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**World Soxtalk Championship Wrestling Thread V**

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QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Oct 22, 2017 -> 11:26 PM)
Can we talk about how incredible Finn and AJ was?


Maybe a Survivor Series rematch?

I'd be on board with a Braun face run as long as they don't change his persona in anyway.

Edited by Brian
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Ron, is there anything you like in the WWE right now?

Kevin Owens? Maybe? Hmmm... Asuka right now, but we know they will ruin her soon (See: Bayley, Sasha, entire women division on both shows).

I like The Bar, they are awesome! Miz is great.

Can't hate on AJ Styles, everything he does is absolute gold. They put him in the f***ing mid card with the US title and he still kills it. One of the few insane talents that overcomes s***ty WWE booking.

I like what WWE did with Rollins/Ambrose, that was smart to keep both guys away from the big title yet keeping them extremely strong and over.

Match quality overall is pretty good. There's no doubt that the talent is there. It's just that the booking literally is the worst I've ever seen. I'd give the talent a rating somewhere around 90/100. The booking, however would be 0-5/100. It's that bad. I gurantee I could do a better job, BY MYSELF, then their entire team. Hell, most of us in this thread could come up with better storylines. (That is, as long as Vince doesn't veto any of my ideas :P and no-- that doesn't mean a return to X-rated WWE ATTITUDE ERA!! It means continuation of storys, building people up).


I can name 100's of examples this year a lone, but the pinnacle of stupidity is how they handled Bayley.


There's just so many glaring functional problems: I hate Michael Cole. With a passion. His overselling makes me cringe the hardest cringe I've ever cringed. He is everything wrong with the WWE summed up in a human being.


There's not a single title belt in the WWE that holds credibility / that has been booked properly. OK, maybe Brock Lesnar's title holds some credibility simply because he has held it so long and he is Brock Lesnar, but we all know where that's going --> Lesnar vs. Reigns @ WM. So, it's kind of means nothing since it's so blatantly predictable and poor.


Back to what I like: Well there was Neville. He was good, now he's gone because of their lack of respect.

Obviously I'm cool with Charlotte and her work, she is fantastic, even when she is booked to f***ing s*** lately. She is like AJ -- a talent that overcomes even the s***tiest of booking.

I generally like what NXT does, their cool -- and the WarGames NXT Survivor Series with the Womans Match is my most anticipated night in Wrestling since a long while.

Ohhh, I like me some Braun Strowman, and Samoa Joe's work with Lesnar was simply fantastic (but, f*** Lesnar to hell).


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Holy s***. I woke up just now and read the results of the raw Main event. Whose s*** ideas are this??

Just copied/pasted from another persons rant:


"Now I'm all for having something unique or different be booked, or some huge angle that actually generates attention. Hell, they did this same angle last year between the five guys on Raw and on SD and it worked because there was good heat being built up between the two teams.


This however, this was just utter crap.


There are so many things wrong with this, with the leading fact that you basically negated the majority of storylines on SD and made everybody look like heels as they bum rushed everybody on Raw one by one.


You had underdog sympathetic babyface Becky Lynch cheer on random Raw guys basically getting jumped from behind. You had AJ Styles attack Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, two babyfaces who he had JUST teamed up with earlier in the show. You had goofy babyfaces in New Day cheering the charge and choking out and beating up guys themselves.


I don't understand what they were thinking with this. It just made everybody on SD look like assholes, much less destroy storylines as babyfaces and heels who hateone another randomly just decided to work together because of a blue shirt.


f*** this storyline. This booking is the drizzling s***s."


It's true. What the f***??


Also, seems like creative in the back is completely puzzled with Vince's decision to have finn balor absolutely burried last night against old man Kane... a night after he just regained a ton of momentum beating AJ Styles in a great match.


Creative literally ruins everything. It's insane.

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QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 24, 2017 -> 07:44 AM)
The main event last night was a ton of fun.


Raw doesn't do chaos to end the show much, if at all. Thought it worked last night as well.

Still hate Finn getting buried.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Oct 24, 2017 -> 05:21 AM)
Holy s***. I woke up just now and read the results of the raw Main event. Whose s*** ideas are this??

Just copied/pasted from another persons rant:


"Now I'm all for having something unique or different be booked, or some huge angle that actually generates attention. Hell, they did this same angle last year between the five guys on Raw and on SD and it worked because there was good heat being built up between the two teams.


This however, this was just utter crap.


There are so many things wrong with this, with the leading fact that you basically negated the majority of storylines on SD and made everybody look like heels as they bum rushed everybody on Raw one by one.


You had underdog sympathetic babyface Becky Lynch cheer on random Raw guys basically getting jumped from behind. You had AJ Styles attack Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, two babyfaces who he had JUST teamed up with earlier in the show. You had goofy babyfaces in New Day cheering the charge and choking out and beating up guys themselves.


I don't understand what they were thinking with this. It just made everybody on SD look like assholes, much less destroy storylines as babyfaces and heels who hateone another randomly just decided to work together because of a blue shirt.


f*** this storyline. This booking is the drizzling s***s."


It's true. What the f***??


Also, seems like creative in the back is completely puzzled with Vince's decision to have finn balor absolutely burried last night against old man Kane... a night after he just regained a ton of momentum beating AJ Styles in a great match.


Creative literally ruins everything. It's insane.


Did you quote your own rant from another forum?


The brand invasion angle has been done many times before, face and heels fights against the other brand all the same.


Also obviously this is done to help boost ratings. Tune in tonight to see Shane o'Mac to heighten up his security against Raw invasion, but Raw still finds a way to invade and destroy the blue brand to close the show.

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QUOTE (2005thxfrthmmrs @ Oct 24, 2017 -> 09:16 AM)
Also obviously this is done to help boost ratings. Tune in tonight to see Shane o'Mac to heighten up his security against Raw invasion, but Raw still finds a way to invade and destroy the blue brand to close the show.


Ding! Ding!


Wonder if Kurt will wrestle for Raw now.

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QUOTE (2005thxfrthmmrs @ Oct 24, 2017 -> 09:16 AM)
Did you quote your own rant from another forum?


The brand invasion angle has been done many times before, face and heels fights against the other brand all the same.


Also obviously this is done to help boost ratings. Tune in tonight to see Shane o'Mac to heighten up his security against Raw invasion, but Raw still finds a way to invade and destroy the blue brand to close the show.


That guy just needs to quit watching wrestling. Seriously.

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QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Oct 24, 2017 -> 02:07 PM)
Sorry guys that I like storyline consistency and will not settle for less. I suggest you guys do as well, to gain a better product.


In other words, you’ve either never watched wrestling ... or, well, there is no or.


If you like “storyline consistency”, you’re delusional if you think you’ve EVER seen it in wrestling, because you haven’t. So yes, and to steal from the Hart family, you have, are, and always will settle for less. ;)

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Oct 24, 2017 -> 08:58 PM)
In other words, you’ve either never watched wrestling ... or, well, there is no or.


If you like “storyline consistency”, you’re delusional if you think you’ve EVER seen it in wrestling, because you haven’t. So yes, and to steal from the Hart family, you have, are, and always will settle for less. ;)


Lol, right? Storyline consistency is like “oh s*** we got through a month and a half and nothing went wrong OOOH f*** NOW THAT HAPPENED”

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QUOTE (fathom @ Oct 30, 2017 -> 10:08 PM)
Braun is the best though


I deleted the first part cuz I’m sure you regret it but I really hope WWE rethought everything and Braun beats Brock at Mania. Leaving money on the table.

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Have Braun enter Rumble at like 7 and eliminate all of the other 29 then have the match with Brock at Mania that they should have had at No Mercy. All over the place, tables, etc. Braun win and holds belt for a long ass time.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Oct 31, 2017 -> 04:32 PM)
Have Braun enter Rumble at like 7 and eliminate all of the other 29 then have the match with Brock at Mania that they should have had at No Mercy. All over the place, tables, etc. Braun win and holds belt for a long ass time.


Braun enters at #1 and eliminates #2-29.


#30 is Alexa Bliss, who runs in and hits Braun with a DDT that somehow results in him flying over the top rope.


Bliss uses title shot to defeat Lesnar at Mania with one punch to unify the men's and women's belts.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Oct 31, 2017 -> 10:57 AM)
Braun enters at #1 and eliminates #2-29.


#30 is Alexa Bliss, who runs in and hits Braun with a DDT that somehow results in him flying over the top rope.


Bliss uses title shot to defeat Lesnar at Mania with one punch to unify the men's and women's belts.


Take my money

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QUOTE (fathom @ Oct 30, 2017 -> 10:08 PM)
I'm good with never seeing another Alexa Bliss match. Braun is the best though


I love Bliss, she entertains me. Which is the point.


And yes, Braun emerging from a dumpster was just awesome. But Alexa Bliss sucks.




That may have been the dumbest s*** I've ever seen, other than that tag-team pumpkin match, whatever the hell that was. I'll take watching Alexa knock someone out with a lucky punch a million times over watching this cartoon they got going on with Braun flipping over ambulances, being crushed in dumpsters, and then "rising" from said dumpster 8 days later?


That was the dumbest s*** I've ever seen, yet you focus on Bliss?


Hell, you could have said, I'd be fine never watching some wierdo tag-team pumpkin match again, and you'd have been onto something, but I forgot, the IWC has turned on Bliss, so that's who you have to focus your attack on now.




This is the basically the IWC run amok.


If they all agree with it like some sort of large hive mind, then it's okay, but if they don't, it sucks, and wrestling sucks, and the WWE sucks, and but -- but -- Kenny Omega!!!

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I am not high on Bliss as the champ, and having her win with a slap to the face.. well, it's a slap to the face to Mickie, and the audience watching the product. Same thing with Kane beating Rollins with one chokeslam, that move has been kicked out so many times now, it's not even a believable finisher anymore.


My bigger beef with the Alexa booking is, she's a heel champion but not the strongest or the most technical wrestler. Heel champs like her should be cheating their way to wins, see Enzo. But having her beat Becky, Bailey, Sasha, and Mickie clean is just bad booking. Guess what, they all look like they're wasted in their divisions now. Also with Alexa, I dont think she needs to be the champ to be entertaining, which is the value she provides. Being entertaining and being a credible champion is two different things.

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