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Thought you guys should know


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Success?  Have you seen Bush's approval rating?  It's at the lowest it's ever been in his Presidency.


And how many terrorists has he caught with the PATRIOT Act?  ZERO.

Did he catch "Osama bin Laden dead or alive" like he said he would?  NO.


All he did do was put three countries' economies in the toilet, gave tax cuts to the rich and got a bunch of people killed for no reason.

His approval rating is still higher than Bubba's was. And recent polls indicate that the vast majority of Iraqis are positive about the U.S. presence and what has occured over there, but you won't see that reported in the liberal media. All they are interested in showing you is the wives who are sad that their husbands who volunteered for the military are actually being asked to serve, or throw the word "quagmire" around.


The final recount in Florida showed that Bush won the state. Regardless, Bush can't be held to blame that Gore's supporters are too damn stupid to figure out a butterfly ballot. s***, every election I've voted in was with a butterfly ballot. If someone is too big an idiot to figure it out, I don't want them helping shape the future of the nation.


Bush leaving the UN after his speech wasn't reported here because it is unimportant. Hell, it may even be protocol for all I/we know. The man is the leader of the free world and you think he should sit around listening to a bunch of two-bit ambassadors discuss matters in an organization that exists by the grace of the U.S. I think not.


It's pointless to talk to these hate-filled liberals though. In my experience, you never get any ideas from them, just criticisms.

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We remove a tyrant that A)killed hundreds of thousands of people simply for having a different opinion than him, B)used monies that were to be spent on Iraq's people to build palaces and develop weapons, C)tortured his own Olympic athletes for losing, D)aided and abetted terrorists of many organizations, E)would have invaded nearly every surrounding country 10 years ago if he didn't have to worry about the U.S. stepping in, and all these Liberals can do is b**** about the lack of hard WMD evidence. I wish Bush didn't say anything about WMD in the first place, I wish he would have said we're going to take out Saddam simply because he was a threat to the world as a whole, a dictator whose methods and practices are on a par with those of Hitler, Mussolinin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, et al. Like those mentioned, Hussein has been allowed to continue his reign of brutalization far too long, and should have been removed much earlier. Not any of our business? f*** you, it's EVERYBODY'S business worldwide when there's someone operating the way he has. If you can't see that, then you need to get a clue. We knew we should have gotten involved in WWII earlier, but waited until we got Pearl Harbor. We knew we should have gone after Saddam earlier, we waited until Kuwait was invaded. We could have spent more time and energy on Osama and the Taliban, instead we waited until 9/11 to do something. I don't care if the only "evidence of WMD" the U.S. ever finds is a f***ing smokebomb, I don't believe for a second that some major tragedy involving Saddam wasn't inevitable, regardless of the method of delivery. He was gonna hurt a lot of people (again) eventually, and now he can't.

Thank you, end of rant.

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His approval rating is still higher than Bubba's was. And recent polls indicate that the vast majority of Iraqis are positive about the U.S. presence and what has occured over there, but you won't see that reported in the liberal media. All they are interested in showing you is the wives who are sad that their husbands who volunteered for the military are actually being asked to serve, or throw the word "quagmire" around.


Bush leaving the UN after his speech wasn't reported here because it is unimportant. Hell, it may even be protocol for all I/we know. The man is the leader of the free world and you think he should sit around listening to a bunch of two-bit ambassadors discuss matters in an organization that exists by the grace of the U.S. I think not.


It's pointless to talk to these hate-filled liberals though. In my experience, you never get any ideas from them, just criticisms.

The vast majority of Iraqis are happy we're there?


Look at the photos from the fall of Baghdad that had a few hundred people out there when the city has over 5 MILLION INHABITANTS.


Also, look at the fact that the government wants to take control in the name of the people. They don't want the US there.


Let's talk the 60,000 people that got tossed off the voter rolls in Florida by Catherine Harris for "felony committed in 2007" etc. Hmm? Or how about the GOP aides that went to Florida and said they were Florida voters to stop the recount?




The "bourgeois rioters" that beat up several people in the Miami Dade Courthouse in order to stop the recount there have all been identified by the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. They are all GOP Congressional aides or former GOP Congressional aides who were flown down to Florida, fed and housed at the expense of the Bush/Cheney campaign. After the riot, both Bush and Cheney called this group to congratulate them on a job well done. During the inauguration, they held a reunion with Katherine Harris, where they all got commemorative t-shirts and paperweights filled with chad. None of these "bourgeois rioters" has ever been questioned by the police, let alone charged with a crime they

were videotaped committing. For the record, according to the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, etc., those rioters are:


1. Tom Pyle, policy analyst, office of House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).

2. Garry Malphrus, majority chief counsel and staff director, House Judiciary subcommittee on criminal justice.

3. Rory Cooper, political division staff member at the National Republican Congressional Committee.

4. Kevin Smith, former House Republican conference analyst and more recently of Voter.com.

5. Steven Brophy, former aide to Sen. Fred D.Thompson (R-Tenn.), now working at the consulting firm KPMG.

6. Matt Schlapp, former chief of staff for Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), now on the Bush campaign staff in Austin.

7. Roger Morse, aide to Rep. Van Hilleary (R-Tenn.).

8. Duane Gibson, aide to Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska) of the House Resources Committee.

9. Chuck Royal, legislative assistant to Rep.Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).

10. Layna McConkey, former legislative assistant to former Rep. Jim Ross Lightfoot (R-Iowa), now at Steelman Health


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As I'm sure many of you know on Tuesday George Bush asked the United Nations for help in the rebuilding effort in Iraq.  This is not what bothered me.  What bothered me was that after his speech was over the entire administration left the general assembly.  Don't have respect for the other speakers and just listen to the speeches.  I'm assuming no one heard about this on American news.  You go and make a request than go and disrespect everyone in there, real swift.  This is just another obvious reason for the anti-american sentiment all across the world.


Here's the link for the video on the story.

UN Bush video


I was pretty disgusted at this, and I think you guys as Americans should be represented much better than this.

I am disgusted by that too.


The arrogance of power is always prelude to a fall.


And it is a damn shame the current administration doesn't reaize that.


And the respect given is the respect gotten - which is why this adminsitration deserves no respect.

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The vast majority of Iraqis are happy we're there?


Look at the photos from the fall of Baghdad that had a few hundred people out there when the city has over 5 MILLION INHABITANTS.

damn even I can spot the weakness of that argument. are you saying then, that the rest of the five million were sitting inside saying BOO BRING BACK SADDAM ? did it ever occurr to you that they feared the administration wasn't really gone and thought it they celebrated prematurely they might pay for it?

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Colombia's government kills thousands. We give them millions in aid. What is so special about this dictator when there are others that we do business with? Hell we just opened up trade relations with China even though they persecute, imprison and torture Falun Gong practitioners for no other reason than they practice Falun Gong.


We spend a disproportionate amount of our nation's money on more and more weapons that we don't need.


And as for invading every country there? Funny, because the last time I checked even Kuwait admitted that the Gulf War started because they slant drilled into the Iraqi oil supply and Iraq went to defend it's oil. And we stepped in because the Kuwaiti government paid a lot of money to US PR companies and they were friendly with the House of Saud.


You liken Saddam to Hitler but Henry Ford admired Hitler, GM said he had great business practices. Hell, we knew was was going on in the concentration camps and didn't do jack and s*** there until Pearl Harbor.


And about Osama and 9/11...there was a report written called "Terrorism 2000" and it came out after Clinton left office in late January, early Feb. The report is a conglomoration of INTERPOL, CIA, etc. etc. working together and in the report it says that terrorist organizations will likely use planes as bombs in national landmarks. Even after that, British intelligence warned over a month before 9/11 that Al Qaeda was planning something involving planes as bombs. Common sense dictates that since the WTC was targeted before in 1993, just maybe it might be targeted again. You know why something wasn't done? The report sat on Cheney's desk and he NEVER READ IT. Hell, in pre 9/11 2001 We GAVE THE TALIBAN OVER $100 MILLION IN AID!


This doctrine of pre-emption is a slippery slope. India doesn't like something Pakistan does so they can nuke each other using this doctrine and get away with it. Hell, Hitler used this same idea and it was condemned in Nuremburg at the Nuremburg tribunals. He felt other nations threatened his "Lebensraum" and therefore had to annex/conquer them. It's the exact same damn thing now.

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HEy Kip, 90% of the people here in Brazil hate today administration of Bush.


Do you americans know why almost 70% of the planet in the world hate your country???


Because you guys think that rule the world.


US thinks that they are the world, they are the only one in the world.


:fyou who thinks that way...

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HEy Kip, 90% of the people here in Brazil hate today administration of Bush.


Do you americans know why almost 70% of the planet in the world hate your country???


Because you guys think that rule the world.


US thinks that they are the world, they are the only one in the world.


:fyou who thinks that way...

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.

--George Bernard Shaw


The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political mythology.

--Michael Parenti


But we're America! We have manifest destiny!

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And how many terrorists has he caught with the PATRIOT Act?  ZERO.

I believe the Terrorist Cell that has plead guilty to the Govt. charges caught in Buffalo earlier this year was nabbed due, in part, to the Patriot Act.


And dude, if you ain't planning on blowing up a govt building, a military target, a civilian target, or hijack a plane and/or fly it into a building..... you have nothing to worry about.


You spew your propagandists drivel on this board and Bush's Gestapo hasn't come to your house and taken you away indefinitely for "questioning."

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Bush wanted to input Democracy in Iraq by using what Saddam used.........kill a lot of people.


Who is the next country that they will invade??? Sometimes i'm scared when Lula (president of Brazil) says something agst Bush and his government...someday we will be the next one to be invaded.

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Do you americans know why almost 70% of the planet in the world hate your country???


Because you guys think that rule the world.

Hate us and our prosperity and might all you want. Without the United States, the entire world will become "3rd World".


And don't hate us because we run the world. It's how God intended.

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Who is the next country that they will invade??? Sometimes i'm scared when Lula (president of Brazil) says something agst Bush and his government...someday we will be the next one to be invaded.

All Brazil has is beaches and rainforest. We don't need any of that s***. We have plenty of our own beaches :lol: .

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Bush wanted to input Democracy in Iraq by using what Saddam used.........kill a lot of people.

You and Apu ahould meet up for beers and talk politics one day. You're both utterly clueless.

With a lot of pleasure!


Clueless??? What do you know about international politics??? I think that you just know US politics.

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Clueless??? What do you know about international politics??? I think that you just know US politics.

I know enough to know that, without the United States and our policies, this world would be much worse off than it currently seems.


And regardless of what the United States' policies are, our $$$$$ is what matters to countries like Brazil..... not our politics.

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And how many terrorists has he caught with the PATRIOT Act?  ZERO.

I believe the Terrorist Cell that has plead guilty to the Govt. charges caught in Buffalo earlier this year was nabbed due, in part, to the Patriot Act.


And dude, if you ain't planning on blowing up a govt building, a military target, a civilian target, or hijack a plane and/or fly it into a building..... you have nothing to worry about.


You spew your propagandists drivel on this board and Bush's Gestapo hasn't come to your house and taken you away indefinitely for "questioning."

So, CK you find nothing wrong with the PATRIOT Act and the new provisions Bush wants to add? If they all get added this is what it means:


Subpoena power for cops

Ability to search without warrants for cops on "suspicion" instead of probable cause

If find out about the search, it's illegal to tell anybody

Arrest and mandatory no bail

Being held for an undisclosed amount of time without contact to family & lawyers

Secret closed military tribunals with no lawyer for the defendent and Bush gets the decision on giving the death penalty [Oh yeah, the punishable crimes by death are also going to vastly increase]


You don't find that the least bit antithetical to a free and open democracy?

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Do you americans know why almost 70% of the planet in the world hate your country???


Because you guys think that rule the world.

Hate us and our prosperity and might all you want. Without the United States, the entire world will become "3rd World".


And don't hate us because we run the world. It's how God intended.

We, brazilians, are already a 3rd world country. And a part of this is because of your US government, why the US gorvernment put barriers agst our Agriculture, specially soybean, and the next one will be shrimp?


If they want a Free Trade in America, why put so many barriers agst our products??? If we have the liberty to export to your maybe my country would get out of misery that we live.

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I know enough to know that, without the United States and our policies, this world would be much worse off than it currently seems.


And regardless of what the United States' policies are, our $$$$$ is what matters to countries like Brazil..... not our politics.

Political decisions interfere on the Economics, dont you think??? Or do you believe the Economy has a "Invisible hand" like Adam Smith said? Read John Maynard Keynes...

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I know enough to know that, without the United States and our policies, this world would be much worse off than it currently seems.

The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political mythology.

--Michael Parenti


CK have you been watching a bit too much of the FOX News Channel? :lol:

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Political decisions interfere on the Economics, dont you think??? Or do you believe the Economy has a "Invisible hand" like Adam Smith said? Read John Maynard Keynes...

Keynes is the neo-con's best friend. They like the "invisible hand" when it suits them but they love regulations if it helps them out.

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And how many terrorists has he caught with the PATRIOT Act?  ZERO.

I believe the Terrorist Cell that has plead guilty to the Govt. charges caught in Buffalo earlier this year was nabbed due, in part, to the Patriot Act.


And dude, if you ain't planning on blowing up a govt building, a military target, a civilian target, or hijack a plane and/or fly it into a building..... you have nothing to worry about.


You spew your propagandists drivel on this board and Bush's Gestapo hasn't come to your house and taken you away indefinitely for "questioning."

So, CK you find nothing wrong with the PATRIOT Act and the new provisions Bush wants to add? If they all get added this is what it means:


Subpoena power for cops

Ability to search without warrants for cops on "suspicion" instead of probable cause

If find out about the search, it's illegal to tell anybody

Arrest and mandatory no bail

Being held for an undisclosed amount of time without contact to family & lawyers

Secret closed military tribunals with no lawyer for the defendent and Bush gets the decision on giving the death penalty [Oh yeah, the punishable crimes by death are also going to vastly increase]


You don't find that the least bit antithetical to a free and open democracy?

Nothing's perfect. I never said the Patriot Act was. If you are a criminal in the "classic sense" that we think of a criminal, then police aren't going to invoke the Patriot Act by detaining and questioning a, for example, drug dealer or murderer. Trust me, police will still have to prove their case in front of a judge or magistrate to get a search warrant and any detention of a suspect will be scrutinized for legality (probable cause, Miranda Rights, etc). Bet on it.


The Patriot Act is designed for those that would fly planes into a civilian building, set off a "dirty bomb", plan a suicide bombing, etc.


You're safe Apu. Nobody is coming to get you.

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I know enough to know that, without the United States and our policies, this world would be much worse off than it currently seems.

The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political mythology.

--Michael Parenti


CK have you been watching a bit too much of the FOX News Channel? :lol:

This quote, I will not disagree with Apu. Kinda like Jack Nicholson's rambling about Guantanamo Bay and what US Citizens don't know about our security in "A Few Good Men." :lol:

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Raf you do realize that if the US hadn't intervened during the Brazilian economic crisis, there wouldn't be much left of the Brazilian economy to worry about? You do realize that the American economy is the biggest net buying of Brazilian products in the world right? You do realize how much military aid that Brazil depends on from the US right? Brazils whole economy is based on the US, without it, there would be no prosperity at all in Brazil. To single out one industry as protectionist is short sighted. Are you telling me that the Brazilia government isn't subsidizing any industries that are undercutting American products and putting Americans out of work???

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