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Kathy Griffin Does Something Very Stupid


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QUOTE (raBBit @ May 31, 2017 -> 01:44 PM)
Yeah totally. Not to belittle the Montanans (I think that's what you call them), but it would take one of their political candidates bodyslamming for someone to talk about one of their elections.



You're not wrong but it's a bit pedantic. I wasn't equivocating what either of them did. I was saying when an individual who is on one side of the spectrum does something stupid other people from that party shouldn't have to answer for him. Then again most people are more into partisanship than the actual exchange of beliefs and ideas so that's just my opinion.



I think it's fair to believe any 11 year old (age?) would be upset at seeing a model of their parents severed head covered in blood. You could put your hatred behind you on this one. Any public figure who goes through something publicly upsetting mentions their kids in their press conference or whatever. I think we can at least afford our goof of a president that much.

It has nothing to do with hatred. How could a son mistake that prop for his dad? Look at it. He isn't 3 or 4, he's 11. It was BS. He was watching his cartoons or whatever and suddenly that came on. OK. Entering your kid into the story is usually not a good thing. Trump seemed to not mind Obama had young daughters at home when he with through all his Obama s***.


I work for a company that started a couple of years ago letting people work from home once in a while. You wouldn't believe how often kids are now sick. 40-50 days a year at least. If they took away the work from home, they would be doing the kids a favor with their health. But no one dares question the legitimacy of kids being sick all the time.


The Barron story doesn't add up. That is plain to see. Again, what she did was disgusting, but getting the kid involved is for Trump's personal gain.

Edited by Dick Allen
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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:02 PM)
It has nothing to do with hatred. How could a son mistake that prop for his dad? Look at it. He isn't 3 or 4, he's 11. It was BS. He was watching his cartoons or whatever and suddenly that came on. OK. Entering your kid into the story is usually not a good thing. Trump seemed to not mind Obama had young daughters at home when he with through all his Obama s***.


I work for a company that started a couple of years ago letting people work from home once in a while. You wouldn't believe how often kids are now sick. 40-50 days a year at least. If they took away the work from home, they would be doing the kids a favor with their health. But no one dares question the legitimacy of kids being sick all the time.


The Barron story doesn't add up. That is plain to see. Again, what she did was disgusting, but getting the kid involved is for Trump's personal gain.


I'm not really invested on either side here, but seeing a prop of your dad's cut off head is probably not a great experience, even if he knows it's fake and just a prop. The kid went through the last 2 years having his dad in the news on a nightly basis, most of which was very negative. I'm sure that's a pretty f***ed up situation to go through for an 11 year old kid. Sure, they're milking it for that angle, but let's not completely ignore the possibility that the kid saw it and had a reaction to it.


Also, I have 2 young kids and can attest that they get sick all the time. I'm sure some of your co-employees abuse the system, but many aren't.

Edited by JenksIsMyHero
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QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:39 PM)
I'm not really invested on either side here, but seeing a prop of your dad's cut off head is probably not a great experience, even if he knows it's fake and just a prop. The kid went through the last 2 years having his dad in the news on a nightly basis, most of which was very negative. I'm sure that's a pretty f***ed up situation to go through for an 11 year old kid. Sure, they're milking it for that angle, but let's not completely ignore the possibility that the kid saw it and had a reaction to it.


Also, I have 2 young kids and can attest that they get sick all the time. I'm sure some of your co-employees abuse the system, but many aren't.

If they are so worried he may see or hear something about his dad he might not like, why would they let him watch TV unsupervised? It's pretty easy to find Trump bashing on TV. Except for Fox News, it's everywhere.


I feel for the kid. But Trump has sought the spotlight. He shoves people out of the way to get there. That's the life he chose. If he wants to shelter his kid from it, there are ways to do it. Keep the kid out of it. It shouldn't be poor Barron. He is going to have it tough enough. At least half the kids he goes to school with are going to have parents that think his father is an ass.

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QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:46 PM)
Where did the kid see the picture? I've had to search for it to find one without the head blurred out.


Probably never did.

Is anyone shocked Trump used his kid for political gain?

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QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:11 AM)
Just imagine the uproar if a conservative would have done this with Obama's head. I saw a tweet that is true for this as well. If Kathy Griffiin wants to shock people she should try to actually be funny.

You mean like the pictures of hanging and burning Obama in effigy? It happened. There's plenty of outrage about this. Confirmation bias is fun.

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Does anyone actually like her as a comedian? Her positives are about as high as Sean Penn.


It would be quite different if this was Tom Hanks, The Rock, Clooney or Bono trolling Trump, etc. They actually have viable careers to lose, just like The Dixie Chicks and Sinead O'Connor did.


This is Don Rickles or Joan Rivers territory here, yet even less classy, which is quite difficult to pull off.


What's funny is this is getting 5x more coverage than the seemingly more impactful issue of global climate change.

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I applaud Kathy Griffin. Good for her. Like was said earlier, the right-wing nutjobs used to have mannequins with Obama's face on it hanging from a damn tree. What's wrong right wingers? Can't take a little free speech? Hypocrites. Pointing out hypocrisy is always fun. I may not agree with what people say, but I will defend their right to say it.


Trump is a horrible businessman, a worse human being and an even worse president(if that is even possible for him to be a worse president than human being) I am embarrassed as an American to have to call him "President." Trump is, in fact, a national embarrassment and one can only hope he was put into office purely with collusion from the Russians, otherwise there is no hope for America in the future if this is found to have not been the case. We are witnessing Nero playing the fiddle as Rome burns to the ground.

Edited by Jack Parkman
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 31, 2017 -> 08:55 PM)
Does anyone actually like her as a comedian? Her positives are about as high as Sean Penn.


It would be quite different if this was Tom Hanks, The Rock, Clooney or Bono trolling Trump, etc. They actually have viable careers to lose, just like The Dixie Chicks and Sinead O'Connor did.


This is Don Rickles or Joan Rivers territory here, yet even less classy, which is quite difficult to pull off.


What's funny is this is getting 5x more coverage than the seemingly more impactful issue of global climate change.

Hey, don't rip my Don Rickles. Loved him. I didn't like Rivers much. I don't find Griffin funny. Her standup is mostly about celebrities and their TV shows, etc., and her dealings with them. It's OK. I don't despise her humor but I'm not a huge fan. I'm more a Louis CK guy or Barry Crimmins.


QUOTE (Jack Parkman @ May 31, 2017 -> 09:18 PM)
I applaud Kathy Griffin. Good for her. Like was said earlier, the right-wing nutjobs used to have mannequins with Obama's face on it hanging from a damn tree. What's wrong right wingers? Can't take a little free speech? Hypocrites. Pointing out right-wing hypocrisy is always fun. I may not agree with what people say, but I will defend their right to say it.


Trump is a horrible businessman, a worse human being and an even worse president(if that is even possible for him to be a worse president than human being) I am embarrassed as an American to have to call him "President." Trump is, in fact, a national embarrassment and one can only hope he was put into office purely with collusion from the Russians, otherwise there is no hope for America in the future if this is found to have not been the case. We are witnessing Nero playing the fiddle as Rome burns to the ground.

This isn't about getting even for the morons who hung Obama's fake body from a tree. Those people are morons as well. She didn't say that's why she did it, to get even.

Griffin's actions were wrong on many levels. Mostly it was grotesque and not funny. The fact she apologized so quickly shows her intent was mean spirited not artsy. She is Sooooooo stupid for not saving her career by a.) doing what you said, just say she wanted to get even for all the Obama haters hanging him in effigy; that would have worked or b.) again, proclaiming it 2017 ART. Saying it's up to the individual person to decide what it means. She blew it by immediately apologizing for what apparently was humor. It's not funny to hold a severed head that looks just like Trump when we are in real danger from ISIS bastards running around the USA ready to chop our own heads off!!!! All you need to know is her beloved NY Rockin Eve co host, Anderson Cooper, was appalled and blasted her actions on Twitter.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 31, 2017 -> 04:27 PM)
This isn't about getting even for the morons who hung Obama's fake body from a tree. Those people are morons as well. She didn't say that's why she did it, to get even.

Griffin's actions were wrong on many levels. Mostly it was grotesque and not funny. The fact she apologized so quickly shows her intent was mean spirited not artsy. She is Sooooooo stupid for not saving her career by a.) doing what you said, just say she wanted to get even for all the Obama haters hanging him in effigy; that would have worked or b.) again, proclaiming it 2017 ART. Saying it's up to the individual person to decide what it means. She blew it by immediately apologizing for what apparently was humor. It's not funny to hold a severed head that looks just like Trump when we are in real danger from ISIS bastards running around the USA ready to chop our own heads off!!!! All you need to know is her beloved NY Rockin Eve co host, Anderson Cooper, was appalled and blasted her actions on Twitter.

Yes, both are morons, but I applaud her for having the gonads to do it. It is so incredibly sad that somehow this is less socially acceptable than the fake Obama lynchings. In fact, this is more socially acceptable than the previously mentioned things. Trump deserves people being mean spirited to him. He is a hateful, mean-spirited, selfish piece of s*** who brings disgrace to the Oval Office. The fact that Andrew Jackson is his presidential hero tells you all you need to know about him as a human being and as a president. He is president for make benefit glorious nation of Trumpistan.

Edited by Jack Parkman
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 31, 2017 -> 03:55 PM)
Does anyone actually like her as a comedian? Her positives are about as high as Sean Penn.


It would be quite different if this was Tom Hanks, The Rock, Clooney or Bono trolling Trump, etc. They actually have viable careers to lose, just like The Dixie Chicks and Sinead O'Connor did.


This is Don Rickles or Joan Rivers territory here, yet even less classy, which is quite difficult to pull off.


What's funny is this is getting 5x more coverage than the seemingly more impactful issue of global climate change.


Or Gosling, Helen Mirren, Pratt, Witherspoon.


Or even Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, even Peter Sellers!

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QUOTE (Jack Parkman @ May 31, 2017 -> 09:35 PM)
Yes, both are morons, but I applaud her for having the gonads to do it. It is so incredibly sad that somehow this is less socially acceptable than the fake Obama lynchings. In fact, this is more socially acceptable than the previously mentioned things. Trump deserves people being mean spirited to him. He is a hateful, mean-spirited, selfish piece of s*** who brings disgrace to the Oval Office. The fact that Andrew Jackson is his presidential hero tells you all you need to know about him as a human being and as a president. He is president for make benefit glorious nation of Trumpistan.

The gonads to do what exactly?? All she did was hold up a head and didn't explain WTF. Man you really hate Trump.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 31, 2017 -> 04:41 PM)
The gonads to do what exactly?? All she did was hold up a head and didn't explain WTF. Man you really hate Trump.

I don't hate the man(though he is a pretty s***ty human being), I hate what he represents. He represents, in my opinion, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, and marginalization of the disabled and mentally ill. He represents anyone who isn't a white, neurotypical man being sub-human. Being disabled, (by most people's definition, but not mine) What he did when he mocked that reporter was deplorable. He was automatically on my s*** list at that point. Greg, also, this isn't about ISIS, it is more an allusion to the French Revolution when the people beheaded the ruling class. Trump represents the ruling class in this country more than anyone. Why people thought he'd help the common person rather than enriching himself is beyond me. If you don't think there is a ruling class in this country, I can't help you.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ May 31, 2017 -> 04:37 PM)
Your'e aging yourself here. Why would they let him watch TV unsupervised? That's like all we did growing up in a household where both parents worked let alone being a kid of the president. We live in the age of Internet. Young Barron probably has an iPhone. I got a phone at 14 and was one of the last kids to get one. He could find some awful stuff by searching a few words.

Before you give the age put down, you might want to read the story. It said Barron was watching TV. I would think with all the anti Trump on TV and parental controls on TVs, and iPhones if someone putting his father in a bad light was going to be traumatic he wouldn't have access to those channels. Sorry if that is too logical.

Edited by Dick Allen
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I really wish Madonna or, gasp, Scarlett Johansson, had done this.


It would guarantee Fox News would have approximately ZERO viewers after a month of talking about this nonsense while avoiding talking about how Israel, Turkey and Russia were the ONLY countries in the world with a MORE favorable view of the United States compared to a year ago. Philippines is probably a touch up, since Duterte bristled at getting scolded by Obama for murdering thousands of "alleged" drug dealers in the streets without so much as a single trial. And threatened all women in the Philippines that if any of his soldiers raped three women, he would stand up and defend them, taking responsibility for all their actions (Trump-like, there). Duterte's actually playing China and the US against each other to get more favorable overall treatment compared to just being aligned with the West.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 31, 2017 -> 02:02 PM)
It has nothing to do with hatred. How could a son mistake that prop for his dad? Look at it. He isn't 3 or 4, he's 11. It was BS. He was watching his cartoons or whatever and suddenly that came on. OK. Entering your kid into the story is usually not a good thing. Trump seemed to not mind Obama had young daughters at home when he with through all his Obama s***.


I work for a company that started a couple of years ago letting people work from home once in a while. You wouldn't believe how often kids are now sick. 40-50 days a year at least. If they took away the work from home, they would be doing the kids a favor with their health. But no one dares question the legitimacy of kids being sick all the time.


The Barron story doesn't add up. That is plain to see. Again, what she did was disgusting, but getting the kid involved is for Trump's personal gain.

The "Dusty Baker" shield.

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What did Politifact determine was the "objective" percentage of time Trump's actually factual in his statements?


Around 20-25% I have no difficulty believing the whole story was fabricated to garner sympathy and turn everyone more against Kathy Griffin. Trump LOVES being a bully. And it's much easier to pick on those celebrities like Rosie O'Donnell or Griffin that nobody likes. Notice Trump all this time never jumped on Melissa McCarthy for her impression of Sean Spicer. That would be a losing argument with the public.



And we didn't get the decapitated Obama (the UNIV of Wisconsin students did have nooses at the basketball game with their effigies)...but we get THIS predictably instead.

A noose was found at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC on Wednesday, the museum said in a statement. This is the second incident in the last week of a noose being found on Smithsonian properties.


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