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Hey cwsox....HE CAN'T MAKE IT!


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Originally posted by witesoxfan

What'd you think of Carter's comments at the end of the game when Anderson was lining up to kick?


"He can't make it.  He can't kick it that far."  or something like that....




I think that is quote of the week material


I agree.


I never believe a Wannstat (spelling, intentionally more or less) coached team can win in December and I watched the game, watched the kick, watched Carter, and said, that's it for 2002.

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Originally posted by cwsox
Originally posted by witesoxfan

What'd you think of Carter's comments at the end of the game when Anderson was lining up to kick?


"He can't make it.  He can't kick it that far."  or something like that....




I think that is quote of the week material


I agree.


I never believe a Wannstat (spelling, intentionally more or less) coached team can win in December and I watched the game, watched the kick, watched Carter, and said, that's it for 2002.


Wannstedt blows goats. What an asshole. I'd love to watch him and Ricky Williams fall flat on their faces. "F" DAVE WANNSTEDT!!!!! :****

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Jeezus, I wish I could celebrate but the damn Lambeau officials took the game out of the opposition's hand for a second straight time....first in the Vikings game, after reviewing all the penalties, 9 of them were ruled bad calls, and they were all in the same quarter. In the Bills game, Ahman Green's 'non-fumble' was obvioulsy a fumble. He caught the ball, tucked it under his left arm, took a couple steps and then dropped it. The officials ruled it an imcomplete pass, which is bulls***. The Packers then scored a touchdown on the next play. That would have put the Bills up 7-3, but instead leaves them trailing 10-0. Damn officials ruined the game.....death to the officials at Lambeau Field!


In other news, Randy Cross is a motherf***ing douchebag that knows very little about football.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

That was an awesome quote though.



more colorful than awesome, but that is semantics. And it leaves me feling very sorry for the goats and wanting to call in PETA.


That Wanny is employed, I think he blows GMS and owners.

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Originally posted by witesoxfan

In other news, Randy Cross is a motherf***ing douchebag that knows very little about football.


If you actually produced a douchebag that f***ed, you might have a market sensation on your hands!


You expected fair officiating at Lambeau Field for what reason, exactly?

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Originally posted by cwsox

You expected fair officiating at Lambeau Field for what reason, exactly?


I didn't...but when the game had been evenly officiated up till that point for the most part(as on Bledsoe's first interception, Price was actually held from getting the ball and for that reason an interception was the result)....but when that happened, I knew that the game was over and that the Bills had been cheated a win, because I know as well as anyone does that Clements most likely would have gone all the way.


I don't know the correct terminology for Randy Cross, but I know one thing he isn't and that's smart. Hell, during the game he was talking about Tennessee because they had just come from an update from their game and he said something like"Team's like Tennessee's strengths are what make them strong football teams."


LMFAO...what a douchebag. He's almost as bad as Chip and Joe from Wrigley Field.

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