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The only time LaRussa ever won he had by far the most talent in his division. This man is overrated. He has a lot of wins, I'll give him that, but you can give a lot of guys the teams he's had, and their records would be just as good or better. Only 1 World Series win with that A's team is almost more unbelievable than the Bears winning only 1 Super Bowl with their teams of the mid 80's

Kind of like the Sox this year :huh:

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Kind of like the Sox this year :huh:

I don't think the Sox talent was head and shoulders above Minnesota's. If you look at it position by position you would take Lee in LF, Hunter in CF, Magglio in RF. Koskie at 3B Guzman at SS, probably Alomar at 2B and Meindkdkjffld at 1B and Pierkddksdd at C. The Sox starting pitchers are better, the bullpen you would have to give to Minn with Koch so bad this year. The Twins are much better up the middle. I don't think if LaRussa were managing the White Sox this year things would be much different. Although I do like the fact he doesn't like Dusty Baker. I watch Tony manage the White Sox for 7 years, and that was enough. I really doubt he'll be back anyway.

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I don't think the Sox talent was head and shoulders above Minnesota's. If you look at it position by position you would take Lee in LF, Hunter in CF, Magglio in RF. Koskie at 3B Guzman at SS, probably Alomar at 2B and Meindkdkjffld at 1B and Pierkddksdd at C. The Sox starting pitchers are  better, the bullpen you would have to give to Minn with Koch so bad this year. The Twins are much better up the middle. I don't think if LaRussa were managing the White Sox this year things would be much different. Although I do like the fact he doesn't like Dusty Baker. I watch Tony manage the White Sox for 7 years, and that was enough. I really doubt he'll be back anyway.

Its more of the fact that the Twins have s*** as their starting pitching outside of Santana and our rotation had 2 possible 20-game winners coming into the season and a great surprise in Loaiza. We have much more power and a supposedly "explosive" offense while they got a lot of lucky hits last season.

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Its more of the fact that the Twins have s*** as their starting pitching outside of Santana and our rotation had 2 possible 20-game winners coming into the season and a great surprise in Loaiza. We have much more power and a supposedly "explosive" offense while they got a lot of lucky hits last season.

Having Koch and Konerko fall off the face of the earth hurt. If Manuel knew how to use his pitching staff, that would have helped as well.

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The LaRussa stuff started heating up in the Tribune today. Buehrle said that he heard on St. Louis sport talk radio that there was speculation that Tony L may not return to St Louis. The tribune quoted Tony: "I'm in a financial situation where I don't want to be somewhere if ownership believes there's someone better for the job. After you've been somewhere for a while, maybe they think it gets stale. If that situation ever arises, I want them to be able to tell me. It's not about money or holding someone to a contract. I firmly believe that."


The article goes on to say "...a source within the (Sox) organization said he expected Reinsdorf to commit the necessary funds to hire a proven manager."

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The LaRussa stuff started heating up in the Tribune today. Buehrle said that he heard on St. Louis sport talk radio that there was speculation that Tony L may not return to St Louis. The tribune quoted Tony: "I'm in a financial situation where I don't want to be somewhere if ownership believes there's someone better for the job. After you've been somewhere for a while, maybe they think it gets stale. If that situation ever arises, I want them to be able to tell me. It's not about money or holding someone to a contract. I firmly believe that."


The article goes on to say "...a source within the (Sox) organization said he expected Reinsdorf to commit the necessary funds to hire a proven manager."

Hmm...Very Interesting


However I'm just not sure that JR would want a second go-around with Tony LaRussa although he would be a better option than Buddy Bell or alot of the other misfits around the league...

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The LaRussa stuff started heating up in the Tribune today. Buehrle said that he heard on St. Louis sport talk radio that there was speculation that Tony L may not return to St Louis. The tribune quoted Tony: "I'm in a financial situation where I don't want to be somewhere if ownership believes there's someone better for the job. After you've been somewhere for a while, maybe they think it gets stale. If that situation ever arises, I want them to be able to tell me. It's not about money or holding someone to a contract. I firmly believe that."


The article goes on to say "...a source within the (Sox) organization said he expected Reinsdorf to commit the necessary funds to hire a proven manager."

Hmm...Very Interesting


However I'm just not sure that JR would want a second go-around with Tony LaRussa although he would be a better option than Buddy Bell or alot of the other misfits around the league...

The only reason that Tony left the first time was because of the worst GM in Sox history, Hawk Harrelson... :bang

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The LaRussa stuff started heating up in the Tribune today. Buehrle said that he heard on St. Louis sport talk radio that there was speculation that Tony L may not return to St Louis. The tribune quoted Tony: "I'm in a financial situation where I don't want to be somewhere if ownership believes there's someone better for the job. After you've been somewhere for a while, maybe they think it gets stale. If that situation ever arises, I want them to be able to tell me. It's not about money or holding someone to a contract. I firmly believe that."


The article goes on to say "...a source within the (Sox) organization said he expected Reinsdorf to commit the necessary funds to hire a proven manager."

Hmm...Very Interesting


However I'm just not sure that JR would want a second go-around with Tony LaRussa although he would be a better option than Buddy Bell or alot of the other misfits around the league...

The only reason that Tony left the first time was because of the worst GM in Sox history, Hawk Harrelson... :bang

Tony and Reinsdorf are very close friends.

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The LaRussa stuff started heating up in the Tribune today. Buehrle said that he heard on St. Louis sport talk radio that there was speculation that Tony L may not return to St Louis. The tribune quoted Tony: "I'm in a financial situation where I don't want to be somewhere if ownership believes there's someone better for the job. After you've been somewhere for a while, maybe they think it gets stale. If that situation ever arises, I want them to be able to tell me. It's not about money or holding someone to a contract. I firmly believe that."


The article goes on to say "...a source within the (Sox) organization said he expected Reinsdorf to commit the necessary funds to hire a proven manager."

Hmm...Very Interesting


However I'm just not sure that JR would want a second go-around with Tony LaRussa although he would be a better option than Buddy Bell or alot of the other misfits around the league...

The only reason that Tony left the first time was because of the worst GM in Sox history, Hawk Harrelson... :bang

Tony and Reinsdorf are very close friends.

I don't care who he's friends with.. if it isn't good for the team - in the way of the stockholders - it isn't going to happen.

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It has been widely reported and lots of ink used to write about how one of the biggest mistakes made was the Sox dumping Tony Larrusa. I also believe it was the old Hawkeroo who did that when he screwed up as GM. I think Tony would be a great choice for the Sox if they could work out a deal. The only problem is that I thought it was already announced he was staying for sure in St Louie? If his contract runs out in 2004 maybe he stays in St. Louis and Manuel stays in Chicago next season and if Manuel doesn't win he get axed and Larussa signed at the end of 2004?

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It has been widely reported and lots of ink used to write about how one of the biggest mistakes made was the Sox dumping Tony Larrusa. I also believe it was the old Hawkeroo who did that when he screwed up as GM. I think Tony would be a great choice for the Sox if they could work out a deal. The only problem is that I thought it was already announced he was staying for sure in St Louie? If his contract runs out in 2004 maybe he stays in St. Louis and Manuel stays in Chicago next season and if Manuel doesn't win he get axed and Larussa signed at the end of 2004?

JM has already been fired bro........

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It has been widely reported and lots of ink used to write about how one of the biggest mistakes made was the Sox dumping Tony Larrusa. I also believe it was the old Hawkeroo who did that when he screwed up as GM. I think Tony would be a great choice for the Sox if they could work out a deal. The only problem is that I thought it was already announced he was staying for sure in St Louie? If his contract runs out in 2004 maybe he stays in St. Louis and Manuel stays in Chicago next season and if Manuel doesn't win he get axed and Larussa signed at the end of 2004?

The only way the La Russa to the Sox thing works is if the Cardinals give us permission to talk to him. Maybe they will, if they're ready to move on to someone else, or if they have a sense of gratitude to Tony for what he's done for them. Maybe they'll want to work out a compensation thing like Tampa did with Piniella and Seattle last year.


Another point. When La Russa acted as emcee for the 1983 Sox reunion dinner, Harrelson the next couple of days raved about what a job La Russa did at the dinner. Maybe Hawk's nose can tell which way the wind is blowing.

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Reinsdorf has the authority to make all the decisions - that's the way the limited partnership is drawn up.


Do you think a lot of the other owners would not want La Russa?

So does the CEO, or owners of companies. But do you think if he wanted to do something that was not idea for the company that he'd be able to do it without some serious backlash..??


I think there is a certian amount of unrest with Tony. Time will tell though. IMO.. this is all a BS rumor as I've heard over and over again that he's already set a deal with St. Louis for next year.

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A year ago everybody was praising LaRussa for keeping the Cardinals together and then into the playoffs after the death of Daryl Kile.


This year they've killed him in St. Louis. Not really his fault -- when you look at that pitching staff. All they got is Morris, and he's always hurt. Plus the St. Louis farm system is awful.


Maybe the Cards are looking to save money and would be willing to let him out of the last year of his deal at a reduced price.


Then theSox could bring him back.


I think his decision to hang around Chicago for the reunion of the 1983 team was a clue that he still has strong feelings for the Sox.


If they can bring back Tony, bring him back. He's good with veteran players and it would energize the fan base.


Do it

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I think his decision to hang around Chicago for the reunion of the 1983 team was a clue that he still has strong feelings for the Sox.

LOL.. I hang out with several folks I used to work with. Sometimes I visit them for lunch at the office. Doesn't mean I want to work there again. ;)

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I think his decision to hang around Chicago for the reunion of the 1983 team was a clue that he still has strong feelings for the Sox.

LOL.. I hang out with several folks I used to work with. Sometimes I visit them for lunch at the office. Doesn't mean I want to work there again. ;)

Great point. :headbang

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IF (and that's a big if) they're able to land a proven, winning manager like LaRussa, my opinion is by all means go for it.


I'd really doubt the Cardinals would let him go, though. Plus I think the only place Tony would really want to go is the Bay area ... if a job ever opened up out there, because that's where he lives.


I wouldn't totally discount the possibility of LaRussa coming back here, but I'd say the odds are against it.


There's no question he'd energize the fan base, which is so disgusted right now. My dad told me today this season has been the biggest disappointment of any, and he's 73 ... that's a lot of seasons.


Despite what people think of Reinsdorf, he's a smart businessman. He clearly understands what Baker's presence has meant to the north side, and he realizes hopefully that his (the Sox) managerial hiring may be more important than what's done with personnel. If they get the manager hiring out of the way first, it's likely that certain free agents may say "hey, I want to play for this guy, and it's Chicago" ... with the right manager, it's a very powerful drawing card for attracting or keeping free agents. Of course, money will be the ultimate factor, but I've heard the front office say several times this team wasn't built for 2003 only.


The gnawing in my stomach tells me they're going to rely on a guy like Dan Wright for the rotation. Maybe he can bounce back, but I wouldn't put my money on it. Which brings me to the biggest issue with this franchise: Why can't we develop young pitching? Wright has had an abysmal year, even with the elbow problem. Garland hasn't matured much, if any ... he still has brain cramps and can't seem to get the killer instinct.


These recent posts by Jim Bullard and Jeff Bajenaru from Birmingham were frankly a little disturbing to me. They're totally changing Bullard's mechanics, turning him into a sidearm guy, when he's never done that in his life. Bajenaru, who had a nasty slider ... they've had him scrap the pitch, instead asking him to throw knuckle curves. They can't keep Corwin Malone's mechanics on track. Brian West has been a huge disappointment. Granted, pitchers get hurt ... but why this constant tinkering with these kids mechanics, when it never seems to get them to the big leagues? Wyatt Allen is another example.


Certainly, some of the blame falls to the individual players if they don't make it ... maybe they resist coaching, maybe they're flat out not good enough.


But there's always a certain defensiveness from Sox management about their pitching instruction. To me, they ought to look at it very closely and decide if what they're doing is indeed the best approach. Buerhle is the only real stud they've developed, and much of that was luck.


I'm sure there's lots I don't know because I'm not an insider, but all I do see is none of these kids turning out.

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Don't forget Matt Ginter, Jon Rauch, Jason Stumm, Rob Purvis, Jim Parque and a flurry of other high draft picks that have not worked out. (Won't even bring up Josh Fogg and Kip Wells.)


I agree.


Something ain't right in the minor-league development. Too many busts. Too many injuries. Too few success stories.


As for LaRussa, it's definitely a long shot.


But conditions are right for him to leave St. Louis. And if the Sox want to send a message that they are indeed serious about winning, they should at least talk with him.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
The LaRussa stuff started heating up in the Tribune today. Buehrle said that he heard on St. Louis sport talk radio that there was speculation that Tony L may not return to St Louis. The tribune quoted Tony: "I'm in a financial situation where I don't want to be somewhere if ownership believes there's someone better for the job. After you've been somewhere for a while, maybe they think it gets stale. If that situation ever arises, I want them to be able to tell me. It's not about money or holding someone to a contract. I firmly believe that."


The article goes on to say "...a source within the (Sox) organization said he expected Reinsdorf to commit the necessary funds to hire a proven manager."

Hmm...Very Interesting


However I'm just not sure that JR would want a second go-around with Tony LaRussa although he would be a better option than Buddy Bell or alot of the other misfits around the league...

The only reason that Tony left the first time was because of the worst GM in Sox history, Hawk Harrelson... :bang

Tony and Reinsdorf are very close friends.

I don't care who he's friends with.. if it isn't good for the team - in the way of the stockholders - it isn't going to happen.

bingo steff....you get the brass ring today.... :D ...it dont matter whos friends with who.. if the stockholders will not profit it aint gonna happen...jr is very loyal to many people (most we dont understand why but thats a whole nother can of worms) one group of people, he will never piss off is the stockholders......believe it or not they do get a say in the matter too...... ;) limited partnership pertains to him and eddie with the stockholders having a minor say in how things are run as well........

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