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California Recall


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What a silly f***ed up state of affairs is going on in that state. 10 Billion in the red, a governor who is not only totally inept at his job but tries to blame his troubles on everyone except himself. So the voters ask for and get a recall to throw the ass out of office. Hmmn Lets see who might replace him.






The muscle bound actor who knows about as much about running a state government as joe sixpack does. Great, so he's nothing but a puppet with nothing to offer the public and no clue about how to do anything but make action movies and silly one-liners.



2nd Place




A career democratic party hack who is trying really hard not to let anyone know that he was a member of a radical mexican separatist movement in his younger years. Wants to give illegal aliens a green card, a drivers licence, free heath care, cash (in the form of welfare checks), a new Mercedes, a brand new mansion and just about everything else that people who actually belong in this country have to work for.


Looks to me like the actor with the funny accent gets the nod based on recent polls but is that really a good thing? Looks to me like the Golden state has lost it's luster. No wonder people with means are fleeing the place in droves. My father often refers to California as the land of fruits, nuts and flakes. He gets more right with each passing day.

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What a silly f***ed up state of affairs is going on in that state.  10 Billion in the red, a governor who is not only totally inept at his job but tries to blame his troubles on everyone except himself.  So the voters ask for and get a recall to throw the ass out of office.  Hmmn  Lets see who might replace him.






The muscle bound actor who knows about as much about running a state government as joe sixpack does.  Great, so he's nothing but a puppet with nothing to offer the public and no clue about how to do anything but make action movies and silly one-liners.



2nd Place




A career democratic party hack who is trying really hard not to let anyone know that he was a member of a radical mexican separatist movement in his younger years.  Wants to give illegal aliens a green card, a drivers licence, free heath care, cash (in the form of welfare checks), a new Mercedes, a brand new mansion and just about everything else that people who actually belong in this country have to work for. 


Looks to me like the actor with the funny accent gets the nod based on recent polls but is that really a good thing?  Looks to me like the Golden state has lost it's luster.  No wonder people with means are fleeing the place in droves.  My father often refers to California as the land of fruits, nuts and flakes.  He gets more right with each passing day.

Congratulations, Florida. You are no longer the state that has the most f***ed up election legacy for the time being. :lol:


It's just funny how people rail against Davis for having a $10 billion deficit, yet Georgie is getting rave reviews and he's about $600 billion in the hole. Just sayin'.

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What a silly f***ed up state of affairs is going on in that state.  10 Billion in the red, a governor who is not only totally inept at his job but tries to blame his troubles on everyone except himself.  So the voters ask for and get a recall to throw the ass out of office.  Hmmn  Lets see who might replace him.






The muscle bound actor who knows about as much about running a state government as joe sixpack does.  Great, so he's nothing but a puppet with nothing to offer the public and no clue about how to do anything but make action movies and silly one-liners.



2nd Place




A career democratic party hack who is trying really hard not to let anyone know that he was a member of a radical mexican separatist movement in his younger years.  Wants to give illegal aliens a green card, a drivers licence, free heath care, cash (in the form of welfare checks), a new Mercedes, a brand new mansion and just about everything else that people who actually belong in this country have to work for. 


Looks to me like the actor with the funny accent gets the nod based on recent polls but is that really a good thing?  Looks to me like the Golden state has lost it's luster.  No wonder people with means are fleeing the place in droves.  My father often refers to California as the land of fruits, nuts and flakes.  He gets more right with each passing day.

Congratulations, Florida. You are no longer the state that has the most f***ed up election legacy for the time being. :lol:


It's just funny how people rail against Davis for having a $10 billion deficit, yet Georgie is getting rave reviews and he's about $600 billion in the hole. Just sayin'.

California didn't have to pay for 2 wars and a giant sized terrorist attack though did they?

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What a silly f***ed up state of affairs is going on in that state.  10 Billion in the red, a governor who is not only totally inept at his job but tries to blame his troubles on everyone except himself.  So the voters ask for and get a recall to throw the ass out of office.  Hmmn  Lets see who might replace him.






The muscle bound actor who knows about as much about running a state government as joe sixpack does.  Great, so he's nothing but a puppet with nothing to offer the public and no clue about how to do anything but make action movies and silly one-liners.



2nd Place




A career democratic party hack who is trying really hard not to let anyone know that he was a member of a radical mexican separatist movement in his younger years.  Wants to give illegal aliens a green card, a drivers licence, free heath care, cash (in the form of welfare checks), a new Mercedes, a brand new mansion and just about everything else that people who actually belong in this country have to work for. 


Looks to me like the actor with the funny accent gets the nod based on recent polls but is that really a good thing?  Looks to me like the Golden state has lost it's luster.  No wonder people with means are fleeing the place in droves.  My father often refers to California as the land of fruits, nuts and flakes.  He gets more right with each passing day.

Congratulations, Florida. You are no longer the state that has the most f***ed up election legacy for the time being. :lol:


It's just funny how people rail against Davis for having a $10 billion deficit, yet Georgie is getting rave reviews and he's about $600 billion in the hole. Just sayin'.

California didn't have to pay for 2 wars and a giant sized terrorist attack though did they?

They had to pay for Enron gouging them and robbing them blind.

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What a silly f***ed up state of affairs is going on in that state.  10 Billion in the red, a governor who is not only totally inept at his job but tries to blame his troubles on everyone except himself.  So the voters ask for and get a recall to throw the ass out of office.  Hmmn  Lets see who might replace him.






The muscle bound actor who knows about as much about running a state government as joe sixpack does.  Great, so he's nothing but a puppet with nothing to offer the public and no clue about how to do anything but make action movies and silly one-liners.



2nd Place




A career democratic party hack who is trying really hard not to let anyone know that he was a member of a radical mexican separatist movement in his younger years.  Wants to give illegal aliens a green card, a drivers licence, free heath care, cash (in the form of welfare checks), a new Mercedes, a brand new mansion and just about everything else that people who actually belong in this country have to work for. 


Looks to me like the actor with the funny accent gets the nod based on recent polls but is that really a good thing?  Looks to me like the Golden state has lost it's luster.  No wonder people with means are fleeing the place in droves.  My father often refers to California as the land of fruits, nuts and flakes.  He gets more right with each passing day.

Congratulations, Florida. You are no longer the state that has the most f***ed up election legacy for the time being. :lol:


It's just funny how people rail against Davis for having a $10 billion deficit, yet Georgie is getting rave reviews and he's about $600 billion in the hole. Just sayin'.

California didn't have to pay for 2 wars and a giant sized terrorist attack though did they?

They had to pay for Enron gouging them and robbing them blind.

That and the billions of dollars of goodies handed to Illegals. You know what is sad is that the people of the state saw this for what it was and passed Prop 187 when the legislature and the Guv didn't have the balls for it. Too bad that the will of the people was thwarted by leftist special interests. Ah well.


BTW. It was really nice to see the execs of Enron paraded in cuffs in front of the TV.

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Is there going to be a recall for sure?  Or do the Californians first have to vote on whether or not they want to have a recall, then they have another vote to decide who its going to be?

It's all on the same ballot. They first vote whether to recall Davis and if yes then who will succeed him.

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Is there going to be a recall for sure?  Or do the Californians first have to vote on whether or not they want to have a recall, then they have another vote to decide who its going to be?

That's the way I understand it. The petition was just to get the recall on the ballot. They have to vote "yes" or "no" and then "who."

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