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Thought you guys should know


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As I'm sure many of you know on Tuesday George Bush asked the United Nations for help in the rebuilding effort in Iraq. This is not what bothered me. What bothered me was that after his speech was over the entire administration left the general assembly. Don't have respect for the other speakers and just listen to the speeches. I'm assuming no one heard about this on American news. You go and make a request than go and disrespect everyone in there, real swift. This is just another obvious reason for the anti-american sentiment all across the world.


Here's the link for the video on the story.

UN Bush video


I was pretty disgusted at this, and I think you guys as Americans should be represented much better than this.

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the man leads a busy life, go find something worthwhile to b**** about. or better yet, don't b**** at all.

Well I wasn't trying to b**** I was just showing you something that I'm sure wasn't covered by mainstream American media and thought you should know how poorly you were being represented. Meh...

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U make a good point there KipWellsFan. What's da point in asking for help and then just walking out straight afterwards. Even though this is prob none of my business since I'm an Aussie, lol.

Australia is a member of the United Nations so this IS your business. Don't be intimidated! LOL :lol:

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Yeah well most ppl down here hate George Bush anyways. Even though John Howard our P.M wanted a U.N resolution bf the war on Iraq, he went along with Bush and every1 thinks he's is nothing but George Bush's lapdog.

I believe that's the same type of feeling that there is in Britain with Tony Blair. I'm just happy that my government didn't get sucked into givng support. I'm surprised they didn't because in many ways we depend on the United States, but we took the risk and I think we came out better than before because of it. Althought the Bush administration is clearly still trying to screw us with the whole Mad Cow disease thing, but that's a whole different story.

Edited by KipWellsFan
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the man leads a busy life, go find something worthwhile to b**** about. or better yet, don't b**** at all.

:lol: ahhhh Spiff I think we can totally agree on this type of thing. Im not even a Bush backer. I just think its pathetic that people spend half their lives b****ing and the other half looking for something to b**** about. BREAKING NEWS..................You only get one life, so ENJOY IT. Be at peace.

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Well I think it will be an interesting story to see how the UN reacts to Bush asking for help.


I think he felt things would be easier then they were and its not the case. I still back the mission though. WOMD weren't the big thing for me...it was getting that dictator out of their and freeing the people which was why I was for it.


I figured it would be a long process and I expect it to be one.

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I believe that's the same type of feeling that there is in Britain with Tony Blair.  I'm just happy that my government didn't get sucked into givng support.  I'm surprised they didn't because in many ways we depend on the United States, but we took the risk and I think we came out better than before because of it.  Althought the United States is still trying to screw us with the whole Mad Cow disease thing, but that's a whole different story.

For a moment stop and think what your life would be like WITHOUT the USA and then go stand over in the corner and SHUT THE f*** UP....... :fyou

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:lol: ahhhh Spiff I think we can totally agree on this type of thing.  Im not even a Bush backer.  I just think its pathetic that people spend half their lives b****ing and the other half looking for something to b**** about. BREAKING NEWS..................You only get one life, so ENJOY IT.  Be at peace.

bingo, it's just like in the other thread about why i skip over the novel-length posts whining about peru in 1980 and blah blah. people spend way too much time whining.

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For a moment stop and think what your life would be like WITHOUT the USA and then go stand over in the corner and SHUT THE f*** UP....... :fyou

I'm very thankful to have such a powerful country as an ally. But I'd be much happier and thankful if the current administration had some bloody compassion and some f***ing brains!

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I'm very thankful to have such a powerful country as an ally.  But I'd be much happier and thankful if the current administration had some bloody compassion and some f***ing brains!

Yeah cuz thats way worse than enslaved or dead right? I have NO opinion on the current admin, but youre right, you can be thankful that your b****ING, COMPLAINING, WHINING ass is protected.

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I think you are taking this too far.



b****ing, Whining, Complaining ass? :lol:

LOL , okay, just dont criticize the USA. Criticize Bush all you want..........

I think I see what made you upset and changed it to something more appropriate. :D

;) Thanks. Sorry, I just tend to overreact and get defensive when someone criticizes my country. I respect you as a person and member of this site. Your posts are always very interesting.

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Jacques ain't too happy with George Dubya at da moment.

France has never been "happy" with the US until we have to save their ass from tyrants or facists. f*** them.


And the next time some dude with an army of 12 marches into France and Frenchy waves his favorite white scarf, the US should just sit back and let it happen.

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France has never been "happy" with the US until we have to save their ass from tyrants or facists. f*** them.


And the next time some dude with an army of 12 marches into France and Frenchy waves his favorite white scarf, the US should just sit back and let it happen.

Amen to that.

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France has never been "happy" with the US until we have to save their ass from tyrants or facists. f*** them.


And the next time some dude with an army of 12 marches into France and Frenchy waves his favorite white scarf, the US should just sit back and let it happen.

Wait, so it's right for the US to look out for it's national interest [i.e. cheap Iraqi oil] but it was wrong for France to look out for it's national interest [getting payment for pipelines etc.?]


The war on terror, you can't distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror.

--George W. Bush


Yes, I can distinguish between the two. One of them is a group of radical fundamentalist Islamic believers in the Wahabbi sect of Islam and the other is a secular Baath party dictator of a 3rd world country in Iraq. Wow, now that wasn't too hard to do.


The fact is that the Bush administration fed us a steady stream of bulls*** to get people behind the war:

1) nuclear material from Africa = Lie

2) WMD program that was ready to work= Lie [Hussein Kamal, the man that the US relied on for much of the intelligence on the weapons program told them that the programs were dismantled after Gulf War I but they refused to listen]

3) Al Qaeda and Saddam were linked = Lie [they said it a bunch of times and now Rummy has said he has no reason to believe that it's true


There are so many others. It's just sad that even Bush doesn't know the reason we went in and invaded and now that it's backfiring he is looking for the UN liferaft after telling them they are irrelevent and doing what he wanted to anyway despite little things like FACTS justifying military action.

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That goes hand in hand with something called success.

Success? Have you seen Bush's approval rating? It's at the lowest it's ever been in his Presidency.


And how many terrorists has he caught with the PATRIOT Act? ZERO.

Did he catch "Osama bin Laden dead or alive" like he said he would? NO.


All he did do was put three countries' economies in the toilet, gave tax cuts to the rich and got a bunch of people killed for no reason.

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