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15 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

Do you have an S or X?

Right now for black friday an S is going to be $199 + minecraft junk. The X will be $399. All the reviews say the X is way more powerful, but not sure its worth $200 more 

Damn, I didn't know the price difference was that big...

In that situation I would definitely choose the S (I have an S). However, I'll add that I do not play games vigorously anymore (I wish I could, just don't have the time). 


I'd get the S unless you had a safe amount of money, knew you were going to be playing more than just a handful of games, and knew you would be playing for hours per day in general. 

The $200 difference only makes sense in those instances since all the games work fine on the S. 

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9 minutes ago, iWiN4PreP said:

Damn, I didn't know the price difference was that big...

In that situation I would definitely choose the S (I have an S). However, I'll add that I do not play games vigorously anymore (I wish I could, just don't have the time). 


I'd get the S unless you had a safe amount of money, knew you were going to be playing more than just a handful of games, and knew you would be playing for hours per day in general. 

The $200 difference only makes sense in those instances since all the games work fine on the S. 

Yeah I dont really play that much anymore, but I also have never not bought the top end game system at the time. Ive also never bought an Xbox (always PS and Nintendo), and I was going to get the PS4 pro until I found out it had no 4k blu ray. Eventually Ill have to get the PS because FF7 will be on it, so its hard to justify getting both top end systems.



And thanks for the response, its nice to hear from people who actually have the item. 

Edited by Soxbadger
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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 11:18 AM, Soxbadger said:

Anyone own an Xbox? If so any comparisons between the S and the X. Long story short, Im looking at 4k blu ray players and was considering getting a XBOX S for that purpose.

I'm late responding to this but there's a massive difference in graphical quality if you have a 4K HDR-capable TV. If you're using it for games I'd pay the difference (Black Friday price drops notwithstanding) but if you're just using it to watch 4k movies I'd just get the S.

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On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 2:29 PM, Soxbadger said:

Yeah I dont really play that much anymore, but I also have never not bought the top end game system at the time. Ive also never bought an Xbox (always PS and Nintendo), and I was going to get the PS4 pro until I found out it had no 4k blu ray. Eventually Ill have to get the PS because FF7 will be on it, so its hard to justify getting both top end systems.



And thanks for the response, its nice to hear from people who actually have the item. 

They have been saying that for like 4 years now, and we're at the beginning of the end of this console cycle. I have a PS4 but I'm glad this game wasn't a factor in that decision.

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30 minutes ago, lostfan said:

I'm late responding to this but there's a massive difference in graphical quality if you have a 4K HDR-capable TV. If you're using it for games I'd pay the difference (Black Friday price drops notwithstanding) but if you're just using it to watch 4k movies I'd just get the S.


28 minutes ago, lostfan said:

They have been saying that for like 4 years now, and we're at the beginning of the end of this console cycle. I have a PS4 but I'm glad this game wasn't a factor in that decision.


I went with the S, I just dont really play that much anymore so its hard to justify that price tag for something I likely wont use. I havent even opened it, and I already bought 4 games lol. 

No one knows the deal with FF. The rumor is now that Kingdom Hearts is done it should be next up. My guess is that they may save it for the last big release on the PS4. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/18/2019 at 2:04 PM, soxfan2014 said:

Don't know if anyone is a fan of the Resident Evil series, but the remake of the 2nd game looks beautiful. I love that they added so much to it (based on the demo).

I loved the demo! Reviews all seem glowing too. Can't wait to try it out as well. 

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On 11/29/2018 at 4:09 PM, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

Red Dead Online is very complex. Feels like a whole 'nother game in of itself.

I'm still playing the single-player mode. I've never been a fan of online mode. I tried GTA a couple of times, did a little hacking with WatchDogs and went on the original RDR online like once. I prefer to explore and experience the game by myself. Although I do have moments where I wish someone else was in the room with me while I'm playing RDR2 so I could say to them "What the hell was that?"

Like the time I had a grizzly bear and a cougar attack me at the same damn time. Shot the bear, got jumped by the cougar from behind.

Or the time I robbed a store, got a wanted level, jumped on my horse to get away from the 5 lawmen chasing me, then almost fell off a cliff because I ran smack into another damn grizzly.

Still having a blast playing the game though. I'm only on chapter 3 because I've spent most of my time either hunting, doing all the side missions or completing the challenges. I have almost all the crafted outfits in the game. Although I've realized that some of them I can't get until the end of the game.

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1 hour ago, Iwritecode said:

I'm still playing the single-player mode. I've never been a fan of online mode. I tried GTA a couple of times, did a little hacking with WatchDogs and went on the original RDR online like once. I prefer to explore and experience the game by myself. Although I do have moments where I wish someone else was in the room with me while I'm playing RDR2 so I could say to them "What the hell was that?"

Like the time I had a grizzly bear and a cougar attack me at the same damn time. Shot the bear, got jumped by the cougar from behind.

Or the time I robbed a store, got a wanted level, jumped on my horse to get away from the 5 lawmen chasing me, then almost fell off a cliff because I ran smack into another damn grizzly.

Still having a blast playing the game though. I'm only on chapter 3 because I've spent most of my time either hunting, doing all the side missions or completing the challenges. I have almost all the crafted outfits in the game. Although I've realized that some of them I can't get until the end of the game.

Use that PS Share button my guy! It archives your last 10 minutes of gameplay so you can retroactively make clips out of it.

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I'm also making my way through RDR2. Chapter 4 here, just getting pretty frustrated with St. Denis and pressing a button to mount my horse but instead what happens is I tackle a pedestrian and get wanted. Or other accidental assaults. 

Other than that, tons of fun. I love exploring. It reminds me a bit of like a Wild West Zelda. So much stuff to find and do. 

I never 100% games so I probably won't ever get to do this one either, but it's been well worth the money to this point. One example is God of War. Amazing game, got into a good rhythm with it just like I have with RDR2 now. Decided I wanted to beat all the content and pretty much got down to last few things including the NIflheim Valkyrie. I discovered that Niflheim is a giant pain in the ass and instead of grinding it out, stopped playing. I may revisit it again some day but then other games eventually come along and my little spare time for gaming goes to that. 

Edited by South Sider
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3 minutes ago, South Sider said:

I'm also making my way through RDR2. Chapter 4 here, just getting pretty frustrated with St. Denis and pressing a button to mount my horse but instead what happens is I tackle a pedestrian and get wanted. Or other accidental assaults. 

Other than that, tons of fun. I love exploring. It reminds me a bit of like a Wild West Zelda. So much stuff to find and do. 

I never 100% games so I probably won't ever get to do this one either, but it's been well worth the money to this point. One example is God of War. Amazing game, got into a good rhythm with it just like I have with RDR2 now. Decided I wanted to beat all the content and pretty much got down to last few things including the NIflheim Valkyrie. I discovered that Niflheim is a giant pain in the ass and instead of grinding it out, stopped playing. I may revisit it again some day but then other games eventually come along and my little spare time for gaming goes to that. 

St. Denis is the worst. I once got a wanted level for "disturbing the peace" because I forgot to take my mask off. Also if you bump someone with your horse, half the city decides they want to fight you.

When I first started playing, my biggest problem was accidentally shooting people because I kept pushing the wrong button. I've since learned to save constantly so that if I screw something up, I can go back and re-load.

I'm too much of a completionist to not get 100% on my games. So far I've found that it won't be too difficult for this one... just time consuming. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of repetitive grinding. Except for the hunting. Although I typically do that while on my way to do something else. 

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3 minutes ago, Iwritecode said:

St. Denis is the worst. I once got a wanted level for "disturbing the peace" because I forgot to take my mask off. Also if you bump someone with your horse, half the city decides they want to fight you.

When I first started playing, my biggest problem was accidentally shooting people because I kept pushing the wrong button. I've since learned to save constantly so that if I screw something up, I can go back and re-load.

I'm too much of a completionist to not get 100% on my games. So far I've found that it won't be too difficult for this one... just time consuming. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of repetitive grinding. Except for the hunting. Although I typically do that while on my way to do something else. 

Hunting is definitely a good bit of fun! So far, I've hunted legendary cougar, fox, wolf and elk. The wolf gave me a good scare. I took a repeater with me and shot him in what I thought was his head. He started rushing me and I was barely able to get off another shot on his head as he then fell down dead right beside me. Good times there.

The elk was weird. I found it, got a shot off and it bolted. I started tracking it in what seemed to be circles. I figured it was gone at that point, so I started back to my horse and there was the elk... right next to my horse. I whispered "don't move Nokota..." as I was able to pull off a headshot. The elk started running again, and I'm just like "what the fuck". Then I see on the minimap a dead animal so I go to find it died shortly after running away. Victorious! 

As for fish, I got a legendary bluegill by the chapter 3 camp. Got a legendary sturgeon by St. Denis... thing was a total b**** to catch. Started to make me hate fishing. The bridge I was fishing off of had train tracks, but hours had gone by without a train so I stuck with it without too much worry of a train... now here's where your comment about Saving often comes into play... I FINALLY CAUGHT THE FUCKER. The game went through the whole congratulatory process and whatnot, but at that same moment a train was actually coming! I also realized my horse was right next to me! I couldn't do anything but watch my horse get totally creamed, and somehow I ended up aboard the train, but dropped my fish. I jumped off the train and ran back to see my horse, dead in the lake. Tried whistling but the game said yo your horse is dead af. I also couldn't pick up my fish that was right there. *Sigh*... reload latest save point again and start over. Good times. ?


I've heard that some challenges near the end can be a pain in the ass to finish. In particular the gambling and maybe another. I don't remember. I doubt I will have the patience for all of it, because by the time I get close to finishing it will probably be halfway through 2019. 

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You guys had a different experience with RDR2 than I did. IMO it is/was both extremely mundane and boring, but also open and limitless (to an extent) at the same time. I played a lot of it the first week it came out, but then got pretty bored with it. It followed the same trajectory for me as most of the GTA games. I still go back to it for 20 minutes here and there. I'll do a mission, maybe two. But I don't have the time or desire to explore 99% of the world they created. 

That's been my beef with the recent trend of open world games. I used to love Assassins Creed, but the last two games were too big. There's just too much stuff to do and most of it is not different, there's just more of it. Everything becomes too repetitive. Luckily they allow you to play the game as you want (e.g., without doing all the side stuff) so you don't get burned out, but my gaming OCD kicks in and I feel bad for not exploring every inch of the map or not clearing/discovering every area that you can. 

I almost prefer the simplicity of Nintendo games and/or movie-like games like Uncharted these days. 


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1 hour ago, Jenksismyhero said:

You guys had a different experience with RDR2 than I did. IMO it is/was both extremely mundane and boring, but also open and limitless (to an extent) at the same time. I played a lot of it the first week it came out, but then got pretty bored with it. It followed the same trajectory for me as most of the GTA games. I still go back to it for 20 minutes here and there. I'll do a mission, maybe two. But I don't have the time or desire to explore 99% of the world they created. 

That's been my beef with the recent trend of open world games. I used to love Assassins Creed, but the last two games were too big. There's just too much stuff to do and most of it is not different, there's just more of it. Everything becomes too repetitive. Luckily they allow you to play the game as you want (e.g., without doing all the side stuff) so you don't get burned out, but my gaming OCD kicks in and I feel bad for not exploring every inch of the map or not clearing/discovering every area that you can. 

I almost prefer the simplicity of Nintendo games and/or movie-like games like Uncharted these days. 


Gaming OCD is such a real thing. I can't focus on one game for too long. I last played RDR2 story mode in November (even though I love the game/story) because of gaming OCD lol. Right now im more focused on Black Ops 4

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5 hours ago, whitesoxwinner said:

Gaming OCD is such a real thing. I can't focus on one game for too long. I last played RDR2 story mode in November (even though I love the game/story) because of gaming OCD lol. Right now im more focused on Black Ops 4

What system are you playing Black Ops on?  I got it for PC right when it launched and ran into nothing but crashing issues nearly every game.  I've heard they have fixed some issues since then but I still have my doubts.

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8 hours ago, Jenksismyhero said:

You guys had a different experience with RDR2 than I did. IMO it is/was both extremely mundane and boring, but also open and limitless (to an extent) at the same time. I played a lot of it the first week it came out, but then got pretty bored with it. It followed the same trajectory for me as most of the GTA games. I still go back to it for 20 minutes here and there. I'll do a mission, maybe two. But I don't have the time or desire to explore 99% of the world they created. 

That's been my beef with the recent trend of open world games. I used to love Assassins Creed, but the last two games were too big. There's just too much stuff to do and most of it is not different, there's just more of it. Everything becomes too repetitive. Luckily they allow you to play the game as you want (e.g., without doing all the side stuff) so you don't get burned out, but my gaming OCD kicks in and I feel bad for not exploring every inch of the map or not clearing/discovering every area that you can. 

I almost prefer the simplicity of Nintendo games and/or movie-like games like Uncharted these days. 


If you have a PS4, I feel like you would love Detroit Become Human. One of my favorite games ever. Linear (Well....) and cinematic, not open world whatsoever.

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6 hours ago, ChiliIrishHammock24 said:

If you have a PS4, I feel like you would love Detroit Become Human. One of my favorite games ever. Linear (Well....) and cinematic, not open world whatsoever.

Uncharted series, Last of Us (2nd one coming this year), and Days Gone (supposedly April) are good options as well.

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12 hours ago, SoxFanForever said:

What system are you playing Black Ops on?  I got it for PC right when it launched and ran into nothing but crashing issues nearly every game.  I've heard they have fixed some issues since then but I still have my doubts.

I run it on PS4, and I don't experience any issues like that. It runs perfectly on the PS4, but I'm not surprised it has or had issues on PC. Treyarch is so so bad. I bet they have fixed the crashing issue though

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Also, anybody here in their 30s/40s that have a hard time getting into games anymore?  I feel like games make you sit through an hour of dialogue/cinematics before they give you control of your character/your game

I find myself playing pretty much the same two games because i just cant get into games anymore

I did manage to sit through the beginning of farcry 5, and i enjoyed it for the most part (im at the end now, haven't played much of the DLCs yet)

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On 11/12/2018 at 10:18 AM, Soxbadger said:

Anyone own an Xbox? If so any comparisons between the S and the X. Long story short, Im looking at 4k blu ray players and was considering getting a XBOX S for that purpose.

If you just want a 4K blu-ray player there's no need for the X. The S does just fine.

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16 hours ago, joesaiditstrue said:

Also, anybody here in their 30s/40s that have a hard time getting into games anymore?  I feel like games make you sit through an hour of dialogue/cinematics before they give you control of your character/your game

I find myself playing pretty much the same two games because i just cant get into games anymore

I did manage to sit through the beginning of farcry 5, and i enjoyed it for the most part (im at the end now, haven't played much of the DLCs yet)

I'm 27 and I feel that way. I just can't get into many new games anymore. I barely touch my PS4 at all. Although I did start and beat the RE2 remake today. It was the perfect day for it.

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On 1/26/2019 at 8:04 AM, joesaiditstrue said:

Also, anybody here in their 30s/40s that have a hard time getting into games anymore?  I feel like games make you sit through an hour of dialogue/cinematics before they give you control of your character/your game

I find myself playing pretty much the same two games because i just cant get into games anymore

I did manage to sit through the beginning of farcry 5, and i enjoyed it for the most part (im at the end now, haven't played much of the DLCs yet)

I've been that way for a few years but for different reasons. Before I got Spider-Man in October, the only games I had really been playing with any regularity was MLB the Show 16 and the Uncharted games.  Now I'm on RDR2 and still have South Park Fractured But Whole and Kingdom Hearts: The Story so Far sitting on my shelf waiting. 

The only thing I'm looking forward to right now is Kingdom Hearts 3, which I probably won't get until towards the end of the year. 

I remember going to a store when I was a kid and looking at all the games and getting excited about playing all of them. Now I'll go and look and I don't even recognize half the titles.

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