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President Donald Trump: The Thread


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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 23, 2017 -> 03:06 PM)
Obviously thats one I am referring to for sure. That should be left to the states, and frankly everyone should be happy about that tax revenue. Unless we are SOOOO concerned about people's health and in that case we should ban Bannon's best friend, alcohol.


And apparently the party of business is ok with destroying the thousands of small businesses that opened up in recent years within the legalized states.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 23, 2017 -> 05:16 PM)
And apparently the party of business is ok with destroying the thousands of small businesses that opened up in recent years within the legalized states.

Decline in crime, court cases, arrests but an increase in tax revenue. Oh the HORROR

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 23, 2017 -> 03:30 PM)
Decline in crime, court cases, arrests but an increase in tax revenue. Oh the HORROR

It goes hand in hand with today's reversal regarding the use of private prisons. Those private prisons need to fill up so that everyone can make money.

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 23, 2017 -> 03:18 PM)

Manafort faced blackmail attempt by Ukrainian lawmaker regarding dealings with Russia



Media/press much more well-trusted than Trump...




There is also a profound split between college-educated white voters and non-college-educated white voters, with the former trusting the media more (55% to 37%) and the latter trusting Trump more (also 55% to 37%).


While white voters are generally split on the trust question, preferring the media by 46% to 45%, nonwhite voters trust the media far more, with 68% expressing trust in the media versus just 18% expressing trust for Trump.




It also suggests that Trump's attacks on the media -- he recently called them the "enemy of the American people" -- have drawn clear battle lines among the American public.


"The media, so demonized by the Trump administration, is actually a good deal more popular than President Trump," said Tim Malloy, the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Hopefully more white voters don't vote Trump next time and gravitate to someone the Dems put out whose name is not Clinton. I trust the media more than Trump. And I don't know why he is talking tax cuts with all of the proposed spending. It's "harrible" as he says. "Only I know more about it than them, believe me" as he says.

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Bannon framed much of Trump’s agenda with the phrase, “deconstruction of the administrative state,” meaning the system of taxes, regulations and trade pacts that the president says have stymied economic growth and infringed upon U.S. sovereignty. Bannon says that the post-World War II political and economic consensus is failing and should be replaced with a system that empowers ordinary people over coastal elites and international institutions.



The GOP still has no resolution or plan in sight for:


1) Replacing Obamacare (see Boehner's comments about how the GOP can't agree on ANYTHING about healthcare)

2) How to pay for the wall

3) How to pay for the infrastructure bill

4) Where the money will come to offset the losses from tax rate decreases (other than projecting a doubling of GDP growth rates)...the only even somewhat idea so far was the Border Adjustment Tax (Ryan), and that's been pretty much shot down already

5) Bringing back jobs to the "heartland" or interior of the US, simply because it flies in the face of all modern/globalist economic theory

6) How to pay for increased military spending, more boots on the ground

7) How to safeguard Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security as Trump promised word for word at nearly every campaign stop in 2015



Not to mention Trump's cybersecurity czar couldn't even pass a simple background check...which anyone in Washington, D.C., knows is a SERIOUS sign of some dubious or crooked business dealings in his/her past.


After all the campaign talk about e-mails/servers and security, you can't even get the person in charge of safeguarding those areas correct after all the time you spent lecturing the country about it?

Edited by caulfield12
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Trump lawyer pushed pro-Russia deal for Ukraine, politician claims


n a CNN interview, Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Artemenko said he discussed his left-field proposal for Ukraine in January with US President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who offered to deliver the plan to the Trump administration.


The exact details of the plan are unclear, yet reports have suggested it revolves around leasing Crimea -- annexed by Russia from Ukraine in 2014 -- to Moscow for 50 to 100 years. In exchange, Russia would withdraw its troops from the separatist regions in Ukraine's war-torn east.


Artemenko declined to discuss the plan's details, yet hinted that a lease might be part of the idea.


The lawmaker says Cohen, who has long advised Trump, wanted to take the plan to Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser.


Artemenko said he had never dreamed that his proposal would be seen by the White House, but he claims Cohen said the plan had "great potential" and wanted to deliver it to the Trump administration.


"It was Michael Cohen's idea," he said. "He [Cohen] mentioned his name first in my meetings. And he said 'listen, Michael Flynn' -- from his personal opinion -- 'is most powerful man who can really support this idea, who can support, who can help you, who can provide this information to President Trump.'"


Flynn resigned 24 days into the job after misleading administration officials over his communications with the Russian ambassador to the US before Trump took office. Flynn made several calls to the ambassador in December, including some on the same day that the outgoing Obama administration placed fresh sanctions on Russia over alleged election meddling.


The Justice Department also warned the Trump administration in January that Flynn could be subject to Russian blackmail, a person familiar with the matter told CNN last month.




Meanwhile, turns out the White House contacted the FBI to ask that they deny all these stories about Trump's connections to Russia:


The direct communications between the White House and the FBI were unusual because of decade-old restrictions on such contacts. Such a request from the White House is a violation of procedures that limit communications with the FBI on pending investigations.


The discussions between the White House and the bureau began with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on the sidelines of a separate White House meeting the day after the stories were published, according to a U.S. law enforcement official.


The White House initially disputed that account, saying that McCabe called Priebus early that morning and said The New York Times story vastly overstates what the FBI knows about the contacts.

But a White House official later corrected their version of events to confirm what the law enforcement official described.



and Trump continues to all but confirm that the allegations are real with his addled early morning tweets


find the leakers within the FBI itself. Classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on U.S. FIND NOW




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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 23, 2017 -> 05:21 PM)
It's pick and choose depending on the topic.


You have to love the "jobs" President attacking a multi billion dollar industry that provides tens of thousands of jobs based on incorrect facts (marijuana use is linked to opioid abuse). If it's not a heavy manufacturing job or a coal mine, this jobs president isn't that worried about it.

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QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Feb 24, 2017 -> 10:14 AM)
You have to love the "jobs" President attacking a multi billion dollar industry that provides tens of thousands of jobs based on incorrect facts (marijuana use is linked to opioid abuse). If it's not a heavy manufacturing job or a coal mine, this jobs president isn't that worried about it.


Hmm, why would you link marijuana to opioid abuse? Maybe because of big pharma and private prisons? Hmmmm so strange

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QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Feb 24, 2017 -> 10:14 AM)
You have to love the "jobs" President attacking a multi billion dollar industry that provides tens of thousands of jobs based on incorrect facts (marijuana use is linked to opioid abuse). If it's not a heavy manufacturing job or a coal mine, this jobs president isn't that worried about it.


And according to frommers:




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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 24, 2017 -> 07:51 AM)
President who frequently uses anonymous sources for his reasoning denounces anonymous sources when the stories don't favor him


People in the crowd at CPAC were waving Russian flags with "Trump" printed on them. Unreal


EDIT: Maybe these people should leave America and go live in Russia.

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 24, 2017 -> 10:34 AM)
People in the crowd at CPAC were waving Russian flags with "Trump" printed on them. Unreal


EDIT: Maybe these people should leave America and go live in Russia.


Please tell me you're joking. Like pro trump supporters or protesters?

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