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California Debate


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The candidate I support for governor kicked some major butt during the debate. Arnold did alright while Bustamante appeared rather weak.


Huffington and the green party candidate (Name slips me right now...like Carmejo or something) were also their. Arianna and Arnold spat a bit during the debate but on the most part it was a good debate imo.


Hands down though McClintock showed he should be the next governor. While no one else really added ideas, McCintock had plans that made sense and should be implemented. You can really see he has a clue on what to do. He has a ton of experience and flat knows the system.


Bustamante also kind of knows the system, but I can't stand his policies and I'll likely leave the state once I graduate school if he gets elected. I really think the power of California is on line in this election cause if a bad candidate takes over and then wins the next election then the state will be in deep trouble.


Their are a lot of problems here and I really think the best way to solve them is with McClintock.


Anyway...don't know if anyone else watched it, but I'm curious to know your take if you did.


I so hope Arnold steps down. If they both stay in it...then I will be voting against the recall.

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Jason could you explain some things to me...


-California car tax that Mcclintock is trying to get rid of, or limit


-My math professor said something about California splitting up, what the hell was he talking about :huh:

Well basically the registratoin this year has been increased by 2/1/2 times. Mine went up 290 bucks, which really pissed me off.


In any other state, my registration fee would be somewhere between 50 and 150 bucks.


Instead I get majorly reamed and my entire months paycheck will basically be going to it.


I am hoping that the petition going around will get its million signatures and then it will immediately be frozen.


McClintock would dump it right when he got in...as would he dump the liscenses to illegals as well as the free school for illegals (or he would be trying too).


I think one of hte major things the increased car fees pay for is the education fees for illegal immigrants which really pisses me off since I already am paying for school and I don't think I need to pay for someone elses education.


Illegal immigrants were already getting in state tuition..now free...thats a bunch of bs. I don't get free and I live in the state. Albeit I'm lucky and I can afford it (My folks help me out too...but I'm trying not to welch too much off them cause I know grad school will cost money and I'm hoping they'll help me a bit on that). But I know people that have a lot of trouble affording school that have lived in Ca all their life and to see illegals get it for free while they have to wokr their asses off for it really pisses me off.


Basically I'm really pissed at a lot of things in California right now and I'm gonna do my part and vote as I have ever since I turned 18. McClintock is the most qualified in my opinion, but I also know that I need to vote for the one who has the best shot to win and if both stay in they have no shot and I know I dno't want bustamante in because the state would be ruined, imo.


Hope that helps your question...I'll try and see what the exact breakdown is on the car tax. Another thing I wouldn't mind is if the car tax went soley to constructing new roads...something that helps everyone. Thats basically what the gas tax goes too. So the more you drive the more you pay...so its a very fair tax.

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In regards to California splitting up the only thing I can think of is that he means the democrats and the republicans at a stand still in a sense. Basically if Bustamante wins the state will never be conservative again and imo it will go to hell with all the stupid taxes and laws.


I'm not a big fan of taxes and regulations unless they really help. So many things aren't needed and their are so many duplicate forms and things that you have to fill out to get the exact same thing done. Its a royal pain in the neck.

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The candidate I support for governor kicked some major butt during the debate.  Arnold did alright while Bustamante appeared rather weak.


Huffington and the green party candidate (Name slips me right now...like Carmejo or something) were also their.  Arianna and Arnold spat a bit during the debate but on the most part it was a good debate imo.


Hands down though McClintock showed he should be the next governor.  While no one else really added ideas, McCintock had plans that made sense and should be implemented.  You can really see he has a clue on what to do.  He has a ton of experience and flat knows the system.


Bustamante also kind of knows the system, but I can't stand his policies and I'll likely leave the state once I graduate school if he gets elected.  I really think the power of California is on line in this election cause if a bad candidate takes over and then wins the next election then the state will be in deep trouble.


Their are a lot of problems here and I really think the best way to solve them is with McClintock. 


Anyway...don't know if anyone else watched it, but I'm curious to know your take if you did.


I so hope Arnold steps down.  If they both stay in it...then I will be voting against the recall.

Chisoxfn, heres an interesting website you can use. Ignore the contest and just download the soundboard. Imagine all the s*** you can cause with this.....




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I've never understood the concept of providing services to illegal aliens. Rather than giving them free tuition and driver's licenses, shouldn't they be getting deported? If not, why make people go through all the bulls*** of getting green cards and visas? If nothing else, at least get rid of the word "illegal", because it seems that there's nothing wrong with sneaking into this country in violation of the laws.

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Are differences between North and South California solely political or in many different ways?



North- right wing

South- left wing

I'd say politically the North is more liberal mainly because of Berkley/San Fran. I really wouldn't call it much of a huge difference other then the fact when you go up north their is tons of open space while in the SoCal area, as long as your near the coastal areas you don't ever hit any open space.


I never have heard of them splitting though.

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Are differences between North and South California solely political or in many different ways?



North- right wing

South- left wing

I'd say politically the North is more liberal mainly because of Berkley/San Fran. I really wouldn't call it much of a huge difference other then the fact when you go up north their is tons of open space while in the SoCal area, as long as your near the coastal areas you don't ever hit any open space.


I never have heard of them splitting though.

Splitting up is new to me. I will also agree with the differneces here in the bay area there are more liberals, but I think that has to do with schools like Cal-berkeley. Heck when the Iraq was began the mayor organized a peace rally. Never heard anything like that in SOCAL.



There is open space in SOCAL. Joshua Tree and BigBear :cheers :D

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Are differences between North and South California solely political or in many different ways?



North- right wing

South- left wing

I'd say politically the North is more liberal mainly because of Berkley/San Fran. I really wouldn't call it much of a huge difference other then the fact when you go up north their is tons of open space while in the SoCal area, as long as your near the coastal areas you don't ever hit any open space.


I never have heard of them splitting though.

Splitting up is new to me. I will also agree with the differneces here in the bay area there are more liberals, but I think that has to do with schools like Cal-berkeley. Heck when the Iraq was began the mayor organized a peace rally. Never heard anything like that in SOCAL.



There is open space in SOCAL. Joshua Tree and BigBear :cheers :D

And all the desert on the way to Arizona/Vegas.


Joshua Tree is great...love going their and going rockclimbing.

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