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Bartolo offered "Richest Contract offer" ever


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I think its a bush league move of KW to start negotiating in public. I also believe he probably feels he will not sign Bartolo. By announcing he has offered BC the richest contract ever offered to a White Sox pitcher, what does he accomplish? Its as if he is pressuring Bart to sign, and if Bart doesn't sign, Bart is the bad guy. If you are Bartolo, why sign now? Why don't you wait and see what someone might offer you, it may be a better situation than the one you are now in. If Bart signed with NY or Boston or someplace else, KW then could have told the public about his offer, if I'm Bartolo, I'd be a little miffed at KW right now.

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I think its a bush league move of KW to start negotiating in public. I also believe he probably feels he will not sign Bartolo. By announcing he has offered BC the richest contract ever offered to a White Sox pitcher, what does he accomplish? Its as if he is pressuring Bart to sign, and if Bart doesn't sign, Bart is the bad guy. If you are Bartolo, why sign now? Why don't you wait and see what someone might offer you, it may be a better situation than the one you are now in. If Bart signed with NY or Boston or someplace else, KW then could have told the public about his offer, if I'm Bartolo, I'd be a little miffed at KW right now.

No. Hes giving sox fans hope. Letting them know that he will do everything in his power to bring back a winner. ITs especially important considering the cubs are in the playoffs. Stop your whining.

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No.  Hes giving sox fans hope.  Letting them know that he will do everything in his power to bring back a winner.  ITs especially important considering the cubs are in the playoffs.  Stop your whining.

The Cubs being in the playoffs has no effect on how the White Sox will be run or what moves they make. Where have you been, Jupiter? The Sox are going to be second class until they win a World Series, and even that may not do the trick. His statement wasn't about giving Sox fans hope. If he wanted to give Sox fans hope he would announce he had signed Colon. Offering the richest contract to a pitcher in club history, and not having that offer accepted, would not give Sox fans hope. It gives just the opposite. What's Bart got to lose by waiting until he's on the open market? And oh by the way, if the Sox offered Bart the same salary he's making this year , for 3 years, it would be the richest contract for a pitcher in the history of the franchise.

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30 mil for the next 3 years ... i highly doubt we see bart around next year.......mho....

If Colon walks away, f*** him. KW convinced JR to do what he never would do in the past, extending that kind of cash to a pitcher, AND doing it for 3 years. If Colon does actually like it here, he'll seriously consider it. If he was just talking to drum up interest from others, f*** him, buh-bye. Go play for the $200 million Yankees...

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Guest hotsoxchick1
If Colon walks away, f*** him. KW convinced JR to do what he never would do in the past, extending that kind of cash to a pitcher, AND doing it for 3 years. If Colon does actually like it here, he'll seriously consider it. If he was just talking to drum up interest from others, f*** him, buh-bye. Go play for the $200 million Yankees...

well this offer is the exact same offer they have been dishing out to him all season long... he hasnt taken it yet what makes anyone think he will take it now...

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So, you want Bartolo to be extended an offer of 12-14 mill over 3 seasons? Lets see, that would mean that he and Maggs, 2 players, would be responsible for approx. 47% of a $60 mill payroll, and thats stretching it considering most think it will top off at 55 mill. Thats obsurd. You cant have half your payroll in 2 players....and the other half in 23 other active players. Sorry, it cant happen.

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So, you want Bartolo to be extended an offer of 12-14 mill over 3 seasons? Lets see, that would mean that he and Maggs, 2 players, would be responsible for approx.  47% of a $60 mill payroll, and thats stretching it considering most think it will top off at 55 mill. Thats obsurd. You cant have half your payroll in 2 players....and the other half in 23 other active players. Sorry, it cant happen.

12 mill is way too much to give Bartolo. The biggest thing I have against KW is he overpays in regards to contracts.


I said for a long time he overpaid for Konerko...should of given 5 mill max and he did the same for Koch...although since it was only a 2 year contract it isn't horrible.


Now with Maggs the Sox are in deep crap giving him 14 mill this year. He is an 8-9 mill a year guy...thats it.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
So, you want Bartolo to be extended an offer of 12-14 mill over 3 seasons? Lets see, that would mean that he and Maggs, 2 players, would be responsible for approx.  47% of a $60 mill payroll, and thats stretching it considering most think it will top off at 55 mill. Thats obsurd. You cant have half your payroll in 2 players....and the other half in 23 other active players. Sorry, it cant happen.

uhh nope...... i dont want bart around period.. but the 30 mil for 3 years is what hes been offered...... or was that comment directed to someone else?????

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Colon is going to be in a sox uniform for several years.  Book it.

I agree. I think the pitching staff will look the same if not better (Few changes in the pen).


The Sox will make wholesale changes offensively, imo. A few of Konerko, Thomas, Everett, Ordonez, Alomar will be gone.


I'd say if the Sox lost all of them...they still wouldn't be screwed because it would open up the team to really do some interesting things.

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If you can get Colon for 10 mill per season, you HAVE to take it. Me, I'm probably in the minority here, but I'll take Colon at $10 mill/season over Maggs at $14 mill/2004 season. We can find another RFer, but not too many #1/#2 starters fall in your lap.

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I agree.  I think the pitching staff will look the same if not better (Few changes in the pen).


The Sox will make wholesale changes offensively, imo.  A few of Konerko, Thomas, Everett, Ordonez, Alomar will be gone. 


I'd say if the Sox lost all of them...they still wouldn't be screwed because it would open up the team to really do some interesting things.

Agree. You and I think alike when it comes to what the sox are going to do. :)

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My prediction is that Bartolo will be outta here.


He's not going to sign now. So he waits until after the world series when he FINALLY becomes a free agent and gets a monster deal from the Yankees, Red Sox, Padres or Dodgers. Hell, Texas might get involved.


The Sox will shrug and say that they tried.


The comment at the press conference today was a PR move.


There was no other reason to drop it into the conversation. It was meant to appease Sox fans who are pissed this team underachieved, pissed they folded against the Twins and pissed the Cubs have a great young pitching staff that carried them into October.


So the Sox will take the savings from Bartolo and try to troll their way into finding another Loaiza.


Not likely to happen again.


Most likely to land another Todd Ritchie.


Our best hope is the rest of the division has problems, too. Twins are going to lose as many players as the Sox -- and if Guardado and Hawkins bolt, they're done. Kansas City has seen the last of Beltran.


The Sox can compete next year. But I don't expect Bartolo to be part of the equation.

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I am very optimistic now. The recent Barry Larkin signing is senting the stage for a very bleak winter for FA's.


In the 2004 thread I posted the FA"s for 2003-2004.

What it doesn't include are players that are RFA (4-6 yr arbits) & big $$$ players in their last yrs.

Let me throw 3 names at you that are now said to be available in the off-season:

Curt Shilling

Kevin Brown


It's estimated another 30 players of great-good caliber will be thrown into the mix this off-season. Considering that Larkin was coming off of a 27/3 deal & settled for a 1 yr 700K(1MIL) deal the future looks bleak for Robbie & company.


They better know what they can get outside the SOX before they leave.

It's very reminiscent of the Rogers scenario last yr.

He turned down a 10mil/2yr deal with TEX & settled with a 2mil/1yr deal with the Twinks.

Of course if we had made that deal & used him as a our 5th starter we would have won the division (see my last yr's post) but hindsight is 20/20.


Anyways, I'm more optimistic than Sun that Colon will remain a CHI-SOX.


What bothers me is that the Tribune seems to be lauching a campaign to get Lee traded. Could it be they are angry over his lumber use vs their beloved scrubs?

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Guest hotsoxchick1
My prediction is that Bartolo will be outta here.


He's not going to sign now. So he waits until after the world series when he FINALLY becomes a free agent and gets a monster deal from the Yankees, Red Sox, Padres or Dodgers. Hell, Texas might get involved.


The Sox will shrug and say that they tried.


The comment at the press conference today was a PR move.


There was no other reason to drop it into the conversation. It was meant to appease Sox fans who are pissed this team underachieved, pissed they folded against the Twins and pissed the Cubs have a great young pitching staff that carried them into October.


So the Sox will take the savings from Bartolo and try to troll their way into finding another Loaiza.


Not likely to happen again.


Most likely to land another Todd Ritchie.


Our best hope is the rest of the division has problems, too. Twins are going to lose as many players as the Sox -- and if Guardado and Hawkins bolt, they're done. Kansas City has seen the last of Beltran.


The Sox can compete next year. But I don't expect Bartolo to be part of the equation.

i agree with you wu.... thats exactly what will happen.......king george isnt gonna let bart slip away.....clemens is old and they need a replacement....... ;)

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My prediction is that Bartolo will be outta here.


He's not going to sign now. So he waits until after the world series when he FINALLY becomes a free agent and gets a monster deal from the Yankees, Red Sox, Padres or Dodgers. Hell, Texas might get involved.


The Sox will shrug and say that they tried.


The comment at the press conference today was a PR move.


There was no other reason to drop it into the conversation. It was meant to appease Sox fans who are pissed this team underachieved, pissed they folded against the Twins and pissed the Cubs have a great young pitching staff that carried them into October.


So the Sox will take the savings from Bartolo and try to troll their way into finding another Loaiza.


Not likely to happen again.


Most likely to land another Todd Ritchie.


Our best hope is the rest of the division has problems, too. Twins are going to lose as many players as the Sox -- and if Guardado and Hawkins bolt, they're done. Kansas City has seen the last of Beltran.


The Sox can compete next year. But I don't expect Bartolo to be part of the equation.

I wouldn't have said this at the beginning of the season, but here goes....


I have 100% confidence in Kenny Williams to put a winning team on the field next season (notice the lack of green). I think he's settling in at GM and wants to prove all the naysayers wrong. If Paulie, Frank, Jose, Carl, Maggs, or even Robbie (who I'd most like to see stay) are traded I am 100% confident that KW has a plan for this team and a direction he wants to follow. I think that he is strongly pursuing Bart. If Bart leaves, so be it, more money we can spend elsewhere. I think KW's on a mission and I'm surprisingly willing to go along for the ride.

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I will try to put a list together to add to the 2004 thread of RFA's & likely to be traded.

I have full confidence in KW to improve the team with what's available.

I likewise think this could be a year where Colon is not the most sought after arm.

The talent pool available to teams like NY is bigger than it's ever been.

If you look at the 2004-2005 FA list, you can pretty much see a who's who of likely to be traded this winter. I think it might be the biggest list in the history of the FA game.

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