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HE GAWN!!!!!!!!


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I like Jerry, but I do think that it might be time to move on. Hell, it is time, obviously. I just don't think it was all his fault, and find most fault in the crappy hitting (or lack of hitting) this year. But eh, what can ya do?


That being said though, for the first time since I found my love for baseball and all things White Sox again (believe it or not, '95!!!), this is the best I have felt about the team and the future yet. I really think that whatever moves are made this winter will seriously show the other organizations that the Sox plan to take it all next year.


Though, for the first time in my 33 years I might just be being a little optimistic and this time next year I will be placing a sleeping bag for myself on the north bound lane of the Kennedy.

Its great to see that the Sox moves this year and attempts at a win brought ya back. I think the Sox are gonna have to continue to try and go for it all next year and in the future years if they want to win a lot of the other fans they've pretty much pissed off.


I can only hope they will stay agressive and up the payroll and be willing to take the shots to become a world series champ.


All I can say is if they blow this thing up...I'll be extremely pissed.

I don't think you'll see a complete overhaul attempted, but salary issues are going to make for some difficult choices. I believe KW will, within the confines of JR's budgetary limits, try and put a team on the field that can be in the hunt, and then add to it come July. He tried that this year and I believe that will prove to be his M.O. Of course, if the team stinks, then it's Ray Durham type of deals in July, instead.

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