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SOMONE'S comin to Chi-town

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well hell thats next year. :P .. sure dont show up in the winter time huh.... :rolleyes:

What?!?!? Chicago winters are great...Who doesn't want to get up 2 hours early for work to shovel the 10 feet of snow off your car with the whip of cold dry air pounding on your face, and after that the 30 minutes to get your car started and the extra 20 minutes letting the car warm up..and unless you drive a tank the ice capades show your car goes through just getting out the drive way on the black ice.

Then the 5mph conga line of automobiles driving their cold ass butts to work and to be miserable there!


Ahh, Chicago winters...I can't f***in wait!!! :headbang

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What?!?!? Chicago winters are great...Who doesn't want to get up 2 hours early for work to shovel the 10 feet of snow off your car with the whip of cold dry air pounding on your face, and after that the 30 minutes to get your car started and the extra 20 minutes letting the car warm up..and unless you drive a tank the ice capades show your car goes through just getting out the drive way on the black ice.

Then the 5mph conga line of automobiles driving their cold ass butts to work and to be miserable there!


Ahh, Chicago winters...I can't f***in wait!!! :headbang

Very relateable to what I went through last year. And that was just to get to my school that was only 5 minutes away. Gash, if you have ever drove down the street and there was some idiot who didnt brush the snow off his car and its blowing right into your windshield, that was probably me. Only brushed off enough snow in front, rear windows so I can drive. I know it would always piss people off but i wasnt willing to wake up 10 minutes earlier to brush it off.

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What?!?!? Chicago winters are great...Who doesn't want to get up 2 hours early for work to shovel the 10 feet of snow off your car with the whip of cold dry air pounding on your face, and after that the 30 minutes to get your car started and the extra 20 minutes letting the car warm up..and unless you drive a tank the ice capades show your car goes through just getting out the drive way on the black ice.

Then the 5mph conga line of automobiles driving their cold ass butts to work and to be miserable there!


Ahh, Chicago winters...I can't f***in wait!!! :headbang

Ah! The memories. :D

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What?!?!? Chicago winters are great...Who doesn't want to get up 2 hours early for work to shovel the 10 feet of snow off your car with the whip of cold dry air pounding on your face, and after that the 30 minutes to get your car started and the extra 20 minutes letting the car warm up..and unless you drive a tank the ice capades show your car goes through just getting out the drive way on the black ice.

Then the 5mph conga line of automobiles driving their cold ass butts to work and to be miserable there!


Ahh, Chicago winters...I can't f***in wait!!! :headbang

Very relateable to what I went through last year. And that was just to get to my school that was only 5 minutes away. Gash, if you have ever drove down the street and there was some idiot who didnt brush the snow off his car and its blowing right into your windshield, that was probably me. Only brushed off enough snow in front, rear windows so I can drive. I know it would always piss people off but i wasnt willing to wake up 10 minutes earlier to brush it off.

I owe you some road rage ;) :lol:

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Guest hotsoxchick1
What?!?!? Chicago winters are great...Who doesn't want to get up 2 hours early for work to shovel the 10 feet of snow off your car with the whip of cold dry air pounding on your face, and after that the 30 minutes to get your car started and the extra 20 minutes letting the car warm up..and unless you drive a tank the ice capades show your car goes through just getting out the drive way on the black ice.

Then the 5mph conga line of automobiles driving their cold ass butts to work and to be miserable there!


Ahh, Chicago winters...I can't f***in wait!!! :headbang

lol gash... i dont do the shovel thing anymore.. where ever the car lands in the driveway it stays.......and brushing off the car is done by driving down the street to clear off the windows... ;) .....im gettin too old for this s*** and hence the reason im lookin for warmer climates to move... the chicago winters, you can keep em.....ive had enough...... :D ;)

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