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My Teacher ripped Bush


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Should an English teacher be aloud to just rip the President and give all of us her full opinion on the job he has done, out of nowhere?


We are sitting in class discussing how a sentence lacking parallelism can be used in contracts to decieve. Then our teacher points to the board where the letters NCLB are written (No Child Left Behind). She then goes on a spiell about how the president was too careless to focus on the little details that have plagued this act, and how it is ruining schools. She also told us that Bush has done an aweful job with our educational system, even though he claimed to be the education president. Then before letting any students comment she said "Now we are going to move on". And started popping grammar questions to us again.


What the hell?

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The No Child Left Behind Act isn't that great for schools at all. I have a pretty conservative educational psychology department professor and even he said that the NCLB is absolutely terrible for schools from a policy standpoint because it is leaving many many children behind.


Teaching for the test limits education and how much children learn. Not to mention hinging all aid on test results is drastically effected by access to learning tools [see Kozol's "Savage Inequalities"] Putting one test as the culmination of what funding schools are going to get is idiocy because:

a: the children might not have learned all that information that is on there

b: the kid could be stressed about family life or something else and that may make them not think clearly

c: the kid could be sick the day of the test and that could negatively impact the score

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The No Child Left Behind Act isn't that great for schools at all.  I have a pretty conservative educational psychology department professor and even he said that the NCLB is absolutely terrible for schools from a policy standpoint because it is leaving many many children behind.


Teaching for the test limits education and how much children learn.  Not to mention hinging all aid on test results is drastically effected by access to learning tools [see Kozol's "Savage Inequalities"]  Putting one test as the culmination of what funding schools are going to get is idiocy because:

a) the children might not have learned all that information that is on there

B) the kid could be stressed about family life or something else and that may make them not think clearly

c) the kid could be sick the day of the test and that could negatively impact the score

Lightning has struck. I agree with you.

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The No Child Left Behind Act isn't that great for schools at all.  I have a pretty conservative educational psychology department professor and even he said that the NCLB is absolutely terrible for schools from a policy standpoint because it is leaving many many children behind.


Teaching for the test limits education and how much children learn.  Not to mention hinging all aid on test results is drastically effected by access to learning tools [see Kozol's "Savage Inequalities"]  Putting one test as the culmination of what funding schools are going to get is idiocy because:

a) the children might not have learned all that information that is on there

B) the kid could be stressed about family life or something else and that may make them not think clearly

c) the kid could be sick the day of the test and that could negatively impact the score

Lightning has struck. I agree with you.

Holy s***. The Cubs and Red Sox make the playoffs, celebrities are dying off left and right and Nuke is agreeing with me on a political issue. Surely, these must be the signs of the Apocalypse. :lol:

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The No Child Left Behind Act isn't that great for schools at all.  I have a pretty conservative educational psychology department professor and even he said that the NCLB is absolutely terrible for schools from a policy standpoint because it is leaving many many children behind.


Teaching for the test limits education and how much children learn.  Not to mention hinging all aid on test results is drastically effected by access to learning tools [see Kozol's "Savage Inequalities"]  Putting one test as the culmination of what funding schools are going to get is idiocy because:

a) the children might not have learned all that information that is on there

B) the kid could be stressed about family life or something else and that may make them not think clearly

c) the kid could be sick the day of the test and that could negatively impact the score

Lightning has struck. I agree with you.

Holy s***. The Cubs and Red Sox make the playoffs, celebrities are dying off left and right and Nuke is agreeing with me on a political issue. Surely, these must be the signs of the Apocalypse. :lol:

I don't agree with you very often, but it does happen now and again. LOL BoSox, Flubbs in the playoffs and me agreeing with you? 3 of the 4 Horsemen have arrived, If the LackHawks win the Cup this season we're all f***ed.

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Holy s***.  The Cubs and Red Sox make the playoffs, celebrities are dying off left and right and Nuke is agreeing with me on a political issue.  Surely, these must be the signs of the Apocalypse.  :lol:

I agree to a degree as well. If you ask me, (I know you didn't, but here goes anyway...), the federal government should stay the hell out of education. Show me in the preamble where it says "Provide for the education..." It's just another way for the education system to get screwed up. Let the states handle it.

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Should an English teacher be aloud to just rip the President and give all of us her full opinion on the job he has done, out of nowhere?


We are sitting in class discussing how a sentence lacking parallelism can be used in contracts to decieve.  Then our teacher points to the board where the letters NCLB are written (No Child Left Behind).  She then goes on a spiell about how the president was too careless to focus on the little details that have plagued this act, and how it is ruining schools.  She also told us that Bush has done an aweful job with our educational system, even though he claimed to be the education president.  Then before letting any students comment she said "Now we are going to move on".  And started popping grammar questions to us again.


What the hell?

After looking at what you wrote, your English teacher must not be very good anyways...aloud?

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Should an English teacher be aloud to just rip the President and give all of us her full opinion on the job he has done, out of nowhere?


We are sitting in class discussing how a sentence lacking parallelism can be used in contracts to decieve.  Then our teacher points to the board where the letters NCLB are written (No Child Left Behind).  She then goes on a spiell about how the president was too careless to focus on the little details that have plagued this act, and how it is ruining schools.  She also told us that Bush has done an aweful job with our educational system, even though he claimed to be the education president.  Then before letting any students comment she said "Now we are going to move on".  And started popping grammar questions to us again.


What the hell?

After looking at what you wrote, your English teacher must not be very good anyways...aloud?

I meant allowed...when posting, I often write the different meaning of the word that I mean to say, for example I will write are instead of our, or there instead of their, or in this case aloud instead of allowed.


Actually though I am a pretty good english student, honors if you must know :D


Anyway thanks for being anal ;)


btw, are the cyclones going to be any good this year in basketball?

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Should an English teacher be aloud to just rip the President and give all of us her full opinion on the job he has done, out of nowhere?


We are sitting in class discussing how a sentence lacking parallelism can be used in contracts to decieve.  Then our teacher points to the board where the letters NCLB are written (No Child Left Behind).  She then goes on a spiell about how the president was too careless to focus on the little details that have plagued this act, and how it is ruining schools.  She also told us that Bush has done an aweful job with our educational system, even though he claimed to be the education president.  Then before letting any students comment she said "Now we are going to move on".  And started popping grammar questions to us again.


What the hell?

After looking at what you wrote, your English teacher must not be very good anyways...aloud?

I meant allowed...when posting, I often write the different meaning of the word that I mean to say, for example I will write are instead of our, or there instead of their, or in this case aloud instead of allowed.


Actually though I am a pretty good english student, honors if you must know :D


Anyway thanks for being anal ;)


btw, are the cyclones going to be any good this year in basketball?

I sure hope so. The football team is killing me.

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Politics isn't for a high school classroom, unless it is a current events type of class.


I am going to start my rant now, so anyone who isn't interested skip this part.


The most important part of a high school education should not be to graduate. That's right, that's what I said. The whole point of secondary education was supposed to teach you skills that will benefit you at the next level. For people who aren't going on to college it was supposed to teach you basics for how to handle a job. Things like how to be on time, how to pay attention and work for 8 hours, and maybe a basic trade or skill depending on what you studied. Or for the college bound it is supposed to teach people how to study and work on their own, plus basic knowledge in order to build on at the higher education level.


Instead with the educational system turning into another unneeded government beaurcracy now the most important things are standardized test scores and graduation rates. These numbers are worthless IMO. All they do it narrow the scope of learning to a tighter field of knowledge, encourage cramming, stifle teacher creativity, and discourage anything but what is on the tests. With the emphasis on graduation rates this puts kids in the classroom that should not be there. Included in this group are kids who are disicpline problems, and people that will never graduate. All this does it take away valuable resources to the kids who are going to contribute meaningfully to society. Yes some people are not meant to graduate high school. I know it sounds harsh, but in every work force there is entry and basic employment, and people who don't have either the desire or the ability to be educated are the most likely people to fill these roles in society.



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Politics isn't for a high school classroom, unless it is a current events type of class. 


I am going to start my rant now, so anyone who isn't interested skip this part. 


The most important part of a high school education should not be to graduate.  That's right, that's what I said.  The whole point of secondary education was supposed to teach you skills that will benefit you at the next level.  For people who aren't going on to college it was supposed to teach you basics for how to handle a job.  Things like how to be on time, how to pay attention and work for 8 hours, and maybe a basic trade or skill depending on what you studied.  Or for the college bound it is supposed to teach people how to study and work on their own, plus basic knowledge in order to build on at the higher education level.


Instead with the educational system turning into another unneeded government beaurcracy now the most important things are standardized test scores and graduation rates.  These numbers are worthless IMO.  All they do it narrow the scope of learning to a tighter field of knowledge, encourage cramming, stifle teacher creativity, and discourage anything but what is on the tests.  With the emphasis on graduation rates this puts kids in the classroom that should not be there.  Included in this group are kids who are disicpline problems, and people that will never graduate.  All this does it take away valuable resources to the kids who are going to contribute meaningfully to society.  Yes some people are not meant to graduate high school.  I know it sounds harsh, but in every work force there is entry and basic employment, and people who don't have either the desire or the ability to be educated are the most likely people to fill these roles in society.



I agree with your rant.

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Should an English teacher be aloud to just rip the President and give all of us her full opinion on the job he has done, out of nowhere?


We are sitting in class discussing how a sentence lacking parallelism can be used in contracts to decieve.  Then our teacher points to the board where the letters NCLB are written (No Child Left Behind).  She then goes on a spiell about how the president was too careless to focus on the little details that have plagued this act, and how it is ruining schools.  She also told us that Bush has done an aweful job with our educational system, even though he claimed to be the education president.  Then before letting any students comment she said "Now we are going to move on".  And started popping grammar questions to us again.


What the hell?

After looking at what you wrote, your English teacher must not be very good anyways...aloud?

His english teacher may not have been that great but at least he isin't a stuck up asshole like you who points out other people's spelling errors.

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Should an English teacher be aloud to just rip the President and give all of us her full opinion on the job he has done, out of nowhere?


We are sitting in class discussing how a sentence lacking parallelism can be used in contracts to decieve.  Then our teacher points to the board where the letters NCLB are written (No Child Left Behind).  She then goes on a spiell about how the president was too careless to focus on the little details that have plagued this act, and how it is ruining schools.  She also told us that Bush has done an aweful job with our educational system, even though he claimed to be the education president.  Then before letting any students comment she said "Now we are going to move on".  And started popping grammar questions to us again.


What the hell?

After looking at what you wrote, your English teacher must not be very good anyways...aloud?

His english teacher may not have been that great but at least he isin't a stuck up asshole like you who points out other people's spelling errors.

I was joking around with him.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

Holy s***.  The Cubs and Red Sox make the playoffs, celebrities are dying off left and right and Nuke is agreeing with me on a political issue.  Surely, these must be the signs of the Apocalypse.  :lol:

I agree to a degree as well. If you ask me, (I know you didn't, but here goes anyway...), the federal government should stay the hell out of education. Show me in the preamble where it says "Provide for the education..." It's just another way for the education system to get screwed up. Let the states handle it.

oh yeah..... because the states do a much better job at handling educational ideals....... :rolleyes: just wait till your daughter starts school.. youll see what im talking about....... ;) these kids are off like every other day for some stupid s*** or another.. they should be in school all year long till they graduate highschool.......

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Holy s***.  The Cubs and Red Sox make the playoffs, celebrities are dying off left and right and Nuke is agreeing with me on a political issue.  Surely, these must be the signs of the Apocalypse.  :lol:

I agree to a degree as well. If you ask me, (I know you didn't, but here goes anyway...), the federal government should stay the hell out of education. Show me in the preamble where it says "Provide for the education..." It's just another way for the education system to get screwed up. Let the states handle it.

oh yeah..... because the states do a much better job at handling educational ideals....... :rolleyes: just wait till your daughter starts school.. youll see what im talking about....... ;) these kids are off like every other day for some stupid s*** or another.. they should be in school all year long till they graduate highschool.......

Just cause you want more days off from them doesn't mean you need to make us youngsters suffer by going to school everyday :D

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Guest hotsoxchick1

Holy s***.  The Cubs and Red Sox make the playoffs, celebrities are dying off left and right and Nuke is agreeing with me on a political issue.  Surely, these must be the signs of the Apocalypse.  :lol:

I agree to a degree as well. If you ask me, (I know you didn't, but here goes anyway...), the federal government should stay the hell out of education. Show me in the preamble where it says "Provide for the education..." It's just another way for the education system to get screwed up. Let the states handle it.

oh yeah..... because the states do a much better job at handling educational ideals....... :rolleyes: just wait till your daughter starts school.. youll see what im talking about....... ;) these kids are off like every other day for some stupid s*** or another.. they should be in school all year long till they graduate highschool.......

Just cause you want more days off from them doesn't mean you need to make us youngsters suffer by going to school everyday :D

jas i think you misunderstood me.. i dont want them off for more days.. they are off enough already..... they need to stay in school longer ....... ;)

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Holy s***.  The Cubs and Red Sox make the playoffs, celebrities are dying off left and right and Nuke is agreeing with me on a political issue.  Surely, these must be the signs of the Apocalypse.  :lol:

I agree to a degree as well. If you ask me, (I know you didn't, but here goes anyway...), the federal government should stay the hell out of education. Show me in the preamble where it says "Provide for the education..." It's just another way for the education system to get screwed up. Let the states handle it.

oh yeah..... because the states do a much better job at handling educational ideals....... :rolleyes: just wait till your daughter starts school.. youll see what im talking about....... ;) these kids are off like every other day for some stupid s*** or another.. they should be in school all year long till they graduate highschool.......

Just cause you want more days off from them doesn't mean you need to make us youngsters suffer by going to school everyday :D

jas i think you misunderstood me.. i dont want them off for more days.. they are off enough already..... they need to stay in school longer ....... ;)

Lol...no I meant that you want them to be in school all day so you get a few extra days off ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1

Holy s***.  The Cubs and Red Sox make the playoffs, celebrities are dying off left and right and Nuke is agreeing with me on a political issue.  Surely, these must be the signs of the Apocalypse.  :lol:

I agree to a degree as well. If you ask me, (I know you didn't, but here goes anyway...), the federal government should stay the hell out of education. Show me in the preamble where it says "Provide for the education..." It's just another way for the education system to get screwed up. Let the states handle it.

oh yeah..... because the states do a much better job at handling educational ideals....... :rolleyes: just wait till your daughter starts school.. youll see what im talking about....... ;) these kids are off like every other day for some stupid s*** or another.. they should be in school all year long till they graduate highschool.......

Just cause you want more days off from them doesn't mean you need to make us youngsters suffer by going to school everyday :D

jas i think you misunderstood me.. i dont want them off for more days.. they are off enough already..... they need to stay in school longer ....... ;)

Lol...no I meant that you want them to be in school all day so you get a few extra days off ;)

nope.. not at all.... i get my days off.. thats why i go to work...lol...... :D

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Politics isn't for a high school classroom, unless it is a current events type of class. 


I am going to start my rant now, so anyone who isn't interested skip this part. 


The most important part of a high school education should not be to graduate.  That's right, that's what I said.  The whole point of secondary education was supposed to teach you skills that will benefit you at the next level.  For people who aren't going on to college it was supposed to teach you basics for how to handle a job.  Things like how to be on time, how to pay attention and work for 8 hours, and maybe a basic trade or skill depending on what you studied.  Or for the college bound it is supposed to teach people how to study and work on their own, plus basic knowledge in order to build on at the higher education level.


Instead with the educational system turning into another unneeded government beaurcracy now the most important things are standardized test scores and graduation rates.  These numbers are worthless IMO.  All they do it narrow the scope of learning to a tighter field of knowledge, encourage cramming, stifle teacher creativity, and discourage anything but what is on the tests.  With the emphasis on graduation rates this puts kids in the classroom that should not be there.  Included in this group are kids who are disicpline problems, and people that will never graduate.  All this does it take away valuable resources to the kids who are going to contribute meaningfully to society.  Yes some people are not meant to graduate high school.  I know it sounds harsh, but in every work force there is entry and basic employment, and people who don't have either the desire or the ability to be educated are the most likely people to fill these roles in society.



No replies to my rant, huh? I thought I would have pissed off someone with this

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Politics isn't for a high school classroom, unless it is a current events type of class. 


I am going to start my rant now, so anyone who isn't interested skip this part. 


The most important part of a high school education should not be to graduate.  That's right, that's what I said.  The whole point of secondary education was supposed to teach you skills that will benefit you at the next level.  For people who aren't going on to college it was supposed to teach you basics for how to handle a job.  Things like how to be on time, how to pay attention and work for 8 hours, and maybe a basic trade or skill depending on what you studied.  Or for the college bound it is supposed to teach people how to study and work on their own, plus basic knowledge in order to build on at the higher education level.


Instead with the educational system turning into another unneeded government beaurcracy now the most important things are standardized test scores and graduation rates.  These numbers are worthless IMO.  All they do it narrow the scope of learning to a tighter field of knowledge, encourage cramming, stifle teacher creativity, and discourage anything but what is on the tests.  With the emphasis on graduation rates this puts kids in the classroom that should not be there.  Included in this group are kids who are disicpline problems, and people that will never graduate.  All this does it take away valuable resources to the kids who are going to contribute meaningfully to society.  Yes some people are not meant to graduate high school.  I know it sounds harsh, but in every work force there is entry and basic employment, and people who don't have either the desire or the ability to be educated are the most likely people to fill these roles in society.



No replies to my rant, huh? I thought I would have pissed off someone with this

why would you piss someone off with it??? its kinda hard to disagree with ya on that rant......... ;) you brought up very valid points ........

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That's for sure. That is a very justifiable rant, imho. The educational system is this country is broken and the more that the federal government gets involved, the worse it gets. Even the states seem to screw things up. This should be handled on more of a local, even down to the neighborhood, level.

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