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The "get your mind of the Cubs" thread


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I know it's a depressing day today, so lets talk about something else and try to get your minds off the Cubs and the avalanche of coverage we're gonna be bombarded with this week...


So lets see, what do we talk about...Hmmm

How 'bout how great I am??? I know when you guys come to the board you just anticipate a posting by The Great GASH...Come on admit it...

I'm soooo hard to resist...everyday before I leave for work i like to stare at myself in the mirror for a couple minutes and just bask in my glory.


Although I have to quickly stop cause if I stare to long I turn myself on and that may lead to other things...


Anyway, I'm looking to find a girl but strangely that would require me to leave the house and actually look for one...It'll be nice if one could actually just come knock on my door...maybe she saw me at the store or something, was the persisted one and followed me home looking to hook up...She knocks on the door, and says..."I saw to at the grocery store and was so turned on by your essence of confidence and good looks that I got so horny I had 2 orgasms just thinking of the possibility of being with you." "Take me."


But life isn't like that...Oh well :D

But I'm a great catch...Come on girls!!! I'm 23 with a job, a couple cars and my own place..Why can't I keep a damn relationship?!?!? I know why, anxiety...I get anxiety attacks when I'm in a nervous situation..being with a large group of people or something like that..

That's probably why the relationship didn't work out...Felt pressured to actually go out and be out in public...And that's my fault..


Got to get over it, and hope the Lexapro helps...Oh yes, I take anti-depressants...I'm not ashamed to admit it...

The reason I'm being so honest here..(well, to take people's mind of the Cubs) but if I talk about it it will free my soul of the restraints of this mind prison of avoidance i feel towards others..Friends, and girlfriends, and such..


When you feel trapped like this, it's nice to actually come somewhere like this and talk to people you know..even though you never met them...There's actually people on the other side of their message board handles..


Anyways...what do you guys want to talk about...any crappy stuff going on in your lives??? Any questions you want all of use here at SoxTalk to help you with??? We are here to help all of you guys and girls..well, except SHOW...he's hopeless :)


I know alot of people won't post in this particular thread cause they probably think it's stupid..and think they don't need any questions answered cause they don't have any problems..and even if they do why would they tell them on here???

I know, but I thought I'd give it a try...at least there's something here you can take your mind of the cubs with something to talk about... :huh:

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So you're saying you want a stalker???

I know a couple guys who had those....it's not good, to tell you the truth...

even if she's good looking...the craziness takes over and you just want to escape.

They end up keying your car and calling at 3am every night and hanging up.


Best of luck in NOT turning yourself on, by the way... :lol:

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So you're saying you want a stalker???

I know a couple guys who had those....it's not good, to tell you the truth...

even if she's good looking...the craziness takes over and you just want to escape.

They end up keying your car and calling at 3am every night and hanging up.


Best of luck in NOT turning yourself on, by the way... :lol:

I want the "fantasy" stalker just like I described it up there...Where after she's done she goes away :lol:

But that was just fantasy..I know in reality if that would happen she would probably rob and kill me :D

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Any questions you want all of use here at SoxTalk to help you with??? We are here to help all of you guys and girls..well, except SHOW...he's hopeless :)

:fyou Gash.

Hey, we're not miracle workers here...

But you're welcomed to join all of us next week...we're all gonna attempt to walk on water :D

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She knocks on the door, and says..."I saw to at the grocery store and was so turned on by your essence of confidence and good looks that I got so horny I had 2 organisms just thinking of the possibility of being with you." "Take me."

I do believe you mean orgasm... :lol:

Haha, I didn't even see that when I read it. That's so damn funny. :lol:

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She knocks on the door, and says..."I saw to at the grocery store and was so turned on by your essence of confidence and good looks that I got so horny I had 2 organisms just thinking of the possibility of being with you." "Take me."

I do believe you mean orgasm... :lol:

Haha, I didn't even see that when I read it. That's so damn funny. :lol:

I typed it and even didn't realize it :lol: Guess I was typing so fast I just didn't notice it...next time I should proof read my posts..


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You know what I have found out in the past two weeks?  Baby mice grow almost as fast as my dick does when I see Jenna Jameson. 


Wow, 3 topics in one sentence....baby mice growing quickly, Jenna Jameson, and my dick.  You go ahead and talk about all 3 if you want to.

Ill talk about Jenna, but I can do without conversation about your dick and baby mice... ;)

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