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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Dec 26, 2017 -> 12:35 AM)
I dream of America where you could (I won't; like I said I'm trained well and will never go there again) say "Merry Christmas" and the other person could laugh politely and say "Thank you," back to you, then quickly say in an equally friendly tone, "I actually am Jewish and celebrate Hannukah." And then I smile and say well I certainly wish you a happy Hannukah and we both feel good and go on our merry ways. Or vice versa and a person who is Jewish says Happy Hannukah to me and i say, "Thank you, but I celebrate Christmas" and we both smile and chat and go on our merry ways.


Instead, I can only imagine the backlash in saying Merry Christmas to somebody who is an atheist or another religion that does not recognize Christmas or Happy Hannukah to somebody who does not celebrate Hannukah. Do you realize how PC the world is? Like I said, Midway Airport today was full of raging angry people who just wanted an excuse to scrap with somebody. there was no holiday spirit in the air, just anger. Trump is the first person to take this on by the horns and tell people to say Merry Christmas.


By the way, I'm all for ending Christmas as a gift giving extravaganza. Christmas has little to no religious meaning in the secular world anymore. You can't imagine the spoiled kids I saw this Christmas accepting gift after gift, NFL and NHL jersey after jersey and I yes saw some signs of brattiness of the kids wanting more more more. It's become a ridiculous gift giving extravaganza (I know gifts have been given for years but I feel like part of being a truly entitle Millenial was being showered with so many gifts year after year.

I feel each kid in a family should be given one gift in terms of a fun game or toy and some clothes and the family unit take part in a volunteer project instead, then if they are Christian, go to church and worship the true meaning of the holiday. Yes I can say the highlight of Christmas for me was church, the music and the excellent homily from the pastor. I'm sick of the gifts and spoiling the kids year after year with gift after gift. How bout change the culture. Yeah right. Chrstmas is 85 percent gift giving/hoarding and 15 percent religious (taking into consideration the amount of people who believe at all and if they believe the fact they do something about it on Xmas Day). Do any of you agree with me at the gluttony and monstrocity of a gift giving holiday it has become now that more and more people do not believe and/or practice faith??

Non Christian people berate others that say Merry Christmas to them? It is funny, you are totally offended by Happy Holidays, but see no reason a non Christian should be the least bit offended by Merry Christmas. Tolerance Greg, tolerance. Not everyone is going to have your same beliefs, and people aren't going to be offended if you say Merry Christmas and they don't celebrate it. Maybe they would be offended if they went to stores or other businesses which did all Christmas and ignored anything else, but the "return" of Christmas is just another made up Trump line. It never left. It is celebrated longer and longer every year. All Christmas music comes on at the end of October. Quit buying what Trump is selling. You wind up regretting it just about every time.


You do live in the America you dream of.

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Dec 26, 2017 -> 01:15 AM)


People arent going to verbally attack you for saying Merry Christmas. More likely the person who is offended will remain silent and politely say it back. You call it the "PC" police, but again, isnt it really just people informing you that maybe you should be aware of what "other" people feel like. How is it even possible to say that there is a "war" on Christmas, when Santa is still at malls, when the Daley Center has a 'Christmas" tree, it has a Christkindelmarket (spelling and there is actually was a second one near Wrigley this year).


The idea that there ever was a "war on Christmas" is at best disingenuous and at worst its just a cover for blatantly trying to attack minority religions. Next time when you think about the idea that the majority religion in America is under attack, imagine for a second what it may be like to be a "minority" religion.


I will say that one day it would be nice to live in a county where you could say "Happy whateverthef*** you believe in" and not worry that either party would be offended.

My experience is that you get more people upset these days if you DON'T say "Merry Christmas."


They're expecting a "War" and are hyper-sensitive to anything that seems to even slightly go against their personal preferences.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 26, 2017 -> 07:11 PM)
Non Christian people berate others that say Merry Christmas to them? It is funny, you are totally offended by Happy Holidays, but see no reason a non Christian should be the least bit offended by Merry Christmas. Tolerance Greg, tolerance.


You do live in the America you dream of.

I wouldn't say I'm offended by Happy Holidays. What I do is take notice of "Happy Holidays" when it's really close to Christmas. And sorry I have noticed a difference this year. And it's got to be because of Trump's stance, so I'm giving him credit on one little thing. I do realize he is a pathetic president and all around bad guy and all that. But I'm pretty sure SW Airlines and some of the stores I've been to wouldn't be saying "Merry Christmas" without Trump's edict.

At any rate, I don't mind Happy Holidays so much. I just noticed this year when I actually said Merry Christmas to people the words sounded strange coming out of my mouth cause I don't dare go there.

I basically don't care. I've made a personal decision to never say Merry Christmas lest I offend somebody. I don't get mad if somebody says happy holidays to me. I'm not a maniacal person. These are just my observations that Merry Christmas returned this year as a greeting and I saw fit to credit Trump.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Dec 26, 2017 -> 08:53 PM)
I wouldn't say I'm offended by Happy Holidays. What I do is take notice of "Happy Holidays" when it's really close to Christmas. And sorry I have noticed a difference this year. And it's got to be because of Trump's stance, so I'm giving him credit on one little thing. I do realize he is a pathetic president and all around bad guy and all that. But I'm pretty sure SW Airlines and some of the stores I've been to wouldn't be saying "Merry Christmas" without Trump's edict.

At any rate, I don't mind Happy Holidays so much. I just noticed this year when I actually said Merry Christmas to people the words sounded strange coming out of my mouth cause I don't dare go there.

I basically don't care. I've made a personal decision to never say Merry Christmas lest I offend somebody. I don't get mad if somebody says happy holidays to me. I'm not a maniacal person. These are just my observations that Merry Christmas returned this year as a greeting and I saw fit to credit Trump.

You make me want to take my Christmas lights down.


I want it to be a holiday where I can celebrate anything I want. You want it to be a holiday where you get to impose your religion on me.


Jerks like you are trying to ruin Christmas for me. Happy Christmas jerk.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 04:00 AM)
You make me want to take my Christmas lights down.


I want it to be a holiday where I can celebrate anything I want. You want it to be a holiday where you get to impose your religion on me.


Jerks like you are trying to ruin Christmas for me. Happy Christmas jerk.

I guess I'm unable to write where people can comprehend so I should give up. I thought I made clear I don't mind anybody who says Happy Holidays to me. I don't know why I'm a jerk. In real life I can assure you I am considered anything but a jerk. I'm not lyin.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Dec 26, 2017 -> 08:53 PM)
I wouldn't say I'm offended by Happy Holidays. What I do is take notice of "Happy Holidays" when it's really close to Christmas. And sorry I have noticed a difference this year. And it's got to be because of Trump's stance, so I'm giving him credit on one little thing. I do realize he is a pathetic president and all around bad guy and all that. But I'm pretty sure SW Airlines and some of the stores I've been to wouldn't be saying "Merry Christmas" without Trump's edict.

At any rate, I don't mind Happy Holidays so much. I just noticed this year when I actually said Merry Christmas to people the words sounded strange coming out of my mouth cause I don't dare go there.

I basically don't care. I've made a personal decision to never say Merry Christmas lest I offend somebody. I don't get mad if somebody says happy holidays to me. I'm not a maniacal person. These are just my observations that Merry Christmas returned this year as a greeting and I saw fit to credit Trump.

Your view is a direct correlation to what you listen to on the radio. Nobody has ever stopped saying Merry Christmas and Trump didnt "bring it back." The Obamas said Merry Christmas for 8 years. This viewpoint is entirely moronic.

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QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 07:32 AM)
Good lord. I'm trying to be respectful of other people's views/posts but greg really knows how to grind people's gears.


I cannot believe the drivel he wrote. It's so overtly trollish it's not even funny.

He just buys what guys like Trump and Hannity and Rush say. The fact that it is made up doesn't appear to faze him in the least. He just has the attitude if it is, it's messed up, but not really either not wanting or caring to know if it is.


You can show him Trump is a phony. Show him he said happy holidays when the evil Obama was saying Merry Christmas. Show him his kids and his company still use happy holidays, and because it doesn't fit with what he listens too, he just acts like it isn't so. These guys said Trump brought back Christmas, so he did, and that's that. Someone at Southwest Airlines said Merry Christmas. According to what he listens to, that would never have happened if Trump wasn't POTUS.


Someday, maybe he will see how ridiculous this is.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 09:28 AM)
He just buys what guys like Trump and Hannity and Rush say. The fact that it is made up doesn't appear to faze him in the least. He just has the attitude if it is, it's messed up, but not really either not wanting or caring to know if it is.


You can show him Trump is a phony. Show him he said happy holidays when the evil Obama was saying Merry Christmas. Show him his kids and his company still use happy holidays, and because it doesn't fit with what he listens too, he just acts like it isn't so. These guys said Trump brought back Christmas, so he did, and that's that. Someone at Southwest Airlines said Merry Christmas. According to what he listens to, that would never have happened if Trump wasn't POTUS.


Someday, maybe he will see how ridiculous this is.

It's not just that. It's the underlying issue that is bigger.


He's a white, male, christian. He needs to be reminded constantly that he's better than everyone else. That his way of celebrating is better. That his holiday is more important. That's why he "gives credit" for fewer people saying "Happy Holidays" and more people respecting the importance of his celebration. If you even pay attention to New Years, you are a threat!


People like this are the biggest safe-space demanding snowflakes. The very idea that anyone would celebrate different from them is a threat that they need to use the government to snuff out.


People like that disgust me. Go to church if you want! Go to synagogue! I don't care. Just don't lecture me about why I need to celebrate and venerate your holiday in your way.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 10:02 AM)
Pretty much anyone who believes there was a "War on Christmas" and could never say "Merry Christmas" are totally discounted for whatever they say on the subject.

Let me guess...while I was on the front lines fighting the War on Christmas, you took a college deferment or weren't eligible due to flat feet or something. I fought for your right to say Happy Holidays, but I don't have to like it.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 10:55 AM)
It's not just that. It's the underlying issue that is bigger.


He's a white, male, christian. He needs to be reminded constantly that he's better than everyone else. That his way of celebrating is better. That his holiday is more important. That's why he "gives credit" for fewer people saying "Happy Holidays" and more people respecting the importance of his celebration. If you even pay attention to New Years, you are a threat!


People like this are the biggest safe-space demanding snowflakes. The very idea that anyone would celebrate different from them is a threat that they need to use the government to snuff out.


People like that disgust me. Go to church if you want! Go to synagogue! I don't care. Just don't lecture me about why I need to celebrate and venerate your holiday in your way.

The founding fathers purposefully tried to keep any reference to religion out of this government, why are the evangelicals trying so hard to force it in? Its weird to me. "in god we trust" wasnt added until the 1950's because of the same s***.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 11:56 AM)
The founding fathers purposefully tried to keep any reference to religion out of this government, why are the evangelicals trying so hard to force it in? Its weird to me. "in god we trust" wasnt added until the 1950's because of the same s***.

There were less religions to be concerned about in America during 1776, once Christians feel threatened they always go on the offensive.

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QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 11:37 AM)
Let me guess...while I was on the front lines fighting the War on Christmas, you took a college deferment or weren't eligible due to flat feet or something. I fought for your right to say Happy Holidays, but I don't have to like it.


No cartilage in my left knee. :)

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QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 12:46 PM)
No cartilage in my left knee. :)

Bone spurs for me. I think it was my left foot, I do have the best memory maybe of all time, but it also could have been my right. At any rate, they worked themselves out, and I probably am the healthiest person in history, many people have said that.

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 04:55 PM)
It's not just that. It's the underlying issue that is bigger.


He's a white, male, christian. He needs to be reminded constantly that he's better than everyone else. That his way of celebrating is better. That his holiday is more important. That's why he "gives credit" for fewer people saying "Happy Holidays" and more people respecting the importance of his celebration. If you even pay attention to New Years, you are a threat!


People like this are the biggest safe-space demanding snowflakes. The very idea that anyone would celebrate different from them is a threat that they need to use the government to snuff out.


People like that disgust me. Go to church if you want! Go to synagogue! I don't care. Just don't lecture me about why I need to celebrate and venerate your holiday in your way.

You guys are very mean. You assume too much. Call me a simpleton or a fool and i'm ok with that. But my posts shouldn't make u think i'm a disgusting human. I really can't see how u assume i am despicable from a few apparently poorly written posts. And yet nobody comes to my defense. I guess i could be trash

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Trump tweeted back to work tomorrow on Christmas Day. He spent yesterday and today golfing. Sad.


I thought he would be back at the WH making deals. Didn't have time to golf. Probably sick of winning.


“I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” - @realDonaldTrump

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 01:19 PM)
You guys are very mean. You assume too much. Call me a simpleton or a fool and i'm ok with that. But my posts shouldn't make u think i'm a disgusting human. I really can't see how u assume i am despicable from a few apparently poorly written posts. And yet nobody comes to my defense. I guess i could be trash


You would love for you to say your piece without anyone replying.


Sorry buddy, that's not how it works. Your words have consequences.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 02:07 PM)
I just don't think someone's race, sex or religion is important to a conversation. If greg was a black muslim woman would it be okay for Balta to articulate that is why he doesn't understand something?

I think what makes up a person and their experiences is definitely important to a conversation. We do have to be careful on stereotyping and straight dismissals but understanding why someone has an opinion or why their experiences influence their views is incredibly important to understanding one another.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 02:07 PM)
I just don't think someone's race, sex or religion is important to a conversation. If greg was a black muslim woman would it be okay for Balta to articulate that is why he doesn't understand something?


Since this conversation is about saying the words "Merry Christmas," it is explicitly about religion. If Greg were a black, Muslim woman, I doubt he would think that Donald Trump made it ok to say Merry Christmas again.





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QUOTE (raBBit @ Dec 27, 2017 -> 02:07 PM)
I just don't think someone's race, sex or religion is important to a conversation. If greg was a black muslim woman would it be okay for Balta to articulate that is why he doesn't understand something?

Funny you thought it was important when you mentioned your minority friend's "advantages" over you.

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