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I think someone in the White House broke the law. Don't know who, don't even know if the Pres. knew about it. I think, ultimately, nothing will be done. Because the six journalists who got the leak, won't reveal who broke the law. And I'm torn. Part of me thinks they shouldn't, because it's a journalism ethics issue and reporters shouldn't reveal sources. But part of me thinks they should... because this seems a clear violation of the law, and whats the point of this leak in the first place? This whole story makes no sense to me...

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I think someone in the White House broke the law. Don't know who, don't even know if the Pres. knew about it. I think, ultimately, nothing will be done. Because the six journalists who got the leak, won't reveal who broke the law. And I'm torn. Part of me thinks they shouldn't, because it's a journalism ethics issue and reporters shouldn't reveal sources. But part of me thinks they should... because this seems a clear violation of the law, and whats the point of this leak in the first place? This whole story makes no sense to me...

The CIA agent who got outed is the wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson. "When Ambassador Joseph Wilson wrote in the New York Times that there was no truth to the allegations that Iraq had tried to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger" there is a theory that Rove leaked the name to intimidate her and her husband.


And I personally think Rove had something to do with it because he is the political mastermind in the White House.

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