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Happy Fourth of July


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Happy Fourth of July! Be careful with your fireworks tonight, very careful. One miscalculation could send you to the hospital. Have fun but be careful! Drink beer but if you MUST drink outside your own home, plan on Uber. One miscalculation otherwise could cause a tragedy and/or get you a DUI which in this day and age would probably ruin your life (fired at work, no car for a year).


I was wondering today if this was the most unpatriotic 4th of July in a long time. Korea stuffed another missile test in our face on the eve of the holiday. Surprised they didn't wait til the 4th to do it. Russia and China want us and the Koreas to sign some de-escalation thing. There are reports the Korean missile now can reach US soil meaning you just know Trump is ready to over-react or react forcibly.


Do you think today's holiday is a very sad day considering the state of our Trump hatred and the volatile situation regarding the USA and N. Korea, China and Russia? I will say, cherish Joey Chestnut today and have some fun, but has this holiday jumped the shark or temporarily been jaded because of current political climate/international conditions? The fact the two parties have never hated each other more and the fact Trump is a tweeting embarassment?


HAPPY 4th!! Drink beer, wine and go watch fireworks tonight! But drive Uber and take care of your family members who need Uber.

Edited by greg775
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