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**World Soxtalk Championship Wrestling Thread V**

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Oct 31, 2017 -> 06:41 PM)
I love Bliss, she entertains me. Which is the point.


And yes, Braun emerging from a dumpster was just awesome. But Alexa Bliss sucks.




That may have been the dumbest s*** I've ever seen, other than that tag-team pumpkin match, whatever the hell that was. I'll take watching Alexa knock someone out with a lucky punch a million times over watching this cartoon they got going on with Braun flipping over ambulances, being crushed in dumpsters, and then "rising" from said dumpster 8 days later?


That was the dumbest s*** I've ever seen, yet you focus on Bliss?


Hell, you could have said, I'd be fine never watching some wierdo tag-team pumpkin match again, and you'd have been onto something, but I forgot, the IWC has turned on Bliss, so that's who you have to focus your attack on now.




This is the basically the IWC run amok.


If they all agree with it like some sort of large hive mind, then it's okay, but if they don't, it sucks, and wrestling sucks, and the WWE sucks, and but -- but -- Kenny Omega!!!


I've hated Bliss for a long time now, far before people started complaining about her. She is the female version of Dean Ambrose to me when you watch them live. Can't believe how slow and weak they look compared to everyone else.


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QUOTE (2005thxfrthmmrs @ Oct 31, 2017 -> 01:15 PM)
I am not high on Bliss as the champ, and having her win with a slap to the face.. well, it's a slap to the face to Mickie, and the audience watching the product. Same thing with Kane beating Rollins with one chokeslam, that move has been kicked out so many times now, it's not even a believable finisher anymore.


My bigger beef with the Alexa booking is, she's a heel champion but not the strongest or the most technical wrestler. Heel champs like her should be cheating their way to wins, see Enzo. But having her beat Becky, Bailey, Sasha, and Mickie clean is just bad booking. Guess what, they all look like they're wasted in their divisions now. Also with Alexa, I dont think she needs to be the champ to be entertaining, which is the value she provides. Being entertaining and being a credible champion is two different things.


I agree, I wouldn't book her like they are -- but I don't mind her as champ. They're just not booking her character properly. But people are blaming Alexa like this is her fault. She'd be an idiot to protest this run she's on.


I think the creative team is just stretched so thin between all this TV they have to write, they're just picking a handful of characters and going all in on them.


And I believe that was supposed to be a punch to the face, not a slap, to be fair.

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I'm with you guys (kinda) on the assessment of Bliss. They aren't booking her matches properly (see: Burial of Bayley) which is having a major negative effect on the overall women's division. With that being said, I'm a big fan of Bliss and her amazing personality/character. If only they could book right...


I will say, this weeks WWE results were a step in the right direction...

If you are going to have Kane beat Balor, make it consistent at least -- and that is what they are doing -- making Kane a monster who will be torn down at a later time (likely by Strowman and Demon Balor). I'm totally fine with this now. That's actually decent/good writing purpose.


I didn't like the return of Stephanie, that sucks, there's just no reason for it... Although, what they've done for Survivor series has been very good outside of the random babyface-led assault on Monday Night Raw. After that assault, things have been pretty good in the build up of SS and I will say it's much better than simply announcing the matches. I'm looking forward to SS now. Kudos to them after a disastrous TLC pay per view and stupid way of starting the storyline.


As for Braun, this guy is awesome. I have no problem with the dumpster segment, it's cool he's more of a tweener/babyface, because the fans get behind him. It would be a dream come true to see him own the Rumble and go on to have an amazing match with Brock and win his first championship in the main event of 'Mania... but as we all know that spot is reserved for Roman.


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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Nov 2, 2017 -> 11:03 PM)
So wwe has cancelled AJ vs Rusev for Tuesday and has instead announced Jinder vs AJ for the title. That seems....very suspicious. I wonder if we will see a title change.


Maybe Jinder is hurt or failed a drug test (even though I'm sure he's so jacked from doing Pilates)

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Nov 2, 2017 -> 05:51 PM)
Yeah and they also just announced Rusev is on team smackdown. Sounds like no Styles there so yeah sounds like AJ could definitely win the belt Tuesday.


Oh, I so hope this happens.


Jinder has done nothing but tarnish that belt every minute he's held it. His championship run has been beyond frustrating. He highlights why RAW appears to be the superior brand.


On RAW he was a jobber, and on SD he's the world champion.


It comes across (to me) as of taking a completely mediocre major league player and putting them in A ball and then bragging about how great they are all of a sudden. That's how his title reign makes SD look, simply because there was no legit build too it. I don't even see what he offers, his matches aren't particularly good, and his mic skill is nonexistent. Unless, of course, you feel yelling and playing to 1980's heel tropes is good mic skill.

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The leaked poster still shows Jinder vs Brock

with Cena as ref

so I'd be shocked if they do a switch. I know it's easy to switch a poster these days but still. Plus the India tour is coming up and I'm guessing they want Jinder as champion for that.


We'll see. I'd definitely be behind AJ as champ to Mania to face Nakamura.

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WOW, that is incredibly suspicious that they changed it to a title match.

Why the hell waste the title match on smackdown when clearly you are building it up to a PPV feud? Also, if you are putting it on Smackdown, why have virtually no build to it?

This definitely smells like a big problem occurred with Jinder and they need to get the title off him ASAP. Maybe drug use problem?


I mean, if AJ does the job and loses, then it really questions just what in the hell the booking team was doing booking AJ vs. Rusev and then switching it like this. It's either Jinder has to get rid of the title OR the booking is incredibly inept here.


But if AJ does go over here, then he faces Brock that would be simply incredible, compared to the Jinder reign.

Also, with Rusev being placed into Team Smackdown it is even more likely that AJ is going to win (i.e. you do NOT leave AJ off the card at any PPV, unless, of course -- AJ has some personal reasons to be left off SS and thus, their giving Rusev the win and deciding to go with this job here to Jinder).


Another theory being thrown around is that tickets were maybe low so they decided to book this. Which really -- is a big f*** you to their product.

Basically, my outlook on this is:

If AJ wins = GREAT. YES. f*** the Jinder title reign.

If AJ loses = f*** WWE.

So, GL WWE, balls in your court! You f***ed yourself into this position by doing this.

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Welp, it must be more WWE f***ery. The internet is not a blaze with rumors surrounding the Modern Day Maharajah (sp) losing this match. It seems this was just WWE's way of promoting smackdown. Kinda f***ing ridiculous, per usual, from WWE.

Today I was looking back at 2002 time period, and while things started to go downhill there, they were still 100x better then what we get today.


AJ vs. Lesnar is absolutely money. Why they can't do this... I do not understand. It seems WWE is hell bent on wasting their best talent for some reason.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Nov 4, 2017 -> 03:17 PM)
Today I was looking back at 2002 time period, and while things started to go downhill there, they were still 100x better then what we get today.


Not sure what you mean by "started to go downhill" because 2001-2008 were great years for WWE. Not attitude era level ratings but the product was top notch with the definite brand split. Stars everywhere.

I challenge anyone, if you are extremely bored, to go back and watch Smackdown starting in the summer of 02. It's incredible stuff along with Raw doing memorable things as well.

Heyman was writing Smackdown and the roster was so great.


Cody vs Kota Ibushi at Wrestle Kingdom as well.

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Raw was horrendous with the HHH reign of terror. But in general, that entire time period s***s all over the current product. Literally, 100x better!

The smackdown crew was great, but they also had equally terrible things like Katie vick (or whatever).


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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Nov 6, 2017 -> 12:27 PM)
Raw was horrendous with the HHH reign of terror. But in general, that entire time period s***s all over the current product. Literally, 100x better!

The smackdown crew was great, but they also had equally terrible things like Katie vick (or whatever).


Katie Vick was a Raw angle. While it was awful, show me when the product was ever perfect.

The years I mentioned, HHH was a lot more tolerable then the McMahon/Helmsley stuff from the late 90s. He helped make a lot of guys.


It sucks that creative is wasting one of their most loaded rosters.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Nov 4, 2017 -> 04:17 PM)
Welp, it must be more WWE f***ery. The internet is not a blaze with rumors surrounding the Modern Day Maharajah (sp) losing this match. It seems this was just WWE's way of promoting smackdown. Kinda f***ing ridiculous, per usual, from WWE.

Today I was looking back at 2002 time period, and while things started to go downhill there, they were still 100x better then what we get today.


AJ vs. Lesnar is absolutely money. Why they can't do this... I do not understand. It seems WWE is hell bent on wasting their best talent for some reason.


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Cena on Team SD.

If they add Shield vs New Day, this card could be the best of the year.

I'm one of the few that likes Nattie, but wouldn't mind seeing Alexa vs Charlotte. If Alexa won, she could brag she has beaten all the 4 Horsewomen and then marry me.

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The Flair 30 for 30 was excellent. More about him as a person and his struggles with drinking and infidelity.

Never realized how messed up Reid was. Surprised Charlotte never got popped before because she used to party with Reid.

She must've REALLY turned it around after he died.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Nov 13, 2017 -> 07:46 AM)
You pleb, I don't have to apologize to you for your precious WWE getting 1 thing right out of 100 possibilities.


“Your precious WWE”? It’s literally the only type of wrestling you watch and you complain about everything.


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This is probably the most stacked card of the year so I'm looking forward to Sunday. However, things dont look good for SD Live right now.




Brock vs. AJ - Winner: Lesnar


Men's 5-5 - Winner: Raw. Survivors: Angle and Joe


Women's 5-5 - Winner: SD Live. Survivor: Charlotte eliminates Asuka


Tag team match - Winner: Usos


Shield vs New Day - Winner: Shield. no doubt


Alexa vs Natalya - Winner: Alexa


Miz vs Corbin - Winner: Miz


Cruiserweight - Winner: Enzo






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QUOTE (2005thxfrthmmrs @ Nov 14, 2017 -> 06:14 PM)
This is probably the most stacked card of the year so I'm looking forward to Sunday. However, things dont look good for SD Live right now.




Brock vs. AJ - Winner: Lesnar


Men's 5-5 - Winner: Raw. Survivors: Angle and Joe


Women's 5-5 - Winner: SD Live. Survivor: Charlotte eliminates Asuka


Tag team match - Winner: Usos


Shield vs New Day - Winner: Shield. no doubt


Alexa vs Natalya - Winner: Alexa


Miz vs Corbin - Winner: Miz


Cruiserweight - Winner: Enzo


Im still debating if I should go or not.. might do Raw too


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QUOTE (TRU @ Nov 14, 2017 -> 07:13 PM)
Im still debating if I should go or not.. might do Raw too


I'd go if I were you. How often will you get a chance to see HHH, Angle, and Cena on the same show again?


Asuka has to be a Survivor for Raw women, or her being brought up and put in the match is for naught.

Would also like to see a Roode turn. Maybe he gets stuck in the ring with Braun and just walks out. I dunno

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