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George Doubleya Bush is coming to town


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Don't worry. You won't have to.


It'll go to some 7th generation welfare applicant with 4 kids at the age of 18 who obviously never heard of government funded (i.e. Taxpayer paid for) birth control available at the government funded (i.e. Taxpayer paid for) family planning clinic because who needs birth control when rubbers take away all the feeling AND when the government actually awards you more money in welfare and food stamps in proportion to the number of welfare children you have all the while being able to go out and buy your little welfare babies Air Jordans, FuBu, Girbaud's, etc., because the blue collar working man is paying for all this s*** and you don't because the government is paying for everything else (food, shelter, school, meals at school, utilities, etc.) that you require to live like it's owed to you.


You college students are so naive and so easily brain-washed I find it laughable.



That's completely ignorant. Where are your data on the seventh generation welfare moms? Please?


Or are you listening to corporate jet conservatives like Rush Limbaugh who claim to represent the working class between trips to London and Paris, yes even France!, smoking hundred dollar cigars and thousand dollar bottles of wine. Reliable source.

Yeah hes such a jerk for enjoying the money he makes right? You jealous f***s are a joke man........instead of calling yourselves liberal, why not just change it to "jealous f***s"? Its more appropriate, no?

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Don't worry. You won't have to.


It'll go to some 7th generation welfare applicant with 4 kids at the age of 18 who obviously never heard of government funded (i.e. Taxpayer paid for) birth control available at the government funded (i.e. Taxpayer paid for) family planning clinic because who needs birth control when rubbers take away all the feeling AND when the government actually awards you more money in welfare and food stamps in proportion to the number of welfare children you have all the while being able to go out and buy your little welfare babies Air Jordans, FuBu, Girbaud's, etc., because the blue collar working man is paying for all this s*** and you don't because the government is paying for everything else (food, shelter, school, meals at school, utilities, etc.) that you require to live like it's owed to you.


You college students are so naive and so easily brain-washed I find it laughable.

Sigh... You just don't get it.

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You college students are so naive and so easily brain-washed I find it laughable.



That's completely ignorant. Where are your data on the seventh generation welfare moms? Please?


Or are you listening to corporate jet conservatives like Rush Limbaugh who claim to represent the working class between trips to London and Paris, yes even France!, smoking hundred dollar cigars and thousand dollar bottles of wine. Reliable source.

Yeah hes such a jerk for enjoying the money he makes right? You jealous f***s are a joke man........instead of calling yourselves liberal, why not just change it to "jealous f***s"? Its more appropriate, no?

Hey, all im saying is if there can be limousine liberals, there are plenty of corporate jet conservatives.


He acts as if he understands the working class. Well, there isn't much working class about it. His show is a persona, a character that he hides from. He criticizes France, and visits Paris (which, from my experience, is overrated). And why would I be jealous of a man who had to have major surgery to regain his hearing?


Pointing out hypocrisy and being jealous are two different things. I'm really jealous of Howard Stern. Now that guy makes some SERIOUS whore money.

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Well, BMR if he is gonna whine about where his money is going at least he can get his facts straight.  And might I ask why you aren't calling him out for whining?


Just asking.

Well, i cant stand Rush, to be honest. Hes a whiny b****. Happy? I dont have a problem with his success or him enjoying his success. He has issues but he did deserve that. I think its sad and pathetic to be jealous of what someone else has. We are all capable of getting our own. I guess I just cant relate to jealousy, and trust me im not rich.

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I'm willing to give up plenty of money as long as it goes to the right places...  I'm not looking forward to forking over a nice chunk of my paycheck so some stuffy, jackass millionaire in Hinsdale can buy his 16-year old daughter 2 Mercedes convertables (16-year girls never like the color their dad pick out for them) and so the military can go build themselves some more bombs they can bury in some shelter 100 miles under North Dakota to use as "diplomatic levrage."


Karma?  I call it the machines of capitalism being oiled by the blood of the workers.  Homer Simpson, you are a genius.

What does that mean? How does any money you pay in taxes go to a millionaire in Hinsdale? Regardless, I'm sure you were just trying to use some tried and true class warfare schtick. I get tired of hearing liberals complain about millionaires. I am by no means rich, but I'm certainly not going to begrudge someone for making money, because chances are very good that that person is worth that money to someone. If anyone could do it, everyone would be doing it.


I'm sure everyone knows the stats. Something like the wealthiest 2% of Americans pay 95% of the taxes, yet everyone drives on the same roads, has the same governmental services, etc. Just because someone makes a lot of money doesn't mean that they deserve to keep less of it.

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I'm willing to give up plenty of money as long as it goes to the right places...  I'm not looking forward to forking over a nice chunk of my paycheck so some stuffy, jackass millionaire in Hinsdale can buy his 16-year old daughter 2 Mercedes convertables (16-year girls never like the color their dad pick out for them) and so the military can go build themselves some more bombs they can bury in some shelter 100 miles under North Dakota to use as "diplomatic levrage."


Karma?  I call it the machines of capitalism being oiled by the blood of the workers.  Homer Simpson, you are a genius.

What does that mean? How does any money you pay in taxes go to a millionaire in Hinsdale? Regardless, I'm sure you were just trying to use some tried and true class warfare schtick. I get tired of hearing liberals complain about millionaires. I am by no means rich, but I'm certainly not going to begrudge someone for making money, because chances are very good that that person is worth that money to someone. If anyone could do it, everyone would be doing it.


I'm sure everyone knows the stats. Something like the wealthiest 2% of Americans pay 95% of the taxes, yet everyone drives on the same roads, has the same governmental services, etc. Just because someone makes a lot of money doesn't mean that they deserve to keep less of it.

Dude give it up, its just jealousy. Im willing to bet, there are very few "well off" liberals. Some people work hard earning a living, and some people spend their time b****ing about the "breaks" of life. Debating this is a complete waste of time.

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Don't worry. You won't have to.


It'll go to some 7th generation welfare applicant with 4 kids at the age of 18 who obviously never heard of government funded (i.e. Taxpayer paid for) birth control available at the government funded (i.e. Taxpayer paid for) family planning clinic because who needs birth control when rubbers take away all the feeling AND when the government actually awards you more money in welfare and food stamps in proportion to the number of welfare children you have all the while being able to go out and buy your little welfare babies Air Jordans, FuBu, Girbaud's, etc., because the blue collar working man is paying for all this s*** and you don't because the government is paying for everything else (food, shelter, school, meals at school, utilities, etc.) that you require to live like it's owed to you.


You college students are so naive and so easily brain-washed I find it laughable.

Sigh... You just don't get it.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I see this at least once a week and I don't get it? Interesting.

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That's completely ignorant. Where are your data on the seventh generation welfare moms? Please?

Don't worry. I don't have to have it on paper to know that I see it in my line of work everyday. Sometimes a little real life experience is worth more than a lifetime of book data.

How many seventh generation welfare moms do you run into? The average welfare mother receives less than 100 dollars a month extra per child, hardly a reason to pop out babies. I'm sure there are people cheating the system, it happens everywhere. I should know, having worked in the real world too. It just seems the people who try to cheat the system more often are more well to do than a welfare mom. Like the mayor of the town where I worked retail, coming in and expecting free stuff. After all, don't you know who she is? Or the cop confiscating drugs and instead of prosecuting the dealer, traffics it himself? Or my State Rep who is also the "HR Director" of a mental health institute and draws a salary for the place he never actually works at? Corruption runs at all levels. And I see it everywhere.


Sorry if I'm willing to overlook the mother bilking a couple thousand for the people I see bilking much more on a daily basis.


Oh yeah, I'm not in college anymore either.

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Homer Simpson, you are a genius.


This speaks volumes.

Homer S > FOX News :lol:

This also speaks volumns. :rolleyes:

The fact is that the cartoon character is more truthful than Bill O'Reilly, Sean "Shemp" Hannity, Neil "Slanted and Biased" [his own admission] Cavuto and the rest of the stooges that work at FAUX News.

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Homer Simpson, you are a genius.


This speaks volumes.

Homer S > FOX News :lol:

This also speaks volumns. :rolleyes:

The fact is that the cartoon character is more truthful than Bill O'Reilly, Sean "Shemp" Hannity, Neil "Slanted and Biased" [his own admission] Cavuto and the rest of the stooges that work at FAUX News.

Homer also likes his gun too. Are you anti-gun control now because Homer likes to change the channel on his TV and open his "Duff" with his firearm?

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The fact is that the cartoon character is more truthful than Bill O'Reilly, Sean "Shemp" Hannity, Neil "Slanted and Biased" [his own admission] Cavuto and the rest of the stooges that work at FAUX News.

Homer also likes his gun too. Are you anti-gun control now because Homer likes to change the channel on his TV and open his "Duff" with his firearm?

I just said that Homer was smarter than FAUX News on that issue. And at the end of the episode he gets rid of the gun, remember? :bang

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Homer also likes his gun too. Are you anti-gun control now because Homer likes to change the channel on his TV and open his "Duff" with his firearm?

I just said that Homer was smarter than FAUX News on that issue. And at the end of the episode he gets rid of the gun, remember? :bang

I'm just trying to stir things up :lol:

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That's completely ignorant. Where are your data on the seventh generation welfare moms? Please?

Don't worry. I don't have to have it on paper to know that I see it in my line of work everyday. Sometimes a little real life experience is worth more than a lifetime of book data.

How many seventh generation welfare moms do you run into? The average welfare mother receives less than 100 dollars a month extra per child, hardly a reason to pop out babies. I'm sure there are people cheating the system, it happens everywhere. I should know, having worked in the real world too. It just seems the people who try to cheat the system more often are more well to do than a welfare mom. Like the mayor of the town where I worked retail, coming in and expecting free stuff. After all, don't you know who she is? Or the cop confiscating drugs and instead of prosecuting the dealer, traffics it himself? Or my State Rep who is also the "HR Director" of a mental health institute and draws a salary for the place he never actually works at? Corruption runs at all levels. And I see it everywhere.


Sorry if I'm willing to overlook the mother bilking a couple thousand for the people I see bilking much more on a daily basis.


Oh yeah, I'm not in college anymore either.

Win are you from NW Indiana?

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That's completely ignorant. Where are your data on the seventh generation welfare moms? Please?

Don't worry. I don't have to have it on paper to know that I see it in my line of work everyday. Sometimes a little real life experience is worth more than a lifetime of book data.

How many seventh generation welfare moms do you run into? The average welfare mother receives less than 100 dollars a month extra per child, hardly a reason to pop out babies. I'm sure there are people cheating the system, it happens everywhere. I should know, having worked in the real world too. It just seems the people who try to cheat the system more often are more well to do than a welfare mom. Like the mayor of the town where I worked retail, coming in and expecting free stuff. After all, don't you know who she is? Or the cop confiscating drugs and instead of prosecuting the dealer, traffics it himself? Or my State Rep who is also the "HR Director" of a mental health institute and draws a salary for the place he never actually works at? Corruption runs at all levels. And I see it everywhere.


Sorry if I'm willing to overlook the mother bilking a couple thousand for the people I see bilking much more on a daily basis.


Oh yeah, I'm not in college anymore either.

Win are you from NW Indiana?

If he'd have said "town president" instead of "mayor", I'd know EXACTLY where he was from....CICERO!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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That's completely ignorant. Where are your data on the seventh generation welfare moms? Please?

Don't worry. I don't have to have it on paper to know that I see it in my line of work everyday. Sometimes a little real life experience is worth more than a lifetime of book data.

How many seventh generation welfare moms do you run into? The average welfare mother receives less than 100 dollars a month extra per child, hardly a reason to pop out babies. I'm sure there are people cheating the system, it happens everywhere. I should know, having worked in the real world too. It just seems the people who try to cheat the system more often are more well to do than a welfare mom. Like the mayor of the town where I worked retail, coming in and expecting free stuff. After all, don't you know who she is? Or the cop confiscating drugs and instead of prosecuting the dealer, traffics it himself? Or my State Rep who is also the "HR Director" of a mental health institute and draws a salary for the place he never actually works at? Corruption runs at all levels. And I see it everywhere.


Sorry if I'm willing to overlook the mother bilking a couple thousand for the people I see bilking much more on a daily basis.


Oh yeah, I'm not in college anymore either.

Win are you from NW Indiana?

If he'd have said "town president" instead of "mayor", I'd know EXACTLY where he was from....CICERO!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I asked because our St Rep is the head of th HR in one of our mental health facilities...

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