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More French stupidity


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You have to be f***ing kidding me. Do they not have video proof of the plane? The French are always against us, what a bunch of pricks. All we do is bail them out of wars. I'll never understand French people. I think we should stop including them in all we do. They are not a good ally. I'd take the Austraillians or some other country over the French anyday.

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that article offers an opinion by one French writer, not the view of France.


we can post any number of articles by looney Americans and win the loony contest.


that article also comes from the National Review, hardly a credible source when they attempt to heap derision on someone. I give the NR the same degree of credibility as I give that french writer.


Reality is France has been a valued ally on sharing of intelligence information.

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that article offers an opinion by one French writer, not the view of France.


we can post any number of articles by looney Americans and win the loony contest.


that article also comes from the National Review, hardly a credible source when they attempt to heap derision on someone.  I give the NR the same degree of credibility as I give that french writer.


Reality is France has been a valued ally on sharing of intelligence information.

I'm French, so I usually don't like it when people gang up on the French, but I have been disappointed with their performance in the post 9-11 world. They seem to be more inclined to do nothing than to help us in Iraq, until we win then they want to get in for the oil.


and btw what do you call 100,000 French men with their arms in the air?

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You have to be f***ing kidding me. Do they not have video proof of the plane? The French are always against us, what a bunch of pricks. All we do is bail them out of wars. I'll never understand French people. I think we should stop including them in all we do. They are not a good ally. I'd take the Austraillians or some other country over the French anyday.

Interesting enough there was no actual footage of the plane hitting the pentagon. They only released still images, which recorded shots at a intervals. BUT what was missing from the clips (and fuelled conspiracy theorists) was the one frame that would of identified if it really was a plane that hit the pentagon. It would show the elapsed time of the crash in hundreths of a second (relating to minutes, hours, ).


There was a few pictures before the crash, and some afterwards showing a huge fireball. What others seem to argue (which convinced me) is that the plane is flying over 200 miles into the pentagon; there's going to be a good chance a camera that takes still shots might miss it. And, don't forget the hundreds who witnessed the plane fly over a major highway before crashing. Its ridiculous to write an entire book about this, but people who are looking to blame Bush will make it a best seller.

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that article offers an opinion by one French writer, not the view of France.


we can post any number of articles by looney Americans and win the loony contest.


that article also comes from the National Review, hardly a credible source when they attempt to heap derision on someone.  I give the NR the same degree of credibility as I give that french writer.


Reality is France has been a valued ally on sharing of intelligence information.

I agree that the French people as a whole are not saying this, but the fact that this book is such a big seller does serve as a sort of indictment of the French people.


I, personally, think the French are worse than useless. But I guess being the butt of many a joke is enough to give a nation an inferiority complex.

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that article offers an opinion by one French writer, not the view of France.


we can post any number of articles by looney Americans and win the loony contest.


that article also comes from the National Review, hardly a credible source when they attempt to heap derision on someone.  I give the NR the same degree of credibility as I give that french writer.


Reality is France has been a valued ally on sharing of intelligence information.

I agree that the French people as a whole are not saying this, but the fact that this book is such a big seller does serve as a sort of indictment of the French people.


I, personally, think the French are worse than useless. But I guess being the butt of many a joke is enough to give a nation an inferiority complex.

Either that or a history of surrendoring to everything in sight! :lolhitting

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