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Should schools ban books.  

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The Catcher in the Rye was an awesome book. 


Other books on their that I've read:

Of Mice and Men

James and the Giant Peach (What the hell?)

Adventures of Huck Finn (one of my favorite reads)

The Giver (Don't remember much of it; probably one I went with the cliffnote version  ;) )

Goosebumps (read like one of them..never liked them but I know they were popular)

To Kill A Mocking Bird (Good book)

Brave New World (Awesome....much like one of my favorite movies...Gattaca)

The Anarchist Cookbook (Learned a few tricks from that  :lol: )

Wheres Waldo (HUH)


One I never read and thank goodness for it:

What’s Happening to my Body? Book for Boys: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Sons by Lynda Madaras


Thats just what I would of wanted...I'd of felt like Jim in American pie. :lol:

LMAO, definately glad I passed over reading that too.


If the anarchist cook book is what I am thinking of, then the only thing I took away from it, was filling a tennis ball with match-ends and throwing it. I haven't tried it but it sounds intriguing.

I think thats the one your thinking off. I remember reading it with my buddies and we'd test blowing s*** up. We always thought it was pretty fun. Never did anything harmful..


We used to dunk a tennis ball in gasoline, light it on fire, and then play handball with it. It was way fun..very safe too as long as you are away from dry brush.

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You'd like All Quiet on the Western Front.  Its a rare book that I could just sit and actually read instead of looking at the clock going damn this is taking forever  :)

Great book, though my book was either printed wrong or the author decided to be a jack ass, and the last paragraph was on the bottom of the back page which was 2 blank pages away from the previous page with words on it. :lol:

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What is All Is Quiet On The Western Front about? War?


Last year I had to read The Prince. The book should be burned. It sucked, and ya know what I found amusing? Machiavelli was trying to get a job with some prince and he used the guys main enemy as his hero so he didnt get the job. Dumbass...

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The Catcher in the Rye was an awesome book. 


Other books on their that I've read:

Of Mice and Men

James and the Giant Peach (What the hell?)

Adventures of Huck Finn (one of my favorite reads)

The Giver (Don't remember much of it; probably one I went with the cliffnote version  ;) )

Goosebumps (read like one of them..never liked them but I know they were popular)

To Kill A Mocking Bird (Good book)

Brave New World (Awesome....much like one of my favorite movies...Gattaca)

The Anarchist Cookbook (Learned a few tricks from that  :lol: )

Wheres Waldo (HUH)


One I never read and thank goodness for it:

What’s Happening to my Body? Book for Boys: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Sons by Lynda Madaras


Thats just what I would of wanted...I'd of felt like Jim in American pie.   :lol:

LMAO, definately glad I passed over reading that too.


If the anarchist cook book is what I am thinking of, then the only thing I took away from it, was filling a tennis ball with match-ends and throwing it. I haven't tried it but it sounds intriguing.

I think thats the one your thinking off. I remember reading it with my buddies and we'd test blowing s*** up. We always thought it was pretty fun. Never did anything harmful..


We used to dunk a tennis ball in gasoline, light it on fire, and then play handball with it. It was way fun..very safe too as long as you are away from dry brush.

Lol, I will have to try that

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What is All Is Quiet On The Western Front about? War?


Last year I had to read The Prince. The book should be burned. It sucked, and ya know what I found amusing? Machiavelli was trying to get a job with some prince and he used the guys main enemy as his hero so he didnt get the job. Dumbass...

Its about WW1 and their are very detailed descriptions of the trench warfare and such. Very good read.

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Ya know whats really fun to do? Spray your palm with hairspray and light it on fire. The hairspray acts as a shield. Then you can run around and smack people until its starts burning after like 20 seconds...

Just don't smack anybody's hair :o


I've heard that is the worst smell imaginable

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What is All Is Quiet On The Western Front about? War?


Last year I had to read The Prince. The book should be burned. It sucked, and ya know what I found amusing? Machiavelli was trying to get a job with some prince and he used the guys main enemy as his hero so he didnt get the job. Dumbass...

Probably the most recognized anti-war book ever written. The basic premise of the book is from the German perspective during World War I. The movie is even more chilling than the book.

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Ya know whats really fun to do? Spray your palm with hairspray and light it on fire. The hairspray acts as a shield. Then you can run around and smack people until its starts burning after like 20 seconds...

My friend did that...hell he even dared one of my buddies to light something else on fire. I didn't have the balls to do either. I just saw myself keeping it on too long and me getting burned.


I know getting burned isn't fun... :D

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Honestly, I would rather have a cut go from my elbow to my wrist than have a burn the size of a pencil eraser. Burns suck. They hurt like hell no matter how big they are...

and there ain't nothing you can do to stop them. I remember when I was cooking boiling water and spilled the entire freakign thing on myself. Holy s*** did that hurt. Don't even remember how I did it. Was paying attention to something else while walking and hit my dog and the boiling water went all over me.


Burns on my chest for like a week.


Sunburn sucks too. When you got Iowa in you like I do...all you do is burn and get red and boy does it suck

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I would ban Lord of the Flies, mainly cause it bored the hell out of me, but theres some good stuff that I read in HS in there


Of Mice and Men

The Catcher in the Rye


There's definately some books on that list that make you go "Whaaaaaaaaaa?" Like James and the Giant Peach, I read that in like 4th grade, and the Waldo, and Goosebumps stuff


There's also a bunch of books I never liked but had to read in High School there: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (I'm sure that the god awful teach I had that year didn't help)


Man why are there so many books on that list that I had read throughout all my school years? That seems so strange

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Top 100 banned books


I have read several of these in school, and I think schools shouldn't ban books, in fact the more controversial a book is, the more inciteful it usually is, so I don't think books should be banned, but all should be read at schools.

Ban books? HELL NO! All we need to do is make sure (and this should be the teachers responsibility) that kids don't books that they are not mature enough to understand.

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I read these books in high school: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, The Chocolate War, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Of Mice and Men, The Catcher in the Rye, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I have also read All Quiet on the Western Front , which was mentioned in this thread. I thought they were all good books. I don't see why people have such a problem with books like these. Take I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings for example. The only thing I see that could be argued as bad is when she is raped. I don't see any other reason. Let the kids read these books, they're all great books.

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Hey Jas, you said earlier I wouldnt like Of Mice and Men because of one of the deaths but I dont think that would do it for me. First, I still liked Green Mile, just thought it was sad. And second, in books you cant see those tears and that sadness. You can understand it and perhaps imagine it but you cant see it. In the Green Mile you can see Barry Peppers tears and thats what gets to me. But not in a book...

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