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"Liberals will buy anything a bigot writes. In fact, they really support hatemongers."


Came across that the other day, and it really got me thinking. Just look at the mean-spirited rants and websites the liberals here perpetuate. I'm not saying they can't stop and have a rational discussion every once in a while, but on the whole they look for any piece of hateful media they can find and throw out there.

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"Liberals will buy anything a bigot writes. In fact, they really support hatemongers."


Came across that the other day, and it really got me thinking. Just look at the mean-spirited rants and websites the liberals here perpetuate. I'm not saying they can't stop and have a rational discussion every once in a while, but on the whole they look for any piece of hateful media they can find and throw out there.

Some people are comfortable with being unhappy. Theyre used to it and happiness and success scares them. These type of people seek out negative, create negative, live negatitve, expect negative. Im not saying every liberal is this type of person, but it sure is more common within them. Its sad, very sad.

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"Since the New Deal, Republicans have been on the wrong side of every issue of concern to ordinary Americans; Social Security, the war in Vietnam, equal rights, civil liberties, church- state separation, consumer issues, public education, reproductive freedom, national health care, labor issues, gun policy, campaign-finance reform, the environment and tax fairness. No political party could remain so consistently wrong by accident. The only rational conclusion is that, despite their cynical "family values" propaganda, the Republican Party is a criminal conspiracy to betray the interests of the American people in favor of plutocratic and corporate interests, and absolutist religious groups."


The above is from Apu's member page. You're right, BMR. America hating is a past time that goes back generations and is especially en vogue with college age kids. American universities keep pumping out these types, and these kids put a lot of time and energy into this hatred. Though, Apu, I don't understand your reference to the Vietnam War, since that was basically a JFK/LBJ creation, but I'm sure the Republicans are somehow responsible for it, or perhaps you'll blame Eisenhower. Either way, it really doesn't matter nor do I care. Things like your quote above demonstrates to me that not only do you have issues with this country's current administration and history, but the fact that you would put that on your Soxtalk.com member page tells me you're fanatical about it, making your opinions less than valid to me. And your talk about your friends' accounts, chances are good that your friends share your views, making their accounts less than believable.


Your left-wing ranting has gotten tedious and I'm going to stop wasting my time with it. Perhaps you can get back to us when you've lived in the real world for a bit. It's easy to hate America and it's past while enjoying the benefits it provides.

The quote is actually from www.evilgopbastards.com not a quote of my personal creation.


And my friends are actually Republicans from career military families. But I love the psychological analysis I am receiving from a bunch of people that never met me. It's quite amusing.


I am very proud of being an American. I would say that the things our corporate controlled government has done are at best shameful and at worst genocidal but there's an incredible and permanent culture of resistance in the country that I'm very proud to be a part of. It's not the tradition of slave owning Founding Fathers, it's the tradition of the Frederick Douglasses, the Underground Railroads, the Chief Josephs, the Joe Hills, and the Huey P. Newtons. There's so much to be proud of when you're American that's hidden from you. The incredible courage and bravery of the union organizers in the late 1800s and early 1900s -- that's amazing. People get tricked into going overseas and fighting Uncle Sam's Wall Street wars, but these are people who knew what they were fighting for here at home. I think that is so much more courageous and brave.

--Tom Morello


I just get VERY pissed that America subverts democracy and human rights throughout the world then walks around like it never did anything wrong at all and wonders why people hate us. If America educated it's people about what we have done or even *gasp* apologized for it or took even just a token action to amend the wrongs, then it would be a lot better.


And yes, I recognize the irony that the very system I oppose affords me the luxury of biting the hand that feeds. But that's exactly why privileged f***s like me should be obligated to work to make sure everybody gets at least the basic tenets of life: food, shelter, and clothing...something way too many, even in "the world's only superpower" go without every day.

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Apu thats the first time ive EVER seen you write ANYTHING positive about America. I respect your views, as those views are your right, but maybe you could actually say something positive? I think people would respect your views even more.

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Some people are comfortable with being unhappy.  Theyre used to it and happiness and success scares them.  These type of people seek out negative, create negative, live negatitve, expect negative.  Im not saying every liberal is this type of person, but it sure is more common within them.  Its sad, very sad.

And some people are scared of the truth. So, they ignore it because they don't want to be unhappy. This has happened throughout history i.e. the Holocaust. So, it is important that we make full use of our freedoms given to us to question if what our government does is right. Rather than ignore it and let them do whatever the hell they want.


And to be honest, most of the world doesn't have much to be happy about.

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France has never been "happy" with the US until we have to save their ass from tyrants or facists. f*** them.


And the next time some dude with an army of 12 marches into France and Frenchy waves his favorite white scarf, the US should just sit back and let it happen.

Hey the French DID stand up to Greenpeace. Even sank their ship! Of course they lost that war too....... hmmmmm nevermind. :usa

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"Liberals will buy anything a bigot writes. In fact, they really support hatemongers."


Came across that the other day, and it really got me thinking. Just look at the mean-spirited rants and websites the liberals here perpetuate. I'm not saying they can't stop and have a rational discussion every once in a while, but on the whole they look for any piece of hateful media they can find and throw out there.

I'd guess that around 70% of Canada is liberal and most are nothing like that. :lolhitting

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AHHH  WRONG AGAIN!  I was in Baghdad during the fall of the city and the two months after that and we got nothing but a positive reaction from the people there.  They thanked us EVERY f***ING DAY for getting rid of Saddam Hussein and his murderous sons.  When my unit left Baghdad for Fallujah the people in my sector were sorry to see us leave and BEGGED US TO STAY.  When we got to Fallujah, the heart of the "Sunni Triangle"  we got more of the same reaction. 


Your read on this is meaningless.  I was there & you were not.  I talked with these "disgruntled Iraqi's" every single day while I was there & you didn't.  If you don't know what the f*** you're talking about then please shut the f*** up.

And I'm sure you talked to all 5 million people, Nuke. :bang


Also, I have other friends in the military that gave less than flattering stories of the American reaction in Iraq and they were there in country as well, Nuke.

Nope, I sure didn't talk to 5 million people, but things remain the same. I was there, right in the heart of things for a long time. I know what happened and is happening there and you don't, you can't know cause you weren't there. By the way. If your military friends are to have any credibility with me let me hear some unit names cause I know who was where and who is where right now.


I'm waiting.

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Nothing's perfect. I never said the Patriot Act was. If you are a criminal in the "classic sense" that we think of a criminal, then police aren't going to invoke the Patriot Act by detaining and questioning a, for example, drug dealer or murderer. Trust me, police will still have to prove their case in front of a judge or magistrate to get a search warrant and any detention of a suspect will be scrutinized for legality (probable cause, Miranda Rights, etc). Bet on it.


The Patriot Act is designed for those that would fly planes into a civilian building, set off a "dirty bomb", plan a suicide bombing, etc.


You're safe Apu. Nobody is coming to get you.

Actually CK, Ashcroft recently said he is allowing the PATRIOT Act to be used against common criminals.


Drugs like meth and stuff are now considered WMD. I'm not even joking about this. I wish I was.


What about the hundreds of random people that were rounded up after 9/11 and detained indefinitely until they were found to be completely INNOCENT? They are now coming forward and telling their stories.

Would you please tell me what is wrong with that? God forbid we lock up anyone else when they commit crimes. You guys really need to stop coddling criminals.

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Nothing's perfect. I never said the Patriot Act was. If you are a criminal in the "classic sense" that we think of a criminal, then police aren't going to invoke the Patriot Act by detaining and questioning a, for example, drug dealer or murderer. Trust me, police will still have to prove their case in front of a judge or magistrate to get a search warrant and any detention of a suspect will be scrutinized for legality (probable cause, Miranda Rights, etc). Bet on it.


The Patriot Act is designed for those that would fly planes into a civilian building, set off a "dirty bomb", plan a suicide bombing, etc.


You're safe Apu. Nobody is coming to get you.

Actually CK, Ashcroft recently said he is allowing the PATRIOT Act to be used against common criminals.


Drugs like meth and stuff are now considered WMD. I'm not even joking about this. I wish I was.


What about the hundreds of random people that were rounded up after 9/11 and detained indefinitely until they were found to be completely INNOCENT? They are now coming forward and telling their stories.

Would you please tell me what is wrong with that? God forbid we lock up anyone else when they commit crimes. You guys really need to stop coddling criminals.

Nuke, they rounded up lots of INNOCENT people saying that they were criminals, denied them access to lawyers and family....then let them go saying that they did nothing wrong. That's what's wrong with it. You should really read the testimonials.

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