on immigration bill being considered by Congress


“We have consistently supported a legalization program which is both generous to the alien and fair to the countless thousands of people throughout the world who seek legally to come to America. The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows, without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society. Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and, ultimately, if they choose, they may become Americans.”


Nov. 6, 1986 signing statement, Immigration Reform and Control Act






Reagans calls for an open border and for undocumented/illegal immigrants to all get work permits




Just a handful of GOPers come out against the ban, no senators speak out, Ryan reverses himself





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I wish those same Republicans would look at everything that FDR went through to fight for a new world order back in 1943.


Hamilton vividly describes how, in the midst of directing military strategy in the largest conflict in human history, Roosevelt always kept his eye on postwar planning. With Congress and the public still suspicious of American involvement, he juggled various plans and proposals to make sure that this time, unlike after World War I, America would help keep the peace. He needed Churchill’s and Stalin’s support, which is why he kept trekking around the globe to meet them at summits. (To understand the strain on FDR, keep in mind that Roosevelt’s trip to meet Churchill at Casablanca in 1943 entailed a long train ride to Miami, a 10-hour flight to Trinidad, a nine-hour flight to Brazil, a 19-hour flight to Gambia and finally another nine-hour flight to Casablanca. All this for a man who was paralyzed, had a failing heart and had not taken a plane ride since 1932.)


We're not just undoing Obama in 9 days, we're undoing the pillars that were put in place in 1943/44 to create an interconnected world of alliances which would bring about 71 years of lasting peace and expanding world incomes.




FDR started the long peace, under Trump it might be coming to an end


In an essay in the New York Review of Books, Jessica T. Mathews points out that since 1945, Americans of both political parties have accepted three principles. First, that America’s security is enhanced by its broad and deep alliances around the world. Second, that an open global economy is not a zero-sum game but rather allows the United States to prosper and others to grow. And finally, though there was debate about whether dictatorships were to be “tolerated, managed, or confronted,” in the end there was a faith in democracy and its advantages. Mathews notes that for 30 years, Trump has attacked these views as costly naivete that has allowed the world to rip off America.

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Cynical view: Trump/admin already envisioned the courts would overrule, but he could still claim to have followed through on his campaign promises, win/win for his base.



Judge Ann Donnelly, 57


Donnelly received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1981 from the University of Michigan. She received a Juris Doctor in 1984 from the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University. From 1984 to 2009, she was a prosecutor in the New York County District Attorney's Office. From 1997 to 2005, she served as Senior Trial Counsel and from 2005 to 2009, she served as Chief of the Family Violence and Child Abuse Bureau. From 2009 to 2015, she served as a Judge of the New York State Court of Claims. Concurrent to her service on the Claims Court, she has served on the Bronx County Supreme Court, a Special Term for Election Matters, the Kings County Supreme Court and served on the New York County Supreme Court.[1][2]


On November 20, 2014, President Obama nominated Donnelly to serve as a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, to the seat vacated by Judge Sandra L. Townes, who took senior status on May 1, 2015.[3]






The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, aimed to end earlier quota systems that gave preference to immigrants from European nations. As David Bier of the libertarian Cato Institute argues, this law prevents immigrants from being discriminated against based upon “the person’s race, sex, nationality, place of birth or place of residence.” If Trump wants a ban on entry from these countries — even temporarily — he needs Congress to pass that law, Bier argues.


Trump is relying upon a 1952 law that allows president to “suspend the entry” of “any class of aliens” if they disadvantage the United States. But Bier and other legal scholars believe the 1965 law supersedes that right.


“The 1965 law is clear,” said legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the law school at the University of California at Irvine. “The law prohibits discrimination based on national origin. This is discrimination based on national origin.”


The ACLU is also considering crafting a new challenge arguing that the executive order violates the establishment clause of the Constitution, which prevents the government from favoring one religion over another.

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Im not an immigration attorney, but if anyone knows someone or is affected by this, feel free to pm me. I will not charge anything and I will provide any advice assistance I can.


To those of you who I used to have respect for, who always told me that they were libertarians, whatever, who said that they shouldnt be lumped in. Now is the time to be heard.


For those who dont have other Americans backs, I am taking names and I will hold you accountable.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 28, 2017 -> 09:43 PM)
Im not an immigration attorney, but if anyone knows someone or is affected by this, feel free to pm me. I will not charge anything and I will provide any advice assistance I can.


To those of you who I used to have respect for, who always told me that they were libertarians, whatever, who said that they shouldnt be lumped in. Now is the time to be heard.


For those who dont have other Americans backs, I am taking names and I will hold you accountable.

How can the average American man help the legal system? Donate to the ACLU? Pay legal fees for immigrants? Just curious.

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Donnelly's order does not appear to interfere with most of Trump's directive, since the judge only moved to protect a limited number of individuals who were already on or were about to board flights to the U.S. when Trump signed his measure. Now, such travelers will likely be blocked from boarding flights in the first place.


The legal battle is now expected to move to a series of individual cases filed in New York, Chicago and elsewhere Saturday, where immigrants will be seeking to be released from detention to travel or settle in the U.S.



National Immigration Law Center

Southern Poverty Law Center

Asian Law Caucus

Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights


The Asian American Justice Center






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QUOTE (New Era on South Side @ Jan 28, 2017 -> 10:55 PM)
How can the average American man help the legal system? Donate to the ACLU? Pay legal fees for immigrants? Just curious.

Right now the ACLU seems to be the best money you can spend. They just won. What we know right now…

The executive order is now frozen until the case can briefed, probably in February.

No one who is currently being held can be sent back to their country of origin, but whether they will be released is unclear.

The judge ordered the federal government to provide a list of all people currently held in detention.

According to the ACLU's lawyer, there still can be no new arrivals from countries under the ban, but the ACLU — and other organizations — are working to file additional suits to roll back other portions of the order.

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